funny ways to ask for a favor

If you are helping them make a decision that they will regret after a few days or some a longer period of time, then you are not doing this in an ethical way, you were being manipulative. 10. If you want to avoid the same fate when YOU ask for a favor, theres plenty of psychology research to guide you. And then you may, depending on the situation, be able to use reciprocation. In both, she sang People, a melodic show-stopper that is now forever linked to her. How to ask for a favorand get it. Do the other person a small favor first! The farther out you ask others for their help, the better your chances are of them saying yes to your request. That might be a story. In 2021, 87% of consumers consulted online reviews to help them shop for local businesses. Learn More All related (34) Sort Recommended James O'Phelan And this is one of the creative ways to ask for google reviews. You know that if you meet somebody from Texas, they will explain how everything in Texas is better than whatever it is in your other state, its bigger and therefore being from Texas is more like unity than simply sharing one of the other state identities. Asking for favors also extends to asking people for advice about something theyre normally paid for giving. It also helps to be entertaining. I understand that youre busy, especially now with the extra demands on you as the chair of the fundraiser. Give them an out, let them know that your choice is a good choice, but they do not have to make that choice. To learn more, go to, or just visit the book seller of your choice. Here are eight funny, different ways to say yes to a yes/no question: 01 "You got it, chief!" This is a good response to use when a friend or relative asks you for a favor. One study showed that high status individuals felt that lower status individuals who did them favors were insincere and trying to curry favor. If they are a doctor, financial planner, decorator, accountant, or counselor, or anyone else who normally is paid for advice, keep in mind that asking a question in their field is asking for a favor. Im going to be asking them for an order or asking for another meeting or something, the last thing I want to do is put them through the effort of getting me a cup of coffee. But had Ben Franklin been around to advise me, he would have said take that cup of coffee, because it will increase the chance that your second favor will be granted. Who opens attachments from strangers? Maralee McKee is dedicated to helping you become the person you most want to be and to live a confident, kind, and generous life! Get kid-friendly recipes, fun activities plus parenting tips delivered right to your inbox. You can improve. Often, the writers credibility is further damaged by the pitch being wildly off-target. Theres a little hack that you can employ that will increase the chance that the person will help you in the future. In fact, people like being a hero. Every episode shows you how to improve your business with advice based on science or data. Two days later, the same guy sent me a second email that said only, Just making sure you saw this., The good news for this sender is that his email DID inspire me to write an article. Its why Muse cofounder Alex Cavoulacos wrote a helpful article with advice for declining an email introduction you never agreed to. He needed a favor from a political rival and rather than coming out and asking him for that favor, which he knew would not likely to be granted, instead he requested an uncommon book from this persons library. I signed up for this 5k run/walk with some friends and apparently it's to help raise money for curing women's cancers (my apologies to those of you who were hoping to cure testicular cancernot this time). Resist the urge to beg. 3. Be brief. People who need people, Are the luckiest people in the world, The lyricists were right: when you understand that none of us are going to get happily through this world without needing other people, you are one of the luckiest people in the world.. "A squirrel just stole my sandwich. Do them (and your reputation) a favor by asking for their business phone number or website and then making an appointment. First, ask the requester for a one-paragraph summary of his request, so that you . 5. When someone asks for a favor and they draw it out endlessly, it just gives the person being asked so much time to 1) worry about what the question is going to be and 2) figure out how to say no. If You'd Like an Introduction. In fact, this experiment has been replicated so many times around the globe it has its own acronym, BYAF, but you are free. Every journalist, blogger, and content creator wants good stories. And by ethical, that means that you should be getting the person to a better place. Part 1 Asking a Favor Courteously 1 Approach your helper at an appropriate time. display: none !important; If someone can't (or doesn't want to) help you, there isn't much you can do about it. Asking for a favor can be a delicate task. When the sommelier compliments you on your good taste and extensive knowledge while trying to sell you the most expensive wine on the menu, you probably suspect his motives. Three Ways to Say No Without Feeling Guilty. Or photography buffs. #Neuromarketing Click To Tweet. The other day, I got one from a stranger asking me to write an article at Forbes about his startup. His original plan was to basically research, write his new book, which ended up being Pre-Suasion and basically hang out with these smart people at Stanford. Say thanks and make the world a better place. It's a rejection of us rather than the rejection of the favor. And thats a good thing, because if youre extra thoughtful, theyll notice and be more inclined to help you when they can. And by that, I mean that it is quite a bit like liking. Youll want to thank them verbally as soon as they say yes. The follow up email could have taken a totally different angle to increase the odds of hooking the reader, but thats just practical logical advice. Ask in a private setting so both of you feel comfortable sharing details. Im certain youll find someone.. Asking for a favor can be scary because, in many cases, you're asking to be rejected. When you impact children, for good or bad, you impact eternity. It's Time to Start Your Meeting Diet! Not in a keeping score kind of way, as in thinking, I did you five favors, and so far youve only done one for me.. Many times people will ask for a favor by saying "Can you-", so this phrase replies "I don't think I can". You can understand the worry Ill have during training if I dont find a mom like you who I completely trust to watch her., (In this case youve also laid out for her what the scenario will look like without her help. Rogers new book, Friction, is published by McGraw Hill and is now available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and bookstores everywhere. After asking the other person for a favor, you can perform a small favor in return, in order to increase the likelihood of them helping you if you ask for a favor again. When asked near the time, theyre thinking of whats already on their calendar and the demands on their current time, money or change in schedule that your request is going to require. If you want to avoid the same fate when YOU ask for a favor, there's plenty of psychology research to guide you. And what Cialdini advised Kawasaki was, dont say that instead say, I know you would do the same for me.. Today, were going to get back to our Brainfluence roots and look at the best ways to ask for a favor, to maximize the chance that you will actually get that favor. However, as we all know, just because you once worked with someone or follow each other on social sites, it doesnt mean youre close enough to intro them to new people. The Dean said, Bob, weve got a favor to ask of you. And remember, Rogers new book, Friction, is now available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and book sellers everywhere. 4. Let them know youre eager to reciprocate. This isnt so you can look pitiful or desperate and try to win them over. But use these just as Zig Ziglar explained, all these different ways to close a sale, he always felt that in his sales situation, he was getting the person to a place where they want it to be and that assisting them in that decision would be beneficial to them. The 21,000+ posts on that subreddit since it was started in December 2010 offer great insights into what makes a request successful. Your brain would be struggling with that, Well, I did this one favor Not consciously, of course, but unconsciously, we say, It seems quite A little bit off. So it makes it a little bit easier to say yes to the second request and eliminate that cognitive dissonance. So ask in a way that informs their decisionand lets them say no without risking your friendship: I see theres an opening for a senior management role at [Their Company]. If asking for favors makes you uncomfortable, you're in good company. And the reason that it works researchers find is that asking in person creates more trust between the two parties and is more successful overall. Begging leads to the other person possibly avoiding you in the future. You also can't win over everybody, so don't expect that you will. I think of examples like the US Marines, where you never retire from the Marines, once you are a Marine, youre always a Marine. It's really amazing! Flattering someone makes you more likable and makes your message more memorable. For more information or for links to Amazon and other sellers, go to The experimenter would attempt to cut in line while people were waiting to use the machine. In addition, a small gift is usually a kind and well-received gesture. Thats unlikely. This makes people more likely to agree. And we shouldnt feel like were belittling ourselves or bothering others by asking for favors if we do so graciously, out of sincere need, and with an understanding of and appreciation for the kindness that others are extending to us. Dont burn bridges over this. Some will, but most won't. Some researchers tested those effects when the subject knew that the flatterer most likely had an ulterior motive as in a sales situation, even then the person was still more likable and the message was still remembered better. And dont discount them pointing you to a helpful resource. Maybe theyll be in touch to forward your resume to HR, or maybe they know the position is going to be filled internally and they can nudge you in another direction. 7. they say yes. Researchers think that offering the option to choose removes the feeling of being pressured to grant the favor. You may recall that we were BFFs during the first season of [TV SHOW], and I was hoping you might let me come by the set of [YOUR NEW TV SHOW] when you start shooting so I can see how it works. They come in all sizes. Now, another technique I see very commonly used, not always effectively, is flattery. Now, this may be a little bit difficult these days, ask in person is the fifth technique. Well, a couple of weeks before he was due to travel there, he got a call from the Dean of the school. 1) What if they say "No" - We're afraid to ask for a favor because we don't want to hear a "No". Chances are they started off with pleasantries, then vaguely let you know they wanted help, beat around the bush for awhile, and then finally got to the point. Well, if you're not I could use some help. I deleted the email and forgot about it. Required fields are marked *, eight4eight84 This seems counterintuitive. Now that request may have seemed a little odd coming from a political rival, but the other person knew that book wasnt very common, so he did lend the book to Franklin. The circular design of the power strip allows for the 15" to coil up inside the body of the productmaking it easy to wrap up and throw in a bag to take with you when traveling. This email hits on several points. So send a note like this: I noticed [impressive persons name] is in my second-degree network and youre the common link! This search engine reveals so much more. Type in your name, wait 107 seconds, brace yourself. Or perhaps you could share any resources with me that youve found to be particularly helpful. He is the primary author at Neuromarketing, contributes at Forbes, and hosts the Brainfluence Podcast. }. But you get it, right? In short, when you ask in person youll seem more trustworthy and youll probably be surprised by how well you do. #Neuromarketing, irrelevant reasons can increase compliance, The power of 'because' - even nonsense helps you be persuasive! When you drive down a residential street here in Texas, you will probably see on almost every house a Texas flag, a Texas star, some kind of decoration in the shape of the state. I decided to forego the downbeat subject of dying women and the overly optimistic approach of telling everyone that even $1 can make a difference. Ive been really hoping to get in touch with her [to interview her for a project Im working on/ask her to speak at event my company is holding/learn what her transition from one career path to another was really like]. But its also kind of a huge ask. Its hard, but try not to take it personally. The techniques Im going to show you are not the only nine ways to ask, but I do think youll find them both useful and effective, and feel free to let me know if you like this episode format. Because they did the small favor for you, it would be inconsistent to refuse the bigger favor. When they compared in-person asks to email asks this is what they found, now today, perhaps an ask via Zoom or some web conference might be a little bit better than an email ask. And your response will most likely be, Your welcome, it was nothing. Or some other typical socially acceptable response. A Stanford study of the requests and responses on Reddit's Random Acts of Pizza reveals a few key strategies. Roger Dooley is the author of Friction (McGraw Hill, April 26, 2019) and Brainfluence (Wiley). Some may even reference a specific article. The power of 'because' - even nonsense helps you be persuasive! In Cialdinis newest book Pre-Suasion, he points out that the moment immediately after a favor is granted is the most effective time to ask for one. Here are seven of my favorite ways to maximize your chances of a favorable outcome: One of Robert Cialdinis seven principles of influence is reciprocation. His research and that of other scientists shows that if you do someone a favor first, they are more likely to reciprocate. Find that thing you have in common, the school you both went to, the state you both lived in, whatever, just start with pointing that out. This Hidden Setting Will Stop Chrome From Killing Your Laptops Battery, These Are the Best Cheeses for a Grilled Cheese Sandwich. Get her number on the sly with this line. But, the ploy may still get you to choose a more expensive bottle. Wouldnt asking for two favors be even more annoying than just one? Second, it shares why youd like to connect with the person in question (because your contact may want to check with them first). Its called the Ben Franklin Effect because of Franklins maxim, He that has once done you a kindness will be more ready to do you another, than he whom you yourself have obliged.. The very first one is reciprocation. So in this all-new solo episode, Im offering nine ways to boost your success rate when asking for favorsall based on science! Lastly, always offer them an easy escape; otherwise, youre making a demand and not requesting a favor. Whenever possible, ask for favors from others in person. If you're not familiar, in the Random Acts of Pizza subreddit, people post requests for free pizza, saying things like "Spare some pizza for the lonesome security guard?" Give them enough time to think about the favor you asked for. What? Fortunately, todays social media environment gives you plenty of opportunity to find those common elements. Asking and respecting the answer with graciousness, politeness, and sincerity is the way well want to do it. It is quite an interesting read, thanks for sharing. The only reason he gave was, Were looking to announce our seed round and/or spread the word about what were doing. Who wouldnt be persuaded by that? More surprisingly, it didn't matter if a request was phrased very politely or not. And what Franklin explained was that once someone has done one kindness for you, theyre more likely to do a second kindness for you, and he implies that its even more powerful than had you done a favor for them. If you ask someone for a favor at an inconvenient time, you can embarrass or even anger him or her. Pay special attention to the form of the verb used in each case. Your email address will not be published. Roger Dooley is the author of Friction and Brainfluence. Therefore, if you need to ask for a big favor, it's sometimes better to start by asking for a small favor that you can reciprocate, before moving to your main request later on. If theyre too busy to catch up with close friends, its unlikely theyll drop everything to answer your questions for 45 minutes. But, as Ive noted before, do this in a friendly, casual way that doesnt sound like you expect a debt to be repaid. She was honest, although impolitely dismissive (well choose to overlook that), in her response. For example, you might start with liking. This effect has been known for centuries. Give a reason. Next time you need to ask someone for a favor, just remember to set aside some time beforehand and think of a way you can make them smile. It goes a long way. 7 Best Ways To Get Reviews: How To Ask For Reviews + Examples Top Ways To Ask And Get Good Customer Reviews Online reviews and testimonials are invaluable to your business. When you do a favor for somebody they will probably, if they are polite, say thank you. When you have something in common with somebody else, you are more likely to be persuasive with them when you ask them for a favor. I have an important meeting in three minutes and Ive really got to make a few copies. They had a very high level of success in being allowed to cut without any objection. Maybe you are both dog owners. How to identify common interests and use them to your advantage. The data analysis is specifically about getting free pizza from strangers on Reddit, but it could also clue us in to how altruism works elsewhere, online and off. Accept rejection happily, as no one is bound to do favors. Basically, I need help packing. To someone in the entertainment industry, those ought to be rare and respected qualities. There are people who, through your experience, you know abuse your good nature and ask for favor after favor after favor without any appreciation. Many sales pitches and other requests close by explaining why the target has to act. Explaining why you chose to ask them might seem like youre buttering them up with compliments, but theres a reason or reasons why you chose them, and stating that truth isnt flattery. Here are some example conversations that will show you the proper use of "right now I don't think I can": I'm just so bad at packing, and you're so organized and together. Worse yet, theyll regret that they said yes to you. The next time you ask, and every time after that, youll more than likely get a firm no. 123 Begin. That might be a story. But, thats not reciprocation. Neuromarketing - Where Brain Science and Marketing Meet. Their expressions were then coded for the extent to which they were other-praising or focused on self-benefit. Now, a wild way of asking for something is to provide any reason at all. Even though you have a first-choice person to ask, have a backup person or two in mind. Alexa, roll a dice. The circular design of the power strip allows for the 15" to coil up inside the body of the productmaking it easy to wrap up and throw in a bag to take with you when traveling. However, not everyone expects you to return the favor right away. And Ive given examples in the past of how some brands have really played this up as part of their marketing message, because they understand how being part of the shared identity works for them. We should give freely so that we know how to receive freely and graciously when a season of our life comes when we need more favors than we ever imagined: a seriously ill family member, a family tragedy, a personal injury or prolonged health problem, financial troubles, a child or teen who is going through a rebellious or difficult streak, mental health issues, extreme stress, a job demotion or loss, a divorce, a home fire, a tornado my goodness, we could make this a three-page list of possible scenarios. Asking for a favor isn't easy, especially if you don't feel that you have something to give back. If youve ever had a salesperson meet with you, they may well say something nice about you because theyve learned this works. I know what Im asking is inconvenient for you. Thank you for tuning into this episode of Brainfluence. Lead with your feedback request. The mental tension can be resolved by granting both favors. 6. Asking for the advice over coffee or a meal doesnt cut it, because the amount youre treating them doesnt equal what they charge hourly. If the first person says no, you dont want to be caught without anywhere else to turn. So I suggest you use this for tiny favors only, if youre asking for something that involves a lot of time, effort or money the other person may give your reason more than a purser unconscious inspection. Learn more at, and follow him on Twitter at @rogerdooley. Hitting someone with, I just posted a 5-star review of your book on Amazon, and then immediately asking for something might seem self-serving. It may be that industry newsletter or job board they swear by is even more valuable than you wouldve guessed. And this increases the chance that what do you come to them for a favor down the road that they will indeed grant that. Since it's important to express yourself not only correctly but sensitively when asking a favor, let's look at some functional . Every time you . Do you have any time to help me? #Neuromarketing. The "right now" part of the phrase can also be edited to describe a different timespan, such as "this month" or "this evening". Here are some interesting ways to ask for reviews. Yeah, so how's life? Think about what it is you need and whether the person you are asking is the best person to help. Are you concerned that people will think less of you if you ask for something? Welcome to Brainfluence, where author and international keynote speaker Roger Dooley has weekly conversations with thought leaders and world class experts. If Im asking something youre not comfortable doing, I understand.. A few years ago I participated in a 5k "race" to raise money for women's cancers. But in that moment, having just received this favor or batch of favors from the Dean, he gave in and said yes. Hazme el paro con esto = help me out, give me a hand with this. So, I listed some short answers down below but I don't know if they are correct. If coordinating schedules is too demanding, answering questions over email may be more feasible. (Sing or hum along as you read them if you want! How Did Unlikable Margaret Thatcher Create Charisma? Short and sweet. Im definitely going to put these ideas into action. Please Like and Share this post, because everyone needs to know how to ask for a favor. The experimenter would try and cut to the front of the line, and when the experimenter offered an excuse that was valid like, Gee, do you mind if I cut? Photo by skeeze - under CC0 License 02 "I thought you'd never ask!" Requesters failed to appreciate how untrustworthy their emails would seem to others. Ask in a private setting. Although it may seem counterintuitive, the best way to ask for a favor follows nearly the same route as Sir Winston Churchills famous advice about giving a toast: Begin. We all love Cialdini, but the copy machine queue experiment is from Ellen Langer & oth. We're much more likely to grant a favor if someone offers us a. The bad news is that Im not going to promote his company in it. Until next time, keep doing what you were created to do. This applies to all thank yous for favors. But, thats just practical, logical advice. Again, they dont expect it, but that just makes it even nicer when they receive it! Important child-safety note: If people are taking advantage of your kindness by asking you to watch their child or children a lot, and you think that if you dont say yes, theyre the type of parents who would leave the children with anyone or take them to unsafe places, agree to watch the children. And the great thing is today, you can discover these areas that you might have in common, these shared attributes, even when you dont know somebody particularly well. Nobody's going to say yes before the favor is clearly told. It seems that the magic word here is because, the targets of their persuasive effort, theyre cutting in line were simply processing the fact that, Oh, they have a reason. They heard the word because, and because this was not a big ask, they didnt try and analyze the details. I opted to be silly about something that's fairly serious, and several people emailed me to say they were donating because I made them laugh. Tell me the magical words. Your reason always doesnt have to be incredibly persuasive. , ask in person is the primary author at Neuromarketing, irrelevant reasons can increase compliance, the may! Declining an email introduction you never agreed to them over waiting to use the machine expect it but! Use the machine psychology research to guide you ; d Like an introduction is n't easy especially. In three minutes and Ive really got to make a few copies can employ that will increase the that. 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