pt boat interior

A Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) PT Boat Conference convened in May 1941 to discuss future PT characteristics. Be sure to check website at PT-658 was named to the. The PT-109 disaster made JFK a hero. Fittings and finish unnecessarily refined. Doyle, David.. PT Boats in Action. Cleaning tools and tips to keep your boat looking good, bug free, and working well in a marine environment. Her external restoration was completed by the Texas group in 2002, and is to a high standard. PT-305 was cut down to 65 feet (20m) for use as an oyster seed boat in Crisfield, Maryland. The smaller boat proposal was to weigh no more than 20 tons so that it could be easily transported by larger cargo ships. Starting in mid-1943, the installation of this gun had an immediate positive effect on the firepower available from a PT boat. Views of 20mm Oerlikon Cannon, 37mm Oldsmobile Cannon, Mk50 Spin Stabilized 5 Inch Rocket Launcher Mounts, Browning M2 twin 50 cal machineguns, Mk17 turret, Mk 13 Torpedo, Mk6 Depth Charge, 40mm Bofors Cannon, Raytheon SO Radar Mast, signal generator, waveguide and antenna dome, Helm Equipment, Compass, Throttle and EOT, Searchlight, Reflector Gunsight, Collins TCS-12 Radios, Radar PPI Scope, Chartroom, Navigators Chartboard, Galley, Stove, Sink, Refrigerator, Toaster, Drop Leaf crews mess table, Crews Bunks, Pinup Girls, Crews Dress Uniforms, Kapok Life Jackets, Crews Quarters, Wardroom, Officers Head, Foul Weather Jacket, Radar Power Supply, Officers Dress Uniform, Officers Pith Helmets, Captains Desk, Ammo Locker, Small arms gun rack, M1 Garand, M1 Carbine, 1903 Springfield Rifle, BAR, Thompson Sub-machinegun, Wardroom Fan, Fluxgate Gyro compass Amplifiyer and Power Inverter, Ammo passing hatch, Running Engine exhausting through bronze mufflers. , 2 1939 12 13 6. PT boats operated in the southern, western, and northern Pacific, as well as in the Mediterranean Sea and the English Channel. Perhaps the most effective use of PTs was as "barge busters." As the war went on, the PT boats also lightened their torpedo load and increased t Continue Reading 8 Sponsored by PureCare Knee Protector He named the boat Tarbaby VI, and used her through the 1950s. The PT boat squadrons were nicknamed "the mosquito fleet". Its draft is seldom over 6 feet thus enabling it to maneuver in shallow water. Check here for details! Even though only half as many Higgins boats were produced, far more survive (seven hulls, three of which have been restored to their World War II configuration) than the more numerous Elco boats. [22] Only the British built PT-9 prototype boat brought from England for Elco to examine and copy featured a Merlin. The Board is of the opinion that certain changes in design are required to enable PT-69 and boats of the PT-20 Class to carry safely their military loads in rough weather. Length 78in. Cost to the Government fully equipped $206,600. The key to making LED boat lights look great, is placement. During the war, Navy PT boats went against the enemy's barges, tankers, sampans, and warships. Be sure to check website at PT-658 was named to the National Register of Historic Places on 04 September 2012. Period Second World War. The only main-stream plastic kit of a Higgins PT boat is by Revell. [23] During the Guadalcanal and Solomon Island campaigns in 19421943, the PT boats of Squadrons (MTBRON) 2, 3, 5 and 6 would lie in wait to ambush a target from torpedo range, generally about 1,000 yards (910m).[23]. (Here are selected photos on this topic, but full relevance is not guaranteed.) Although not used in any other PT boat design, Huckins licensed the use of his patented Quadraconic hull in his PT boat construction. With a full loaded weight of 56,000lb (25,000kg), C-378 made a top speed of 37kn (69km/h; 43mph) with 1,400 horsepower (1,000kW), and maintained an average speed of 34.5kn (63.9km/h; 39.7mph) in a winter northeaster storm with 12-to-14-foot (3.7 to 4.3m) seas, which would still be considered exceptional even 100 years later. In an important note after winning the design competition for the smaller PT boat, George Crouch wrote that Hickman's Sea Sled design would be far superior "in either rough or smooth water to that of the best possible V-bottom or hard chine design". PT Boat Colors and Color Schemes Paints such as the following were utilized on PT boats. Ronald G. Sinn, who in 2012 sold the boat to "Fleet Obsolete" of Kingston NY. And that's exactly what one owner has done with a brand new 94-footer that has interiors inspired by his . PT Boat & Vietnam era Boat Plans Fr. [9], The Elco 77-Footer Design Demonstrates:[9], The Huckins 72-Foot Design Demonstrates:[9], The Navy Yard Philadelphia 81-Foot Design Demonstrates:[9], The Higgins 81-Foot Design Demonstrates:[9], The Higgins 76-Foot Design Demonstrates:[9], The Board arrived at the following recommendations:[9], The Board also had the following opinion on structural sufficiency: "During the first series of tests (2124 July) the Huckins design (PT-69), the Philadelphia design (PT-8) and the Higgins design (PT-6) completed the open sea endurance run without structural damage. The two Vosper boats in England were built by Vosper itself, and the first is in fairly good condition at Portsmouth. 70 cm. Of the Elco boats, only three hulls (one restored) were known to exist as of 2016. [31], At the end of the war, almost all surviving U.S. PT boats were disposed of shortly after V-J Day. [5] Robert McFarlane. PT boats were a variety of torpedo-armed fast attack craft used by the United States Navy in World War II to attack larger surface ships. In the interval between the first and second test periods the PT-70 was repaired and an effort made to eliminate the causes of the structural failures. George C. Sinn of Wildwood Crest, NJ on 9 October 1951 for $1,015.00. The vessel was sold in 1952 to Otto Stocker who operated the "Sightseer" as an excursion vessel from Otten's Harbor in Wildwood, New Jersey. length would be sufficiently seaworthy", so Hickman built and launched his own privately financed 41-foot (12m) Sea Sled capable of carrying a single 18-inch Whitehead Mark 5 torpedo. [3] In September 1914, Hickman completed plans for a 50-foot (15m) "Sea Sled" torpedo boat and submitted these to the Navy in hopes of obtaining a contract. PT Boat Background Japanese Planning Pearl Harbor Patrol Torpedo boats were built during a war that changed the way of life for Americans virtually overnight. I'm looking for a challenging environment to utilize my creativity, add more . A few (one 80' Elco, one 72' Vosper, and three 78' Higgins) were cut up and destroyed between 1998 and 2008, leaving (a known) total of 12 PT boats, and 2 experimental PT boat hulls in various states of repair, surviving today in the U.S.: PT-48 is possibly the last surviving 77-foot (23m) Elco PT boat. Towards the end of the war, beginning in 1945, PTs received two eight-cell Mark 50 rocket launchers,[20] launching 5in (130mm) spin-stabilized flat trajectory Mark 7 and/or Mark 10 rockets[21] with a range of 11,000 yards (10,000m). The interior is another example of how far Rob went to make this boat special. With the exception of the experimental PT boats, all U.S. PT boats were powered by three marine modified derivations of the Packard 3A-2500 V-12 liquid-cooled, gasoline-fueled aircraft engine. Cost to the Government fully equipped $302,100. [citation needed] Like many other victory claims by all parties involved (aircraft pilots, surface ships, submarines) this unclear verification was due in part to the Japanese military's policies of destroying military records. PT-796 ("Tail Ender") is a 78-foot (24m) Higgins. Starting in mid-1943, the old Mark 18 torpedo tubes and Mark 8 torpedoes began to be replaced. They were powered by aviation fuel and three powerful engines. Chun, Victor. These torpedoes and tubes were replaced in mid-1943 by four lightweight 22.5-inch-diameter (570mm) Mark 13 torpedoes, which weighed 2,216 pounds (1,005kg) and contained a 600-pound (270kg) Torpex-filled warhead. The 103 Class boats were initially armed with two sets of twin .50 caliber machine guns, a 20mm Oerlikon anti-aircraft gun, four torpedo tubes or two torpedo tubes and eight (four to a side) roll-off racks for depth charges (the 300 pound charge variety). Though often said to be made of plywood, they were actually made of two diagonal layered 1in (25mm) thick mahogany planks, with a glue-impregnated layer of canvas in between. Connelly, Garth T. PT Boats in Action. Originally conceived as anti-ship weapons, PT boats were publicly credited with sinking several Japanese warships during the period between December 1941 and the fall of the Philippines in May 1942[23] even though the Navy knew the claims were all false. It was subsequently upgraded in stages to 1,500hp (1,100kW), allowing a designed speed of 41 knots (76km/h). Many PT boats became famous during and after World War II: According to the book "At Close Quarters: PT Boats in the United States Navy"[30] 99 of the 531 PT boats that served during World War II were lost to various causes. 2. Tug Boats. Of the more than 500 small, fast, versatile wooden Patrol Torpedo boats which were built during WWII, only a handful survive today. PT-9 was to serve as the prototype for all the early Elco PT boats. PT-615, an 80-foot (24m) Elco originally assigned to MTBRON 42, was commissioned after the war ended. [note 1] Six boats completed the trial, while three withdrew: PT-33 suffered structural damage off Block Island; PT-70 was damaged by loose copper ingots; and MRB developed engine trouble at the start of the run.[9]. USN ELCO PT Boat Deck Stern Chocks (x2 per PT Boat). In several engagements, the mere presence of PTs was sufficient to disrupt heavily escorted Japanese resupply activities at Guadalcanal. Measurements along the keel are given in both frame locations and stations. As an Interior Designer with over five years of experience visualizing, conceptualizing, and building up design plans as per client goals. The "PT" in a PT boat is an abbreviation for patrol torpedo. PT-308 (Higgins) had her stern sheared off by a collision with PT-304 during a night mission in the Mediterranean on 9 March 1945 and yet returned to base for repairs. A Higgins Class PT Boat (Based mostly off the PT-658) This is the fruit of my labor since 1.0.5's release (also doubles as a early Christmas present for some), smashing personal records by clocking in at 678 parts, with a complete detailed stock interior while being able to scream past at (35 m/s) 68 knots at it's top speed (with the Panther engine . She was launched launched on 16 August 1939 and completed 20 November 1941, tested by the navay but rejected, and nicknamed "Wet Dream". Huckins reported a profit of $28.60 on this transaction.[7]. Just months later, the boat collided with a Japanese ship, killing two of his men. machine guns. Model Dim. Ability to make a maximum sustained speed of 39.7 knots; maximum speed 44.1 knots with heavy ordnance load. Coincidentally, the PT-309 ("Oh Frankie! PT-305 fairly gleams, all fresh paint with nary a scuff on her gray deck. The excellent 20-page, 52-step instruction booklet offers two build options: as a 1942 newly built boat in Navy gray or as the dark green scavenged boat at the time of its sinking on August 2, 1943, with a 37mm antitank gun mounted on the forward deck. When it eventually was delivered and tested in the summer of 1917, it was not deemed a success, so a second boat (C-378) of the sea sled design was ordered from Hickman in either late 1917 or early 1918 (conflicting dates). USN ELCO PT Boat Deck Deck Ventilator duct (three per PT Boat) have their interior Damper Door as separate parts to glue them opened or closed. [citation needed], After the war, Lindsay Lord, who was stationed in Hawaii during the war, recorded the Navy's planing hull research and findings in the book Naval Architecture of Planing Hulls. After the war, American military interviews with captured veterans of the Imperial Japanese Navy, supplemented by the available partial Japanese war records, were unable to verify that all the PT boat sinking claims were valid. While comparable in size to many wooden sailing ships in history, these 20ft 8in (6.30m) beam wooden-hulled craft were classified as boats in comparison with much larger steel-hulled destroyers, destroyer escorts, and corvettes. Motor torpedo boat PT-796, was laid down on 3 May 1945, launched on 23 June, and completed after the end of the war on 26 October as a 78-foot PT boat built by Higgins Industries of New Orleans, LA. Along with PT-557, the vessel was purchased from BFM Industries (Brooklyn, NY) by Capt. [40] It was used in the training squadron MTBRON4 in Melville, Rhode Island, during World War II until it was placed out of service 16 January 1946. Hull fouling and engine wear could both decrease top speed and increase fuel consumption materially. In 1943, an inquiry was held by the Navy to discuss planing, hull design, and fuel consumption issues. In 1942, the scheme initially applied to the Elco 80 footers utilized Navy Gray (#5) and Dark Gray (5-D) The bottom paint for all of these schemes was Copperoyd. During World War II, PT boats engaged enemy warships, transports, tankers, barges, and sampans. As mentioned earlier, it was used in the Second World War by the U.S Navy. However, the USN held two major designs as their standard PT boat and this included the ELCO 80-footer and the Higgins 78-foot. 58 footers Prototypes. The last of her type to be constructed, she was nicknamed Tail Ender. Additionally, a few PT boats were equipped to carry naval mines launched from mine racks, but these were not commonly used. Although their primary mission continued to be attack on surface ships and craft, PT boats were also used effectively to lay mines and smoke screens, coordinate in air-sea rescue operations, rescue shipwreck survivors, destroy Japanese suicide boats, destroy floating mines, and carry out intelligence or raider operations. The resulting PT boat designs were the product of a small cadre of respected naval architects and the Navy. [citation needed] This type of craft presented design challenges that were still issues decades after, but there are some significant conclusions from the above recommendations and their order of merit. The PT boats at Guadalcanal were given credit for several sinkings and successes against the vaunted Tokyo Express. Ron 22 was part of Operation Dragoon, the invasion of Southern France on August 15, 1944. Later that same year, Higgins was to build PT-70 (at their own expense) that incorporated slight improvements over PT-6 Prime. Initially, only a few boats were issued primitive radar sets. T. Garth Connelly, Don Greer, Tom Tullis, Joe Sewell, David Doyle "Elco 80' PT Boat on Deck" (Squadron/Signal Publications, Inc., 2010), An excellent compendium of information about the Elco PT boats can be found in ", Haruyoshi Kimmatsu, "The night We sank John Kennedy's PT 109" appeared in, This page was last edited on 23 February 2023, at 08:14. PT-766 is an 80-foot (24m) Elco boat that is a private yacht ("Finished Business") located in Washington D.C. She represents the final class of Elco's with significant updates to the superstructure and radar and was intended for MTBRON 44, but was cancelled due to the end of the war. While docked, PT boat squadrons were supported by PT boat tenders or base facilities which supplied boat crews with hot meals. References. Their role was replaced in the U.S. Navy by fast attack craft. Operating personnel reported extreme discomfort and fatigue. PT-657, a Higgins 78-foot (24m) boat, has been converted into a charter fishing boat. We promise fish will be wanting to jump aboard your boat! Conducted on 24 July 1941, this open-water trial, 190nmi (350km; 220mi) at full throttle, would forever after be referred to by PT personnel as the "Plywood Derby". Huckins ended up building just two squadrons of PT boats during World War II. Having radar gave Navy PTs a distinct advantage in intercepting enemy supply barges and ships at night. [23] Enemy forces would use searchlights or seaplane-dropped flares to illuminate fleeing PT boats. Many got up to four torpedo tubes and a 20mm anti-aircraft gun, while a few even got mortars or rockets. Elco PT Boat Shaft and Rudder Detail. The Huckins withdrew due to bilge stringer failure. This second Squadron 3 was the first to arrive in the Solomons and saw heavy engagement with the "Tokyo Express". Powered by three Packard 5M-2500 V12 Gasoline engines rated at 1850 horsepower each! A model of PT Boat 109, presented to President John F. Kennedy by representatives from the Washington International Boat and Sport Show, sits on display in the Fish Room, White House, Washington, D.C. [See also MO 63.1212, u201cModel of PT 109.u201d] After obtaining excellent testing results at the Plywood Derby, the Navy awarded Huckins Yacht Corporation a contract in 1941 for 8 boats, and later added 10 more. For the 1962 movie PT-109, several 82-foot (25m) USAF crash rescue boats were converted to resemble 80-foot Elcos when the few surviving boats were found to need too much work to make them seaworthy for use during the film. The first Higgins boats for the U.S. Navy were used in the battle for the Aleutian Islands (Attu and Kiska) as part of Squadrons 13 and 16, and others (MTBRON15 and MTBRON22) in the Mediterranean against the Germans. They seems to be confused about the scale, some issues say 1:96 others 1:100 scale. During the D-Day invasion, PTs patrolled the "Mason Line", forming a barrier against the German S-boats attacking the Allied landing forces. A 59-foot (18m) barrel-back (which provided increased strength to the sides and deck), a unique double longitudinal planked (mahogany outer planking and Port Orford cedar inner planking) lightweight hull on bent laminated oak framing, she was the "featherweight" of transportable PT boat design, but was later rejected by the Navy during trials in 1941 after being deemed too short to carry 4 torpedoes, as well as being able to only launch torpedoes stern first, which was a procedure considered too dangerous by BuOrd. Also, the PT Boat speed is nearly 66 knots. Not invited to participate in the original design competition, by late 1940, Huckins had a meeting with Captain James M. Irish, Chief of Design of BuShips, and offered to build a "planing seagoing hull" PT boat, on the condition the Navy loan Huckins engines and agree to look at the Huckins boat. The race was a PT boat scramble in the South Pacific during World War II. Elco PT Boat: 80 Feet of Wood and Weaponry Weapons & Gear Manual Elco PT Boat: 80 Feet of Wood and Weaponry Of the nearly 400 fast, light and heavily armed patrol boats Elco made for the U.S. Navy during World War II, a few achieved notoriety and one survives today as a museum ship. PT-796 is a Higgins class PT Boat. PT 617 was built too late to serve in WWII. The Saturnian Naval Dockyards Presents. During this trial, boats faced heavier seas, as high as 16ft (4.9m). Later, rigorous testing performed on each design as well as changes in armament revealed limitations or problems that had to be fixed before they could meet required performance specifications. PT Boat PT-658 Deck Tour and Interior Tour shows details and closeups of all weapons and equipment on board. Other paints were used as well, and as soon as I find their nomenclature and corresponding numbers, I will post them here. [15] Part of the Mark 17 Mod 1 and Mod 2 ring mount consisted of the Bell Mark 9 twin cradle. The 1938 United States Navy PT, which has been restored and adapted to Coast Guard Standards, is a durable boat that was originally used in the US fleet for a period of time. The boat was restored by a group of 12 WW2 PT Boat veterans. Further, many of those taken were beyond the normal range of the instruments and were considered inaccurate. It was renewed for personal use after its noble history. Depth measurements are from the plans horizontal base line which is slightly below the lowest part of the planked hull. Wooden Boat Building. Structural weaknesses resulting in fracture of bilge stringers. Since both the Japanese in the New Guinea area and the Germans in the Mediterranean had lost numerous resupply vessels to Allied air power during daylight hours, each attempted to resupply their troop concentrations by using shallow draft barges at night in very shallow waters. The performance specification was to achieve 40 knots with an operating radius of 275 miles at top speed (550 miles at cruising speed). Forward of the chart house of some early Elco 77-foot (23m) boats (PT20 through PT44) were twin .30 cal (7.62mm) Lewis machine guns on pedestal mounts. She was obtained from the backwaters of Florida and moved to its current location by JM "Boats" Newberry, the founder of PT Boats Inc. "Boats" along with the team at Battleship Cove Museum restored her during 198489, inside and out, at a cost of US$1 million. Fittings (Navy standard for combatant ships) entirely too heavy and cumbersome for this type of craft. This Squadron saw action in the Solomon Islands, Guadalcanal, and Funafuti. [citation needed]. The squadron acted as a diversionary force in Gulf Juan, and as an anti-E-boat screen in the Nice-Cannes area. Boat Decor. XT Innovations in Bucyrus Ohio, redid the beautiful pleated pattern and embroidered the Pantera logo on the seatbacks. The 85-foot-long Mk VIs, which displace around 72 tons, have a main armament of two M242 Bushmaster cannons, the same gun found on the U.S. Army's Bradley Fighting Vehicles, in a pair of. The 4M-2500 initially generated 1,200hp (890kW). PT-305 was looking good, with a lifeboat on her foredeck, jauntily tied fast over one-half of her charthouse. Four boats - PT-8, PT-69, PT-70, and MRB - returned and Elco sent two new boats, PT-21 and PT-29. She was surplused in 1947 and used for various purposes until being purchased as a museum ship in 1979, finally going on display in 1985 after restoration. The Higgins 76' (PT-70) and boats of the Elco 77' (PT-20 Class) developed structural failures even under moderate weather conditions prevailing. A 78-foot (24m) Higgins, PT-309 ("Oh Frankie!") However, subsequent additions of weaponry offset this potential increase in top speed. [9], Due to the problem with ingot loading, a 185nmi (343km; 213mi) trial with the PTs fully fitted out was conducted on 12 August 1941. Five Elco Boats were manufactured in knock-down kit form and sent to Long Beach Boatworks for assembly on the West Coast as part of an experiment and as a proof of concept. Common to all US PT boats were the two twin M2 .50 cal (12.7mm) machine guns. Compounding the difficulty with the early torpedoes, attacking at night PT boat crews may have sometimes failed to note a possible torpedo failure. Wood Boats. Courtesy PT BOATS, INC. Current price is $675,000 USD. So here are a few more of my collection. If you find that some photos violates copyright or have unacceptable properties, please inform us about it. This contract for C-250 ended up going to Greenport Basin and Construction Company, of Greenport, NY. Several PT boats were lost due to friendly fire from both Allied aircraft and destroyers. Of plywood and mahogany construction, a PT is light yet strong, lightly armored yet strongly armed. The exaggerated claims by Bulkeley about the effectiveness of the PTs in combat against larger craft allowed him to recruit top talent, raise war bonds, and caused overconfidence among squadron commanders who continued to pit PTs against larger craft. Over 200 photographs, 236 pages, 8 3/4" x 11 1/4" format, and drawings of profiles and deck plans. During World War II, Vospers of Great Britain arranged for several boatyards in the United States to build British-designed 70ft (21m) motor torpedo boats under license to help the war effort. [3] This competition led to eight prototype boats built to compete in two different classes. Full-load displacement late in the war was 56 tons. The boat is owned by PT Boats, Inc., a World War II PT veterans organization headquartered in Germantown, Tennessee. Designers are involved from the early stages of the design process, even on production boats. These 16 rockets plus 16 reloads gave them as much firepower as a destroyer's 5-inch (127mm) guns (albeit without their accuracy). This boat is the only U.S. Coast Guard regulation-approved PT boat licensed to take passengers for hire, and the only surviving U.S.-built Vosper design. It's too bad they couldn't stick with the same scale as the 1:72 Elco boat. By war's end, more of the Elco boats were built (326 in all) than any other type of motor torpedo boat. The boat is an abbreviation for patrol torpedo as well as in U.S.! Others 1:100 pt boat interior ) Higgins, PT-309 ( `` Oh Frankie! )... And this included the Elco 80-footer and the English Channel racks, but full relevance is guaranteed! Squadron 3 was the first is in fairly good condition at Portsmouth Tail Ender '' ) is a 78-foot 24m... The National Register of Historic Places on 04 September 2012 potential increase in top speed and increase fuel materially. Nicknamed & quot ; in a marine environment Japanese ship, killing two of his men with. 66 knots production boats and working well in a marine environment usn Elco PT boat squadrons were &... Held by the Texas group in 2002, and as soon as I find nomenclature! Mod 2 ring mount consisted of the design process, even on production boats two M2... 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