The Space Fence was originally the brainchild of the Reagan era during the craze to build the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) a space based weapons defense program ostensibly designed to protect the US from incoming Russian nuclear missiles. Gigi Young describes how the myth of Disclosure is dangerous and creates a follower dynamic that makes us dependent on an external official reality to tell us who we are. In this special episode Dark Journalist will trace the activity of the Orphic Circle Mystery School creating young clairvoyants and somnambulists to gather astral assets and state secrets. In this exciting and in-depth Part 2 episode on the 2016 Presidential Election, Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes Former US Assistant HUD Secretary Catherine Austin Fitts back to the show. which throws a wildly different light on human history and reveals signs of ET Interference on Earth. Actor / Writer / Nerd. Join Dark Journalist and former Assistant Housing Secretary/Financial Expert Catherine Austin Fitts. In this fascinating episode Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes United States Government Whistleblower Cathy O'Brien the author of the classic book on Covert Mind Control programs, Trance Formation of America. Alexandra, a Brown University graduate, former MTV producer and independent filmmaker is the publisher of the popular website that acts as an open source video network and features her unique and incisive writing style. In this exciting Part 2 interview with Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt and Dr. Joseph Farrell on his new book: Hidden Finance, Rogue Networks and Secret Sorcery, they go deeper into his controversial research examining the Level 2 and Level 3 forces operating in the Deep State that penetrated the operations of 9/11 using the exotic technology of a In this fascinating part 2 episode. They also closely examine False Memes that have been filtering into the Alternative Media such as "Cabal Arrests" and "Flat Earth" as a distraction from real issues like the recent spate of Holistic MD deaths and the real danger of False Flag Incidents designed to implement Repressive Policies, Entrainment Mind Control and Total Orwellian Surveillance. Some controversial Remote Viewing by its denizens Ingo Swann and Pat Price reveals that there are ET-controlled UFO bases on Earth, located in four very remote places. That one. The Latest Fact Checks curated by Media Bias Fact Check 03/01/2023, Daily Source Bias Check: Lozier Institute, The Latest Fact Checks curated by Media Bias Fact Check 02/28/2023, Daily Source Bias Check: Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, The Latest Fact Checks curated by Media Bias Fact Check 02/27/2023. The Huston Plan was an organization that was designed to be an intelligence unit for the White House. Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes back Oxford Scholar and author of the popular Giza Death Star book series Dr. Joseph P. Farrell for an Exclusive Interview on his latest book: Hidden Finance, Rogue Networks and Secret Sorcery: The Fascist International, 9/11, and Penetrated Operations. Slavka Zamecnikova (Marzelline) und Daniel Jenz (Jacquino). This special episode traces the development of two secret forces working in the secret goverment after World War 2 that sought control over the emerging X Technology in the UFO File. Looking for Daniel Liszt online? Cathy's fascinating journey through the world of Deep Political Corruption and Covert CIA Programs began when her abusive father sold her into MKULTRA Mind Control Programs at an early age in Michigan through his political connections with local politicians, including future President of the United States Gerald Ford. Join Dark Journalist for the exciting Part Two Interview of his deep discussion with Former Assistant Housing Secretary and Financial Expert Catherine Austin Fitts. Her own research on the UFO/Alien question has given her a strong sense of identification with Offworld Civilizations and what their mission is here on Earth. By following the trail of the missing Satellite and examining the recent story of the Michigan 'Meteorite' which caused an Earthquake when it landed, the map leads us all the way to South Africa. Reminiscncias de Lucia di Lammermoor. Special Update on Pentagon UFO Story: Catherine Austin Fitts Speaks Out on the New York Times Harry Reid Tom DeLonge UFO Story & Fake Disclosure! The report will give us the background of CIA Counter intelligence program that culminated in the New York Times article on UFO Disclosure. Join Dark Journalist as he welcomes back Oxford Scholar and author of the popular Giza Death Star book series Dr. Joseph P. Farrell. To: The Honorable Kevin McCarthy Republican Leader H-204, The Capitol Washington, DC 20515. Dark Journalist & Forbidden Knowledge TV's Alexandra Bruce on 2017 JFK Assassination Records Release, UFOs and the Redacted Jim Garrison files that have yet to be released by the CIA. HisYouTube channelhas reached over Five Million Views and his weekly show exposingthe Deep State on GStar Satellite Radio reaches a wide international audience. Today we are joined by Daniel Liszt, who accounts for the condition of the independent media vs misinformation & disinformation. My teeth are very bad. For the old hag with the yellow teeth. As for the dark journalist, I like the guy. During his career as an investigative reporter he has interviewed many of the premier names in the field, such as Former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer, Bestselling Author Jim Marrs, Emmy award winning reporter Linda Moulton Howe, Former US Assistant Housing Secretary Catherine Austin Fitts, Ancient Mysteries researcher Graham Hancock, Oxford Scholar Dr. Joseph Farrell and more. Dark Journalist investigates the subjects that the media ignores, including the Black Budget, UFOs, The Breakaway Civilization, The Deep State and more! Oxford Scholar Dr. Joseph Farrell returns to join Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt for a fascinating look into how the Deep State has attempted to appropriate and utilize ancient systems of power and occult initiation to create a rule by sorcery! Elana's penetrating insights into the controversial military policy of "Full Spectrum Dominance" that uses Weather Warfare, Nanotechnology, and DNA Manipulation! The money has been disappearing over the course of two decades through a mysterious process called 'Undocumented Adjustments.". Daniel Liszt, founder of the Dark Journalist website, has published eight videos to date that have been highly critical of Corey Goode's claims of being a secret space program whistleblower, and having been chosen as a delegate for a group of extraterrestrials he calls the Sphere Being Alliance. They also examine the mystery around the recent disappearance of the ZUMA Secret Satellite that was lost during a SpaceX Rocket Launch. As the title suggests, Jacobs is not a proponent of the idea of "friendly ETs". Dark Journalist also recounts the fascinating story of two boys in 1945 in San Antonio, New Mexico, that came across a crashed UFO and saw Mantis type beings inside that impressed unusual images and deep emotional feelings on them. Together, they dive deep into the secret history and controversial new evidence of LBJ's involvement in the Kennedy Assassination! As for the recent hullabaloo over balloons, UFOs and NORAD thought journalist Daniel Liszt raised some salient points here on the recent CIA UFO threat narrative and 'Continuity Of Government'. She sees Elite Panic in a shadow network emerging of the Bush Political Family, Goldman Sachs, Neocon Militarists, Corporate Globalists and the Establishment Media all lining up behind a Clinton Presidency in order to continue the destructive policies of financial harvesting, political secrecy and aggressive militarism around the globe. Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes back Oxford Scholar and author of the popular Giza Death Star book series Dr. Joseph P. Farrell for an Exclusive Interview on his latest book: Hidden Finance, Rogue Networks and Secret Sorcery: The Fascist International, 9/11, and Penetrated Operations. Daniel Liszt, founder of the Dark Journalist website, has published eight videos to date that have been highly critical of Corey Goode's claims of being a secret space program whistleblower, and having been chosen as a delegate for a group of extraterrestrials he calls the Sphere Being Alliance. Join Dark Journalist for the return of acclaimed Coast to Coast AM Investigative Reporter and Star of Ancient Aliens Linda Moulton Howe, for a special extended 3 Hour Episode where she reveals some of the most controversial, stunning, eye-opening, and shocking revelations on the Alien Reality such as why after 35 years of contactee research she has now come to the conclusion that there are also time-traveling human beings. CBDC BREAKTHROUGH Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt goes deep with Former Assistant HUD Secretary Catherine Austin Fitts in this fascinating interview on her breakthrough Solari Report dealing with Central Bank Digital Control and the Going Direct Reset! In this special Live Broadcast, Dark Journalist and his guest Alexandra Bruce from Forbidden Knowledge TV examine the latest revelations from the JFK Records Releases along with stunning information about the connection between the Deep State assassination of JFK with the suppression of exotic technology obtained from UFOs. Farrell delves deeply into the online group posts of Q Anon and its rapid spread through the Alternative Media under the guise of an anonymous insider. Dark Journalist welcomes back Former Assistant Housing Secreatry Catherine Austin FItts for a stunning overview of the Secret Space Economy and the Star Wars Missile Defense Program. Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes back Dr. Carmen Boulter In this special part 2 interview on emerging breakthroughs in her research on an antediluvian civilization in Ancient Egypt. Together they focus on groundbreaking questions that shed more light on the implications of the Secret Space Program, The Breakaway Civilization, The Black Budget and the labyrinth of the Deep State. Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt and his guests Susan Manewich from New Energy Movement and Alexandra Bruce from Forbidden Knowledge TV examine the latest revelations from the New York Times article that reveals a DOD Program that tracked UFO activity from 2007-2012 named AATIP. Liszt has determined that the high secrecy level of the program and the kind of funds that have been poured into it make the Secret Space Program a top Military Black Budget project whose goals of Space Domination go further than anyone has ever imagined! Nomis classic book series on the secret machinations of the financial world and how the banking elite are taking the world to the brink of economic ruin includes her latest book,"All The Presidents Bankers.". In this fascinating episode Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes back Geoengineering Author Elana Freeland to preview her new research set for release in 2017 on the massive Multi Level Surveillance Project called 'The Space Fence.' In this exciting episode Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes back Chemtrails Expert Elana Freeland.Her classic book, Chemtrails HAARP & The Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth, is the definitive book on these suppressed subjects.Her new book, Under An Ionized Sky: Chemtrails & Space Fence Lock-down, is the first major in-depth examination of the murky covert program that has been under . Join Dark Journalist and historian Richard Dolan as they examine the UFO cover-up and its implications. (First of Series) We are currently in the throes of a smear campaign to take down Corey Goode, and anyone associated with him (particularly Roger Richards, Justin Deschamps, Jordan Sather, and Teresa Yanaros-myself). She sees the real danger on planet Earth today of advanced technology in the hands of a small, unaccountable group. Drawing on the work of experts like Former Assistant Housing Secretary Catherine Austin Fitts, Oxford Scholar Dr. Joseph Farrell and UC Berkeley Professor Peter Dale Scott, along with interviews with Watergate Attorney Douglas Caddy and the Late Jim Marrs, Dark Journalist outlines how 70 years of Covert Operations relating to COG and the SSP have made Official Institutions unaccountable to the general public. Estou aprendendofalhas aparecero. Don't miss this exciting new episode! In a mesmerizing and revealing interview, Dr. Farrell outlines a fascinating web of intrigue and Hidden History that started in our ancient past with Egyptian Mystery Schools and continues with the tradition of occult practices in modern-day Secret Societies. His most recent groundbreaking book, The American Deep State, exposes the truth about covert forces that constitute an unelected, unaccountable, shadow system of political power. Elana's research into the true purpose of the obscure and controversial project that was ostensibly set up to collect 'Space Debris' has now led her to see it as part of a massive effort to remake the Earth's atmosphere in order to launch the most ambitious Global Surveillance Project that will even make Human DNA searchable. He will connect the dots between the Time Capsule Revelations and also explore the strange mystery between recent attempts at faux UFO Disclosure by Senator Harry Reid and Covert Intelligence assets juxtaposed to early efforts by the Nixon Administration to fund a documentary film by a friend of Nixon's Chief of Staff Bob Haldeman named Bob Emenegger about a mysterious craft landing at Holloman Air Force Base to bring the UFO issue to the public in the 1970s. Together they discuss Mr. Hellyer's controversial new book, 'The Money Mafia: A World in Crisis,' and the UFO cabal. In this exciting episode Dark Journalist interviews the legendary UFO investigator and best-selling author Timothy Good. Wikileaks, Anonymous, KimDotCom, DC Leaks and other computer hacking groups have brought a tremendous level of transparency to the public in response to a Corporate Media Firewall of disinformation and brainwashing propaganda. Since NASA Hacker Gary Mackinnon revealed his discovery of the existence of an Off-world Officerss list, the possibility of a Secret Space Program has been explored by expert researchers. Dark Journalist appears to be owned by Daniel Liszt and funded through donations and subscriptions for interview content. In this fascinating episode they explore the Transhumanist agenda that covert forces are pursuing to install a global control grid. A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media - "Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt presents the groundbreaking X-SERIES that follows the X Steganography through the History of Political and Covert Esoteric Groups coordinating in a Stealth Program the Secret Work of the Mystery Schools X-Technology and Apotheum Reality Distortion" DARK JOURNALIST X SERIES: JFK & THE ERNEST HEMINGWAY X-ENIGMA Your donations to support and grow The Bases Project are appreciated. Factual Reporting: LOW Through his exclusive interviews with Former US HUD Secretary Catherine Austin Fitts and Oxford Scholar Dr. Joseph Farrell, Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt has deeply explored the findings theyve presented on the Missing Trillions from the Department of Defense. From Roy Cohn to Jeffrey Epstein, the figures may be familiar but with her wide angle lens, she lets us . Former Assistant HUD Secretary Catherine Austin Fitts returns for a deep discussion with Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt and reveals how the Central Bankers have implemented a Worldwide surveillance and financial transaction infrastructure to harvest humanity physically, economically and spiritually. That one is going too. And Monsieur Drumont, gentleman journalist. This in-depth preview of the upcoming Report on The Fake CIA UFO Disclosure Op of Harry Reid, Robert Bigelow, Luis Elizondo & Tom DeLonge will outline the main issues with Special Guest Gigi Young! Exposing the False Disclosure Op! They investigate the controversial teaching program called 'Common Core' that co-opts the academic life of young students in favor of a privatized, computerized software that is being forced on communities around the country in the name of 'progress.'. He will reveal that the famous story Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll is in fact a chronicle inspired by the Orphic Circle's prized pupil and how the recent project named ALICE rolled out at CERN's Hadron Particle Collider in Geneva, Switzerland is connected with secret extra dimensional research pioneered by the Theosophical Society. n this stunning Part Two episode with Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Expert Dr. Carmen Boulter she explains that her new and historic discoveries at a remote site in Turkey of an extensive collection of Ancient Egyptian artifacts reveal a connection to the Lost Continent of Atlantis. In light of the latest unexpected military actions against Syria by the Trump Administration, Farrell sees the high probability of a Deep State coup to replace Trump's original non-interventionist policies with a familiar Neocon doctrine of reckless interference in the Middle East. Dark Journalist welcomes back Oxford Scholar and Author of the popular Giza Death Star book series, Dr. Joseph P. Farrell for his fourth appearance on the show. Join Dark Journalist in this revealing historical documentary of the intelligence connections of Lee Harvey Oswald, the alleged assassin of JFK. In Part 1 of this fascinating episode, Linda, in a rare and controversial prediction, reveals that she has received inside information from trusted sources that 2016 will be the year that at long last the reality of life beyond the Earth will be acknowledged officially by the political leadership and the UFO question and alien presence will be announced! It has been established that this early version of the Space Fence may have actually been created to keep an eye on unusual UFO developments in space. Update on recent events: Video . Professor Scott coined the term 'Deep State' to describe a secret system of power that has controlled historical events, staged false flag operations, orchestrated the JFK Assassination and sought to control the Presidency ever since. Marrs reveals his 20 year investigation into the shadowy Black Ops world of Psychic Spies, Remote Viewers, UFO Encounters and Government Cover-ups of advanced technology reverse-engineered from ET craft. Cremo's groundbreaking research has been featured on NBC's Television Special 'The Mysterious Origins of Man' and on the History Channel's 'Ancient Aliens' TV Series. In this special Dark Journalist episode he welcomes back Bestselling author of Alien Agenda Jim Marrs for a fascinating rundown of his latest cutting edge research on UFOs, Remote Viewing, Stargates. Dolan discusses his off-the-record conversation with a scientist who confirmed that he had worked on reverse-engineered alien technology. Sources in the Conspiracy-Pseudosciencecategorymaypublish unverifiable information that isnot alwayssupported by evidence. Find Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and TikTok profiles, images and more on IDCrawl - free people search website. Catherine breaks down where the Black Budget Deep State forces have placed their hopes in the presidential race between Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Hillary Clinton. DARK JOURNALIST Daniel Liszt is an independent reporter and filmmaker who coined the term "Dark Journalism" to introduce crucial areas of research and investigation that the mainstream media refuses to touch. Join Dark Journalist and his special guest Best-Selling Author Jim Marrs as they investigate the deep events of the last 75 years, including strange parallels between 9/11 and Pearl Harbor, and find a rising, insidious influence of a new Fourth Reich! He unveils the third force of censorship, Intel influences, & junk conspiracy, tracking down the patterns & discussing what's going on behind the scenes. This lost culture was said by the Greek Philosopher Plato and the Famous Psychic Edgar Cayce to have possessed advanced technology, air and space travel and powerful mental and spiritual abilities. From intelligence agencies, Wall Street, Corporate Control and the Mainstream Media, the Deep State has been functioning side by side with the public state, but it has no sense of the rule of law. Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt is an Independent Investigative Reporter and Documentary Filmmaker who coined the term Dark Journalism to introduce crucial areas of research and investigation that the mainstream media refuses to touch. MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY. View on YouTube "Dark Journalist" Daniel Liszt AKA Daniel M. Robillard Exposed - FAKE NEWS! This. Whitney walks us through decades of the Covert Power Struggles in the National Security State. fideli2-e1677147851571 - Klassik begeistert Der Journalist Andreas Schmidt und sein AutorInnen-Team berichten ber klassische Konzerte und Opern - auch aus Sicht der begeisterten Zuhrer. Catherine's deep analysis of the socio-political forces working under the radar in 2016 shows that unnerving trends like the engineered rise of autism, GMO proliferation, the expansion of Entrainment Technology, the rise of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics and the dumbing down of American students with Common Core are all in place to drive a massive Transhumanist Depopulation Agenda! Breakaway State: The Best of Dark Journalist - Over a Million Views! So if you're looking for something interesting to do today (February 28, 2023) or on any other day of the year don't miss those free-of-charge opportunities that only New York provides!You can find lots of high quality, off the beaten path, unique free events, free things to do which will take . Special Forces veteran John Urwin explains One Step Beyond, The, In the final months of James Casbolts life in the, The late Natasha Arthurs interviewed Max Spiers in what was, Bases 13 John Urwin One Step Beyond The Sixteen, Bases 23 Michael Prince James Casbolt Shooting 2013, BASES2022 | Christmas Conference | Bouvier Hall | 9-8pm | Saturday Dec 17th, Bases 59 Part 2 Max Spiers Unplugged with Natasha. DARK JOURNALIST X SERIES V: THE QUEEN & PINE GAPX-SERIES!In this Special Episode Dark Journalist will dive deeper into the Mystical significance of the X Ste. In this fascinating episode Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt interviews author and publisher Alexandra Bruce on pervasive Media Mind Control and the various entrainment processes they use to shape public opinion and manipulate the public narrative for social engineering in 2016. In this exciting part 2 episode on the Deep State, Dark Journalist, Daniel Liszts interview former Canadian diplomat, UC Berkeley professor and author, Peter Dale Scott. Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt and Pyramid Expert Dr. Carmen Boulter explore her shocking new discoveries that suggest the Atlantean Hall of Records may have been found! Caddy was close personal friends with ultra CIA insider and agent E. Howard Hunt. In the almost 70 years since that initial wave of sightings, The National Security State has utilized Exotic Offworld Technology recovered in highly secretive crash retrieval programs to develop their own fleets of manmade UFOS, incorporating Anti-Gravity, Stealth and Drone technology. Die Urauffhrung der dritten Fassung des Klavierkonzert Nr. The evidence for the lost culture and their advanced technology was said by the famous Sleeping Prophet psychic Edgar Cayce to be buried in a pyramid in Egypt and could be entered through a hidden passageway underneath the right paw of the Spinx. Covert operations, Oswald doubles, Z-film tampering, Dealey Plaza tramps, intel agents, Oswald exhumation, are just a preview of this stunning examination of the real reasons behind the tragedy. In this powerful episode Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes back Geoengineering author Elana Freeland for an exclusive preview of her controversial new book due out in early 2017 on the mysterious and obscure covert program for a massive Global Surveillance System that can track the population down to the DNA level named 'The Space Fence!' His works include Deep Politics and the Death of JFK, The Road to 9/11 and American War Machine. Filtered Search, Enter your email address to subscribe to MBFC and receive notifications of new posts by email. Why, I wonder. With the development of a Secret Space Program via SDI Star Wars Technology, forces deep in the official structure were reacting to a perceived UFO threat that reached a fever pitch in 1947. What makes the find even more unusual is that the artifacts were discovered in Turkey! This episode will give everyone an update on the letter to the National Archives with instructions on the conditions to lead them to the Time Capsule President Nixon placed in the White House in 1972. She sees the choice in this election as Human vs. Inhuman in terms of the direction the United States and the emerging Transhumanist policies of Mandated Vaccines, Economic Harvesting, Common Core, Chemtrail Spraying, Geoengineering, and ObamaCare. Her new book, Under An Ionized Sky: Chemtrails & Space Fence Lockdown, is the first major in-depth examination of the murky covert program that has been under development since the 1980s under the Reagan Administration where it was a major aspect of the SDI Star Wars Program. Support MBFC Donations Met onder andere @PVerlindenJst, de Vlaamse journalist die werd gehackt met Pegasus, en @SophieintVeld over hoe deze cyberwapens onze democratie bedreigen. Hemingway, Atlantis, Bimini Youtube playlist Tsarion, Michael [Brian Heatley]. In this special Economic Insight episode, Dark Journalist welcomes Best-Selling Author, Financial Expert and Former Managing Director at Goldman Sachs Nomi Prins. In this fascinating and alarming episode, Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes back Oxford Scholar and author of the influential Giza Death Star book series Dr. Joseph Farrell. Fresh from his highly-rated interview on Coast to Coast AM with Investigative Reporter Linda Moulton Howe, Dark Journalist is interviewed on the Secret Space Program Conference he is Hosting this Fall in Austin, Texas with top guests, including Former Assistant Housing Secretary Catherine Austin Fitts, by Sarah Westall on her innovative Business Game Changers show. Unaccountable group - FAKE NEWS ZUMA Secret Satellite that was lost during a Rocket. The Conspiracy-Pseudosciencecategorymaypublish unverifiable information that isnot alwayssupported by evidence Zamecnikova ( Marzelline ) und Jenz. The alleged assassin of JFK reveals signs of ET Interference on Earth even more unusual is that artifacts. The condition of the idea of `` friendly ETs '' which throws a wildly different light on human history reveals. Sources in the Conspiracy-Pseudosciencecategorymaypublish unverifiable information that isnot alwayssupported by evidence and historian Richard Dolan as daniel liszt journalist... 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