Harry buried his face into his hands as he realized what he had just said. "Why approach him now? "By sacrificing two girls to Malfoy and his clique?" Don't read unless you've read both it and the short little prequel A Quest For Europa already! "I tried to tell my father about Draco, but well . place on Christmas Eve of this year.". ", Hermione took her obvious cue. A large shield of ice appeared before Harry, completely blocking Malfoy's flame spell. "He cannot, Minerva," Dumbledore said with a twinkle as he regally seated himself behind the disused professor's desk. After that, they waited in silence for their savior to arrive. How will this strange family fare against the dangers of Hogwarts. Shadowrun is owned by: WizKids LLC "Harry," Hermione said softly, drawing his attention, "remember what they said. ", Harry glared. "Unless . The two girls continued to coax stories out of Harry for hours, slowly and haltingly getting a nearly unabridged version of his time in Hogwarts. Harry went on to explain the real story behind Sirius Black and Oh, hi, Hermione. Harry sighed and turned to Dumbledore. Flitwick grimaced at the blunt summation but nodded. Harrys eyes stung as he watched the love of his life suck off his childhood bully, but all the same, he couldnt tear his eyes away. . I am not hating on the concept of the story here. . However, after a few days of grieving, he realised that it wasn't his fault. "They're your chattel? A small house-elf appeared. Violet nodded, looking at the two Slytherin girls in clear curiosity. Tracey smiled wryly. "Hermione, could you get his wand hand and wrist? Will Harry be able to handle being thrust into a foreign Veela society where he's seen as little more than a sex object? "Looks like I win then," Harry said with a satisfied smile. ", "Very few of them believed the article. You won't see stories with a lower score when you browse or search. Healer Harry Potter realizes that the problem lies with Bill and not with Fleur. ", Potter shook his head. "They knew before we talked. Then proceed to do the same in England, France, etc. ", Ron's face took on a look of comprehension. what he was doing, but they were desperate Slytherins. enjoy the fruits of your This is merely the first chapter of a multi-chapter fic. A vivid blue light caused Draco to drop his wand and scream in pain. Someone we don't know might not, and it's "Let's get something cleared up. "I don't blame you. "Thank you for the offer, but I know I need some time to think about everything. And if someone says the word Harem I'll tear my eyes out. "I had already informed the house-elves to have two of them prepared by the time the students returned from [R] [V] [X] [Y] - Published:2006-03-16 - Updated:2006-03-16 - 3936words, All stories contained in this archive are the property of their respective authors, and the owners of this site claim no responsibility for their contents. "So what about you two? "Crabbe; Goyle. ", "Actually," Daphne cut in, "choosing the right student didn't take much time. "We just want to talk. ", He studied her face for a few more moments before giving a sharp nod. In the Heat of the Moment 8. She imperiously waved a gaggle of fourth year Gryffindors out of their space at the end of the long [?] . You won't see stories with a lower score when you browse or search. Tracey and Daphne shrugged. It is not all that surprising that you would not have found references to "Still, why Harry? After growing tired, the spirit of Hogwarts called out to Lady Magic to help Harry find a new place in life, and when the names were picked for the Triwizard Tournament, Harry and some girls were sent to another world that was full of strange and beautiful animals. ", "We don't think Granger would let you, even if you were so inclined," Tracy added with a weak smile. But it was her eyes that would make every man melt. "According to Hogwarts: a History, it is strictly forbidden for students to duel Professors," Hermione replied before Harry had a chance to respond. We can be transferred to another . ", "Sneer and imply that he's unsure of his magical powers if he does," Daphne suggested. Daphne asked several seconds later. She is already registered as official property of yours, Master Potter-Black. Granger, a muggle-born, is the smartest. pure-bloods.". "Sorry, I shouldn't have asked that. people try to reassemble their seriously disrupted lives. Tracey spent the next ten minutes appraising Harry of the situation they found themselves in. She nodded. his connection to the Potters. Fair warning, it is a dark and tragic story that is a far cry from the usual Harry/Daphne fare. "Do any of you have any further issues you wish to bring up with us now?". If you want to create additional friction in the international wizarding world, have Harry, after some time, succed in breaking the Slave bond. "It's not like I had a lot of choice. For the same reason, you should discuss your job plans with any spouses you may have. Or whatever you're about to say, anyway. "Is that true, Albus? ", "Until now," Hermione pointed out. We need some room." "Don't you mean you'll inform all three of them?" So polyjuicing into somebody else to avoid the scandel of the 'Boy-who-lived' endorsing the slave trade, Hermione's parents have NO idea what happened to her, well after their memories are concerned anyway. Harry x Harem. "Actually," Daphne said with obvious reluctance and a frown, "it's not really his fault. finances means we've been comfortable without being truly affluent for generations. The man smiled sympathetic. The bedroom doors off of the common area aren't locked, but I'll knock before entering. Dudley didnt remove his hand, threaded through stark white hair, moving back and forth as Draco sucked his dick. You have chosen to challenge Mr. Malfoy in public before witnesses, and he has chosen to accept. "It does not, if anything.". She has to have your permission to get a job at all, and her income would go to you. "How dare you imply I'd do something like that?" "Might be a good idea to suggest that things can be settled immediately after the meal," Tracey added. The Gryffindors, after a look at Hermione and Harry, moved down the table. "That's not a slight on you," Tracey hastened to answer. When you frown just enough for the line to appear between your eyes and then chew the right lower corner of "We were lucky on the first duel," Dumbledore muttered with a sigh. ", "What?" The wedding will be Christmas Eve." "You're kidding?". Brown is neutral. https://dust514.com/recruit/KLvMfD/ Give it a shot, you get extra stuff for free! "Why does he believe Snape so much, Professor?" . When six year old Harry Potter met the precocious Hermione Granger on a Ferry to Southern France, he has no idea how his life is about to dramatically change. "I'll be here, Potty," Draco agreed in a growl. Tree's circled the house as if hiding it from view, a dirty path led into the house then away into the tree's. I couldn't help it, I started to shake. Please consider turning it on! "True," Harry agreed. Though the situation has been thrust upon you, you'd be doing them as well as yourself a "Girls, please stop teasing me; it's hard enough the way it is.". Her eyes had yet to adjust to the low light in the Taking the cue, the other four teens followed Flitwick out into the hallway. Quickly, they enter through the kitchen door. What, they want me to marry them or something? He is betrothed to them. "You owe me for this, Harry.". . what his reaction will be. She took a deep breath. Dumbledore winced at the term. "That was my original plan, yes," Daphne said. Upon looking at the index, he found that the chapter about slaves was Chapter 9. The two girls shared a long look, surprised by the information. McGonagall asked curtly. There is more on the way, gang. ", McGonagall looked momentarily sad. he asked in defeat. "Albus," McGonagall accused him, "you have not denied that you knew precisely what was going to happen to these two young ladies. Tracey and Daphne glanced at each other. Harry asked incredulously. Harry hastened to interrupt, "The basics were covered in my health class in muggle school, Professor. ", "I . "Professor Snape insults my lord in I don't know how many ways and not a word from you, Headmaster. Well, the married student quarters won't be available until January, Albus said. Tracey and Daphne glanced at each other before breaking into laughter. ", Harry groaned. "Oh thank you, Harry," Daphne and Tracy said quietly as they embraced the wizard. All four of them appear in an alley not far from #4. Hermione has taught me more about the wizarding world than Ron or Ginny ever did. ", "I apologize, but the conversation I wish to have is quite urgent. "I rather thought it might be," Tracey said in a dry tone that only a seventh-year Slytherin could produce. He might not do anything, after all. We would be inferior in all ways that matter to a real wife. ", Flitwick spoke up, "Technically, she is correct, though. Tracey laughed without slowing her hands. Ron shrugged again, unconcerned. "The fact that you're uncertain "If you want to pass us around to all your Gryff buddies, then you can. The sequel to A Cadmean Victory Remastered. "Be back in ten minutes or forfeit, you bloody coward. "Lose the robes and shirt, Harry," Daphne ordered with an audible grin. there will be times in which the MC will look OP but you will later realize that he isn't. Part of the idea was that Bulgaria had massively barbaric laws that allowed slavery. . ", Harry grumbled but nodded his understanding. "We're not going to harm you," a female voice whispered in a pacifying tone. FAQ's More You Might Like What is Harry Potter Lemon Fanfiction? Besides, there IS still a slave market out there. "We figured that you'd treat us decently. If you want both of them to sleep with you -", "Stop right there, Ronald," Hermione said coldly, "and get your mind out of the gutter. ", The Gryffindor nodded. developing situation. When the Triwizard Tournament comes to Hogwarts Harry plans to win. "I don't respect you," Harry replied. "Here you go, Professor. "Which was one of the reasons we chose you," Daphne said with a gentle smile. "You do know how to motivate a guy, don't you? "You're supposed to return my bow, Potter," Draco sneered. asked neutrally. Harry is permitted unlimited and unsupervised visitation with ", "Ok," another female voice said, sounding nervous, "She'll let you go if you promise to listen to what we say. "Is this all really necessary?" "And if any of the rumors about teenaged boys are anywhere even close to the truth . Fleur invites Harry to lunch to 'thank him' for rescuing her sister in the second task. ", Hermione rolled her eyes. It had been about a week since Harry Potter saw his Godfather, Sirius Black, killed by his own cousin Bellatrix Lestrange. The man smiled sympathetic. "Yeah." ", "Harry?" "Unless you like that kind of thing.". Much porn. They looked at each other. Keep an open mind while reading this. This is a different take on 'gamer' fanfics. Deal?". "I mean you getting married to someone other than Ginny. You're the only one who is not only powerful enough to defeat Malfoy but who will likely treat us well.". doing. McGonagall frowned heavily. She stepped away from her attacker and turned, not releasing her wand. With Harry carrying the horcrux, he has two & he is tossed out.Funny thing, time works differently in the realm of the dead. "My life is an open book. "Are you volunteering? "Mr. Potter, now that I have all the facts, I must commend you for what you are "Inviting your whole family was already the plan," Harry assured him. She paused for several seconds, frowning. July 30, 199- Mr. Potter, It is our happy duty to inform you that as of your 16th birthday, you will be freed of all restrictions on underage magic. financial and political side. ", Harry stood with a grin. "Very well, Harry," Dumbledore said with a disappointed look on his face. "I'm the third generation of full-blood." They willingly chose this option. "Sirius Black was his chief lieutenant," Tracey said carefully. Category:Harry Potter - Rating:NC-17 - Genres:Action/Adventure, Humor - Characters:Bellatrix, Harry, Narcissa - Published:2005-06-03 - Updated:2005-06-03 - 4782words, All stories contained in this archive are the property of their respective authors, and the owners of this site claim no responsibility for their contents. And where have I been defensive? Harry looked at her in concern. I ask the same in "My pardon, Miss Granger, but I cannot accept orders like that from a student, even the Head Girl," Violet said in a mixture of apology and clear confusion. ", "I'm aware of that, dear boy," Flitwick commiserated. . So, he purchased a copy of The Secrets of Ancient Magicand disapparated back to his house. Hermione asked. ", Tracey looked bemused. This work could have adult content. "Fidelis," Hermione said "Saved time by skipping the whole ask-the-girl-out, dating, and engagement thing," Seamus observed with a wide grin. Hermione asked next. Little does Harry know that Voldemort is the smallest of his troubles well, its a good thing Harry has a knack for finding talented and gorgeous witches. "Would you have listened to us without her?" Firewhisky and Rain 5. "Yes," Hermione hurriedly answered, blushing. Her body was still tight and fit from all of the yoga exercising she did. For their part, they stood, nervously gazing back. You don't have a lot of would be nothing that Tracey, I, or anyone else could do about it.". If you proceed you have agreed that you are willing to see such content. us," Harry said, wiping a tear from his eye. I don't think the opening premise leads anywhere interesting. It is not common for the brides to become chattel, but its still legal.". "Makes sense." "Or did your parents neglect to instruct you in that bit of etiquette on top of all the rest of your He certainly had nothing to be ashamed of. On the other hand, Fleur Delacour holds the same precious melody in her heart, a promise made long ago that still holds meaning. ", "Which brings up another issue," McGonagall said thoughtfully. Without waiting for Flitwick's signal to begin, Draco shouted, "Flamere!" You won't turn us into prostitutes or party favors like Draco This is a strange but heartwarming love story of Harry Potter and Lily Evans Potter. "Now if you will excuse me, I'd like to relax before we begin.". "He will be the Master. His wand is in hand as he sprints to the aide of his aunt. Remember that in an idea like this you have to tread very carefully. about it does you credit, but . But under the circumstances, it wasn't like I had many choices. Ron and Hermione looked at each other, startled. "I've been taking lessons from Madam Pomfrey after hours. After the death of James Potter, a paranoid Lily isolated herself and Harry from the world, not trusting anyone but herself to keep her son safe. Voldemort doesn't exist, the Potters lead a quiet life. "Just listen to them, Harry," Hermione pleaded, standing near the door. Tracey opened her mouth to speak, but the door opened yet again to admit Professors Dumbledore, McGonagall, Flitwick, Dumbledore grasped at the straw. "Yes, but it isn't as bad as it sounds. There's way more important things to focus on: Like girls. "Yes?" Without a word to anyone, Harry turned and walked back to the group of nervous girls. ", "Yep," Daphne cheerfully replied. Harry asked. She turned and strode off. "To arrange a pure-blood marriage is something of an honor with certain unwritten rules as to how everyone should behave, what the terms are, and all that," Daphne said. He deflated slightly before speaking. whatever you order as a profession.". "Unless his attitude changes, I'm not going to be around him any more than necessary," Hermione growled. "What I may want and what I'm going to force you into are totally separate things.". She leaned over and whispered into his ear, "And remember: though you've humiliated Draco already, you haven't rescued me yet. ", "Why wouldn't I want to do that? Yes, human slavery was abolished in Magical Britain, in the seventeenth century incidentally, but a very narrow exception remained: certain arranged marriages in which the wife is, in the eyes of the law and society, no longer a person and is just another item of property. of the alternatives." talk to me about?". A shame it would get us killed. "Mr. Weasley, that was uncalled for," Dumbledore admonished him. Daphne pulled the collar of his shirt back and peeked down his shirt. "Think of me as a healer if that helps; I've been taking some lessons from Madam Pomfrey.". A long running anthology featuring Harry Potter and a variety of women from different fandoms(including his own) in smutty situations. "The challenge would be to find any honor in the Malfoy family," Harry retorted. "Why should I even pretend?". This story focuses less in the gamer aspects and more on the mc's actions. "Their quarters are protected by spells that prevent any inappropriate behavior, Ron. ", Hermione nodded, satisfied with the answers. It's not worth getting worked up about. "If you say so; I'll just leave the three of you to get acquainted, shall I?" "And may I ask why you drug me in here?". ", Snape continued, undaunted, "Your Golden Boy has won them as chattel. "Contego Gelu." Harry wouldnt force these two into anything like that, and you know it!". "Don't worry about it. "Yes, well, there are many other things to discuss: arrangements for transportation to and from the ceremony, where to live after graduation, and so ", Now Harry glared at his friend. "Thank you, Harry," she said quietly. Gryffindor table. I believe such interference post-Challenge against me bends the Code Duello rather badly, too. me to have an easier life.". "Yeah, I did, theyre nice girls, both of them. Tracey shook her head slowly in answer to his comment. It would be far preferable for all concerned if you and your two brides took precautions such that they don't become pregnant." ", "Healer," she answered promptly. let up until the judge declares the duel completed. ", "Why don't we have it now then?" ", Harry returned to his seat and the girls immediately sat him down to massage the returned tension out of his muscles. "I wish I knew, Hermione; I wish I knew. Harry blushed magnificently again. "Because it is required by the Code," Professor Flitwick said, trying to sound stern. "You three, please feel free to contact me with any questions or problems with which I may help you. had more than enough of being entered into contracts without my knowledge or consent back in fourth year. Tracey stressed. She absently cast a cleaning charm on one of the old student desks and hopped up on it. Ron interrupted, handing a glass forward. Not to put too fine a point on it, but why'd your families allow Malfoy to do this?". ", "Oh, and just so you're aware, I've excused Mr. Potter from curfew. Thank you.". Brought up on the stories of Harry's adventure, the new generation is eager to meet him. "Yes, thank you," Daphne added. . This category is Flitwick looked up and grinned. "As a fully accredited wizard, I can make that term to Snape." Follow/Fav Daphne's Slave Jasmine Potter. ", "As to that," McGonagall spoke up, lips pursed in disapproval, "you and your . Daphne once heard that desperation could make people go to any length she didn't know how true that was till she had met Jasmine Potter. Hermione nodded, recognizing the two Slytherin girls. ", "Potter is . She shrugged. Anal Play. Dumbledore repeated. It'd probably be a good idea to get to know them," he added dryly. Harry doesn't realize that *he's* the meal, but not even Fleur could have predicted just how far this would go. ", She rolled her eyes. I guess I'll see you three at the Ball if not before. I nearly gave up half-way through. ", "Touch." Harry found the four teens standing in the hall in an uncomfortable silence. "I'll bust him up real good for you then. Sick and tired of being beneath the legendary wizard, James begins breaking and enslaving many of the women in Harry's life. Daphne pulled a scroll from her bag and handed it to the Charms Professor. him. Harry tried to hide the hitch in his throat at her actions. Hermione asked. ", "We're time critical now. "Yes! "I'm teasing you, Harry. I just saved them from one who is, though.". ", "I'm busy at the moment," Harry said dryly. Harry scowled. "After you told us your history, it was the least I could do," she answered with a small smile. "Just saying that it'll look bad. "Thank you for understanding, Deputy Headmistress.". "Why?" Not all Slytherins are evil. Embarrassing as it had been at the time, he was now fervently thankful that it had happened. Also, if we're still students, may Tracey and I join Harry for the dueling lessons "I repeat my demand to see if you are wearing How are those going? strokes. Daphne & # x27 ; s slave Jasmine Potter much time knew, Hermione her actions, back! Were covered in my health class in muggle school, Professor? new generation is eager to meet.. 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