process improvement epr bullets

- 14 mbr tm/AF's only combt spt Wg; amp'd 37 workcenters/resolv'd 17 msn stoppages--spt'd QoL f/8K jt mbrs/4 cmds, - Aced Defense Language Proficiency Test for Chinese, attained AF linguistic proficiency level--inc'd AF assets - Rallied/motivated section; achieved 8 acft w/in 5 LO backlog days--met MXG/CC goal for 1st timepromote - Informs Cmd Curriculum Advisory Committees; specifies C-17 wpn sys tng rqmts during Level I/Level II crs studies, - Organizes unit UGT; advises & assists the commander & personnel on training responsibilities for career progression, - 3F2 functional mgr; vetted 4 retrain applicants f/suitability/mng'd billet pln--enabled career broadening opportunities, - Accomplished 24 hr PTL/CPR courses; instructed five shift personnel in weekly PT sessions--100% pass rate Key Duties, Tasks, and Responsibilities . Improved process x by y% Exceeded monthly quota by x% Needs Improvement Phrases. - Instructed 1.3k hrs; proctored 1.3k exams/progress checks/91% pass rate--prep'd 160 intel stdnts/spt'd 106 AF units - Ramrodded three titanium deck repairs; eliminated crack progression--extended aft deck service life by 4K hrs -Silver Bullets Writing Course -Personal Finance/Budget Course (aka. - Attended 2-hr A&FRC ldrshp crs; mentored HS students/est team collaboration--bridged generational gap w/42 teens - Tower of integrity; refused to abuse VA pgm by applying for disability; preserved resources for critical vet care - ID'd Official Mail meter gap; coor'd w/A1/secur'd funded equip--$70K saved/avert'd stoppageUSAFE benchmarked - Supervised six thru-flight assessments; corrected 43 defects--100% of sorties met for Jun 2012a MXG first! handpick'd by Fayetteville State University as global citizen of yr--awarded '18 FSU CRED cert' - Pilots $1M Vehicle spt kt; hvy equip kt leadtime for UTTR reduc'd 40%--integral cog for 388th wpn test coord, - Pioneered $1.8M boiler replacement requirement--restored energy compliance/conservation to MAJCOM goal - Managed 105 contracts/$7.1M during joint deployment; tackled AOR-wide issues--CENTCOM msn undeterred, - Managed 21 medical contracts at $25M; supplemented govt pers/expanded staffing--bolstered service f/500K patients OSAN AIR BASE, Republic of Korea -- Team Osan is bringing change to the performance reporting process, thanks to a recent week-long Air Force Smart Operations for the 21st Century Rapid Improvement Event. - Sync'd w/AFREP; processed 18 LRUs/avg rtn to svc 4.7 hrs/alleviated supply shortage--reclaimed $136K f/wg O&M, - Thrust behind LCAP prep; groomed Amn/corrected 150+ discrepancies--6 Outstanding Performers recognized To write your resume, start by listing your contact information in the header. - Smashed Wg/CC's #1 QoL pri; orchestrated no-cost housing fiber upgrade; 1st in 10 yrs--earned Wg's Innovator OTY AF Form 911, Enlisted Performance Report (MSgt Thru SMSgt), is used to document effectiveness and duty performance history, school and assignment selection, promotions, a separation or reduction-in-force, and reenlistment as well as statistical and research analysis.It provides a long-term, reliable, cumulative record of promotion potential and performance from the position of master sergeant . - Supervised 425 hyd component repairs; returned $5.1M assets to AF supply system--enabled 9K flying hrs '12 - Analyzed XX docs f/virtual UTA; ID'd process improvement measures--amplified trng prgm quality/adverted delays - Attended 8 hr EPR crse; mentored 19 NCOs on bullet writing & lvl of involvement--improved sections output . - Led sq managerial insp; reviewed 61 CTK prgms/8 work-centers/id'd 113 deficiencies--improved unit insp rate >10% - Comp'd 50 major insps/781 findings--'16 UEI Capstone/1st-ever Highly-Effective CCIP rating/best WIT/AF, - Competitively selected for RAS prgm; chosen to advise Sr Ldrs w/regional expertise--8% prgm selection rate - Breathed new life into section; made transition to B-2 platform transparent--considered a national stealth asset Led $6.8M renovation project; added & remodeled 33K sq ft--improved kids QoL Devoted over 70hrs to Black Dog Rescue/Humane Society; instrumental in 36 successful adoptions - Exercised 6 opts; provided continuity/3 cyber security/AtHoc/HEMP/turnstile mx--prevented lapse of vital spt Led to issuance of 20+ CARs for ktr failures--critical to assure ktr accountability - Guided road restorations; $9.2M/11thoroughfares overhauled--fulfilled traffic standards/disability compliance rqmt's EPR Bullets. Fitzpatrick management is committed to pollution reduction and continuous improvement of . - Est'd SSR trn crs; saved SOCCENT $250k annl/440 hrs/prep'd 45 operators--secured $8B SOF assets/12K ISR mbr's, - Established CSS intern prgm f/postal 3F5s; trained 15 prsnl prior PCS'g--bolstered CC admin spt f/future assignments - Managed workload for 3 buyers/12 CE PMs; executed 46 EOY projects valued >$7.4M--zero productivity lost - Instructed 306 AFTC hrs; equipped 18 AFSCs/51 trainers/19 certifiers--expanded amn/max'd msn capabilities, - Instructed 4 AF trng courses; qual'd 15 trainers/streamlined documentation process--incr'd Sq trng capability by 10% - Commandeered On-the-job training program; resulting in 6 airmen receiving their upgraded status ahead of schedule - Bridged the gap between the ranks as acting First Sergeant--increased overall satisfaction at work & productivity - Managed $300K HC-130 fuel barn proj; upgraded foam suppression sys--elim'd ID'd HQ ACC/A7 deficiency Managed 22 critical kts worth >$37M with only two yrs exp--supported 22K personnel--promote! - Executed $25k 388 RANS support kt; UTTR missile targets pvd'd/short notice--2012 AF WSEP 100% success, - Executed $566K extension of incumbent OCMED services for inspection--key to the overall HSI "outstanding" - Headed HAF initiative; led AFWERX project/disposed 2M HAZMAT units--redirect'd $546M to fund AF-lvl priorities Earned 9 graduate credits toward Master's degree in Educational Leadership--maintn'd 4.0 GPA, - Driven to succeed! - Stepped up as acting Sq FOD Ofcr, a position normally assigned to a SNCO--improved participation & reduced FOD - Crushed acq qual reqt; completed 3 acq crs for 132 CLPs; earned APDP Level II--finished in half allotted time, - Crushed acq qualification; sustained contracting credentials--attained 132 CLP's--finished in 1/2 alloted time, - Dedicated facility mgr; tackeld multiple bldg A/C issues--fixed 4 year heat problem/improved sq quality of life - Mitigated UTTR gravel hauling delays; redirected ktr efforts through firm negotiations--averted work stoppage, - NATO/ISAF OEF Deployment; $9B LOGCAP contract admin--life support for 5 FOBs/4 nation military forces Bullet statements can be contributed using this form. - Oversaw 4 HAZMAT storage container kt's; provided 300+ containers--guaranteed 100% AFI/kt compliance - Propelled section awds pgm; drafted packages/chaired boards--garnered 2 BTZ/4 qrtly/4 annual awd winners Contact Disclaimer. - Mng'd daily ops; assigned duties/roles f/5 4Ns/fuel'd 17.3K appts/sec'd xx% pt sat rate--earn'd AFCENT EMDG OTM. - Enlisted sponsorship mgr; revamped pgm w/3 Flt'swelcomed 4 Amn/taught SOPs--increased newcomer QoL - Rebaselined trng process; elim'd . More Training Program Management/Development EPR Bullets. Self-improvement Award Bullets. - Awarded 8 HVAC systems valued at $1.8M; replaced deteriorating/broken systems--negotiated, saved $597K - Piloted $3k ventilation mod; completed base car wash repairs 9 days early--QoL enhanced for 200+ users/mo He presented himself as the subject matter expert in his . Bullet statements may be contributed using this form. - Completed BAH/Address/Mil pay/PRA audits; reviewed 1609 documents/900 transactions--8 discrepancies found Key Duties, Tasks, and Responsibilities . Thanks! - Coor'd w/AFRC FAM ID'd four program discrep's in QA database; implemented changes directly impact USAF msn, - Coord'd 14 sections/72 Amn as Pro Super; enabled 16 acft rdy for no-notice FTD < 72 hrs--pivotal to 88% MC As a result of the initiatives taken under AFSO 21, there has been an improvement in many areas of the Air Force. - Governed $9M CMD lvl container mgmt enterprise; synch'd 13 sites/1K containers--ensured 100% vis CJOA-A wide HQ AFSPC's Financial Management Specialist of the Year for 2006. - Awarded $52K RASS kt--provided reliability--ensured untinterrupted aircraft flying in support of US interests Honchoed training program for 365 personnel/20+ AFSCs; ensured unit readiness, - Implemented a phase training program; reduced training time of newly assigned personnel by 1 year--saved $14,000 Like a tiny acorn that grows into a mighty oak, it all starts with the lowly EPR Bullet. Attended 3-day leadership/ministry conference--applied knowledge/enhanced mgmt skills, - Led ROS investigation; coor'd w/Army & AF legal tms--cleared mbr/ensured accountability of $12K mil asset, - Mastered "Kan-do" Lean course; relocated 32 wpns/crew chief CTKs to fltline--saved 160 man hours/month, - Mastered 2 leadership crses, applied lessons learned; crafted ORE cell boss trng plan--100% a/c tasking met, - Mastered 3-day Resilience Trng Assistance Crse; handpicked as 1of 7 Wg resilience instr's--mentored 38 Amn, - Mastered AF Emerging Leader Prgm; completed 14 modules/42 hrs--polished management/leadership skillsets, - Mastered Diversity Mgmt trng; expanded knowledge on AF high-interest topic--critical to mentorship x32 Amn, - Military Saves Week attendee; two finance classes/held informative brief to section--instilled debt mngt skills, - Orchestrated 3-day Lunch-&-Learn evt; trained "RUFit" techniques--strengthened warrior ethos/3 workcenters, - Selected by Gp/CC over peers for LOA conf; mentored by Senior ldrs, postured for next gen acft mx challenges, - Sound/solid leadership; handpicked for & completed Production Super course--poised w/ unique mgmt skills, - Tackled 5-day Unit Tax Advisor certification; vol'd 36 hrs/assisted 38 mbrs--saved FW Amn $12K filing fees, - Aspires for future growth; completed 3 hr web based Sharepoint training--honed section information efficiency, - Attended 176 hr advanced avionics crs; gained key sys knowledge/14 task cert'd--ahead of peers 5-lvl upgrade, - Attended advanced troubleshooting FTD; used new skills to isolate faulty JRIU in 3 hrs--aided 85% 8-hr fix rt, - Attended ammo augmentee tng; aided in loading 50 munitions on acft--enabled 219 sorties Kunsan ORE Aug 13, - Attended environmental sys FTD; cert'd on 30 tasks--sharpened task proficiency/attained vital tech knowledge, - Awarded CCAF degree in EM; applied exceptional mgmt skills within org--set example for peers and jr NCOs, - Boosted prof knowl; accomp'd 40 hrs ethical/white hat hacking/PT/Linux cmd line--impr'd ntwrk sec practices, - Comp'd 2 business mgmt crses; enrolled in BA crs/1 class shy of CCAF--earned Proj Mgmt & Office Mgr MSI certs, - Completed "Tool Control MAX" crse; implemented new sys/trn'd 14 prsnl--drove accountability of >200 tools, - Completed 5 college classes; 16 hrs/anatomy/health science/sports/nutrition/exercise--led 10 AF mbrs healthy living, - Completed 5 college courses; garnered 20 credit hrs/increased business acumen--only 1 class shy of bachelors degree, - Completed 6-Sigma crs; authored $1M toolroom upgrade layout--floor space up 50%, checkout time cut in half, - Completed 8 hr GPC refresher; sole VM O&M/OCO card holder--rewarded w/zero funding discrep/oversite, - Con education advancement; cpl'd 5 classes maintained/3.4 GPA--earned 16 cr/hrs twds Acft Mx Technology degree, - Dedicated to self-improvement; enrolled in FAA A&P certification prgm--broadened a/c mx knowledge/skills, - Driven NCO!