black music festival documentary

B. Whoa, yes I am. Jamila Wignot's portrait of a modern dance visionary who carved out space for Black performers and Black stories in 1950s New York City. Essence Festival of Culture is held every year in the most hospitable city in America New Orleans. So now it's like, OK, well, let me get the Van Halen catalog. One poignant moment: Mahalia Jackson and Mavis Staples singing "Take My Hand, Precious Lord and Jesse Jackson explaining how Martin Luther King Jr. had that song on his mind before he died; King was assassinated just one year beforehand. And The 5th Dimension is featured there. Thank you. Rent/Buy The Apollo on Amazon. Let me study them since I know them so well now, you know. MDJhOGRlMzg2OTVmYzk1MjBhMmVjYzJlM2NkZDk2YzZjMzY0NDllY2MwMjAx And so we'll also hear a little voice-over in this, too. The march to Edmund Pettus bridge, Rosa Parks staying seated, lunch counter demonstrations, Freedom Riders, Martin Luther Kingits all here. Music fans at the lesser-known 1969 US festival The 50-year basement Questlove was speaking about belonged to Tulchin, who filmed the event. But watch a little longer, as Wonder sits behind a drumkit to whip off a crackling drum solo. GROSS: Yeah. NTgyOGY5YWNmNDMzZjM0YWVhNTRmYzMyYjNkMDdjMzZkNTdkYmY1NGM2YzU2 "I want to make sure Black erasure doesn't happen during my lifetime and the film was an opportunity to work towards that cause." And he had gotten rid of The Experience. And their whole disposition was basically like, you know, you must wear a tuxedo all the time. Layovers can get pretty long. The film lines up an impressive array of voices for new interviews, including Chris Rock, Sheila E., Lin-Manuel Miranda and his father, Luis Miranda. We didn't go lay on a couch. "Sometimes, we were called the Black group with the white sound we didn't like that because, how do you color a sound?" This legacy (as well as the future of the cultural landmark) is explored in great detail in the 2019 HBO documentary, The Apollo, which combines archival footage and interviews to paint the full picture of the theater. Theres a lot to unpack, so lets get started. MDY4NDViZWJlMjYxYTIyYmFkNWYwOGIyNTE1YzFmZmViNWM2MThlZjE0NDE1 29 Black Music Documentaries for Black History Month 2020 For Black History Month 2020, we are showcasing films and videos featuring Black American artists. Like, to look at anyone over the age of 22, 23, they're looking at them like they're aliens, like wait, we've never seen an intersectional band. Tip: Your outfits will be admired, but still dress comfortably and stay hydrated. NDZiMzljNjRmNTMxZjRiOGI5YzNjYWQ1MWQxYTJhMGQwNWQ2ZDhiOCIsInNp And she seems like so happy to be there. (SOUNDBITE OF DOCUMENTARY, "SUMMER OF SOUL"). What Are the Black History Month Colors and What Do They Mean? This is a great one to binge; there are 4 seasons worth of hip-hop to learn about. GROSS: So you were unable to interview Tony Lawrence. Both as a solo artist and with her group, Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings, the late singer found a great deal of success in the later part of her life and even after she died from cancer at the age of 60 in November 2016. MjFmN2FiZDdhMmFhNWJjOGFlZGY2NmRhNmJlYmYwMGU3NDBhZmNmNDBiOTRj But at the top of the list is Nas debut record Illmatic, which is from top-to-bottom one of the greatest of all time. When we come together, it breeds an experience founded on our cultural significance and rhythmic contribution. 2.6M views 1 year ago Music festivals, like most cultural events, were badly affected by the coronavirus pandemic, impacting both the smallest of DIY festivals to behemoths like Glastonbury. He was, at the time, I believe, a young teenager. If he is alive any place in the world, I think he'll know that this film exists and will want to reach out to you. There's one moment in the film when the crowd is pushing. Because he's such an important figure in all of this. Oh, happy day. Oh, yeah. They say this festival is for the aunties, but wed like to think with events and activations happening all over the city, there is something for everybody. Billed at Nigerias longest-running, indoor music festival, the Flytime Fest is a premium musical experience that features hundreds of major African artists and international acts on one stage. We didn't like that. Recording engineer Tom Dowd started at Atlantic Records in the 1950s, and gained a reputation within the music business as a technical wizard, who could solve the logistical challenges of. QUESTLOVE: Probably the most distinct way that I could describe it - if you're at all familiar with, like, Adam Sandler's character in "Uncut Gems," which is the bad version of this hustler, but it's almost like a person that will have to rob Peter to pay Paul, that sort of thing. Summer Of Soul (2021) And after seven or eight times of it coming on, you know these songs. M2FjNWI3NTBmZGFjY2ViNDA0ZjE0MGMwYTMwZDFhZDcxMjY0Nzg2MzE1ZWRh Colorism is often talked about in the Black community and its a topic that white people havent thought about very much. Z25hdHVyZSI6IjMyMDQ2YjE2MWE5ZTkzYTY0MDQxZGZiOGNlOTBhZGVkNDMz And the same for Edwin Hawkins Singers, "Oh Happy Day" being so popular that they would do it in concert, in nightclubs and whatnot. When I get to heaven - oh, happy day - I'm gonna spread the news - oh, happy day. I mean, there are plenty of artists that got blackballed or dealt with for speaking out their political views. Stream Charley Pride: Im Just Me on Kanopy. The all-day Wattstax event, held at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum seven years after the Watts Riots, was staged as a benefit concert by Stax Records. And, you know, it was also risky. Give you what you've been missing, yeah. When we gather, there is an electricity throughout the crowd and in the air that makes for an experience unlike any other. Now, I'd like to start with a clip of Gladys Knight performing at the festival. This PBS documentary series features Professor Henry Louis Gates, who travels to Africa and throughout the United States to provide a complete picture of the Black experience in this country. So their response was basically like, we don't want to be anywhere near this because it's - we're going to be outnumbered and that sort of thing. La Mirona 18 Ant. This annual Black music festival always provides a dope experience, with the artist lineup to match. 0:57. QUESTLOVE: There's excitement because, like, Sly wasn't even supposed to be on the bill. The other person being Wanda Sykes. Never leave your drink unattended and then go back to it Check out our list of festivals where you can unapologetically be yourself and celebrate our culture. Whoa, yes I am. And, you know, and I - in Marilyn McCoo - you know, it just opened the door because I realized that, oh, so this is sort of like when The Roots are performing and, you know, one night we're with Beck, the next night we're with Wu Tang Clan. NY 10036. And of course, if you say that, then, you know, David Ruffin will say, wait, wait, Stevie's doing it? Pl. Copyright 2021 NPR. You know, like, Gladys Knight seems, like, so surprised that there's such a big crowd. The documentary, itself a time capsule of a city in flux, captures the Watts Summer Festival concert hosted by Stax Records at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum on Aug. 20, 1972. Like, they're doing - it's almost like watching yoga to rhythm. Related: Black Booksellers Recommend 25 Books to Read During Black History Month and Beyond. Whoa, yes I am. Follow Yeah. QUESTLOVE: Still. But some of them were just wearing plain clothes. In this documentary, director Questlove unearths footage from the festival. NjdlZTc1NjhiZjczMTQ1ZWQxNzlhYTg3MjkxZTY5NjQxMDdjOGZkY2UxNDgx From Portugal and Miami to Puerto Rico, this festival was birthed by a group of friends seeking to take live Afrobeat music to the world. Conceived in 1966 and incorporated in 1968, the Watts Summer Festival is the oldest African American cultural festival in the United States. Philip grew up in Louisiana (not New Orleans) before moving to St. Louis after graduating from Louisiana State University-Shreveport. Throughout, people like Kerry Washington and Maya Angelou talk about their own experiences with their hair. Ain't nothing wrong with that, is there? ), The Roots Questlove makes his directorial debut with this exploration of the 1969 Harlem Culture Festival. Yes. Then you go to Gladys Knight - well, David Ruffin and Stevie Wonder is considering it. If youre a Gen Xer, your parents probably had you watching this one as a kid. And did he deliver? YzUwNTQ2N2RjMzViNWQzNDJjOWIyYTk2MzViNzU2NTEyMWNkMzgzY2UyNzZm GROSS: Ahmir "Questlove" Thompson directed the new documentary "Summer Of Soul," which is streaming on Hulu. Celebrate the history and heritage of Black Music in America July 13-15, 2023, at this free festival. And there's sort of again - code switching is sort of the overall theme for a lot of these Black performers, where you have to change your presentation to fit the situation that you're in to make the audience feel comfortable with you and for you to feel comfortable. The film, based on the book Freedom Riders: 1961, chronicles these young people and and explores how the movement started and the ramifications of what they did. America to Me covers one year at the Chicago area Oak Park and River Forest High School. Spike Lee directed this documentary about the 1963 Birmingham, Alabama church bombing that killed four Black girls. GROSS: This is FRESH AIR. NWRkYTI1ZDRhMDJhNDBhOWM2MDE5MTk1YTg5YmZiNjk0ZTgyNTg0ODk0NDAy But it's also - it's very exhausting, you know. I believe he had to go to Vietnam. BLACK MUSIC SILENT DISCO 4 mar, 19h Itinerant. 10. Thats why Black documentaries can be so exciting; there are so many things to learn about. Directed by Raoul Peck, narrated by Samuel L. Jackson and nominated for an Oscar, this documentary explores author James Baldwin through his own words and interviews, with a lens on his unfinished book Remember This House. 6. This series is an excellent primer, and if you dont know SNCC from SCLC, this series is for you. Lost footage captured by Swedish filmmakers at the height of the movement is revealed here. Freedom Riders were young people, both Nlack and white, who traveled together on buses to challenge Jim Crow laws in the deep South. So, yeah, in a way it's genuine love, but in a lot of ways, it's survival. Like, how good is if he's that guy? NmE0ZTdkOTYxMGVjMTgxNTk1OWYxNmFiYjEwYjZjNDIwY2Q4Yzg5MzcwZmEy This incredible rise to fame, as well as his tragic death just weeks before the release of his sophomore effort, Life After Death, is explored in great detail in the 2021 Netflix documentary, Biggie: I Got A Story to Tell. Like, why would you guys even entertain this thought? The concerts spanned from June 29 to August 24, overlapping with both the Woodstock Festival and the first moonwalk. Welcome to Pittsburgh! Well, yeah, also watching James Brown and Jackie Wilson and whatnot. Running until Nov . This documentary explores the Harlem Cultural Festival, an epic showcase of Black music, art, and culture. (opens in new tab) Yeah, no, of course. And I think really probably no one knew what to expect. Related: 30 Black Americans to Celebrate During Black History Month. OTZmNjdhZDczMWE1YjE4ZWQ5NzRjMGMxOWQ1MGQxZjI2ODVkMTkwZjhlODc3 Thank you for signing up to CinemaBlend. YjViMmU0ZTE4NWJjZTE3ODhiMTJiOGIwMmFkNzg4ZmE2OTZkYzRmNmEyNDRk 28 Days, 28 Black Music Documentaries. Comedian Chris Rock was inspired to make this film when his daughter asked why she didnt have good hair. In this generally well-received documentary (except for some Black women, who side-eye Rock for making it), Rock explores Black hair and the hair weave business, going to India to find out where the hair comes from and how its sold to American buyers. He finds out about the Africans involved in the slave trade, visits plantations and explores specific personalities along the way. So oftentimes, Motown was especially known for, like, sending all their acts to charm school and whatnot. GROSS: Yeah. Broccoli City Festival in Washington, DC. Tip: Its best to get into the city early to beat the crowds, so you can get a head start of the Creole eats and waterfront views. The film is about how that feeling was encoded in the music, and how it spread to the audience, and also from the audience. In honor of Black History Month, we are celebrating these iconic voices with a quick yet comprehensive rundown of some of the best music documentaries you can watch right now with a Netflix subscription, either version of a HBO Max membership, and other streaming services. He taught me how - oh, he taught me how, oh, yeah - to watch, fight and pray. You know, if you're in second grade and a bunch of your - like your white musician friends are playing, like, "Smoke On The Water," yeah, I mean, I have to investigate and study that, you know. I can't imagine him not. Martin Luther King Jr., who had been assassinated one year earlier. There are few, if any, hip hop artists who could stand toe-to-toe with Christopher Wallace, a.k.a. ODFiYjVlOGU0OTVjOTBmYjYxMmI2YTk2ZWVlN2JmY2Y0Y2VlZmJhNzJkZTQw Alternatively click here to read more about us. Because the coolest thing in the '60s and early '70s was watching the performers do steps, you know. The movie, scheduled for a Black Harvest Film Festival premiere, details how local music continues to be locked in an ongoing rivalry for respect at home and abroad. But I knew early that my survival in whatever world that I create really depends on my education level of what I knew so that I could fit into that world. Why is - like, a white guy is the drummer in a Black group? Accuracy and availability may vary. Clocking in at just under two hours in length, this all encompassing documentary touches on practically every aspect of the late soul singers life, the good and the bad, and the ups and downs. The Notorious B.I.G., during his lifetime. Last, but not least, a highly celebrated event for Black people to assemble and truly live nostalgically. GROSS: So do you think of that as code switching or as just, like, being loved by different audiences? A wide constellation of stars turned up for the festival, which drew more than 300,000 people over six free concerts held in the space now known as Marcus Garvey Park. So Tony Lawrence, he was the host of the festival, but also the producer of it. I'm also the fortunate person because, you know, technically, my great-great-great grandfather was the last person on the Clotilda. It was just more magic to me when less is more. GROSS: Questlove, for you, when you're playing for different audiences, you're doing that in part because you love so many different kinds of music. King, Ray Barretto, The Temptations' former frontman David Ruffin, The 5th Dimension, and more. QUESTLOVE: Yeah. Another concert doc (this one was made in 1972), Wattstax boasts a slew of performances from the likes of Isaac Hayes, Rufus Thomas, The Emotions, The Bar Kays, The Staples Singerseven Richard Pryor makes an appearance. Questlove co-founded The Roots, which is, among other things, the house band for "The Tonight Show," where Questlove serves as the music director. And, you know, you look at David Ruffin's performance in this film, and he's wearing a wool tuxedo and a coat, like, scorching in the middle of July. By 1969, the country had already endured the assassinations of John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr.; the film suggests one reason city officials backed the festival was in hope the celebration would prevent rioting on the anniversary of King's murder. OTIzYjk4MmM5NWM0NzM3MWEzNmRhNmIyNGZhYjdkMzMzMGEwN2VmNGNmNmUw ZDY1Y2Q3NDg5YWY0NzVlMWE1ZDlkNzY0ZDM5YzYxMjYzYzJmZTc0MzFhYjc1 YTZlNDZiY2ZkNDBmMjkwMGFiZWU3YjUwYWZiOGJjOTMwZTM3MTk1Yjc1NTE3 MDhhMzYwZTg5MDExNzNhMWY5NDNkOTVjMjdhN2MyOTNhNjg4NjAxMWY2Y2I3 GROSS: Do you know if he delivered on his promises? Please refresh the page and try again. "We didn't go to a psychiatrist. NDBhMDE1M2U0YTcwZWU5MTMwODM2MmJmZTQ4YTNjM2UwOWJjYzUxMDQ3NDVh 120 Fifth Avenue, Fifth Avenue PlaceSuite 2800Pittsburgh, PA 15222U.S. QUESTLOVE: OK. Create,Discover & Experience EventsFor The Culture At Eventnoire. Were you already a big Nina Simone fan? And somehow, like, we just lost track of him in 1982. NTZmYWVkNTM0N2Q0M2QxYTI4NTdkZDU5ZDE4NGU0NzAyNjNlMzdhY2YyNWVm In 2023, the festival is heading towards the summer months, but that wont stop guests from enjoying the renowned VIP experience and mobilization of Black people through music across 3 different stages. If Burna Boy, Wizkid, or Stonebwoy are on your concert wish-list, you should make a point to buy your ticket to the next Afronation festival. Its called Afronation. I also found out that Jimi Hendrix tried to get on the festival as well and wasn't able to do it. Watch on. Well what about plans for tomorrow? Next, From the Horrifyingly Haunting to the Hilarious, Here Are 21 Black Horror Movies to WatchIf You Dare. del Rebot, Cor Gratut BLACK MUSIC QUIZ 4 de mar, 12h. This is definitely a great festival to check out if youre in Europe for the summer or if London Bridge is on your bucket list. In his 2014 documentary, Mr. Dynamite: The Rise of James Brown, award-winning documentary filmmaker Alex Gibney explores the life, career, and legacy of the Godfather of Soul with loads of archival footage from both on and off the stage, as well as interviews with his contemporaries and those who were impacted by his music. Sidney Madden is a co-host of NPR's podcast "Louder Than a Riot," which focuses on the intersections of music and culture. Related: 120 Inspiring Quotes for Black History Month: Freedom Is Never Given. (opens in new tab) And you're so, like, musically knowledgeable and versatile. They pride themselves on keeping the lineup 50/50 in gender and bringing artists that dont typically frequent Europe like Lil Wayne, who was actually banned in the UK for the past 15 years. Originally broadcast July 2021. But, you know, as the story with most African Americans in this country really not knowing their genealogy or the history they came from. King. But yes, you're witnessing Nina Simone at the very beginning of what is her realizing her magic powers and political activism through music. Under The Electric Sky (2014) This documentary actually made my heart flutter. Director Hal Tulchin filmed all the performances: Six different free shows over six weeks. Wherever you experience Afronation, youll be sure to have multiple stages creating vibes from day to night and a beach nearby to make waves during your vacation. (opens in new tab), Often considered one of the pioneers of the blues, specifically the Delta Blues, Robert Johnson has long been one of the most important yet mysterious figures in American music history. (opens in new tab) I mean, it really is a historic document. GROSS: It's so great to be able to see this. The Harlem Cultural Festival in 1969 in the documentary Summer of Soul. That kind of emotion surfaces often in Summer of Soul, as the camera captures people who attended the festival more than 50 years ago, crying as they remember the power of seeing so many Black people in one place, celebrating Black culture. RubyBridges desegrated schools in 1960, right? Stream Tina on HBO Max. And you probably didn't know what to expect when you started looking at the many hours of video. Oh, happy day. And then theres the 2019 documentary Miles Davis: Birth of the Cool, which does an incredible job of unpacking the improbable and mythical story of the jazz pioneer. GLADYS KNIGHT AND THE PIPS: (Singing) I bet you're wondering how I knew - baby, baby, baby - about your plan to make me blue with some other girl you knew before. Where to watch: Netflix and YouTube here. We know that he had one son and that's it, and only because of, like - I believe, like, you know, he was also trying to establish himself as a singer and a recording career. You haven't booked a hotel yet?!?! OK. Last year, this new Black music festival debuted with Usher as the headliner (considering he has a residency in Las Vegas), hip hop groups that havent been together for some time now, and fresh acts to split up the decades of sounds. So I want to play an excerpt of their performance - of The 5th Dimension's performance - at the Harlem Cultural Festival. Not much longer would you be mine - not much longer would you be mine. Like, that was his friend. Your access to this site was blocked by Wordfence, a security provider, who protects sites from malicious activity. I saw those signs that said white waiting, colored waiting; white men, colored men and I wanted to do something about it. So, yeah. . And, even though the hardcore outfit that was Banned in DC and made a name for themselves at CBGB's were pioneers in their own right, even they were influenced by the 70s rock band Death, who broke up just as punk rock was becoming a worldwide sensation in 1977. He didn't even know. The book was supposed to be centered around Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, and Medgar Eversbut he gave it up. But for decades. I'll do it, Ahmir. Did he pay people on time? GROSS: This is FRESH AIR. '20,000 Species of Bees' star Sofa Otero becomes the youngest-ever winner of Berlin's Silver Bear for best leading performance. This film, directed by Gran Olsson, explores the Black Power Movement from a non-American perspective. Questlove, welcome back to FRESH AIR. Does she figure into, like, your musical life significantly? NWFjNjg3MzY4ZTMwNWEzZWM4N2VmOTg4ZDFlNmViZDA2ODQwMGMwMzdmZDQz (opens in new tab) So they have to share a microphone, which means that they also have to - like, what they're doing with their arms. Attendees of this year's Visions of the Black Experience Film Festival will have the opportunity to screen dozens of new films during the event which kicks off Friday. It was free and open to the public. What started as a one-time event in 1995 has become one of the longest-running, most attended Black festivals in the country. And then suddenly, to watch them have more excitement than the kids at the end of the set, that, to me, is almost like - that should be taught in every university, like, on how to really engage and perform and really have a plan that's unmarked and unprecedented and really execute it to perfection. We didn't know anything about therapists. I realize that the inflation, you know, is different. This documentary series covers the big moments in the civil rights movement from 1954 to the mid-1980s. GROSS: That remains up in the air. On top of bringing us the best musical performances, these multi-day festivals typically include unique food courts, opportunities for networking, and after parties youll never forget. How are they all doing this at the same time without an actual, like, rhythmic step? The documentary provides a look at her entire life, from the time when she hoped to be the first black American classical pianist; finding her way after those dreams were dashed; and her role as an artist during the Civil Rights Era. And how do you color - that used to be one of our questions - how do you color a sound? (opens in new tab) But Questlove, the director of a new documentary about a pathbreaking Harlem music festival that took place over . A new documentary by Ahmir "Questlove" Thompson, featuring rarely-seen footage, captures the magic of an event that had long been forgotten in the shadow of that other 1969 New York music festival . King and Celia Cruz at the Zaire '74 music festival, seen in the documentary "Soul Power.". on Plex. But he confirmed it when he was near death. She was the Queen of Soul. Disney -owned ABC announced it will air the film directed by Ahmir "Questlove" Thompson in primetime on Sunday, February 20. GROSS: And he hosted it. Essence Festival is one of the few festivals that is still held in a stadium setting and draws a crowd that loves Black music no matter if its City Girls or the Isley Brothers. ZTk3N2UzZmVmZWQ3MjdiMmZhNTY0ZGZiMzVkZjBjYzc0M2VmMmY5Yjg1ZGJk #BeSafe And that's their only view of somebody they have not seen in 50 years. Featuring behind-the-scenes footage of the late rapper and interviews with those who knew and loved him the most, this must-watch documentary is an emotional and powerful love letter to one of the biggest victims of the East Coast/West Coast feud prevalent in the 90s rap world. After the COVID-19 pandemic forced it go completely virtual for the past two years, the 2023 Sundance Film Festival one of the leading . Ateneu 24 de juny, Girona Gratut THE MAIN SQUEEZE 3 mar, 22.30h. Completed during the COVID-19 pandemic, Questlove's documentary unveils the epic event that radiated the wholesale reevaluation of Black history, culture, fashion and music. The Netflix documentary, Devil at the Crossroads: A Robert Johnson Story, dives into his life, legacy, his mysterious death, and the folk tale about him getting his unmatched musical abilities after an encounter with the devil himself in rural Mississippi. (SOUNDBITE OF STEVIE WONDER'S "SHOO-BE-DOO-BE-DOO-DA-DAY"). YTNmM2IwMTExNjc4OWQ3MjY5YTljMjdiMmNiNjg3N2FiNDhiZTZjMjcxNmI1 Nina Simone, a criminally underappreciated musician who is perhaps best known these days for the song Feelin Good is the subject of this film, which opened the Sundance Festival in 2015. With loads of never-before-scene footage, this eye-opening documentary paints a portrait of the musician that is further fleshed out with interviews with his contemporaries as well as those he influenced, making for one wild ride. My guest, Ahmir "Questlove" Thompson, has made his directorial debut with the new documentary "Summer Of Soul." The festival was one year after the assassination of Martin Luther King, during the period of the Black Power movement. Let's get back to my interview with Ahmir "Questlove" Thompson. ESSENCE Festival. QUESTLOVE: Actually, one small factoid that I left out the film - which there was plenty - was actually the person that was supposed to perform with Mahalia was another protege of hers, Aretha Franklin. But the skilled guitarist and songwriter has not been forgotten--partly because of . This film is like a warning, a last chance, Peck has said. GROSS: Well, look. Which festival takes attendees to different cities with a view of the water and Afrobeat as the soundtrack? B. The Strength of a Woman festival is very similar to the Essence Festival but on a smaller scale. But we knew Mahalia Jackson.". The best Black music festivals carve out safe spaces for the Black community to celebrate life, culture, and their heritage through music. Such a big crowd big crowd Christopher Wallace, a.k.a now, you know, like, musically knowledgeable versatile... Of that as code switching or as just, like, musically knowledgeable and versatile access to this was... Yoga to rhythm their acts to charm School and whatnot have good hair one of 1969... His daughter asked why she didnt have good hair probably had you this. 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Soul '' ) and more captured by Swedish filmmakers at the time, I like! Year earlier most attended Black festivals in the most hospitable city black music festival documentary America new Orleans there.