And shell pretty much always have a song in play. You dont stop until theyve been eliminated. The Music Note is the most game-breaking class. RELATED: TheGamer Staff's Most Anticipated RPGs Coming In 2022. These are two of the most powerful cards. At level 6 you get Swallowed by Fear which does basic damage of 2 but if dark and any other element are in the room, you can eliminate one normal or elite target instead. I think it's actually impossible to make Gloomhaven challenging with a 3p+ party at high prosperity. But if dark is in the room, you can get rid of all normal targets instead! And I just haven't played with the JotL classes enough at this point to make a fair assessment. You can play the Sunkeeper as a support class rather than a tank. Itis a decent control class, but making the best out of this class is not a piece of cake. On the next two sources of damage to you from attacks, gain Shield 1. One, they will throw out curses like some evil mage and play a card called Disorienting Birge, which will disadvantage all enemies. November 19, 2022, 12:20 pm. With a hand limit of 9, you need to be in a dire situation to use it. The epitome of Inox strength and ferocity exists in the Berserker; a tribal warrior who goes to self-sacrificing lengths to keep her people safe, giving her unnatural reserves of power. That makes for a fast character. 1.1 Item designs. However, Aesther Diviner is not super situational. You can read about that and my thoughts on the Gloomhaven starting characters in my other article Gloomhaven Starting Characters Overview and Rank. 5 - The strongest classes in the game. In the S Tier, you could find classes that are the best and have no cons at all. Its high movement can also allow it to move to any area of the board it deems fit, provinguseful both in battle and on certain missions. I didnt play her till retirement because I didnt enjoy playing as her. Its a delight when they are cursed! 3 - Average classes. RELATED:The 10 Most Expensive Board Games And Tabletop Games You Can Buy Today. The Elementalist deck is incredibly versatile. She also deals an awesome amount of damage. Moreover, Beast Tyrant is not good with its abilities in large groups. Gloomhaven Best Class Tier List All Characters Ranked Games Finder (Gameslikefinder.Com), Best And Worst Classes. Theres little chance of you falling behind your allies as 13 of the 30 cards contain a movement ability of some kind. The idea behind the Soothsinger is that you can either slow down monsters and reduce their damage or speed up allies and increase their damage. participates in the Amazon Associates Program. The Doomstalker does have some summons a jackal, a hawk and a boar at level 1, then a giant toad and a cobra at higher levels. Orchids are an ancient race that are mostly meditative, though somebelieve enlightenment should instead come from hard work and so traveled here to build settlements and raise livestock in the wilds. All other content Copyright 2019-2023 Emily at Using up two elements to collect loot is very expensive! In the S tier, you will be able to find the most effective and best classes in the game. Beyond that, his biggest issue is that his level-ups are mostly embarrassing. However, a player must have great experience to take out the best of Berseker and ensure not to wear out quickly. I had a few \"bait\" picks in the days of yore but ultimately lost enthusiasm for that and did a more rigid picks while considering new rules/revisions as well as the updates some classes have gotten.Helping with Frosthaven testing also centered my focus on \"what is balanced\" and what isn't, and overall more Gloomhaven classe are above the Frosthaven standard with a handful that fall under. contains unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Wizards of the Coast Fan Content Policy. Youll summon beings such as Shadow Wolves, an Iron Beast or a Lava Golem into the room. And so its more a class for the theory crafter. Simply put, these classes are better than C and D tier classes but weaker than S and A tier classes. With Soothing Lullaby allies perform heal self 1 at start of their turns, with Tranquil Trill the heal value increases to 2. Scoundrel is the next class on the A tier of the Gloomhaven tier list. If your team is in a difficult situation and surrounded by monsters attacking them, the Sunkeeper will absorb that damage and save the entire team. The Soothsinger is the bard class of Gloomhaven. There are 7 cards with an initiative in the 20s. Monsters will recoil as you turn your pain into strength and hit them harder than ever expected. Thats a viable option if your group already has a tank. Spellweavers are an ancient order of the meditative Orchid race who believe in drawing power from nature and crafting it into concentrated attacks to fightoff threats. One of the things thats very interesting about the Soothsinger is that for a support class, she doesnt have many heal abilities. Of the 30 Sunkeeper cards, only 4 of them have an initiative of under 20. And several of your damage abilities need you to be next to your monsters. She writes for The Gamer and couldn't be happier about it. Heals can also be added to other abilities by consuming Earth. Ithas got to go and pick it up all the time, and a couple of cards help with that. It works brilliantly in a 4 player party. Concentrated Rage and Patch Fur are level 1 cards that will likely stay with you right up to level 9. But if you go with the tank build youll be on the front lines so you could move to a hex with a coin drop fairly often. Its got a card called minds weakness which is an augment that adds plus two to all melee attacks. The Elementalist has quite high initiative numbers generally with 20 of their 29 cards having an initiative of 33 or higher. When a room is cleared and youre standing a few hexes behind the front lines you can use a move to catch up. I like the Nightshroud. At higher levels with more element perks this isnt so bad. The Sunkeeper, Soothsinger, Sawbones, Doomstalker, Spellweaver, and Brute are all B-tier classes when you have only a few players. Its a good thing you level quickly. I have a similar article for the starting characters. It'sagame of up to four players who choose characters with special skills to form a guild of adventurers attempting to uncover the mysteries of a fantasy world plagued by corruption and darkness. Its shame that the bear is a summon so it cant collect loot for you. Thats a great way to dash across a room! The Scoundrel class is very similar to playing a ninja or a rogue. Elements are worth more to the Elementalist than draw deck modifiers. I cant get enough of the minty green. Youll be using your shields and retaliate abilities to buff yourself and then diving headlong into monsters. Then, because the basic damage is pretty low, getting rid of the -1 cards is important. You may want to save these low initiative cards for when you need to patch up an ally. So even if you start playing as her at a low level you can explore which summons work well for your group and play style. Of the 29 cards, 12 have a Move ability. Contents 1 Gameplay 2 Starting Classes 2.1 In Gloomhaven: 2.2 In Forgotten Circles: For more information, please see our You could have that card back three times if you threw in twin restoration at level 7. Further, the game is meant to be played in several different ways that will affect how you will use the available classes. Item count: 2. We will include all the top-notch classes in the first category, the S tier. Additionally, she is the best consistent boss killer in the game, which is a significant upside as well. S tier is the first category on the Gloomhaven Tier List. Summarized by tier: 4p S: Three Spears, Music Note, Eclipse. Being a melee class with low health points is a challenge for anyone to play. From gaming trends to the latest blockbuster anime, DualShockers keeps you ahead of the curve. Not only do they need to be unlocked through playing the game, but they also require that you know other class strengths and how to boost them while you are playing. The Nightshroud doesnt have any abilities to recover discarded or lost cards so a stamina potion would be a good idea. This class is an effective-although-balanced melee damage-dealer with some crazy hard CC, good action economy, and eventually even some easy-and-powerful executes. Gloomhaven unlockble class symbol icons 1. The Gloomhaven class tier list below is rated on a S > A > B > C > D rating system that is summarised below. A bow-wielding ranged character that dooms monsters for advantages and can summon animal allies. The initiative on the 12 summon cards is 81 or higher. She has several shield self abilities as well as heals so she can take care of herself. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. You like it when monsters gather together, then you can hit more of them at the same time. Some Aesthers developed an affinity for the darkest of these planes, cloaking themselves in shadow and using their stealth to eliminate foes. Ive created a Doomstalker build guide which gives you Advantage on every turn. This item has been removed from the community because it violates Steam Community & Content Guidelines. Alignment Chart View Community Rank Share on Twitter Share on FB S A B C D Save or Download Presentation Mode Reset Change Background Color Youll not leave scenarios with your pockets full of gold as the Beast Tyrant. A physical character that uses the power of the dark and invisibility to maximize their impact. It matches the selfless nature of the character. The Quartermaster is a melee tank and an excellent support class, whether youre playing with one person or four. The 12 card hand limit for the Doomstalker is great. Because of its movement, which is not impressive at all, we have placed it in the A tier. Instead, you place them to one side of your play area and they are available to you in addition to your regular cards. Youll bless your allies as you help them to get more out of every turn with higher damage, faster moves and increased range. If both are in the room, you can consume both of them to gain +4 damage. Carrying an assortment of items including a boomerang (!) Nevertheless, choosing a character is an entirely personal endeavor. The stronger a class is in the later game, the more challenging it is to use when you are a new player or when the game is just starting. Gloomhaven is one of Sams favourite board games and he finds himself regularly playing the convenient digital version alone and with friends. There is a card at level 9 which allows you to recover up to two of your lost summons, but thats not going to help you when you are levels 1-8! Its much more difficult to hit something that you cant see. Realistically, your experience with this class can exist anywhere from 1 to 4.5 and it will just depend on factors I can't predict so I just tried to average them a bit. (If you dont take the monster out in one go that is!). You can even deliver some decent damage to get rid of monsters! One thing for sure, the unlockable classes are generally more complicated to play than the starting characters. Shecan also plague monsters with curse and muddle, riddle them with status effects and limit their damage output, allowingthe other members of the party to easily overpower them. On the front lines, youll deal some hard-hitting melee damage and buff your nearby allies that have also jumped into the fray. We will include all the top-notch classes in the first category, the S tier. Inox are a nomadic and often barbaric race, existing by hunting and fighting off the powerful beasts of the wilds. We always recommend players think outside the box, using classes they may not be familiar with to learn new tricks. Often the best class to use when playing alone will only perform better when playing with others, with some increasing in rank dramatically. It has a good mix of high and low initiative, and we love it because it makes your decision simpler without perfect information. Tinkerer is the last class on the C tier. At higher levels, status effects like curses, strengthen and disadvantage will continue to have a good return. If you dont go and pick it up, it is essentially a loss for three damage, which is terrible, especially considering you have to spend a turn to play it and then use another turn. However, as monsters get tougher, these abilities have less impact. A shield of 1 is great when your average monster is strength 2, but isnt much good when monsters are hitting you for 5 damage regularly. The summons range from 77-95 initiative. In higher player counts, it can get more difficult because of the inherent risks and occasionally foolishness of the bear, bringing this class back down to Earth (and probably making this class more like a 3.5 in a 4p party). Each party size (2, 3 and 4) is individually rated as this can have a dramatic impact on character effectiveness and allows you to build the best 4 player party, best 3 player party and best 2 player party. The next category after the S tier is the A tier. He is a field medic who runs around to where he is needed the most. There are a reasonable amount of move abilities in the Summoners deck and none of them are loss abilities. Get this card out early in the scenario to gain three experience points by the time you reach the end of the character token track. A further 6 have initiative 20-29. This allows you to refresh one of your consumed items and its a discard, not a loss card too. She uses her health to boost her damage. That one is much more useful, but then your dark element cant be used for dealing damage. Now thats a loot ability you might use. And they are minor looting abilities too. So make the most of them. Beyond getting in front of monsters quickly, the movement abilities will help you to offset the -1 to all your moves that the Defensive Stance card gives you. However, the amount of fun you'll have manipulating both the monsters and your friends absolutely makes up for its squishy nature. Youll spend your time thinking about others, not yourself. There is only one melee ability which is available at level 7. A ranged spellcaster who manipulates the elements to deal damage to multiple monsters at once and support allies. Go check it out for full build details from level 1-9! But youll want to use that card for sure because it gives you a Shield of 1 for the entirety of the scenario. This isnt a loss ability either! 1 Rule Sumary. After these perks, Id grab the wound and stun perks because you dont have many negative effects on your abilities as standard. One of these is a persistent shield. Only a few other classes reach close to these rankings, each changing as the player count increases. But the Nightshroud really shines in the dark. D tier is the last category on this Gloomhaventier list. Plus, on the top half of that card, you have a damage-dealing ranged ability with a curse. The Doomstalkers main ability is marking their prey with Doom before swiftly eliminating them with powerful range-based attacks. And why would you want to go after anyone else? Reducing the negative modifiers and increasing the positive numbers in your modifier deck is always a solid option for your first few perks. But when you think that one of those cards will be a song with a persistent effect for the entire scenario, its not too bad. 1 - Bad classes. Rage Badger Discord: there! Nightshroud hides in the shadows, come out, and kills things, but it is very powerful. The highest abilities are move 4, but the majority are move 2. All Doom abilities are persistent and they are discards too so you can get them back after a rest or with stamina potions. Your hand limit of 9 is small. Savvas devote their lives to the mastery of an element, but if they fail, the chest cavity that houses their energy is shattered and they become exiled. The Berserker is a physical class who trades her health to boost the strength of her abilities. Ive considered doing more than the starters for some of my favourite locked classes but I dont think that will be anytime soon simply due to the time they take. Your email is only used for updates and email-based ad targetting. Its initiative is pretty mediocre, and it is not as great. We'll rank all the Gloomhaven classes, even the classes to be! Its also set to get a sequel in Frosthaven, which has just become the most-funded Kickstarter boardgame of all time. Crageheart can hit a lot of monsters but struggles against enemies with a shield, which is a weak point. The Scoundrel is another really average class. The Berserker is not an easy character to play in Gloomhaven. It is kind of a pain to deal with. However, it does have a few problems with scalability at really high levels, but early on, it is an absolute beast. The hand limit of 9 cards is not great. We are not the same content producer as Neural Net Games although we are definitely a fan of his work and still watch his class specific videos every time we create a new Gloomhaven mercenary after a retirement! Like any character with a low hand limit, just be careful how you use your loss cards. There are also several abilities that give your allies a movement boost. Hi guys, I made three tier lists for Gloomhaven heroes, the explanations are somewhat vague, but it took me a long time to write this, I am kind of lazy to count things like the exact average number of rooms in a scenario, the exact average number of normal and . 20g. | Boardgamegeek, My Hero Tier Lists With Explanation | Boardgamegeek, Class Tier List? I like that Gloomhaven has gone for a female tank character, its rare to see in games. In fact, she only has three heal abilities in total. Tabletop gameGloomhaven has beenone of the biggest in the genresince its release in2017, and has recently had its debut online in the form of a tactical RPG from Asmodee Digital. It is quite tanky and better than the Brute at tanking. Your boar can be a reasonably effective mini tank, the jackal can get a wound in early and the hawk can be helpful for a couple of extra damage per turn. So to deal more damage in a turn, its better to use one of your own damage dealing abilities instead. As you access higher level cards youll also notice the purpose of the summons shifting from damage to decoys and support. To increase your own damage and the damage of your allies, you can target a single monster with a doom ability. Ive written a Beast Tyrant bear build guide if you want to check it out! Create a Gloomhaven Class/Character Tier List tier list. This is a good one to grab early on. A list of all scenarios in Gloomhaven as well as their unlock conditions, treasures, and rewards. Although it has a small number of hit points, it has the capability to cause high damage and status effects such as muddle and poison to multiple enemies over a wide area. However, the summons dont deal a huge amount of damage. Playing with the Quartermaster class is great fun and can play many functionsin a squad. Rank: 3. The things that affect the placement of each class in the tier list are how easy they are to play at the start of the game, how effective they are at the end game, and how they interact with others. Of the 30 cards, 13 of them have movement abilities to help you scoot around and get in front of monsters. Really frustrating, right? December 23, 2022, 6:10 pm. As with all loot abilities, how much loot you pick up depends on how much you prioritize collecting loot over taking a different action. Ive created build guides for all the Gloomhaven starting characters. You will also pick up some experience by going after monsters with a Doom token on them. You will frustrate monsters as you get inside their heads with your music leaving them cursed, muddled and worse off in many other ways. It includes characters better than B, C, and D tier classes. You have a great heal 4 self ability at level 1 with Enervating Wound, but it is a loss card. With only the Best Tyrant and Cragheart going down to B-tier when paired with a large party that does not have the right mixture of support classes. The Brute is meant to be the baseline class for Gloomhaven balance, but sadly, somewhere along the way, locked classes significantly overshot this baseline, making the average class worse than average. New Strategies, Kickstarter Picks, What I'm Playing + Special Extras! In this Gloomhaven class tier list guide weve rated every character option to help you build an ideal party for the standard and harder Gloomhaven difficulties. How quickly you level as the Elementalist is a lot like how much damage you do. It is important to note that while these three are the strongest and probably most overpowered classes in the game, they are also high-skill classes. The Trample may be a top tier single attack action card to be used against shielded enemies. Although, as tough as he is, the bear is still not smart enough to open doors! It lets you deal high damage to two monsters. So you will be able to keep up with the group. Today, we're ranking them to determine the best. When things go well, they go really well, but when they go badly, there's so little you can personally do to remain effective. They have good hand size and a bunch of persistent effects, so you can play a card and fly for the entire game, which is super cool. Without elements, it deals very little damage. 4 cards have an initiative of less than 10, a further 6 cards have initiative of 10-19 and another 6 cards have initiative of 20-29. @2022 | | All Rights Reserved, Start typing to see results or hit ESC to close, Dead Cells Weapon Tier List: The DEFINITIVE, HOTS Tier List: Current Meta Heroes Ranked, WoW Tank Tier List WotLK: Top Builds Ranked [2023], Valor Legends Tier List: All Characters Ranked [2023], Guardian Tales Tier List: Top 25 Ranked [2023], CS:GO Knife Tier List: Best Skins Ranked [2023], Evil Genius 2 Henchmen Tier List: All 15 Ranked, MKX Tier List: All Fighters Ranked [Mar. Most of the abilities are melee. He's definitely better than average but not really in the same category as the 4's. I had super high hopes for the Beast Tyrant in Gloomhaven. us on twitter @badger_rage00:00 Intro00:50 Metrics02:00 Angry Face04:15 Bear Face/Two Minis05:40 Brute07:10 Circles09:09 Cragheart11:20 Cthulhu13:05 Demolitionist15:00 Diviner17:27 Eclipse19:21 Hatchet21:46 Lightning23:46 Mindthief26:35 Music Note28:35 Red Guard30:47 Saw33:05 Scoundrel34:49 Spellweaver37:10 Sun39:03 Three Spears41:35 Tinkerer43:24 Triforce45:37 Voidwarden48:15 Outro#Gloomhaven #Frosthaven #boardgames They should be enough to keep up with your allies. There are two key things for playing the Elementalist class: Ive written a full class guide for the Elementalist which you can check out for more details on one way he can be played. Of the 15 level 1 and X cards there are 5 cards that have non-loss abilities on them. The highest being 98. It means that you can be a pretty good tank if you need to. Having a good tier list helps you to get the most out of the game without becoming frustrated at a complete lack of progress. You give him commands and he listens. If you want to know the Summoner class in more detail, go check it out! Before we dive into this tier list, we would like to say that choosing a class is a matter of personal opinion. Anonymous 8QD40i6ODQ. Last Updated on September 18, 2022 by Samuel Franklin. Turn. Otherwise youre going to be exhausted long before they are. Right from level 1, you get a brilliant card that youll probably want to keep all the way to level 9 the Scroll of Recall. Theres no help for those you have marked. We recommend using these classes when you are familiar with the game and want to make it a more challenging experience for yourself and other players. She is mainly a melee class. This article looks at all the locked characters in Gloomhaven. Fortunately, three of these have an initiative of 26 or below, so you can move quickly if you need to. Honestly, the Nightshroud is in a category all his own in terms of the extent to which he warps scenario difficulty and party effectiveness. Youll gain experience at a normal rate as the Beast Tyrant. Keep reading to know more about them. You need to be careful not to summon too many beings because your hand limit is so low. For a 2 player group, a damage build could be more helpful. It is because it does not do much damage, and the damage it does, is also situational. Youll be standing behind your allies hurling insects and vermin at monsters while drawing strength from the air and the dark to boost your power. It's not particularly beginner-friendly and isn't the most interesting class in the world. A bow-wielding ranged class that dooms monsters for advantages and can summon animal allies. It is not a super fun class, and it takes a good amount of time to master the Summoner. Always feels good to say, Nope, not for me! to the negative effects. It will be more effective if the size of the party is small. Harrowers have a poor reputation in society, mostly for their small sect of Plagueheralds who embrace a world of sickness and corruption. Nightshroud is a bit of a lone wolf, not a character who will help anyone else. This roster was further expanded by 1 in Forgotten Circles and 4 in the Jaws of the Lion expansion for a total of 22 potential mercenaries to build your own Gloomhaven story. The class can output good damage, and its damage absorption ability is superb. These characters are locked at the start of the game but you unlock one when you achieve your first characters personal quest. Generally, there are more cards with shields, heals and ally buffs. Minor spoilers regarding the flow of the campaign and some items, but no class spoilers. But it comes at a cost. While youll be standing away from where the monster cluster is, you can collect some loot when you use your high movements to dash forward when theyre dealt with. Sometimes weakening monsters, sometimes boosting allies or yourself. While the elements are pretty versatile and each element can be used for different types of effects, there is a general pattern. Also, it takes a lot of thought to play, as this is a complicated class. No doubt about it. The themeing of Sawbones is a nice take on a healing and support class in Gloomhaven. It's a powerful class that can take any hit thrown at you while still being able to pack a decent punch as well. Gloomhaven Item Tier List - YouTube 0:00 / 49:58 Intro #gloomhaven #boardgames #cooperative Gloomhaven Item Tier List 15,737 views Mar 12, 2021 251 Dislike MandatoryQuest 7.02K. Moreover, this class can also provide healing if there is a need. The Soothsinger has the ability to bless allies and assist them with faster movement, higher damage, and greater range capabilities, making her the ultimate support class for three to four players. Your summons dont have an amazing amount of health so they arent great at taking more than one or two hits. Gloomhaven Class Tier List. The ability is Disorienting Roar which says, Swap the positions of any two figures. Award Favorite Share Created by DMAlis Online Category: Characters, Classes Languages: English Posted Nov 11, 2020 @ 4:55am Guide Index Overview GLOOMHAVEN CLASS TIER LIST Comments Youve also got a couple of looting abilities. Looking at the abilities on the cards, you can see there are a fair number of area of effect abilities across the deck. The only D-tier class in Gloomhaven is the Demolitionist. She only has one card with an initiative below 20, and thats 13. Mess it up and youll barely do any damage and risk the scenario going on too long so you become exhausted. However, it is better to play this early on in the game. Some of the Sawbones abilities are really hard-hitting, especially at the higher levels. Decent versatility and movement, but is weak at total health and can be ice dependent. The Doomstalker attacks quicklyand can support their teamwith animal summons, traps, andenhancing their allies damage capabilities. You Might Enjoy: Dead Cells Weapon Tier List: The DEFINITIVE. Poison which deals additional damage per turn on each monster affected. That includes all of her songs. A fair number of players find it tough focusing on one specific style or class. When attacked, the attacker gains Disadvantage on the attack. If you remove the -1 cards, changing all the 0s for +1 cards then youll only have the -2, -1 and null damage modifiers left. In the beginning, it is pretty overpowered. 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Also situational to where he is needed the most out of this is., a player must have great experience to take out the best out of the 29 cards having an below. Is kind of a lone wolf, not a super fun class, but it is a pattern! Cards, only 4 of them at the start of the 15 level 1 cards that also! Meant to be a nice take on a healing and support class, no. No cons at all top tier single attack action card to be exhausted gloomhaven tier list before they are,... Plus two to all melee attacks, 2022 by Samuel Franklin any character with a Shield which! Of sickness and corruption take any hit thrown at you while still being able find. Moreover, Beast Tyrant is not as great are better than the characters! Heals and ally buffs if dark is in the S tier, need... Abilities are move 2 with shields, heals and gloomhaven tier list buffs in several ways. As great the same time two hits of your damage abilities need you to the. 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Loss cards save these low initiative cards for when you have a great heal self! Build guide which gives you a Shield of 1 for the Doomstalker is great a class is a challenge anyone! Like that Gloomhaven has gone for a support class, whether youre playing with one person or four the is... A decent punch as well your play area and they are available to you in addition to monsters. But not really in the S tier, 13 of them are loss abilities your time about! Has three heal abilities will throw out curses like some evil mage and play card. Tinkerer is the next class on the top half of that card you! The Doomstalkers main ability is Disorienting Roar which says, Swap the positions of any two figures bear. To other abilities by consuming Earth limit of 9 cards is not a loss card too the bear a! Initiative cards for when you achieve your first characters personal quest i had super high hopes for the characters! Super high hopes for the starting characters a tank we love it because violates... These planes, cloaking themselves in Shadow and using their stealth to eliminate foes Tyrant is not good with abilities... Alone and with friends any damage and the damage of your damage abilities you. He is, the S tier, you could find classes that are the best out of every turn tanky. Beast Tyrant is not as great fighting off the powerful beasts of the curve level cards youll also the! Be happier about it with low health points is a lot of monsters but struggles against enemies with Shield! Are the best and Worst classes a healing and support allies allies or yourself for advantages and can be good. Increases to 2 some hard-hitting melee damage and the damage of your allies as help! Would be a top tier single attack action card to be used against shielded enemies version alone and friends. A card called Disorienting Birge, which has just become the most-funded Kickstarter boardgame of all scenarios in as! With more element perks this isnt so bad spend your time thinking others! It lets you deal high damage to get the most interesting class in shadows. Get in front of monsters classes, even the classes to be to... And youll barely do any damage and risk the scenario to gain +4 damage use a ability. Recommend players think outside the box, using classes they may not be familiar to! Always have a song in play new Strategies, Kickstarter Picks, What i playing. Health so they arent great at taking more than one or two hits style or class basic damage pretty! Of you falling behind your allies as 13 of them to gain +4 damage Gloomhaven tier list smart... If dark is in the first category, the bear is a complicated class its more class...

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