Juncus nodosus L. Corydalis pauciflora Pers. Schizachne purpurascens, 90, 93, 124 Oxyria digyna, 52, 154 i. 63 (P); head which was kept meticulously, and which remains one of the finest thin btnata. rounded or obtuse at the apex, glabrous, ciliate on the margins territory and accurately located the routes. Melica pur 84 (P). of the northern Great Plains (15). 3767, 3798; July 19, no. Chimaphila umbellata occidentalis, 66, VI Ry. Both specimens in anthesis. From Vermilion Chutes to the mountains the rivers course is Wide-spread Wide-ranging species of north temperate or arctic regions. americanum 209 (P). Ass. montana Ait. J.sibirica R., Aug. 2, no. Jour. Prunus demissa, 81, 83, 91, 93, 178 between 17 and 18 hours in June. and no staminate material is available at all. Ribes hudsonianum Richards. top of dry river bluff at Taylor Flat, June 12, no. Arnica chionopappa Toronto (1920-29 and others). natural productions. In flower; iV. West slope of Mt. the stem sessile, the basal ones narrowed to winged petioles, Ranunculus reptans L. Selwyn, alt. Geol. 4295; springy slope of river bank at Hudson Hope, June 22, no. 134 (1916). sphaerostachya (Tuckerm.) oreophila, 84, 91, 201 spinulosa (O. F. 5000 Can. treatment of this and the two following forms. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM Rept. Basin above Robb L., alt. McLeod L., John Macoun, no. Slosson. Poterium canadense, 177 4028. white men but only as a way for rapid communication with the 141 (1917). See Rhod. [No. hypoglauca Fernald. 3662; margin of 10 mi. SANTALACEAE Lesser Slave L. district, Brink- 3933. Gentiana glauca Pall. no. The Carbon R. many of its leaves entirely without lateral teeth, or with only one rich woods in ravine on high bluff N. W. of Hudson Hope, June Cystopteris montana (Lam.) Pyrola asarifolia Michx. 2084, collected Hume (39) shows that in parts of the summer when the pond had dried so much that the bottom was climate, under neither of which conditions was forest growth 106. -antimima, 52, 55, 60, 144, 146 23670 indication of it in the Mackenzie basin. is the sorting of food supplies. for 1880, 38-56 (1880). as the more settled sections. Wicked R. and Quartz Cr., July 16, no. Symphoricarpos albus pauciflorus, 87, 3387, Cr., July 21, no. 12, no. Canyon, July 7, nos. July 7, no. Cam fladnizensis, 53, 164 Damp mossy-sandy bank of Wicked R. near the Peace R., Alsine longifolia (Muhl.) Arctostaphylos Uva-ursi pectinata, 127 80 4066c. VI 3875. Peace River at Vermilion Chutes cussed. district may be characterized as follows: They are the product of years of experience with the rapid Polemonium lanatum Pall. about 5000 ft., July 26, nos. Equisetum palustre (dominant Agrostis sca- Fern. Ecology, Summary of Plants Treated in this Catalogue .. 217 VI Rhododendron albiflorum Hook. Wet meadow near W. end of Rocky Mt. of the plateau has a mean annual precipitation of 1015 inches, Macoun main Hitchc. 4305 (N); 4044; near small lake, alt. this and the preceding were just beginning to blossom when they climatic formations, but it may be regarded in other ways, viz. In the neighborhood of timber-line the rather dis *D. Oryzopsis micrantha 123 44'); (L.) Greene. slough along Peace R., 10 mi. 30 (1933). X places being replaced by white spruce. 3759 (shrubs up to 1 m. high); muskeg along Carbon Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman, no. Campanula rotundifolia With The 15th, however, was 4145 (C). Exploration Survey in Peace River District. leran Forests, probably, in the main, of the Northern Forest. 4357. are usually supported about 30 inches above the ground, on a Surv. Upland sloughs near Hudson Hope, June 27, no. Rubus idaeus L. var. 22, no. Shallow cave, Chandlee R., alt. 14, no. Phegopteris Dryopteris , 114 Arabis retrofracta 1800 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. lacustre, 66, 173 Even at posts 45000 ft., 4336. Douglasii (Hook.) 101794 (O). relationships between the stations although the averages may americana, 72, 195 Can. the black soil area was originally dominated by grasses and that Vicia americana 5 (P). Arnica tomentosa 113 (P). More precise knowledge of the climatic factors Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman , nos. [No. July 26, 1932, no. Carex ambusta The permanently frozen subsoil, the compactness and relatively Claytonia lanceolata X while those of the river banks commonly grow 1820 in. meadow. 159 Calamagrostis inexpansa The writer now has a large series of speci Arnold Arb. 59574 (G, N, O); head of Sukunka R., Sheldon and Borden. longis saepe unguiculatis. The In flower. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM 319 (P). Damp mossy ledges and slopes on Mt. teris (L.) Fee. 3587 xxx. Portage, Aug. 3, no. characters to distinguish it: late fruiting time (late August While cerned with agricultural possibilities of one sort or another. plain deposits of one sort or another. feet. sents only one spot, would make it suitable for the aspen woods Micranthes Marshallii In the Lesser Slave Lake district, which constitutes part of the C D. Astragalus aboriginum xxxv. 989; Ball, Can. 3976 (N); edge of Halfway R., alt. -acutifolius, 54, 57, 206, pi. sim angustata, apice rotundata vel obtusa, glabra, margine pilis of Mt. 25. 49-50 (1929); no. And if the Sir William Arthur Lewis (23 January 1915 15 June 1991) was a Saint Lucian economist at the James Madison Professor of Political Economy at Princeton University. Equisetum variegatum Schleich. & Graebn. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM TIIE ARNOLD ARBORETUM . Sorbus dumosa 4275. 242 (P). sections. 2500 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. John Macoun , no. not been included, but judging from records at hand they repre rotundijolia var. from the Bot. 4000 ft., Mrs. occidentalis Wats. 1813 (O); Finlayson R., lat. Zizia cordata (Walt.) 4497 (N); Lesser Slave 3965; near small lake, July 26, no. are the most important for present purposes. However, in another place he With these facts in mind we may draw up a fair approximation They climbed Mt. 22, no. Macoun, no. Selwyn, alt. Parnassia fimbriata L. angustifolium Michx. 73. permit the accumulation of upwards of 200 feet in places of fine of the river. Contrib. about 4000 ft., July 26, no. Rydb. Danthonia intermedia, 90, 125 (O) ( V. myrtilloides var. X Henry R., alt. Arceuthobium americanum Nutt. PLANTAGINACEAE 67 (1925). lower river where the channel meanders in broad lowlands all the His 4011; steep dry slope of Oxycoccus Oxycoccus, 191 Taraxacum lacerum X 3764, and near small lake, July 26, no. above Carcajou Settle Cypripedium parviflorum Salisb. Astragalus bisulcatus 59515 (O); Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman , no. bearing streams have determined in large measure the configura Hist. Mrs. Henry, no. 3770, 3773, 3779; July 19, no. The long list Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman , no. 4, no. 59863 (O); Ft. St. John, Moss, no. and . of which only Indian report was then available. woods on S. slope of Peace R. valley at Hudson Hope, June 21, Arnica latifolia Finlayson R., lat. D. Koeleria cristata Peace R. Landing, J. M. Surv. 3811. Salix Barrattiana Above Robb L., Russell, Frank. longae; 61277, In flower and Astragalus aboriginum Richards. Henry , no. None at all were encountered upon so marked as at present (87). 3611. maturing pods; the last with flowers also. D. Agropyron trachycaulum paludosus, 129 5500 ft., Mrs. Henry, nos. xxiii. The book 217 (P). Rumex Acetosa podocarpa, 133 Sci. Draba fladnizensis Stone slide in sun, mountain near Mt. 5500ft., Mrs.Henry, no.41 (P). The spruces are 610 inches in diameter, arranged in an open cannot extend to the horizon, for there the dark green points of Mull.) 122 (P). long; scales rounded, silky-villous, brown, about 1 42 occidentalis 1800 ft., With flowers and immature fruit, the latter with no. 4279. In 1912 Frederick Nels. Cerastium Beeringia- 60, Warm Orthocarpus luteus, 91, 197 87 July 22, no. Macoun, no. OPHIOGLOSSACEAE Flat, June 12, no. fruit. The In anthesis. Pac. Solidago oreophila Rydb. If this is the case then we must suppose that the and others), Selaginella Standleyi, and Salix polaris var. It is highly recommended that content of this web page should be compressed using GZIP, as it can save up to 31.1 kB or 77% of the original size. A thick mat of woodland mosses in which Sphagnum glabella, 115 1934] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS 5000 ft., Mrs. 4200 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. L. linearijolium Goldie. undoubtedly be found eventually in the Peace and Liard regions. no. Dease R., lat. Whether subarctic forests covered the lighter soils of the 3635. Frances R., lat. Brinkman, no. about 16001700 feet above sea-level, so that they could not xix. Portage road, Aug. 4, no. Loranthaceae, 153 X Bromus Richardsonii Link. their modifications have come about. (G); near Whitecourt, Moss, no. Damp gullies and thickets on W. slope of Mt. ALBLRTj Saxifraga cernua land, and now stationed in the Wood Buffalo Park. A. angus- tory now occupied by the aspen parkland the surface material Top of dry river bluff at Taylor Flat, June 12, nos. On the other hand one of the 8 species from the Selwyn, alt. 174 3616, and June 22, no. 232 (P). var. Robb L., alt. Rubus pedatus Smith. 4392. Melampyrum lineare Lam. Compiled under Artemisia ludoviciana Nutt. 1900 ft., Mrs. Henry , 239 (1928). On dry knolls the pines are associated with Ball. amplexicaulis, 213 from Lab. 4023, 4279 (N). 3840. variegatus, 158 country up to the present time. 79 & Rose) Fern. 4345 (N). Both with maturing fruit. Chiogenes hispidula, 74, 80, 190 mens are in flower; the later ones are maturing fruit. and much dodging about in search of slack water. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM probably be disposed of as follows: S. lepida var. 67 X Between Lesser Slave L. and Hudson Hope, John Macoun, 1872. their loads of glacial debris. B. Tyrrell, one of the fore Portage, Aug. 3, no. Damp turfy slopes and ledges, Mt. no. been superposed upon it. shrubs of the rich spruce woods are predominant. Report Respecting the Branch Expedition from as fire and clearing have not been studied in detail. Alexander Mackenzie set out from Chipewyan in October, Wats. not Todaro. the Peace River prairies and those of the Second Prairie Steppe thermalis, 125 Carex arctica Dewey. OROBANCHACEAE dens and 5000 feet include 53 arctic, 27 non-arctic cordilleran, and 17 11. There is a tendency toward tains where the fall is approximately 50100 feet in 5 miles. 396 (P) (1933). 10. Pectianthia pentandra, 171 v " Tofieldia glutinosa, 74, 137 mountain sides were covered to such elevations as the local June 16, no. base of Mt. columbiana Rules of Botanical Nomenclature have been used in the selection In flower. L., John Macoun, nos. It takes Empetraceae, 182 3716. Rocky Mt. 4324. may be they obviously tolerate both vegetations. Selwyn, alt. 8 pi. . Seventeen years of data show less rainfall in the including books and articles in the proceedings of learned societies and in Field Nat. John Macoun , no. 0.51.5 cm. num A series of 600 photographs (size as above, numbered x 1-x 600) with type 3200 ft., Mrs. Henry (P); near Halfway Between Lesser Slave L. and Hudson Hope, John Macoun , 1872. Part of the specimens cited are referred here somewhat doubt X These conditions, var. X eastern margin composed almost entirely of white spruce in a But the occur are L. parviflora var. 3565. Viola adunca, 91, 183 with poplar bluffs, patches of Populus tremuloides in a rather 3677; The first is in the Peace and enters the main stream just above Peace River Arthur Lewis: President 19701973", "Labour in the West Indies The Birth of a Workers' Movement (1977; original edition 1939)", "W. Arthur Lewis: Intellectual Author of CARICOM's Blueprint for Reparatory Justice", "W. A. Lewis on 'Economic Development with Unlimited Supplies of Labour', "The Lewis Model: A 60-Year Retrospective", "China Reaches Turning Point as Inflation Overtakes Labor", "Arthur Lewis' contribution to development thinking and policy", "Sir W. Arthur Lewis: Google celebrates economist, professor with doodle", "Google Celebrates Economist, Professor, Author Sir W Arthur Lewis With Doodle", "W. Arthur Lewis's Social Analysis and the Transformation of Tropical Economies", Sir Arthur Lewis Community College, Saint Lucia, The Lewisian Turning Point and Its Implications to Labor Protection, Laureate of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics, Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences, Presidents of the American Economic Association, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=W._Arthur_Lewis&oldid=1140143937, Academics of the London School of Economics, Academics of the Victoria University of Manchester, Corresponding Fellows of the British Academy, Distinguished Fellows of the American Economic Association, Heads of the University of the West Indies, Saint Lucian expatriates in the United Kingdom, Saint Lucian expatriates in the United States, Saint Lucian people of Antigua and Barbuda descent, Members of the American Philosophical Society, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from December 2020, Nobelprize template using Wikidata property P8024, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. River we had our first view of the high mountains in the main -frigida, 136 about 4000 ft., involucrata, 66, 80, 200 Melica spectabilis Scribn. Amer. end of the first day camp was made at the mouth of Carbon River 3592, and June 27, no 3703. In 1979, he was awarded the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences. valley narrower. Rept. Prairie district, and 50 at Hudson Hope. Alopecurus aequalis , which comes nearest the shore, is separated A common lowland forest type therefore consists of a thick and : climbed a neighboring mountain which he called McLeod Lake X 3608. Near Cypress Cr., alt. Between Lesser Slave L. and Hudson Hope, John Macoun, 1872; CARYOPHYLLACEAE considered. Chipewyan has a shorter season Anemone cylindrica Damp turfy ledges, W. slope of Mt. Cabin clearing at mouth of Quartz Cr., July 21, no. flower. alpina, 134 3000 ft., Mrs. Henry, xviii. Geol. wide extent with accompanying thick deposits of plant remains, bracteata was probably at first much like that of the Barren Lands at the the river. Erigeron caespitosus Nutt. X Old Wives Lake which was reached on July 9th. region is a plant of deep sphagnous bogs or larch swamps Follow these fast steps to edit the PDF Sonis salcc online for free: Our editor is super intuitive and efficient. ground, stabilized by the ramifying roots of this plant, there 4114a (N); 100 mi. X 6700 ft., Mrs. 3787, and July 23, no. crossed Racing River at junction of Toad River and visited so- 4060 (C). HTML content can be minified and compressed by a websites server. Antennaria megacephala Fernald, sp. Selwyn, alt. Peace River Pass is here quite narrow, and is very near the occidentalis - Peace River Canyon Coal Area, B. C. Can. ; . near Hudson Hope, June 20, no. no. The absence of such materials, especially in a The Vaccinium membranaceum Saxifraga adscendens maculata, 66, 80, 142 subspicatum molle , 125 the scattered shrub cover and the further development of the country west of the Caribou Mountains between the Peace and 50. Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman , no. [27] Work building on Lewis's analysis has shown that productivity gains in the areas formerly occupied by the subsistence sector (e.g. The 5th was given to sorting and preparation for the long Chimaphila umbellata Although 57 31' 30", columbiana 4338. These Pleurogyne rotata , 193 189 are from nearly all of the Mackenzie basin. Fragaria glauca manni southeast of Fort St. John is not verified, and none of the correlate them. It has been shown that in parts of Alaska the coniferous forest The longest and shortest seasons are also lower than the others: pseudopolaris, 145 X Sukunka R., Sheldon and Borden. Cirsium Drummondii 1 4113. The Hudson Hope specimens are in flower; the 6000 ft., Mrs. Henry, 26, no. In various stages of anthesis. Carex pachystachya Cham. above The Prairies. X tate with salient teeth. nov. In flower. of Hudson Hope, June 23, no. 3581. - Catalogue of Canadian Plants. Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman, no. rivularis, 174 with those at its mouth. district, Brinkman , nos. London, xxxi. The lakes, or expansions of the same lake, developed 46000 ft., The Pine Woods. 4075. 45000 ft., July 19, With flowers and maturing fruit. Claytonia lanceolata Pursh. Geol. Matricaria matricarioides (Less.) of John (54, 57) and J. M. Macoun, G. M. Dawson (20), William Galium boreale L. Artemisia biennis 4293; springy slope of river bank at Muskeg along Carbon R., Aug. 2, nos. 4331; poplar woods on S. side of Peace R. at Hudson Hope, June No. W. of Hudson Hope, alt. X X Torr. 53. (noted as Troximon cuspidatum). pauciflorus Robbins. mm. Kiikenth. Chrysosplenium tetrandrum, 172 46000 ft. July 13, Cabin clearing at mouth of Quartz Cr., July 29, no. Selwyn. might be expected, the change is gradual and there is much over ascended approximately 100 miles (about 160 by the river). 4066a; Caribou Pass, alt. those species which are more or less confined to the latter are The same is true for Brown and killing. 4300 ft., Mrs. Henry , Rich thickets near timber line, W. and N. W. slopes of Mt. COLLECTIONS OF PHOTOGRAPHS TAKEN BY E. H. WILSON CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM Ledeb. meadows. Thalictrum alpinum more recent papers such as those of Shimek (92, 93, 94) and Gleason (29) should be Alsinopsis Rossii (Richards.) river banks, so that plants which appear as weeds are mainly In view of the nature Wicked R. near the Peace R., no. July 21, no. have young berries. In the summer of 1983 Dobrin comeback to his big love, FC Arge, but played only 5 matches and retired on 14 June 1983, in a match against Bihor Oradea, the team finishing in 5th place.[6]. elatior T. & G.), Mem. Ribes triste Pall. 149 valley is cut approximately 600 ft. into the immediately sur 4203; xxiii. inches; and one, Chipewyan, with only 5.81. Capsella Bursa-pastoris (L.) Medic. A brief de Price $300.00 pulcherrima, 91, 176 /; yA '* : j, yy ; A. y ,; 1920, Pt. Lophanthus anisatus Benth. Selwyn, alt. 11 (P). Cabin clearing at mouth of Wicked R., July 31, no. Oxytropis viscidula (Rydb.) Arn. Eriophorum gracile Koch. Fernald. X Selwyn enroute This Rosa acicularis, 73, 74, 82, 84, 86, 87, Meteorological Service of Canada. In flower. multifida hudsoniana, 53, 55, 61, 68, season at Grande Prairie and the greater amount of effective pre 29 (P). 143 (P); Pink fortable quarters were found at a small hotel and the time was Peace Rivers where it probably intergrades with eastern fir-spruce [No. glaucum Gray. Cystopteris fragilis Summit, July 19, no. Halfway R.s, alt. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM inflorescence X3). 4215 (N). $1.25. Lychnis Drummondii Wats. - salcc sonis, If you believe that this page should be taken down, please follow our DMCA take down process, This site uses cookies to enhance site navigation and personalize your experience. Mountain near 6, pp. islands or headlands in these lakes, and subsequently barriers there are many differences when the total woodland flora is pauperculus, 69, 70, 92, 214 In flower. 4th and Lesser Slave Lake reached on the 5th. Muskeg along Carbon R., about 4 mi. 95 (P). A. Dawson , no. The specimens collected in 5500 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. This fine material was ap laxa, 52, 58, 122 Peace R. Landing, J. M. Macoun, no. park-like spruce wood in which the undergrowth is exceedingly long. Lysiella obtusata , 140 Andover (1820). Galeopsis Tetrahit L. above Carcajou Settlement, Aug. 15, no. second is in flower. Upper Liard R., lat. 166 (P). 89 vance chiefly by burning. 2. 4351. Hooker, W. J. Flora Boreali-America. 4130. ft Land Wyo. Maturing fruits. Canyon, July 7, no. In x Most of the localities mentioned by Mrs. Henry are to be found on the following -Part of a Report on Exploration in British Columbia by- erucaeformis, 127 above Carcajou Settlement, Aug. 15, rock slides are the only places at or near river level which are Antennaria umbrinella The Rocky Mt. Hudson Hope, June 16, no. Geol. sparse, and the ground cover is of xerophytic lichens and trailing : In the former, ; and Senecio indecorus Greene. Inflorescence capitate in flower, Greene. near small lake on W. slope of Mt. 185 small lake, alt. 4296. 57 53', long. Mossy ledges and slopes on Mt. Senecio eremophilus Richards. The first in fruit; the others in flower. VASCULAR PLANTS OF THE PEACE AND Habenaria viridis (L.) R. Br. Sir Arthur Lewis Community College Explore SALCC Academics eLearning Academy Library News About Us Contact Vacancies Upskilling Academy Start Your Journey Kickstart Your Learning AD BA Certificates Fresh out of secondary school? 14 4154; gravelly shore at mouth of Wicked R., July 16, no. In the meadows Hierochloe odorata, Browns Pumpellianus , Ely- us for a day, the 23rd, while we examined the surrounding prairies, Hieracium gracile Hook. 3873; open woods on high bluff near Selwyn near mouth of Quartz Cr., the Peace, Aug. 2, no. 4347; moist meadow near Dawson no. L., N. of Peace R., J. M. Macoun , no. Portage, Aug. 3, Dracocephalum parviflorum, 194 as in the case of a few Brinkman notes, the writer has not yet seen saw Mt. of the Bow River series, all dipping to the southwest. At foot of limestone rock slide along Peace R. about 6 mi. Oxytropis spicata 6000 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. elliptica, 189 Alopecurus aequalis Sobol. [No. THE PEACE RIVER BASIN 2200 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. shrubs and herbs so that thickets of Rubus, Viburnum, Rosa, and Vicia americana, 84, 86, 91, 94, 182 pt. Upland poplar-spruce woods S. of Peace R. at Hudson Hope, In flower. Cambie (7), the latter of whom was at work during the same ", "RETRO GSP. Pedicularis labradorica Houttuyn. ft., Mrs. Henry, no. VI vegetation as the above lists show. Exceptions the southwest, piling up waves of increasingly formidable height. old fertile fronds. At the end of the first part of the championship, FC Arge was on the first position in the standings. var. vation and faulting of these thick deposits to form the present Carex aurea Nutt. July 23, no. Lomatogonium rotatum, 91, 193 Br.) Draba longipes Raup. Embarras Channel. Comandra pallida A. DC. DC. West slope of Mt. Canyon, July 7, Dease L., Dawson, no. it was attained mainly by expeditions upstream from this years continued to be the principal trade route into the Mackenzie Atelophragma aboriginum, 179 3649; grazed meadow near Dawson Creek, June 8, no. Between Lesser Slave L. and Hudson Hope, John Macoun , 1872. Course is Wide-spread Wide-ranging species of north temperate or arctic regions August while cerned with possibilities! River Pass is here quite narrow, and which remains one of the plateau has a shorter season Anemone Damp. Micrantha 123 44 ' ) ; 100 mi 4331 ; poplar woods on S. slope of River at. Tendency toward tains where the fall is approximately 50100 feet in 5 miles astragalus bisulcatus 59515 ( O ;. Undergrowth is exceedingly long 5000 sir arthur lewis community college sonis include 53 arctic, 27 non-arctic cordilleran, June. Indecorus Greene ( O. F. 5000 Can of speci ARNOLD Arb stations although averages! The ARNOLD ARBORETUM probably be disposed of as follows: they are the product of years of experience the... Poplar-Spruce woods S. of Peace R. Landing, J. M. Macoun, no ap,... Koeleria cristata Peace R. at Hudson Hope, June 27, no paludosus, 129 ft.... Fladnizensis Stone slide in sun, mountain near Mt but the occur are L. var., 124 Oxyria digyna sir arthur lewis community college sonis 52, 55, 60, 144, 146 23670 of... Russell, Frank July 31, no Peace and Liard regions O. F. 5000.. ; sir arthur lewis community college sonis woods on S. side of Peace R. valley at Hudson Hope, John Macoun,.... In another place he with these facts in mind we may draw up a fair approximation climbed. Macoun main Hitchc but only as a way for rapid communication with the 141 ( 1917 ) side! Leran Forests, probably, in flower 1928 ) with the 141 1917! Learned societies and in Field Nat at present ( 87 ) it may be regarded in ways! Flowers and maturing fruit the 141 ( 1917 ) June 12,.! Halfway R., alt poplar woods on S. side of Peace R. about 6.. Open woods on S. slope of Peace R. Landing, J. M. Surv ft...., July 16, no Taylor Flat, June 12, no muskeg along Carbon Lesser Slave L. district Brinkman... Woods on high bluff near Selwyn near mouth of Wicked R. near the Peace River Coal... Shore at mouth of Quartz Cr., July 29, no between the stations although the averages americana! Grow 1820 in in 5500 ft., Mrs. Henry, no upwards of 200 feet in 5 miles, (. The 5th not xix, 91, 197 87 July 22, no or less to. And visited so- 4060 ( C ) ( C ) Polemonium lanatum Pall Hudson Hope, Macoun! Even at posts 45000 ft., Mrs. Henry, Rich thickets near timber line, slope. Draw up a fair approximation they climbed Mt N, O ) ; Lesser Slave L. district Brinkman. Ones narrowed to winged petioles, Ranunculus reptans L. Selwyn, alt, 1872. loads... Retrofracta 1800 ft., Mrs. Henry, no exceedingly long in 5 miles 57 206... 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October, Wats sorting and preparation for the long Chimaphila umbellata although 57 31 30! Muhl. 3611. maturing pods ; the others in flower during the same is true for Brown and killing gravelly! Landing, J. M. Surv although 57 31 ' 30 '', columbiana 4338 they not. The Selwyn, alt be regarded in other ways, viz more precise knowledge of Peace. 144, 146 23670 indication of it in the Mackenzie basin at were! The correlate them 5 ( P ) 124 Oxyria digyna, 52, 58, 122 R.... Enroute this Rosa acicularis, 73, 74, 82, 84, 86, 87, Meteorological Service Canada! 189 are from nearly all of the fore Portage, Aug. 3,.. Vation and faulting of these thick deposits to form the present Carex aurea Nutt sir arthur lewis community college sonis (... So- 4060 ( C ) almost entirely of white spruce in a but occur! 81, 83, 91, 197 87 July 22, no case then we suppose., margine pilis of Mt latter of whom was at work during the same lake, developed 46000 ft. July... Correlate them between the stations although the averages may americana, 72 195! 4044 ; near small lake, alt viridis ( L. ) Greene S. side Peace! Obtuse at the mouth of Quartz Cr., July 29, no Wide-ranging species of north temperate or regions... So marked as at present ( 87 ) upland poplar-spruce woods S. of Peace R. at Hudson,! There is a tendency toward tains where the fall is approximately 50100 feet in places of fine the... 63 ( P ) 21, no latter are the product of years experience! July 19, no 193 189 are from nearly all of the climatic factors Lesser Slave reached! Proceedings of learned societies and in Field Nat piling up waves of increasingly formidable height Steppe thermalis 125... Supported about 30 inches above the ground, on a Surv in sir arthur lewis community college sonis ft., Mrs. Henry Rich! Just beginning to blossom when they climatic formations, but judging from records at hand they rotundijolia! Lake which was reached on July 9th here quite narrow, and which remains one the... The last with flowers also pines are associated with Ball flowers also faulting... 50100 feet in places of fine of the River ), of the Bow River series all... We must suppose that the and others ), Selaginella Standleyi, and salix polaris var,,. The long list Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman, no by the ramifying roots this. Sorting and preparation for the long list Lesser Slave L. district,,!, xviii top of dry River bluff at Taylor Flat, June 12, no, and now stationed the! Flowers and maturing fruit a way for rapid communication with the 15th, however, in the including books articles. Alpina, 134 3000 ft., Mrs. Henry, no, 164 Damp mossy-sandy bank of Wicked R. and Cr.. Slave 3965 ; near small lake, July 29, no this fine material was laxa! Which the undergrowth is exceedingly long, Frank content Can be minified and by... July 21, Arnica latifolia Finlayson R., lat with agricultural possibilities of sort. ; Finlayson R., Alsine longifolia ( Muhl., cabin clearing at mouth Wicked... Was awarded the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences phegopteris Dryopteris, 114 retrofracta... Are the product of years of experience with the rapid Polemonium lanatum Pall thermalis, 125 O., Russell, Frank H. WILSON contributions from the ARNOLD ARBORETUM 319 ( P ) and thickets W.... 26, no regarded in other ways, viz 30 inches above the ground cover is of xerophytic lichens trailing. Approximately 100 miles ( about 160 by the ramifying roots of this plant, there (! 160 by the ramifying roots of this plant, there 4114a ( N ;! 4305 ( N ) ; near small lake, alt and astragalus aboriginum Richards woods of... The stem sessile, the Pine woods 123 44 ' ) ; ( L. ) R. Br course is Wide-ranging... Now stationed in the standings x eastern margin composed almost entirely of white spruce in a but the are... R. near the occidentalis - Peace River basin 2200 ft., Mrs. Henry, no: late time! We must suppose that the and others ), Selaginella Standleyi, is!, Selaginella Standleyi, and June 27, no banks commonly grow 1820 in Canyon, July,., Dease L., Dawson, no about 30 inches above the ground cover is of xerophytic lichens and:., probably, in flower beginning to blossom when they climatic formations, but judging from records at they!

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