After her first dose she had diarrhea, vomiting and developed a terrible wheezing hacking cough. Once again peed in my office on Saturday. I just hope he has a turn around . If she recovers, cause is the Simparica. Some reports showed the dogs could have simparica seizures. Use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures or neurologic disorders. No more of this junk for my pups! Simparica Trio also contains the ingredient moxidectin, which shifts chloride, a naturally occurring electrolyte, across the cell membrane of certain susceptible worms such as heartworms, roundworms, and hookworms. Im beyond heartbroken, shocked, and sad. I thought it was just her aging but now I think it al started when she started this medication. Yea so what about the 10 percent? I switched all three of my dogs to simparica trio and ironically my one that is a simi feral h/w+ hound disappeared. Vet thought was inner ear infection now thinking otherwise. Simparica Trio costs less per dose when purchased in a 12-pack (compared to the six-pack or individual doses). Now her dog is very sick and she has to take the dog to the vet every day in the past week. They each contain a potent list of chemicals, including parasiticides, that get in the dog's bloodstream. Our pups had been on next guard and heart guard with no issues but new vet stopped selling those products so switched to to the simparica trio - gave a dose to our 7 ur old 71 pound blue tick coonhound Frazier and our 10 mo 45 pound labradoodle- Watson. I've beaten myself up so much giving her this drug, I felt I could trust the vet and the drug company but we obviously cant and it's all about making more money. Sorry for the late replywe took our boy to the ER and after 2 days on fluids and a shot of Percorton, he was diagnosed with Addison's Disease. Sometimes I think he is either blind or deaf. Took a dose of simparica trio.second rose in second is having tremors. How long did it last with your dog? I am worried! He has no appetite, wont drink water and his mouth is so dry. I gave them their 2nd dose, and 24 hours later, the Collie mix (Bella) was throwing up, lethargic, unsteady, drinking obsessively, panting, and could hardly walk. Follow up: my Labradoodle visited the ER on T-Day for 2 hrs. Good appetite and no digestive issues (never had that symptom). Idk what to do. Did you go to the vets or not? He had an MRI and it came out good. Circumstances changed and moved to a semi rural area in Florida surrounded by lots of woods. I notified my vet and Zoetis, the company that makes this drug. If it has been a long period of time since the last dose was given, you may see fleas temporarily during the missed time. - she's had several episodes since then. He has trouble raising his leg to urinate. Started our 8 month old rescued golden retriever on simpatico trio in February as had our rescued border collie mix on it for last year. We did not make the connection until today. In about 3-4 days he threw up clear liquid, then went into spells where he coughed so hard it sounded like he was barking and screaming at the same time. Not to worry you, and I hope yours is different outcome! Pyrantel pamoate is a nematocide (kills some worms) belonging to the tetrahydropyrimidine class. Our 6 year old, 66# Treeing Walker Coon Hound baby has been taking Simparica for about two years. Thank you to all of you posting and I hope all of your babies are doing well. I gave my sweet little toy poodle Simpaica today, and one hour later this poor dog went from happy and healthy to having a terrible seizure. He had to be put to sleep and Im devastated. How is your dog now? Ive read these stories and am also disgusted. It has been stated that only in rare cases, Simparica may cause abnormal neurological signs such as tremors, ataxia or seizures. Plus I spent a fortune for the crap We gave our Pomeranian the first dose of simpatica on 4/30 - yesterday (5/11) she had a seizure and just had another one tonight. The seizure has finally stopped and he seems to be sleeping peacefully. Just gave my baby her first dose. I just want to cry! She had some itching and a bit lethargic but is eating very well. After reading all these reports I am convinced this is the reason our baby is so sick. Like other oral treatments, Simparicaworks by entering a dogs bloodstream immediately after ingestion. Thanks all for sharing your experiences. The reason I had stopped it , I saw a Instagram where a girls dog took the. I hope this product is no longer sold anywhere. Or has it been too many doses ? My Lab mix has had 2 doses of this med. I want to thank everyone who posted I could not find enough information on other sites. I hope this comment will save you and your pets from unnecessary trouble. He is very friendly with other people and pets and never had an issue in that regard. He did blood work and found that the phosphorus levels in her blood were way to low and that was causing the neurogical problems and it was most likely from Simparica Trio. I won't sleep until we all get the justice for our babies that don't have voices of their own. Our pup only made it 4 months after her first seizure, but this did seem to help her symptoms toward the end. That being said I have had him tested for Heartworms (negative) and asked for him to be prescribed Trifexis - which he has been on since he was a puppy. I took him to the ER they checked his vitals and sent me home. The representative for the company says the half life is 16 days. Sarah thanks for your response! Trifexis and Simparica are available only with a prescription from your veterinarian. Poor dog prob thinks HE did something wrong. I'm sick, gave our 8 week old aussielabradoodle her 1st dose of the trio yesterday and the poor baby has had diarrhea 4x so far. Although these products can and have been. I have my 10mth old Iggy her first dose and since having this brand she has been shaking for the last 10 days we have been to the vet she has had IV fluids to push the drug out of her system and has had valium but all with minimal affect!!! Within a week one of our beloved doggies began experiencing several of the symptoms reported in this blog by other owners. After realizing that the only thing that we did differently was to give him his first dose of Simperica, my wife began research and came across this conversation. My lab puppies have been taking Simparica Trio for 2 months. I wish I would have read these comments first. (145 Reviews) $15.50 - $31.09. The Vet's are so busy that even if you can get in you don't get anywhere. It is Now 3 pm and Lily is on her way to the animal hospital and most likely going to have to spend the night, we will flush her with iv and hope It helps Flush It out Of her system. Training your dog to follow basic commands builds a positive relationship with her and helps ensure her safety. I was furious with the drug and the prescriber too. I even told them about the Simparica which they dont respond to. It's been the worst 2 months. The only thing in his diet that really changed was his flea, tick and heartworm protection. After about a week, she started to improve. He is acting very skittish/scared like behavior, wants to just lay down. My 14 year old, 3.5 lb Chihuahua (picture the tan colored Taco Bell Chihuahua, identical) received a tablet that I cut in 4 pieces and buried in his food. Simparica Trio contains two additional active ingredients, moxidectin and pyrantel. Side effects are rare and may include: Neurologic side effects have been seen after using medications in this class of drugs. The only change I could think of he started taking Simparica about 4 months ago. My shepherd got it the following month and I called the vet again and she prescribed probiaotics and anti diarrhea meds again. She has episodes where she seems very anxious and is hiding under car/tables/beds. We reported it with the company and they are reimbursing for vet bills, maybe you can report as well. I just gave my Matty her first dose. My dog has been vomiting with diarrhea plus he has bumps all over his body from one dose of simparica trio. She is only 6 and was so full of life and energy. I'm so glad I found this forum, it confirmed my instincts that this drug is very harmful. No more of this med! I gave this Simparica Trio to my dog 2 days a ago, he is 7 days short of 14 yrs of age, He would not eat and drank very little for 2 days after giving this to him Never again want my Trifecta back had no problems, I gave my precious puppy this and 12 hours later, How long did your dog have dirreha duke his pill Monday and he hasnt had a normal poop. In very rare instances, mild side effects and irritations can occur for a short period of time. Gave our 6 month old Bulldog puppy Simparica TRIO (this is his 3rd dose) now realizing this is the culprit to what happened with him last month. In total we spend around $780 trying to control/stop the tremors & seizures. It is the most convenient flea and tick protection product on the market. I am interested in the petition and the company's response. Bravecto has six topical solutions for dogs by weight/size. I will have to keep an eye out on her. My 3 year old dog has been on Simparica since he was a puppy, with no side effects that I've noticed. I have now taken all my animals off of chemicals and going to try a different route. I'm so angry this medication is on the market. Maybe dont have a dog. Vet expenses will be paid by the company and we will be full refunded for our purchase of 6 month supply. If your dog doesn't like the taste, you can try some tricks to hide the pill in a tasty treat or Pill Pocket. Nothing they can do for her she said. I must admit that I am pretty nervous about it, but we shall see. I gave my morkie poo simparica trio from age 4 months until age 1 on advice of his vet. Back to the vet and I hope they credit my money. Now do you get the connection? He had gone to a new groomer and when he came home he had a seizure. He has been eating the same organic GF food for the past several years. She hasnt eaten in 3 days and is unable to go up 2 simple steps. Today is Friday. I to also gave my best friend Simparica as recommended by the vet. My 3 month old shih tux Juno took her second dose last week and for the last two days shes vomited and has been eating grass nonstop! After second pill, weve notice he has been a bit down for a couple days. I looked up side effects for this drug and was horrified to find that the flea med can cause tremors seizures and worse. Update June 7th. At the same time, Simparica Trio is used to prevent heartworm and lungworm disease (both caused by blood worms that infect the heart and blood vessels supplying the lungs). My dog just had 1 and he already has seizure medication - the vet reckons it was the best 1 to help not get the seizures. Then he starts scratching and as time goes on he seemed like something was wrong. . He drank not crazy about dog food . She had the tablet on the Thursday and by Friday she had two very servere seizures, she is nearly three and never seen a vet before only for vaccines. We think that the drug is the cause of the seizures . She hasn't had any of the diarrhea or eating issues, but has had one of her eyes that gets red and the inner eyelid partially covers her pupil. Can you tell me if your dog is back to normal now?!?! Maybe? If most side effects are mild, ( vomiting 12 hours later could be due to other things the dog has eaten within those 12 hours), I am ok with that. Overly anxious. If your dog or cat experiences any adverse event while using an isoxazoline product, first consult your veterinarian. Simparica Trio also prevents heartworms and keeps hookworms and roundworms from harming your pup. I have always been apprehensive about putting my dog on Heartworm / Flea Tick medication because of horror stories, but I thought he's 5 and it will be from the vet and it seems like the responsible thing to do. This was January 15 of 2020. Simparica Trio has been extensively tested on various breeds and on dogs of different ages. 3 days later, one of the dogs had severe vomiting for a day, then turned into severe golden diaherria going on a week now! By Tuesday evening symptoms came back worse. Seizures have been reported in dogs receiving isoxazoline class drugs, even in dogs without a . Friday early evening Bellas stool was still soft with structure with the outside color almost black but the inside was tinged with lime green. Random vomitting is no fun either. So sorry to hear, and good for you in recognizing the problem! If there are enough reports they may have to pull it off the market until further safety tests can be done. This should be taken off the market-it's just a BIG pharmaceutical moneymaker at the expense of animals and their unsuspecting owners. Then we seen an ad on tv for Simparica and it mentioned seizures as a side effect. It started working on him right away, Diarrhea. It may be that he is getting older as he is now one years old and he was neutered about three months ago. About 2 weeks later he had tremors, drooling, lethargic, uncoordinated, vomiting and was touch and go for a couple days. Head down, tail down, will stand in a corner and stare at the wall. This stuff should be banned. The American Heartworm Society recommends year-round heartworm prevention for all dogs in the United States, and the Companion Animal Parasite Council recommends broad-spectrum parasite control to prevent heartworms, intestinal parasites, fleas, and ticks for all dogs in North America. She will not get this anymore. If not, we had some success with symptom management using Prednisone. Best of luck. Simparica Trio is the brand name of a chewable tablet that protects dogs from heartworm disease, fleas, five species of ticks, and two types of intestinal parasites. The day after administering drug he had two incapacitating seizures. I am so beyond mad, what can I do to get this out of her system and better yet what can we do to get this product off the market. I hope yours is an isolated incident! A couple of weeks later she had lost weight from not eating. Could use of Simparica be related to increased prevalence of mast cell tumors in dogs? Why would he knowingly recommend this? Topical only for me from now on. I shall be looking for a natural product from now on, k and g pet supplies on amazon do a good mange spray so hopefully that will be all they need from now on. This will kill fleas and ticks. After doing some research, we rejected that idea, instead we gave him a charcoal detox, he had recovered the next day. Just gave my three year old Poodle this crap and his hind quarters gave out and he started having a seizure. I am giving her supplements to support her heart and nerves and she's a little better each day. I read all the above and it makes me sad. Hi, Id like to thank all the contributors to this thread and Im so very sorry for the pain you and your pets have undergone. I gave my 2 year old dog her monthly dose on Saturday and she started having tremors that night. My vet recommended this HORRIFIC drug and I gave my totally healthy 6 months old pup one dose a week ago. He collapsed & went limp in my arms . Please do NOT try Simparica Trio, I went to the Vets office to pick up Dukes Revolution Heart Worm meds, and they talked me into switching to Simparica Trio, we gave Duke his first dosage on March 1st, March 2nd, he would fall down while walking, he would fall down trying to get up, he's NEVER done this before! Let us now look at possible side effects when administering Simparica. I called my vet but because of Covid they are so behind in appts and would not see him until a month from then. so what about her puppies I am so worried. 2-6 days in vomiting here and there. Side effects of Simparica Trio observed in safety and effectiveness studies included diarrhea, vomiting, lethargy, ear infection, polyuria, hyperactivity, and pruritus. I took her home. Will not eat or drink. Hi Laura, How is you pup doing one after getting off simparica? Can anyone tell me how long it takes for meds to be completely out of system? No more Simparica for him. Dr said either Simparica (best case scenario), GOLPP or brain tumor. By overloading chloride into these worms, it affects the electrical activity within their nervous system, causing muscle paralysis and death. All content contained in this article is sourced from public sources or the manufacturer. I do believe it caused her blindness. Im beside myself with guilt and fear. I hope there will be a class action lawsuit but most importantly that the word get out to stop this medication from harming another life. (toy aussie & corgi). I should have know it was a sign when he spat it out. Sarolanerstarts fighting fleas within three hours and begins to kill ticks after 8 hoursincluding the lone star tick, black-legged tick, brown dog tick, American dog tick, and Gulf Coast tick. He looked like he was having a seizure. In a well-controlled laboratory study, SIMPARICA TRIO began to kill fleas at 4 hours and demonstrated 100% effectiveness at 8 hours after initial administration. Im a new pet owner and this will sound ignorant Im sure but I had NO IDEA this is how flea meds works and completely trusted my vet who knows my dogs past sensitive history and I was given the drug not even in its package so I could read anything about it but in individual pills. The neurologist suggested we start by stopping the Simparica and using a flea and tick with no seizure side effects. I did not notice any side effects. It sounds as if she's been pinched while sleeping although nothing visible happened. Especially after seeing these post. Im beside myself. Even when asked to go for a car ride he didn't respond. This is still going on weeks later. well my lola went into labor xmas day. The .gov means its official.Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Vet gave him three different kinds of pain meds thinking he might be having hip or back problems. I gave simparica trio to my 10-year-old Havanese. A week ago I gave him Trifexis because he had been on it a few years ago.the next night he had a seizure. This was the 2nd does I have him. My dog died from it after one dose within 24 hours. He is a 89 lbs 5 y/o pitbull who has never had any issues before. Upon receiving her 2nd dose, 4 weeks later, she presented symptoms of malaise within 2 hours. I wish I had read these comments before giving this to my Frenchie. Zoetis claims it will be out of his system in two months and I should not see lasting effects, so I am hopeful but worried and telling everyone I know NOT to use this poison. This is because it doesn't kill adult heartworms. Speak with your veterinarian about what to do if you forget to give a dose of Simparica or Simparica Trio. Has there been any improvement if so how long after did it take ? From all I have read on this junk, it likely has caused the damage as that condition doesn't just suddenly come on. Vet says not to go back to Any brand oral flea/tick meds, so well be using Frontline drops on her shoulders from now on. They were ok on that but the vet office is no longer going to carry regular Simperica so we took the Simperica trio that is now in its place. its only been about 4 days since and its been a steady decline. Over time, I spent 7k to save here but to no avail. Vet said if she vomits bring her in. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the official website and that any information you provide is encrypted and transmitted securely. This happened to our 2yr old frenchie last Friday. And both of my other labs, basically house dogs, ended up with a droopy left eye. Thank you for this. The Simparica chewable is a poor choice for dogs with a history of prior seizures. We all want to protect our pets from fleas, ticks and the diseases they carry, but some treatments can come with nasty side effects. My personal dog has had no issues at all, and she's been on it for nearly two years. She couldnt walk straight anymore and stopped eating. thank you. My Jack Russell Terrier has taken Simparica Trio for several months. Any advice on the diarrhea? Thousands more wasted with antibodies test for the Lepto guess (different ER vet) to also come back false positive due to vaccines.. my poor baby already had a rough life being abandoned. Now, here we are one month later and I just gave him the second dose about two hours ago. A week after I lost her I got COVID and was in the hospital for 20 days. It seems to coincide with the monthly dosage. Got a new GS when the old one died. I wanted to investigate a bit before dosing him. My husband said that he felt like it would just make his coat shiny. Vet prescribed this for my 12 week old border collie Lab mix. Yesterday one baby threw up four times within one hour of taking her chewable. Vet says garlic doesn't work and obviously it didn't because he shaved a little of dogs fur and put it on a paper towels and it was full of fleas.The vet gives me Simpirica-ok fleas are dropping off him like crazy. First dose was on 4/1 and 9 days later he was vomiting goop (yellow thick goo), he would drink water and vomit. Don't risk the well-being of your beloved dog just because something is more convenient. Hi, any chance you did a spinal tap? How common are Simparica side effects? They are also drinking more than normal. The flinching was very concerning to me as I had to take extra care that I've never had to try to avoid scaring him just doing routine things. I've had to syringe water in his mouth. At the same time, it opens glutamate-gated channels, which adds to the flood of nerve communications. They did an ultrasound (2 of them), X-rays, blood test, gave fluids, did another ultrasound (looking for a master fluid that keeps popping up and going away between her stomach cavity & spinal cord. Vet trip and meds $400! What is Simparica Trio for dogs? She had multiple seizures and developed pericardial effusion and myocarditis. I have a happy healthy 14 yr old female bull terrier. We gave our 13 yr old lab mix this medicine as our doctor doesn't carry trifexis anymore. So your dog got better? Is it too late? When did you stop giving the Simparico Trio? Thank you! Always confirm storage temperatures by reading the label. Youre an idiot then! Another call to vet asking for an appt - seems like an an emergency now? Sarolaner, one of the ingredients in SIMPARICA TRIO, is a member of the isoxazoline class. It is like night and day compared to her regular personality or demeanor. If you miss a dose of Simparica Trio, give it immediately and resume monthly dosing. She nearly died. If your dog has reactions to this medicine, push fluids! It is Easter Sunday and he still has diarrhea and drinking a crazy amount of water. We took him to the animal er and they checked his vitals and he was fine. No way I will ever give it to her again. My dog is 9 yrs old . Moxidectin was first approved by the FDA in 1997 for the prevention of heartworm disease in dogs. Been also very lethargic not wanting to get out of bed. She never did that before! Now tremors started. My sincere sympathies to those with horrendous seizure side effects. On Friday he was incredibly thirsty - he would drink a full bowl of water and then look at me for more. The FDA considers this level to be "very rare". He seems back to his normal self and playing with his toys, but we will not continue the following doses! Simparica only offers chewables. Some dogs improve, some don't, not a clear answer why. I have an 8 year old Labrador. PetArmor Plus Flea and Tick Prevention for Dogs, Dog Flea and Tick Treatment, Waterproof Topical, Fast Acting, Small Dogs (5-22 lbs), 6 Doses. Hi Charlene, can you elaborate on agitated swallowing? They recommended I hospitalize my dog immediately as it's a concern and he's currently there receiving IV fluids, meds, and after an ultrasound is now receiving medication for possible liver infection. MONEY!!. I hope these steps will prevent anyone else's pet having to endure this. She wanted me to monitor him carefully and wait to see how he did on his next dose of Simparica before continuing to prescribe it. It was recommended by my vet and they no longer were selling anything other than Simparica and dropped having Bravecto to sell their customers. Hi there, So sorry to hear about your dog. Made the pressured in to by a vet to give Simparica Trio. Bellas suffered an 8 month bout of puppy strangles (autoimmune disorder) starting at 11 weeks of age. Its hard to say since he has previously been diagnosed with lymes. Never any issues with bravecto so we'll return to that medication. Conclusion . I am so sorry for your loss. Last month she had diarrhea and it lasted 7 days. The older of the 2 Poodles seemed to do fine but my younger Poodle who was about 3 years old was definitely affected and we had a difficult time even getting him to eat for at least 2 weeks. I hope I have found the culprit to his digression. All said, we are over $8K into vet bills and growing, Given that he had no noted medical issues prior, his vet and the urgent care vet both feel is was likely the Simparico. You can do heartworm no problem, and some flea meds also have a neurology warning but not on the same scale of reports as this tick stuff. And dropped having bravecto to sell their customers is encrypted and transmitted securely a charcoal detox he! Spent 7k to save here but to no avail about it, but this did seem to help her toward. 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