She is a Sixth Ray Master. It feels great! Here you are! His life of unconditional love inspired and influenced many. Chamuel The Archangel of the Third Ray, he is a manifestation of Divine Love. Those who have the term god or goddess with their name are Cosmic Masters and have attained god consciousness. I love all spiritual activities!! You might have some Angels who specialize in healing, manifestation, or specialize in working, Get Your Free Spirit Guide Psychic Reading With Dr. Lesley. In addition to these Seven Rays of Cosmic Light, there is an emanation of Cosmic Life expressing as Five Secret Rays or Pranic Breaths of the Life Forces of Nature. *Paul, the Venetian Chohan of the Third Ray. An admired deity who is the key figure in Hinduism. *St. John the Baptist- A First Ray Master. Jesus, Kuthumi, *Metatron- A cosmic angel of the First Ray. 1 ascended masters 2 Great Masters and The 7 Rays 2.1 The first ray of the Will of God: The blue ray 2.2 Second Ray of Illumination: The golden ray 2.3 Third Ray of Love: The pink ray 2.4 Fourth Ray of Purity: The White Ray 2.5 Fifth Ray of Healing: The Green Ray 2.6 Sixth Ray of Peace: The Gold-Ruby Ray 2.7 Seventh Ray of Freedom: The Violet Ray Krishna is worshipped as the eighth incarnation of the Hindu god Vishnu. You can learn from them, receive healing from them, receive information, and get help in any other way. Amoghasiddhi is associated with the destruction of the poison of envy and the accomplishment of the Buddhist path. I have included Kali here as she is one of my personal favourite Ascended Masters to work with. Hilarion, Chohan of the Fifth (green) ray of truth, healing, science and music. An Egyptian Great Mother goddess. Who are the Ascended Masters and Ascended Angels? How to Work with the Ascended Masters for Emotional Healing. Much appreciation. She encourages us to live fearlessly and has a reputation for being available to help us destroy that which no longer serves us. The Archangel of the Third Ray, he is a manifestation of Divine Love. Teal Swanexplains that the ascended masters are just thought forms (personalities) that are being fed by universal consciousness for the benefit of the ascension and expansion of mankind. She encourages us to think of them like spirit guides, except they are here to assist the progression of mankind as opposed to a specific individual. Maha Chohan Chohan of all the Eighth Ray. Some may specialize in working more with animals or and so on. A Third Ray Master. Heros, with Amora, the Elohim of the third (pink) ray of Gods love. To Anna- If Youve Seen Any of These Number Patterns Then Lifes About To Get Better! list of all ascended masters ascended master resources Dec 30 2022 web list of all ascended masters in this section you can find descriptions of most ascended masters there is a page for each master with information about the master and links to dictations by the master . Ares- A Second Ray Cosmic Master. This Mighty "I AM" Instruction is the . Archangels are said to be incredibly powerful that have maintained human attention for centuries. If you like you can gift your Winning Psychic Reading to someone else, but why would you want to do that. It is somewhat like a shortwave radio set. Free delivery for many products. The name Ratnasambhava means the Jewel-born One or Origin of Jewels. Ratnasambhav is one of the Five Dhyani Buddhas in Vajrayana and Mahayana Buddhism. This is the place for everything to do with numbers calculate your Life Path Number, see what major numerological events are coming up, or get a FREE numerology reading! Krishna is a Hindu deity. Let them know out loud what you would like help with, and remember to select the one that suits your situation. You might say they have their own unique personality or aspects of personality. So, of course, for this reason, there is a list of. The film was a commercial misfire when it was released in 1993 but quickly ascended the list of the best high school movies ever made. A cosmic Master of the Violet Flame. You can call upon the Ascended Masters, Angels, Galactic beings, Earth energies and many others you are now (maybe) not familiar with. Alpha Akshobya Amitabha Amogasiddhi Ascended Master Patrick Archangels: 1st Ray: Archangel Michael 2nd Ray: Archangel Jophiel 3rd Ray: Archangel Chamuel and Archeia Charity 4th Ray: Archangel Gabriel 5th Ray: Archangel Raphael Amazonia The feminine Elohim of the First ray. Ernon - an Atlantean ruler, the Rai of Suern. This is an Archangel that helps us with art and creativity, helping us to bring beauty into the world. A Sixth Ray Master. *Melchizedek An Ascended Master of the First Ray. It might depend on other things. The show airs on CIVL 101.7 FM at 7-8 PM (Pacific Time) every Tuesday evening or live-stream the show at His mother, Mary, is one of the Ascended Masters found on the list of female Ascended Masters and Goddesses. A First Ray Master. He worked with us in our group, helped us, and offered lots of information. Signs That Youre In A Karmic Relationship, 36 Interesting Facts About Hinduism And Hindu Gods Shiva & Ganesh,,, Spiritual Meaning of Black Cat Crossing Your Path, 100 Inspirational Quotes by Famous People & Celebrities, 7 Seated Exercises for Seniors with Limited Mobility. He also embodied creativity and beauty as other essential qualities of this ray. There were some Ascended Masters who have assisted mankind such as Sanat Kumara. And he has not been written about and not been talked about. The more we strive to attune to our own higher selfor Holy Christ Selfthe more we hear the promptings and directions of the masters. And then by simply asking for their guidance. Be Inspired. *Hathor An Egyptian Great Mother goddess. Ninguerre - One of three Tibetan creator goddesses. Ascended Masters are souls, who have once lived on our earth as humans and decided to ascend after their death to support us right now. He is the main advocate of freedoms flame and Portia is the sponsor of the flame of justice and opportunity. Chamuels name means One who seeks God, which reflects his work drawing individuals who are seeking spirituality. Kwan Yin - goddess of Mercy - not to be confused with White Tara. Other energies associated with Buddha include love, respect, dignity and peace. There is no worthiness requirement on your part. He returned to earth as John the Baptist, though he was already an Ascended Master. Learn how to access the Akashic Records to give professional, accurate, content-rich readings on soul purpose, past lives, life lessons, soul gifts and origins. Deva of the Central Sun A Cosmic Being. All Master Courses; Learn to Channel Master Course Ascended Masters, ETs, Archangels, Faeries & More; Making Contact with Extra-Terrestrials A Master Course; How to Attract Your Soulmate and/or Twin Flame A Master Course; Learn to Channel Mega Course; Raise Your Vibration & Ascend to the 5th Dimension The significant difference is that the Ascended Masters are really like us, but the angels are not. Kuan Yin, compassionate Savioress, the Bodhisattva of Mercy, ensouls the God-qualities of mercy, compassion and forgiveness; and serves on the Karmic Board as the representative of the seventh ray (violet ray). Apollo Elohim of the Second Ray and twin flame of Lumina; they are guardians of the Cosmic Christ Consciousness. We also answer our listeners email questions during our. Quan Yin embodies the divine feminine energy which has a similar frequency to Mother Mary. They help usher our soul into the mystical portal known as the secret chamber of the heart. He assists executives, the military and leaders and helps to transform the aggressive people from domination and shows them how to do good in the world. He is often depicted in paintings and images with his partner, Radha. Mercury A greek god, also known as the Roman god Hermes. Free shipping for many products! Archangels, Elohim & Chohans. Daily Quote for February 28, 2023 | Abraham-Hicks. Your birth details help us personalize your experience and content. Ascended Masters are souls that have completed these cycles, they have been spirit guides for a long period of time and they normally spend time on other planets integrating with non-human civilizations. Rate this book. Jesus the Christ, avatar of the Piscean Age, a World Teacher. Arcturus Elohim of the Seventh Ray along with his twin flame Victoria. Archangels and ascended masters need to be understood as a whole, before trying to connect with each individual. They are both aspects of the Divine. They are high-vibrational, enlightened Beings - the highest evolved Beings. So, of course, for this reason, there is a list of Ascended Masters. I was recently involved in a, group session. Widely known as the Avatar of his time. Kuthumi - the World Teacher and a master of the 2nd Ray. 9.12 Decree to Liberty. . For example, in Christianity, a favorite, Ascended Master is Jesus, also known as Joshua. Ascended Masters showed up connected to the Native American and Aboriginal heritage. Best known as the Ascended Master working with John of God in Brazil. Cosmic Masters have passed the 12th initiation. Lakshmi Goddess of Prosperity. You can jump to the description of any Ascended Master by clicking on the links below (or simply scroll down this page to read the list.) I needed the reminder, and it came at a perfect time. The list begins with Babaji and is ordered in Jesus works with the energies of unconditional love, joy, teaching, devotion, and forgiveness. It contains the foundational teachings about the ascended masters, their teachings and the spiritual path that they offer. 9.14 I am in the cosmic flow. No one knows their names. Some believe that Krishna helps with romantic relationships. Therefore they directly know the ups and downs of living here on this planet. Holy Amethyst, twin flame of Archangel Zadkiel, Archeia of the seventh (violet) ray of freedom, mercy, forgiveness and alchemy. And lastly, if you have a topic or question for us to discuss on the show, fill out the intuitive insight form on the right. Gautama Buddha, the sponsor of Summit University and the hierarch of Shamballa, the etheric retreat of the Lord of the World located over the Gobi Desert. To contact them, you must also achieve the ability to tune your, to the same frequency. Most of them inhabit the 6D frequency. Most of the time in the past the Ascended Masters have worked in the background. There is a page for each master with information about the master and links to dictations by the master as well as decrees and invocations to invoke the light of that master. Alpha The highest manifestation of the god energy in the Central Sun. Kali is a Hindu goddess associated with death, endings, transformations and destruction. Ascended Masters are able to help humanity from the higher dimensions once they have ascended and often perform miracles and because they have kept their body they can occasionally appear back on Earth in a body for short periods. List of Ascended Masters: Babaji Mahavatar Babaji. The list begins with Babaji and is ordered in alphabetical order. *St. Germain Chohan of the Seventh Ray. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Tara is known as the mother of liberation and represents the virtues of success in achievements and work. As an aside, I ask for my grandmothers help when Im looking for something Ive lost. Archangel Gabrielis known as the angel of revelation or announcement. He represents the inner/subjective realm internal strength and power, and all forms of intuitive development. . Ascended Master Light Numerous direct messages (dictations) from the ascended masters, giving teachings on a wide variety of topics. Aloha-Along with . Metatron means One who occupies the Throne next to the Throne of the Divine.. Amethyst Also known as Holy Amethyst. *Amaterasu Japanese goddess of the Sun. All sons and daughters of God have a divine spark, which is their potential to become, or realize, the Christ within. Categories. These are the Ascended Masters that commonly appear during channeling sessions, or in many other forms, like Jesus, Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary, Saint Germain, Kuthumi, El Morya, etc. El Morya works with Archangel Michael and guidespower, confidence and strength. The * in front of a name denotes those who are standing with humanity as their Ascension teachers as described in the Article. Lady Nada, Master of Divine Love 7. I have no knowledge of why I do this. A First Ray Master. We are pleased to connect with all of you. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. List of Ascended Masters Mother Mary Buddha Jesus Quan Yin Kali Krishna Lakshmi Merlin Saint Germain Now let's look at the full list of Ascended Masters that you can choose to work with: The Ascended Masters Ascended Masters are souls who have ascended beyond the need to incarnate here on Earth. Within these words, we are going to talk about 40 ascended masters and archangels that are important for gaining a better understanding of the spiritual world. Every person on the planet has a principle Ascended Master who works with them during their lifetime and each Master resonates with a specific level of ascension attained and has a specific color or ray allocated to it. Aurora Archeia of the Sixth Ray with her twin flame Archangel Uriel. below, and set an intention to work more closely with them. His name means loving kindness.. Ascended Masters are believed to be spiritually enlightened beings who have evolutionarily transcended the need for physical incarnation and now exist in higher dimensions. Also, Archangel Uriel is known as the angel of wisdom. - Japanese god of summer storms, a Fifth Ray Master. Lahiri Mahasaya is best known for reviving Kriya Yoga, an ancient meditation technique previously only known by those of the highest spiritual advancement. Access the Free Lessons of Your Choice Now How does one become an Ascended Master? Charity, twin flame of Archangel Chamuel, Archeia on the third (pink) ray of divine love. Lord Lanto teaches the path of attainment through enlightenment and mastery in the crown chakra and helps souls to receive wisdom and knowledge. Below is an alphabetical list of all masters. Tragic Lies - L A Cotton 2021-06-08 From bestselling author L A Cotton, comes a forbidden age-gap romance. A warrior Master. Although Archangels & Ascended Masters are often associated with certain religions, you do not have to be religious to call in any of these beings. *Mother Mary As the mother of Jesus, she was already an Ascended Master, having attained her Ascension in a previous life. Which of the ascended masters resonates with you? It's a loving ode to a bygone era when days and nights could be wasted with friends in ways that shape lifetimes to come. The * in front of a name denotes those who are standing with humanity as their Ascension teachers as described in the Article"The Ascension Master Teachers". There are examples of Ascended Masters from all the major religions and those not associated with any religion whatsoever. Faith - a Cosmic Master. Lakshmi, Goddess of Abundance 9. The Egyptian god of the afterlife. A Seventh Ray Master. Guy Ballard, were no longer available to the general public. Lakshmi is the Hindu goddess of fortune, wealth, and prosperity. Ascended Masters, Angels, and Cosmic Beings Ada Adelphia Adonel the Archangel Agapiel the Archangel Akshobhya Alice Boscoe Aloha Alpha Amaryllis Amazon, the Solar Logos Amazonia Ambassador of Helios Amerissis, the Goddess of Light Amethyst, Archeia of the Seventh Ray of Freedom Amitabha Amora Anankiel the Archangel FOURTEEN ASCENDED MASTERS WHO GOVERN THE DESTINY OF AMERICA and theMighty Blue Eagle from Sirius FRED LEIPHARDT FUN WEY and the Angels of Joy ARCHANGEL GABRIEL(Angel Who Rolled Away the Stone) and the Legions of White Lightning Angels GANESHA GAUTAMA BUDDHAand All Who Serve at Shamballa GEORGE LANCASTER GERALDINE MR. GILBERT They are waiting for you to ask. So many of those beings on the Ascended Masters list learned how to live in a body on planet earth. Ascended Master Saint Germain, believed by those adherent to the Ascended Master Teachings to have previously been embodied as Plato, Proclus, Roger Bacon, Francis Bacon, and numerous others, was quoted as saying: Ascended Master Teachings 2 "When one individualizes within the Absolute, All-Pervading Life, he chooses of his own free will to However, on occasion, angels may manifest in physical form. Lord Lanto, Chohan of the Second (yellow) Ray of Cosmic Christ illumination and the golden flame of God-victory for the youth of the world. A Third Ray Master. An Ascended Master is one who has attained self-mastery by using the energy of free will, coupled with the law of their oneness with God, to demonstrate mastery in time and space. A Third Ray Master. Other Relevant Posts That You May Find Interesting : are helpful to us and much appreciated! Archangel Gabriel can also help with motivation and confidence, and in all areas related to children. So one of these spiritual elements is seemingly to categorize the different kinds of spirit guides and put them on a list. Join us on this episode of Unlocking Your Truth Who Are The Ascended Masters And Ascended Angels as we explore the realm of the Ascended Masters, Archangels, and Angels as spirit guides. I would also ask her to help me remember what I know. To Start your FREE Personalized Numerology Reading, Complete the Information below. Choose a master from the list of ascended masters below, and set an intention to work more closely with them. Chief of the Indian council of the Great White Brotherhood. . You might have some Angels who specialize in healing, manifestation, or specialize in working on a planetary level with the magnetics of the planet. Isis, the High Priestess 4. Here is a list of some of the Masters that are Cosmic Masters. Shakyamuni Buddha is the name often given to the historical Buddha. This mastery propels him into the reunion with God that is called the ascension in the light, the ritual of the return that was demonstrated by Jesus. Ratnasambhava, one of the Five Dhyani Buddhas, his Wisdom of Equality transmutes the poison of pride (spiritual, intellectual and human pride). Archangel Gabriel plays a significant role in Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and many other faiths, acting as a messenger for God. The Ascended Masters comprise what is known as the "Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth," also known as the "Great White Brotherhood," though the latter is a potentially misleading name in that Ascended Masters are not all male, and not all white - in fact Caucasian Masters are in the minority. A Cosmic Master. Archangel Gabriel is the angel of writers and communication. This topic was selected because our theme was Spirit Guides last week, and Ascended Masters was touched on briefly. Ascended Masters are souls that have completed these cycles, they have been spirit guides for a long period of time and they normally spend time on other planets integrating with non-human civilizations. His teachings embodied his unwavering belief in the power of bliss. A Sixth Ray Master. They are humanities representatives at these councils. I agree with you and Anna, I believe it is a past life. Meditation, Yoga, and simplifying life. She taught her devoted followers to believe in the power of love and compassion. This list covers such Ascended Masters as Jesus to Mary Magdalene, each with their history, description and other aliases. To Get Your Weekly Cosmic Update, EnterYour Details Below Each week, we'll send you your guide to the most remarkable and mystifying cosmic events of the week (& other goodies! Lady Ascended Master of the Sixth Ray for Justice. ; i AM & quot ; i AM & quot ; Instruction is the name often given to historical... 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