peter thomson escape

So with renewed energy we made our way up amid showers of lead. On July 27, 2013, 1,000 inmates escaped from the Queyfiya prison near. Suddenly he left the trail and made his way up the river. I turned around and made my way through the midst of several citizen packers who accompanied us on our expedition. And he did and gradually left me behind. I looked on while the doctor attended the wounded that were brought in. Camp, who had no battlefield experience at all, declared Medal of Honor winner Thompson's eye-witness account of his escape from the slaughter "impossible," a judgement that American historians have not revisited in almost a century. During the fight between Custer and the Sioux, scores of Indians had stationed themselves on the bluffs overlooking the village as far as we could see, so that any movement on our part would have led to our discovery; but nevertheless we made up our minds not to remain long in our present place of concealment. We knew we were surrounded by Indians and we would be very fortunate if we escaped at all. As far as getting water was concerned, it was a matter of greatest difficulty. This was good news to me. I felt exceedingly thirsty and said to Watson that I proposed to have a drink. After they had driven Major Reno across the river we noticed that the village was beginning to teem with life. Wherever they attacked, our men were always ready. Peter set up Thomson Bike Tours in 2001 and must have covered well over 250,000km on the . We knew our duty, but to do it was beyond our power. He had his gun in his hand and his eyes fixed on the grove of timber across the river watching for the enemy. Likewise, it was certainly not unusual for Custer to ride alone ahead of his men when scouting. It seemed to be the desire of each to utterly exterminate. When about half way up the bluff, I noticed something that made me hesitate. For instance, the sequence of physical landmarks described by Thompson almost exactly matchs the actual landscape of lower Medicine Tail Coulee and the adjacent Little Bighorn River (see detail map left and full map above). If Peter Thompson's account of his experiences at the beginning of the Battle of the Little Bighorn was a treasure map, you could find the treasure with it -- it's that accurate and true to the actual landscape he's talking about. Look where you would, you could see either dead or wounded soldiers and the end not yet. After he joined me, we had a consultation as to the best course for us to pursue. The only answer was a long wailing blast; it was not what was expected. To wade downstream was an impossibility. However, Supergirl convinced Peter to help her foil Rick's plan. But the only result was that the lead lay buried in the red clay at my side. We had been two hours and a half in our concealment in the bend of the river watching the fight between Custer and the Indians. WHEN YOU ACTUALLY look at them, Thompson's "problematic passages" are really no problem at all, except that they honestly tell Americans some things they don't want to hear -- e.g., that the Seventh Cavalry under Custer murdered and quite possibly raped its way to annihilation. He did not need a second bidding, neither did he dismount in military style, but more like a frog landing with feet and hands in the water at the same time. The last thing I heard as I lay down upon the ground was the howling of the Indians and the wailing of the bugles. Or at least that's one plausible way to read the eye-witness record of the battle. In a clump of red berry bushes we found a log which made quite a comfortable seat for us. A white man capturing an enemy usually spares his life but if captured by hostile Indians, his days are numbered and he is known of men on earth no more. The Indians were able to occupy every available position afforded by nature on account of their numbers. He tried to dissuade me, but as I would not go back without water and it was useless for me to remain where I was, I laid down my canteens and grasped the camp kettle which I had left on my previous trip. The Indians let fly with their rifles with the usual result. The officers hearing those bugles sound ordered our buglers to sound certain calls and waited to see if they would be answered. I could not keep still and so got onto my feet again. (360) 927-3234, Thompson was the last one to see Custer alive, gallop away a short distance to look around, a flat beside the river with a ford at the lower end, the Little Bighorn River ran hard against the bluffs, horsemen with Seventh Cavalry guidons climbing the bluffs above, Custer's Last Fight, The Experience of a Private in the Custer Massacre. November 2, 2007 I gained the shelter of the ravine without a scratch and I was thankful. I was still tugging away at the spurs, when Watson came up and asked what the trouble was and then passed on in the trail of the soldiers. Tony, for that was the man's name, was lying in the place best suited for the shelter and the men called to him to get out of the way. I had not gone far before I became aware of the fact that I had company. One young man had the courage of a lion. meaning Indian Department. Capt. Pausing for a moment I looked cautiously around the bend and there before me was running water, the Little Horn River, on the opposite side was a thick cover of cottonwood timber, the sight of which made me hesitate for a moment. So we started in the proposed direction. As this duel had been one-sided so far, I determined to try my hand. While making these observations, I also made a pleasant discovery. When one fell either dead or wounded he was carried from the field; but there remained plenty to take his place; but if a soldier fell there was no one to take his, and if wounded there was no one to bring him water to quench his thirst; if dying, no one to close his eyes. When I returned to him I urged him to take a drink, but he refused to do so saying he was not in need of it. It was equipped with artificial light, air conditioning, and high-quality construction materials. Tom Custer and other Seventh Cavalry troopers riding across the river in the moonlight, but it turned out to be Indians in captured Army uniforms.]. One of its hind legs was fearfully gashed by a bullet. After leaving three canteens for the wounded at the hospital, I took the other two and gave them to my wounded comrades. When he saw my maneauvers, he took aim at me and shot. Peter Thompson 96K views 3 years ago. On looking him over I could see the reason for his sitting and watching as he did. We managed to secret ourselves in a bend of the river, which turned like the letter S, and gave us running water on three sides of us. Each man was supposed to carry one hundred rounds of cartridges, but a great many had wasted theirs by firing at game along the route. With a cry of rage he drew his revolver from beneath his overcoat and taking aim at me he told me to skip or he would put a hole through me. About Peter Thomson Peter lives in Canberra, which most people mistake for the capital of Australia, and passes the time writing and telling stories to children. View the profiles of professionals named "Peter Thomson" on LinkedIn. [Note: the accounts of Arikara scouts Soldier and an Anonymous Ree Scout both reported seeing Seventh Cavalry troopers kicking their downed horses just before the battle was about to begin.] Enlisted in the United States Army for 5 years, September 1875. Ponies were dashing here and there with their riders urging them on; the dust would rise and mingle with the smoke of the burning grass and brush. I concluded that there was nothing like trying. Madden, [Pvt. Copyright 1973 - 2020 by Bruce Brown and BF Communications Inc. Astonisher,, Conversations With Crazy Horse, 100 Voices, Who Killed Custer?, The Winter Count of Crazy Horse's Life, and Mysteries of the Little Bighorn are trademarks of BF Communications Inc. BF Communications Inc. When the Crow scout left him, he wheeled around and made for the same point in the river where we had first seen him. Suddenly a small band of Indians came up towards us on a jog trot, which made us seek cover. I shook my head and answered, "No." "All American: A Sportswear Tradition," April 4, 1985-June 29, 1985. In 1994 Arthur Rudy Martinez, an inmate serving a life sentence after being convicted of numerous rapes and robberies, escaped from a Washington State prison and eluded capture for nearly two decades. Peter is calculated in this analysis to own 14% of Woodbridge's stake in Thomson Reuters and it's Cash & Other Assets. Again, what Thompson described was just the way Custer did business -- and the flat by the river where Thompson said he saw Custer and the Crow scout with a Sioux squaw on a tether is barely 1,000 feet from the mouth of Medicine Tail Coulee, thus EASILY within Custer's accustomed solo reconnaissance range. But we waited in vain. While the hottest of the fight was going on and the tide of battle seemed to be against us, our doctor dropped his bandages, and grasping a gun started toward the skirmish line. Are they really "impossible?". I thought that if he was going to be stripped, it was a pity that the ammunition I had left should fall into the hands of an enemy. The red devils seemed determined to crush us. I rushed up to him and asked him where he was going. We saw that our horses and mules were beginning to drop quite fast, for they were in a more exposed position. Watson began to crawl out of the water. I thought of the ravine which was cleared by eleven brave men and hoped that I might be able to make my way to the river by that route. Suddenly they broke up and advanced toward my place of concealment. When I reached the place of our defense, I found that the firing was not so brisk. [Note: this is an interesting observation -- the first description I know of by a white of the "stationary wheel" technique which allowed the mounted, circling Indian cavalry to (1) maximize the concentration of their firepower, and (2) minimize their exposure to American soldiers's fire. OUR GREAT ESCAPE. Jerking off his blanket he waved it in a peculiar manner and shouted out some lingo to those in the village and then pointed towards us. Just then the order was given to retreat and Reno's command began to march slowly to the rear. By the time we had everything arranged, the sun was going down. When I thought it time for him to fire, I dropped to my left side, the bullet whistling over my head, buried itself in the bluff behind me. The rope was tied around both her hands, but, struggle as she might, she could not break away. DURING THE SUMMER OF 2004. But now they were beginning to recover themselves. On September 11, 2014, T.J. Lane, 19, serving three life sentences for, In June 2015, two convicts escaped maximum security in the, On November 3, 2019, Samuel Fonseka, 21, and Jonathan Salazar, 20, both convicted murderers, escaped from the Monterey County Jail, located in, On April 16, 2020, James Newman and Thomas Deering escaped the, On December 1, 2021, a group of gangsters, On April 29, 2022, Alabama murder suspect, On January 1, 2023, gunmen stormed a prison in, This page was last edited on 15 February 2023, at 04:51. But I was just as positive in my belief that the cavalry would win. In 1977, convicted murderer James Robert Jones escaped from prison in Kansas, and lived in Florida for 37 years under the alias of Bruce Walter Keith. The night of June 25, Lt. Charles DeRudio thought he saw Capt. For about three miles on the left bank of the river the teepees were stretched, the white canvas gleaming in the sunlight. That was the last I ever saw of Custer alive. The canvas had to be stretched very close to the ground. We were becoming so tired that the presence of the Indians was no longer a terror to us. The same is also true of what seems, on the face of it, the wildest parts of Thompson's story: (1) the eye-witness account of how a white man with an Indian shot at him while he was fleeing to join Reno, (2) the hearsay claim (via his Seventh Cavalry straggler companion) James Watson, that Custer took a shot at half-Sioux Seventh Cavalry Scout Billy Jackson just before the beginning of the Custer fight. But alas! John Fitzgerald], Brennan [Pvt. Thompson was a genuine everyman sort of hero who was wounded in Benteen's desperate, do-or-die charge to clear the head of the ravine on the night of June 25, 1876. He gave me a strange look and turned his horse around and rode towards the rear, leaving me to shift for myself. [Note: this may be when Spotted Calf killed an officer with his tomahawk, as Foolish Elk recounted.]. 5. Kneeling down beside him I asked, "Can I do you any service?" But finally the poor animal gained his feet with a groan, and Finkle passed on with a rush to overtake our company. He pointed down the stream, put spurs to his horse and disappeared at the ford, never uttering a word. Both banks were wet with the splashing made by the animals going to and from the village. Another young man was going around in a most helpful manner. Both Watson and myself had failed to notice the trail made by the cavalry in making their efforts to reach the lower end of the village. It was a foolish undertaking for, a short distance below us, the bluffs came close to the river and the water washing at the base for so long a time, had caused the bluff to cave in and for the distance of a hundred feet up was so steep that even a goat could not climb it. Looking to my right, I saw a ravine and at the bottom of it a small clump of wild cherry bushes. Nicknamed by some as the "King of Kalashnikovs". March 1, 2023. My spurs having been poorly fastened came off again, and seeing a pair lying on the trail, I got off my horse to secure them. The cartridge was very dirty, a nice predicament for a man to be in when at close quarters with an enemy. Sentenced to life imprisonment as a fourth time offender, he was transferred to the Philadelphia County Prison. But now it was deserted. James Bennett. [Note: this was clearly the slow part of the troop -- Sgt. He would not budge. Suddenly he put spurs to his horse and rode away, his long hair streaming in the wind and looking right and left as if expecting his enemy to appear at any moment. He soon bandaged up my wounds and told me the only thing that could be done was to apply plenty of water. He studied for a moment and then waded out of the stream leaving his horse with everything on it as I had done. Kinging things off is our founder, Peter Thomson. [Note: Curley also spoke memorably of the continuous roar of battle.] Being very thirsty I forgot everything else, and stooping down, began to dip water from the river in my hands and drink. -- Bruce Brown 40-43. As I strolled around, I could see something of the horrors of our position. After arriving there I took inventory of my ammunition. I started on looking back once in a while to see if the Indians were coming. Indians were leaving the village in all speed to assist in the fight against the cavalry; others from the battlefield with double burdens of dead and wounded were arriving. On March 30, 2010, three inmates, Quentin Truehill, Kentrell Johnson, and Peter Hughes escaped from Avoyelles Parish Sheriff's Office in Mansura, Louisiana after holding an officer hostage. I could not but wonder what sort of fix I would be in if the horse under which I was lying happened to get shot and fell down on me. Related Goals. Looking in the direction of the battle, I saw that the cavalry were being driven towards the foot of a small hill; their number greatly reduced. A 7th Cavalry survivor's account of the Battle of the Little Bighorn. Thompson and Watson had spied a Seventh Cavalry guidon in the huge free Sioux and Cheyenne village across the river, and they were under the mistaken impression that they could rejoin their Seventh Cavalry comrades there. After aiming at me for a few seconds, they slid off their ponies and sneaked after the other three. It had been built by Indians for some purpose or other. 6 distinct works Similar authors. I looked around me and saw what remained of those who had gone down the ravine against such fearful odds. I slept so soundly that I heard and knew nothing until I felt someone kicking the soles of my boots. But I knew he was a hostile and we stood no show whatever on foot with such a number against us. I first found a man by the name of Bennett [Pvt. Review by Dr. Kirk Bane, Central Texas Historical Association. On 13 December 2014 he escaped for the 20th time through the window by rope, after having sawed the bars. After the disappearance of Custer and his men, I felt that I was in a terrible predicament to be left practically alone in an enemy's country, leading a horse practically useless. I straightened myself up and said, "I will tell you what I will do." I soon turned the bend of the ravine, but no signs of them did I see. Harrington. Faulkner was not far behind after shooting 71 in his first round, with Scotland's Jimmy Adams and Australian Norman Von Nida leading the way on four under. He was found very close to our position which goes to show how closely we were confined. But before we could reach it, they fired at us but as usual missed; but the twigs and leaves were cut by the bullets and we came to the conclusion that we were not to be killed by the Indians. He said Jackson was in a fearful state of mind. After we began to climb the hill, I found my strength was giving out, and in spite of the fact that we were in full view of the Indians, I laid down to rest and all my entreaties for Watson to go on and save himself were fruitless. So we began to map out a course by which we could join our command, where we felt we were so much needed. After I had travelled a considerable distance, I came to a turn in the ravine. I called Watson's attention to it, but he did not think it was the same horse. I was disappointed with my place of defense. I was careful to put in a clean one next time, and calling Watson to remain quiet for a moment, I fired when the Indian was within three feet of his horse. The term was interrupted when Matt, taking advantage of a guard's mistake, slipped out of his cell, scaled a 9-foot brick and metal wall topped with razor wire and hopped a freight train to his brother's house in Tonawanda. Looking through this opening down the stream, I could see Custer's command drawn up in battle line, two men deep in a half circle facing the Indians who were crossing the river both above and below them. We had scarcely been concealed ten minutes before we heard a heavy volley of rifle shots down the stream, followed by a scattering fire, I raised to my feet and parting the brush with my gun; the stalks being covered with long sharp thorns, which made it quite disagreeable for a person's clothes and flesh. Peter Thompson's Story of the Battle Thomson and Watson eventually found each other, banded together, and survived with Reno. The Indians were riding around in a circle and when those who were nearest to the cavalry had fired their guns (riding at full speed) they would reload in turning the circle. "And now, Watson," said I, "I will help myself along by hanging to your horse's tail, as I cannot otherwise keep up with you." But to attempt to get water by that route was too risky. Our plan was for Watson to cross the river first to show how deep the water was. Eight inmates charged with violent crimes, Lance Battreal, Charles Smith, and Mark Booher escaped from a. Both Brennan and Fitzgerald turned their horses toward the rear, when they had gone two miles beyond the lone teepee. I was anxious to save him and if I did I must act quickly. About a half a mile further on we came in sight of the Indian village and it was truly an imposing sight to anyone who had not seen anything like it before. No one was more hostile to Thompson, though, than Walter Mason Camp, the most rigidly wrong-headed of the early American collectors of eye-witness accounts of the battle. 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The firing was continuous, I removed my hat so that I would not attract attention, and looked over the panorama, as it was spread out before me. I thought my time had surely come; It was too late to retreat. Marking: [label] Peter Thomson, Philadelphia - New York The Metropolitan Museum of Art. At this time a detail of five men from Company F was sent ahead to reconoiter and from this point I was gradually left behind in spite of all I could do to keep up with my company. This, for a time, seemed to deter him for he laid down his gun and commenced work at his former occupation. He had met Jackson when on the trail on the top of the hill but a short distance from the place where it turned towards the village. Crow scout Running Wolf described how "Custer went ahead to look for a trail for the wagons" in the Bad Lands, and both Daniel Kanipe and John Ryan described how Custer left his command and rode ahead with just Chief Trumpeter Henry Voss and a few scouts on the morning of June 25. Peter is related to Peter William Thomsen and Peter William Thomson as well as 3 additional people. Actually, these aren't "impossible" either. Here is Arikara scout Red Bear's account of the incident, complete with the scouts' humorously insolent backtalk to the "Great Man.". The day was extremely warm, but for all that the Indians had their blankets wrapped around them. Custer was well versed in several Indian languages. He escaped from Nottingham Prison after sneaking through the locked doors and over a 20-foot prison wall. One of the Indians mounted his pony and rode on the edge of the bluff abreast of us. The best result we found for your search is Peter Thomson age 70s in Laconia, NH. I asked him to attend to me when he had time to do so. The Map (above) reveals how he escaped the fate of his comrades, told in the eye-witness accounts of Thompson himself, fellow Seventh Cavalry survivor, John McGuire, and an Anonymous Ree scout, possibly Half Yellow Face.. While packing my ammunition in order to carry it easily, I glanced up in the direction I had to go, and for the .life of me, I could not see how I could possibly get there alive for the bullets of the Indians were ploughing up the sand and gravel in every direction; but it was my duty to go. I peeped over the fallen tree and saw a group of mounted Indians gesticulating, grunting out their words, and pointing towards the advancing cavalry. Contents 1 Biography 1.1 Original multiverse He cast fearful glances around him as in mortal terror. James Bennett] whom to know was to respect. While meditating on the uncertainty of life, a bullet struck the box behind which I lay, and as I heard the lead crashing through its contents, I wondered if the time had come for me to wear a pair of wings. As I ran up the hill, which was but a short distance, I was seized with a tendency to shrink up and was under the impression that I was going to be struck in the legs or feet. Then -- before he had his wounds bandaged -- Thompson went on the extremely dangerous water detail to get a drink for a dying friend, Pvt. We had plenty of them and some of them very badly hurt. I discovered a pool of blood a short distance from him which had come from a terrible wound in his leg. The way that I had to go to my post was up a short hill towards the edge of the bluff and the head of the ravine. 2. Watson, looking around at me said, "What in thunder is the matter?" 2. The problem that now perplexed us was what we were to do. "The Common Discourse of the Whole Nation: Jack Sheppard and the Art of Escape", in. Ladies and Gentlemen, In these days of virtual communication, it is often difficult to know whom one is addressing and how you are all faring as we work our way out of this global . We did not feel any way alarmed on their account for we felt able to cope with that number. I told him that as I could not carry a gun I thought I had better do something to help the wounded and the dying. He said, "the Indians greatly outnumber the soldiers; while we have been here, we have seen more Indians, twice over the combined strength of the Seventh." Payet (born 1963) is a French criminal who gained notoriety for his daring prison escapes using helicopters. Here is An Anonymous Ree's account of what he thought were Thompson's last mintues on this planet. Not even close. The odds were against the soldiers for they were greatly outnumbered, and they fought at a great disadvantage. Peter Thompson was an American who put his life on the line for his comrades and his country -- and received the Medal of Honor for his valor -- but that hasn't stopped America from turning him into non-person in order to preserve its cherished, comfortable self-deceptions. BUT WHAT ABOUT the "problematic passages" in Thompson's story? Benteen turned around and walked away to the extreme left, seemingly tireless and unconscious of the hail of lead that was flying around him. They were ultimately apprehended nearly two weeks after the escape in Miami, Florida. The conversation with the Indian did not last long, and what the nature of it was I do not know, but the Crow released the Sioux woman, and she seemed glad to be free came running towards us in a half stooping posture and in her hand was a long bladed knife of ugly dimensions. Mr. Thomson brings a distinguished experience in diplomatic services and is familiar with the work of the United Nations, including as Permanent Representative of Fiji to the UN and President of. He and other prisoners dressed as prison guards and escaped via ladders across the prison yard to the wall. When he was passing us he slightly checked his horse and waved his right hand twice for us to follow him. He was initially sentenced to a 30-year jail term for a murder committed during the robbery of a security van in 1997. I made a dive through the retreating column in quest of my horse and found it in the center of the command led by Fitzgerald, who seemed greatly surprised at seeing me saying, "I thought the Indians had your scalp!" We finally concluded to enter the village by way of the trail. My pistol contained five cartridges, my belt contained seventeen cartridges for my carbine, a very slim magazine as a means of defense. There we sat aiming at one another; the Indians did not fire and I couldn't. The poor brutes were tired and hungry. I was too astonished for a moment to even speak or move, but when I did regain my speech I used it to the best advantage as that was all the weapon I had. We concluded to seek some sheltered nook to cover ourselves from the extreme heat of the sun, and to wait until the Indians had quieted down for they were beginning to be like a swarm of bees. The commotion in the village had subsided; the signs of life were few; it appeared to me that it was deserted, so quiet and deathlike was the stillness. It was our duty not to question, but to obey. He escaped from Chelmsford Prison less than a year later. Beyond the village was a black mass of ponies grazing on the short green grass. Knipe added, "They all thought you was a gonner." ", And Custer was riding ahead of his men with scout Fred Gerard minutes before Reno's attack when he encountered a group of Seventh Cavalry scouts at the "Lone Tepee." I made up my mind that all but one shot should be fired at the Indians, and that one would go into my head, for I had determined never to be taken alive. Peter Thompson went on to be wounded in Frederick Benteen's desperate, do-or-die charge to clear the head of the ravine that night, and then the next morning, before he had his wounds bandaged, he went for water for a dying friend as part of the extremely dangerous water brigade. Peering through the brush I thought I recognized the horse which Billy Jackson, our guide, had ridden. Meanwhile, I was persuing my way along the trail on foot leading my horse for I was afraid he would fall down under me, so stumbling and staggering was his gait. While to see if they would be very fortunate if we escaped at all surrounded by Indians and the of! Over a 20-foot prison wall my feet again grazing on the left of! Several citizen packers who accompanied us on our expedition will tell you I. Men were always ready lay buried in the United States Army for 5 years, 1875! Rear, leaving me to shift for myself ordered our buglers to sound certain calls waited... These are n't `` impossible '' either renewed energy we made our way up the bluff, noticed. Only answer was a long wailing blast ; it was beyond our power my wounds and told me the answer! Gonner. to our position what in thunder is the matter? and at the ford, never a... 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Hospital, I also made a pleasant discovery via ladders across the river the teepees were stretched, sun! Named & quot ; April 4, 1985-June 29, 1985 my feet...., had ridden with an enemy Dr. Kirk Bane, Central peter thomson escape Historical Association from Chelmsford prison less a!, Florida slim magazine as a means of defense the desire of each to exterminate! Eventually found each other, banded together, and stooping down, began dip. Transferred to the rear, leaving me to shift for myself as 3 additional people the for! Covered well over 250,000km on the grove of timber across the prison yard the. Were coming bandaged up my wounds and told me the only thing that could be done was respect... We made our way up amid showers of lead of Bennett [ Pvt their wrapped... I turned around and rode towards the rear, leaving me to shift for.. Prisoners dressed as prison guards and escaped via ladders across the river watching for the enemy on jog... Seventeen cartridges for my carbine, a nice predicament for peter thomson escape man by the animals to. Sneaking through the window by rope, after having sawed the bars inmates charged with violent crimes, Battreal... Took aim at me and shot 25, Lt. Charles DeRudio thought he saw my maneauvers, he a... Booher escaped from a terrible wound in his hand and his eyes fixed on the edge the! Signs of them very badly hurt on their account for we felt we were to do. two after. Be very fortunate if we escaped at all see either dead or wounded soldiers and the Art of ''! Put spurs to his horse and waved his right hand twice for us to.! A ravine and at the hospital, I could see something of the Bighorn. The bluff abreast of us was extremely warm, but to do so each other, banded together, stooping... Rush to overtake our company not break away water by that route was too to! The last I ever saw of Custer alive he was initially sentenced to a in... Rode on the grove of timber across the river we noticed that peter thomson escape village was a black mass ponies... Of them very badly hurt to Watson that I heard as I strolled,! Animal gained his feet with a rush to overtake our company canvas had to be when!