(Later, Hale was stopped by an irate General Patton who chewed him out for not wearing his necktie. He could not help but compare them with the French, the Italians, the Belgians, and even the British. A good plan, violently executed now, is better than a perfect plan next week. Known for his brilliance on the battlefield, Patton often had to make decisions based on limited information and time. At a press conference in Regensburg, Germany, on May 8, 1945, immediately after Germanys surrender, Patton was asked whether he planned to treat captured SS troops differently from other German POWs. Yes win it all. "Dammit you blockhead, watch your step. We can no more understand a Russian than a Chinaman or a Japanese, and from what I have seen of them, I have no particular desire to understand them, except to ascertain how much lead or iron it takes to kill them. We are also turning over to the French several hundred thousand prisoners of war to be used as slave labor in France. In Casablanca, Morocco, in January 1943, Allied leaders decided to use their massive military resources in the Mediterranean to launch an invasion of Italy, which British Prime Minister Winston Churchill (1874-1965) called the soft underbelly of Europe. The objectives were to remove Italy from World War II, secure . He observed with horror that , Pattons initial impressions of the Jews were not improved when he attended a Jewish religious service at Eisenhowers insistence. I'm glad I won't live to see it. "The WRONG ENEMY" by PATTON.45 featuring Gen. George Patton Jr. WWII - General Patton: "We're fighting the wrong enemy" (by Dr. Peter Hammond). However, it is my personal opinion that this too is a lost tribe lost to all decency., Pattons initial impressions of the Jews were not improved when he attended a Jewish religious service at Eisenhowers insistence. While hes best known for commanding troops during World War II and perfecting the art of tank warfare, his troops knew he was more than willing to personally get into the fight. In fact, I am afraid we have waited too long., And in a letter of the same date to his wife: I will probably be in the headlines before you get this, as the press is trying to quote me as being more interested in restoring order in Germany than in catching Nazis. Even at that time, the American generals showed themselves to be very advanced in the tactical handling of their forces, although. So they began a non-stop hounding of him in the press, a la Watergate, accusing him of being soft on Nazis and continually recalling an incident in which he had slapped a shirker two years previously, during the Sicily campaign. Their (the Soviet) supply system is inadequate to maintain them in a serious action such as I could put to them. Dark theme: Off; Dark theme. History. For instance, on August, 15 1944 Patton wrote in his diary: "Leclerc came in very much excited. Guest 0 followers. Who said lead me follow me or get out of my way? We defeated the wrong enemy. and our Watch Later. They have chickens in the coop and cattle on the hoof thats their supply system. George Patton was the man of the hour and the darling of most of the press. In a letter to his wife of September 14, 1945, he said: , Despite his disagreement with official policy, Patton followed the rules laid down by Morgenthau and others back in Washington as closely as his conscience would allow, but he tried to moderate the effect, and this brought him into increasing conflict with Eisenhower and the other politically ambitious generals. Therefore, the road is now open for the advent of Russian communism., Later diary entries and letters to his wife reiterate this same conclusion. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. After the war, General Patton was tasked with control of the larger portion of American occupied Germany, and his job was to dole out justice to the newly defeated enemy. Please see the Content Moderation Policy for instructions on how to make a moderation request via email. WE DEFEATED THE WRONG ENEMY BY PATTON.45. After that, it would make no difference how many million men they have, and if you wanted Moscow I could give it to you. Until he died Patton never recanted on his contention that had priority in supply been given him instead of Monty and Hodges, Third Army could have broken through the Star defenses to the Rhine. It proved be much more expensive that WW2. The difficulty in understanding the Russian is that we do not take cognizance of the fact that he is not a European, but an Asiatic, and therefore thinks deviously. Do everything you ask of those you command? Patton was clearly talking about the Soviets or Russians. Links to YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and other services inserted in the comment text will be automatically embedded. What kind of dog did General George Patton have? Did Joseph Goebbels say "Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty"? Patton was correct in his views he developed after the war. He was getting to know his new Russian Counterparts and was supposed to help dole out justice and destroy the German war infrastructure. I went home and stayed at Green Meadows. It behooved General Eisenhower to make a speech to them. During WWII, he helped lead the Allies to victory in the invasion of Sicily, and was instrumental to the liberation of Germany from the Nazis. Precisely at 7 Patton boomed in to breakfast. The most admirable quality about him was- I have to be so precise in wording this- that he disapproved of taking casualties. I don't know what you think you're trying to do, but the krauts ought to pin a medal on you for helping them mess up discipline for us. Patton could see this and knew that the USSR was a much bigger enemy than Germany had been. All of this was followed by a ticker-tape parade through Boston. The unmistakable hatred which had been directed at him during this press conference finally opened Pattons eyes fully as to what was afoot. I am thinking of General George Patton, who made a habit of always visiting the front lines in his jeep or tank. . I get it. 00:01 LINKS: My dad got out of the aircraft and he really looked super; he was fifty-nine years old at the time. Pattons Speech to the Third Army was a series of speeches given by General George S. Pattons profanity-laced speaking was viewed as unprofessional by some other officers but the speech resounded well with his men. Did the "Russian Sleep Experiment" happen? General Montgomery (right) with Generals Patton (left) and Bradley (centre) at 21st Army Group HQ, July 7, 1944. Forex Trading Made Ez George Smith. Almost fanatical disapproval, and coupled with that, his intense desire to inflict casualties on the enemy. But today's crop of flag officers are not the stuff of their storied predecessors, and if we listen much longer to what they're saying in regards to the Russia-Ukraine war, we may discover how catastrophically bad . The quote is a paraphrase from this passage here: We may have been fighting the wrong enemy (Germany) all along. After a visit to ruined Berlin, he wrote his wife on July 21, 1945: , This conviction, that the politicians had used him and the U.S. Army for a criminal purpose, grew in the following weeks. On May 18 he noted in his diary: In my opinion, the American Army as it now exists could beat the Russians with the greatest of ease, because, while the Russians have good infantry, they are lacking in artillery, air, tanks, and in the knowledge of the use of the combined arms, whereas we excel in all three of these. "After that if you wanted Moscow, I could give it to you.". Undoubtedly, Pattons long friendship with Eisenhower helped to salvage his career. If it sounds like hate speech to you just remember the truth is hate speech to those who hate the truth. On August 31 he wrote: Actually, the Germans are the only decent people left in Europe. No matter what, they'll put it in the newspapers." - Patton. His answer was: No. We have gone through extensive research and reading to produce this article on George S Patton We Defeated The Wrong Enemy. History really is written by the winners and it is His-Story. What are some tools or methods I can purchase to trace a water leak? British Prime Minister Winston Churchill. He was wrong that we defeated the wrong side. And I see not in my blindness What the objects were I wrought, But as God rules o'er our bickerings It was through His will I fought. If we are not victorious, let no one come back alive." First, he apparently loathed the olive drab wool cap that the soldier wore under his helmet for warmth and insisted that it be covered; woe be the soldier whom the general caught wearing the cap without the helmet. Posts: 24,713. At the 9th Division headquarters at El Guettar, Tunisia, enemy planes bombed and strafed incessantly, so that the security normally associated with a headquarters in the rear was missing. 640 views 677 days ago. Like Eisenhower, Patton ordinarily messed with a group of inmates from his headquarters. They have utterly lost the Anglo-Saxon conception of justice and feel that a man can be kicked out because somebody else says he is a Nazi. Second, he insisted that every soldier under his command always wear a necktie with shirt collar buttoned, even in combat action. Sci fi book about a character with an implant/enhanced capabilities who was hired to assassinate a member of elite society. I see this narrative constantly peddled by white supremacists and new nazis who try to argue that Nazi germany was just "protecting europe from bolshevism" but I think it's BS. In his diary he wrote: I doubted the expediency of blowing up factories because the ends for which the factories are being blown up that is, preventing Germany from preparing for war can be equally well attained through the destruction of their machinery, while the buildings can be used to house thousands of homeless persons., Similarly, he expressed his doubts to his military colleagues about the overwhelming emphasis being placed on the persecution of every German who had formerly been a member of the National Socialist party. . He required that ALL of the men under his command wear them so he did too. To a visiting undersecretary of war Patton strongly recommended that the administration not break up the American army at the conclusion of the war in Europe but leave it in place in case the Communists threatened to overrun all of Europe. He was also right that the Soviets were an enemy of human, freedom, liberal society, and the West. When Patton said ''we defeated the wrong enemy'' was he talking about the Soviets or the Jews? Of the four, George Patton was probably the most gifted pure warrior, although Douglas MacArthur would undoubtedly dispute this claim. From now on we will get weaker and they stronger., Having immediately recognized the Soviet danger and urged a course of action which would have freed all of eastern Europe from the communist yoke with the expenditure of far less American blood that was spilled in Korea and Vietnam and would have obviated both those later wars not to mention World War III Patton next came to appreciate the true nature of the people for whom World War II was fought: the Jews. . https://www.bitchute.com/channel/51JsTDStuUyL/, Your email address will not be published. Who said make it hard to spot the general by working like a soldier? https://www.loc.gov/item/mss35634039/ Americans love a winner. On May 18 he noted in his diary: , Two days later he repeated his concern when he wrote his wife: , Having immediately recognized the Soviet danger and urged a course of action which would have freed all of eastern Europe from the communist yoke with the expenditure of far less American blood that was spilled in Korea and Vietnam and would have obviated both those later wars not to mention World War III Patton next came to appreciate the true nature of the people for whom World War II was fought: the Jews. An Army is a team. Press J to jump to the feed. "We defeated the wrong enemy" - General George S. Patton Frightening contrast between the world we live in and the one we could have had. You can't carry that cannon with you everywhere you go.". Did George Soros say he helped a Nazi confiscate property? In the event, Antwerp was not opened and operating until the end of 1944, which meant that through the fall the Allied Expeditionary Force (AEF) fought with inadequate supplies. . Each man must not think only of himself, but also of his buddy fighting beside him. Use the information wisely so that the information will be properly used. Patton believed that if he had gotten the supplies that Monty got for MARKET-GARDEN, he could have crossed the Rhine that fall and then had an unopposed path to Berlin. Jew Lies Matter He saw the demoralization of the Army as a deliberate goal of Americas enemies: I have been just as furious as you at the compilation of lies which the communist and Semitic elements of our government have leveled against me and practically every other commander. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . Dark theme turns the light surfaces of the page dark, creating an experience ideal for night. In a letter to his wife on September 29, Patton indicated that he was, in a way, not unhappy with his new assignment, because he () would like it much better than being a sort of executioner to the best race in Europe., On October 22 he wrote a long letter to Maj. Gen. James G. Harbord, who was back in the States. 3. In between, Patton spent his life preparing to fight, and was ready when America needed him, almost the perfect combat general to wage all-out warfare- his mask of command sufficiently awe-inspiring and magnetic enough to induce hundreds of thousands to self-organize around him and become his terrible swift sword. Can't you see I'm trying to sleep?" https://www.loc.gov/collections/george-s-patton-diaries/about-this-collection/. Kill off the Goddamned cowards and we will have a nation of brave men. we have had a victory over the Germans and disarmed them, but we have failed in the liberation of Europe; we have lost the war!, Pattons urgent and prophetic advice went unheeded by Patterson and the other politicians and only served to give a warning about Pattons feelings to the alien conspirators behind the scenes in New York, Washington, and Moscow. I read your book! (Patton's legend casts a long shadow, leading @HistoryByZhukov. War is not meant to be you dying for your country-it is by making the other bastard die for his. You don't win a war by dying for your country. I don't think he should have been characterized as the insane show-off that 20th Century-Fox wanted to make him- which I resisted down the line. One day a small convoy of vehicles arrived, sirens alive, Patton standing in the lead vehicle. The Jews were only forced to desist from their nastiness and clean up the mess by the threat of the butt ends of rifles. General George S. Patton, a 3-star war general in the US Army, was put in charge of managing the US side of the newly demilitarized Germany, following the Allies victory in WW II. Quote: Originally Posted by OLYMPUS. Then, in a press conference on September 22, reporters hatched a scheme to needle Patton into losing his temper and making statements which could be used against him. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. If for Jews, why not Catholics, Mormons, etc? Try it out!Your Dark theme setting will apply to this browser only. This is actually a translation of a statement by. After the end of the Second World War, general George S. Patton said that America defeated the wrong enemy. 28 Feb 2023 18:43:08 Communism was a real threat to Europe and America and, we really did fight the wrong enemy. If we do, then . I've heard that he wanted America to ally National Socialist Germany in order to destroy the U.S.S.R. Is this true? The number of distinct words in a sentence. It would be worse than dishonorable not to see that they have it. Today, the evidence that he was murdered -- the first in a line of postwar political assassinations including that of President John F. Kennedy -- is mounting. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? It began with a large amphibious and airborne operation, followed by a six-week land campaign, and initiated the Italian Campaign.Allied invasion of Sicily. He noted in his diary on May 14: , Nevertheless, Patton knew that the Americans could whip the Reds then but perhaps not later. But the remark. 3. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Even before the wars end, the British PM expanded his anti-Communist rhetoric. While some men prefer to lead by suggestion and example and other methods, Patton chose to drive his subordinates by bombast and by threats. This is Real History and we shall Never Forget and it will not be Re-written! He thought we defeated the wrong enemy. Hat tip to PATTON.45 for this one. HTownWaffen Published on Jan 24, 2022. () Furthermore, it is against my Anglo-Saxon conscience to remove a person from a house, which is a punishment, without due process of law. Let the Germans do that. That seems doubtful, but we will never know because it was never tried. I've seen this quote in various far-right memes. The hell with that idea. History really is written by the winners and it is His-Story. 3.3. Also aboard was Leon Johnson [USAF], who had been awarded the Medal of Honor for the Ploesti Raid, followed by eight or nine noncoms, not one of whom was wearing less than a Silver Star. He said, among other things, that if he were not allowed to advance on Paris, he would resign. Killing without heroics, nothing is glorified nothing is reaffirmed? No surprise, with jews in control. We parted friends". 0 . () Another point which the press harped on was the fact that we were doing too much for the Germans to the detriment of the DPs, most of whom are Jews. Of course, I know the expression lost tribes of Israel applied to the tribes which disappeared not to the tribe of Judah from which the current sons of bitches are descended. Patton commanded French troops, the 2nd Armored Division commanded by Philippe Leclerc, integrated in the Third Army, and had rocky but friendly relations with the French general. Most of the following was gathered from a book called the Patton Papers, published in 1947, which contained the diary entries, letters, and other writings and this, in turn, was reproduced from a Rense article sourced here: Pattons urgent and prophetic advice went unheeded by Patterson and the other politicians and only served to give a warning about Pattons feelings to the alien conspirators behind the scenes in New York, Washington, and Moscow. He could not help but compare them with the French, the Italians, the Belgians, and even the British. Anything built by man, can be destroyed by him. Awakened by Patton's boot in his side, the soldier spluttered in the darkness. Patton was a genius. We came home that night quite late and the next morning he came upstairs and woke me up and said we were going for breakfast. This individual heroic stuff is pure horse shit. It is amusing to recall that we fought the Revolution in defense of the rights of man, when ordered to hand over German prisoners to the French for forced labor, per, One cannot but ponder the question: What if the Arabs had been Christians? Though Patton commissioned this prayer and ordered 250,000 copies of it printed with his signature, it was actually composed by Chief Chaplain. Dark theme turns the light surfaces of the page dark, creating an experience ideal for night. Patton soon familiarized himself with his job at hand and with the people he was working with. General George Smith Patton, Jr. ( 11 November 1885 - 21 December 1945) was a senior officer of the United States Army, who commanded the U.S. Are major internet companies profiting from child pornography? The attack on Fort Driant was the only battle ever lost by General George Patton. Behind Patton's blood and guts personality was an absolute professional, one of the most competent army commanders our side put into the field; the Germans were painstaking in their analysis of the leaders who faced them in battle, and Patton was the only Anglo-American who seriously troubled them. He won it by making the other poor, dumb bastard die for his country. They could probably maintain themselves in the type of fighting I could give them for five days. a very apparent Semitic influence in the press. What are the consequences of overstaying in the Schengen area by 2 hours? Once Patton had familiarized himself with his job at hand and, what he was working with he started to see things in a different light. I prefer the Germans. Americans despise cowards. But like some other great actors, his signature role left him typecast and the future held no parts for him. I'd rather have a German division in front of me, than a French one behind. My personal opinion is that no people could have sunk to the level of degradation these have reached in the short space of four years. Are You Ready for Bolshevik Revolution 2.0 American Style? So they began a non-stop hounding of him in the press, a la Watergate, accusing him of being soft on Nazis and continually recalling an incident in which he had slapped a shirker two years previously, during the Sicily campaign. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. The more he saw of the Soviets, the stronger Pattons conviction grew that the proper course of action would be to stifle communism then and there, while the chance existed. Moreover, in all his posturing he conveyed the impression that he was showing off his personal toughness, rather than his professional authority. I could have taken it (instead of the Soviets) had I been allowed., This conviction, that the politicians had used him and the U.S. Army for a criminal purpose, grew in the following weeks. In the interest of time I am not going to speak for this man of great stature but, let him speak for himself. "We defeated the wrong enemy" - General George S. Patton. George C. Scott, who portrayed Patton in the 1970. SOURCE: 691 views 757 days ago. Is there a colloquial word/expression for a push that helps you to start to do something? Pattons leadership style can be best summed up in his following quotes which remain remarkably relevant to this day: Do everything you ask of those you command. Patton believed leadership was done from the front, he understood that no one would follow a leader that didnt know what the work was like first-hand; No . Skeptics Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for scientific skepticism. WWII hitler germany bolshevik communism patton truth. Close. He was disgusted by their behavior in the camps for Displaced Persons (DPs) which the Americans built for them and even more disgusted by the way they behaved when they were housed in German hospitals and private homes. Planned Maintenance scheduled March 2nd, 2023 at 01:00 AM UTC (March 1st, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup, Ticket smash for [status-review] tag: Part Deux. The American people were given a picture of him only as a swashbuckling, intrepid combat leader; but he had a scholarly bent and a profound knowledge of strategy, tactics and military and political techniques. Developing a basis for this composition on General George S Patton We Defeated The Wrong Enemy was a lengthy task. SOURCE: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/51JsTDStuUyL/ Share this: Posted on December 29, 2021 by John Carleton in John | Leave a comment First, when we remove an individual German we punish an individual German, while the punishment is not intended for the individual but for the race. The maximum upload file size: 256 MB. Your email address will not be published. There is only one tactical principle which is not subject to. #googlegate? General George S. Patton "We are fighting the Wrong Enemy" It's the Communist that will destroy Europe! Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Zhukov pointed to a Russian tank and said it's guns range was 7 miles. Patton picked up the GI holster in which I carried my 30-year-old Colt .45. In recollecting our experiences together, I may offend those who prefer to remember Patton not as a human being but as a heroic-size statue in a public park. The hell with taking it. Did New York Times post this Hitler apology stating Jews baited the Nazis by trying to fight back on June 15, 1934? Wars were won by making the other poor bastard die for his. Click to cancel. "Westy," he told me solemnly, "don't forget when you return to the States, be careful what you say. Determination, and regular time table for writing helps in writing essays, reports and articles. Harrison (a U.S. State Department official) and his associates indicate that they feel German civilians should be removed from houses for the purpose of housing Displaced Persons. If it sounds like hate speech to you just remember the truth is hate speech to those who hate the truth. I first met George S. Patton, Jr., before World War II when he was a lieutenant colonel at Fort Sill, and in North Africa, when he was a general, I saw him often. To a man who abhorred defensive warfare with the scorn of George Patton, the shutdown came as a bitter and crushing blow. In addition to his other Asiatic characteristics, the Russian have no regard for human life and is an all out son of bitch, barbarian, and chronic drunk. I find that moral courage is the most valuable and most usually absent characteristic. You win a war by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his. Everything you needed to know about General George S Patton We Defeated The Wrong Enemy. The Americans (for the most part) loved Patton and hated Montgomery. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. , secure range was 7 miles is structured and easy to search he helped Nazi! Go. `` better experience who was hired to assassinate a member elite. A small convoy of vehicles arrived, sirens alive, Patton ordinarily messed with a group inmates! Soldier under his command wear them so he did too ( the Soviet ) system... Carry that cannon with you everywhere you go. `` and articles various far-right memes his... 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