Was Moores Law Inevitable?, Kevin Kelly again: Listen to the technology, Carver Mead says. At that time, I had already become a member of SPE in order to take the SPE Journal, where the serious research in the petroleum industry was published. But to come very near to a true theory, and to grasp its precise application, are two very different things, as the history of science teaches us. Ummon addressed the assembly and said: I am not asking you about the days before the fifteenth of the month. First of all, you'd wake up late because your smartphone alarm no longer exists. You dont have to be bipolar to be an entrepreneur, but it might help. Reflection can be valuable when the workgroup uses it to learn more about impact and to catalyze action toward a destination. This happens even in literature: Doyles Sherlock Holmes stories werent the first to invent clues, but the last (Moretti2000, Moretti2005, Batuman2005), with other detective fiction writers doing things that can only be called grotesque; Moretti, baffled, recounts that one detective, having deduced that the drug is in the third cup of coffee, proceeds to drink the coffee., To give a personal example: while researching Registered Reports, supposedly invented in 2013, I discovered that they had been invented at least 10 times dating back to 1966.. However, they also brought us cyber warfare, hackers, identity theft, cyber stalking, and a host of other bad things. I think we see this a lot. Where does this leave us? Timing Technology: Lessons From The Media Lab Technological developments can be foreseen but the knowledge is largely useless because startups are inherently risky and require optimal timing. I have learned the basics of . Everyone will buy it simply because itll be slightly better., Airbnb: Well max out our credit cards to let people illegally rent out their air mattresses en route to eating the hotel industry. Fedex, early on, couldnt make payroll and the founder famously kept the planes flying only by gambling the last of their money in Las Vegas, among other near-death experiences & crimesjust one of many startups doing highly questionable things.12 Both SpaceX & Tesla have come within days (or hours) of bankruptcy, in 2008 and 2013; in the former case, Musk borrowed money from friends to pay his rent after 3 rocket failures in a row, and in the latter, Musk reportedly went as far as securing a pledge from Google to buy Tesla outright rather than let it go bankrupt (Vance2015). If the latter, how could IP or economics be fixed to more closely link intermediate contributions to the final result to more closely approach a fairer distribution like the Shapley value than contributions being commoditized, yielding last-mover winner-take-all dynamics?. With few exceptions, established offline firms have failed to catch up to today's Internet leaders. Its worth noting that looks like a bad idea is flexible here: I emphasize that many good ideas look like bad ideas because theyve been tried before & failed, but many others look bad because a necessary change hasnt yet happened or people underestimate existing technology., How about Snapchat? Normal PSRL requires episodes, which dont really have a real-world equivalent, but PSRL can be extended to handle continuous actiona nice example is deterministic schedule posterior sampling reinforcement learning (DS-PRL), which does back off in periodically stopping, and re-evaluating the optimal strategy based on accumulated evidence, but less & less often, so it does PSRL over increasingly large time windows.. But enough time has passed since 1988 to enable us to judge the basic truthfulness of the predictions and expectations held by the dreamers such as Nicholas Negroponte: they were remarkably accurate! Dj vu, because what was described in TML on every other page is recognizably ordinary life in the 1990s and 2000s, never mind the 2010s, from the spread of broadband to the eventual impact of smartphones. The challenge had always been to come up with a closed-form solution that related to time. In the U.S., about one-third of the oil is used as a feedstock for a great many materials and products we could scarcely imagine doing without, and the remaining oil is used for transportation. Its a weird perspective to take, but we can think of other technologies which may be like this. The most informative plan is the most polarizing one.29. This, too, was an ill-conceived notion, because the flowmeter sensor could accurately record only a few minutes of data before the flow rate dropped below its accuracy range. Without the communication technologies in which the modern society relies heavily upon, the life as we all know it would cease to exist. This presents a conflict between personal and social incentives. Whoever does not know how to hit the nail on the head should be entreated not to hit the nail at all. After10 hours of deliberation, he was acquitted. A more practical approach is to embrace uncertainty, taking a reinforcement learning perspective. It wont have cut and paste. "They say, timing is everything. Even the major oil companies give lip service to the claim. Modern genomics strikes me as a bit like this. Informatio: The new language of science ( Hans Christian von Baeyer) 14-15 How hard could it be? . It might be fairer to say that Edison was the very last first inventor of the electric light. I for one will admit it, when I wake up the first thing I do is reach for my smartphone. Ensemble methods like dropout or multi-agent optimization can follow this pattern as well. As a matter of fact, Smith was prosecutedfor something else entirely: Fred now revealed that a year earlier [also in 1973] he had forged documents indicating approval of a loan guarantee by the Enterprise Company without consent of the other board members, specifically his two sisters and Bobby Cox, the Enterprise secretary. So you dont know the timing well enough to reliably launch. In my first draft of this essay in 2012, I noted that we see what looks like a Bitcoin bubble as the price inflates from ~$0 to $171.5$130.02012yet, if Bitcoin were the Real Deal, we would expect large price increases as people learn of it and it directly gains value from increased use, an ecosystem slowly unlocking the fancy cryptographic features, etc. All major success stories overshadow their long list of predecessors who did the same thing, but got unlucky. (You too can achieve overnight success in just a few decades of hard work) A 2013 interview with Eric Jackson looks back on smartphone adoption rates: Q: Whats your take on how theyre [Apple] handling their expansion into China, India, and other emerging markets?, A: Its depressing how slow things are moving on that front. iOS: a brand new operating system that doesnt run a single one of the millions of applications that have been developed for Mac OS, Windows, or Linux. Late reflections are those that arrive after about 60 ms following the reception of the direct signal. I think they were just early. The trouble is that people very often resort to all sorts of devices in order not to think, because thinking is such hard work. Thomas John Watson Sr., 18741956. Because of the winner-take-all dynamics, theres no way to solve the coordination problem of holding off on an approach until the prerequisites are in place: entrepreneurs and founders will be hurling themselves at an common goal like social networks or VR constantly, just on the off chance that maybe the prerequisites just became adequate and theyll be able to eat everyones lunch. Scott et al 2019, McKenzie&Sansone2019). A typical reflection paper is between 300 and 700 words long. If we think about multi-level optimization systems & population-based training, and optimization of evolution like strong amplifiers (which resemble small but networked communities: Pavlogiannis et al 2018), that would suggest we should have a bias against both large and small groups/institutes/granters, because small ones are buffeted by random noise/drift and cant afford well-powered experiments, but large ones are too narrow-minded.30 But a network of medium ones can both explore well and then efficiently replicate the best findings across the network to exploit them. Technology is a subject that you will encounter in the school process starting from elementary till college. So how could we find the treasure thats hiding in plain sight? My best timing was meeting my husband of nearly 30 years, Michael Economides. Open Document Technology, and its underlying aspects affect all of us as we go through the continuum of time. This technological advancement is believed to be able to address the knowledge gap in neurophysiology and neurological disorder. This balances overall exploitation & exploration to progress as fast as possible, showing the usefulness of technological forecasting on a global level despite its uselessness to individuals. You would have needed no other prophecies, no other predictions, no other details. Once, Freds luck at the gaming tables of Las Vegas helped to save the company from financial disaster. Since people tend to systematically over-exploit, how is this implemented? Perhaps had Kelleher known intimately of all the challenges of entering the airline business, he would have run screaming from the challenge versus deciding to take on the full set of risks. And there were plenty of lucrative search engine founders (is Jerry Yang still a billionaire? The lesson of history is that for every lesson, there is an equal and opposite lesson. : Use of the Pressure Derivative for Diagnosing Pressure-Transient Behavior,. Vacuum tube technology was first exploited for high-speed digital computing in Britain during the Second World War [16]. Bad ideas that look like bad ideas are also easily dismissed; as the description implies, they are simply bad and thus likely to be trapdoors through which your investment dollars will vanish. Want to read all 2 pages? : Pressure Build-Up in Wells,. [8: European AISB Newsletter, no. Those who lump oil in the energy mix as though it competes with coal, nuclear, and renewable energy resources have missed a crucial point. Lets start one. It can reasonably be said that time was unripe for digital computing as an industrial technology. They said, Current VR gear is low field of view, high lag, too expensive, too heavy, cant be driven properly from consumer-grade computers, or even professional-grade computers. It turned out that I wasnt the first person to realize these problems. ExxonMobil, along with General Electric and Schlumberger, provides major research support to Stanford U. in the Global Climate and Energy Project. During that time, I became interested in the notion that petroleum engineers might be better educated with a broader scope, what I would call energy engineering. Many bubbles can be interpreted as people being 100% correct the futurebut missing the timing (Thiels article on China and bubbles1, The Economist on obscure property booms, Garbers Famous First Bubbles). Imagine it is 1965. Well differentiate with a funny safety video and by not being aholes. Will young petroleum engineers need to retrain themselves before the end of their careers? There are some benefits and advantages associated or linked to having a day that is without the use of any technology. Further, on the gripping hand, Michie suggests that such research efforts like Babbages should be thought of not as commercial R&D, expected to usually pay off right now, but as prototypes buying optionality, demonstrating that a particular technology was approaching its ripe time & indicating what are the bottlenecks, so society can go after the bottlenecks and then has the option to scale up the prototype as soon as the bottlenecks are fixed21. There were huge initiatives while there was nothing happening in the US. Advances in technology have brought us online banking, smart cars, smart TVs, lightning fast computers, and the latest buzz: virtual reality. Is there a sustainable development reason to reduce our consumption? She is internationally recognized for expertise in reservoir engineering, pressure-transient analysis, integrated reservoir characterization, complex well design, and production enhancement. They grew fast, roflstomped other social networks, stayed private, and post-IPO, public investors have not profited all that much compared to even late investors. insulin, chemotherapy of kala-azar and malaria) that are solvable and whose solutions would eliminate the reverse salients.18. 2. At one time I considered writing a study of Kafkas precursors. Similarly, the benefit of taking Moores law seriously is that one can plan ahead to take advantage of it24 even if one doesnt know exactly when, if ever, it will happen. As it turned out, both sensors had done a fantastic job of capturing the hydraulic-hammer effect. He saw a need for government support of appropriate institutions, especially research institutes in universities. As stated in the course outline, the main focus of this course is on the educational . Michael Wolfe offers some examples of this: How about Netflix? quick and timely) and also ecologically valid (i.e. I was still commuting to Connecticut on the weekends and really did not know what was going to transpire on my return. stfu and watch for those who watching rn alam ko na pinagagawa din kayo ng sir/mam nyo nga ganito hahahahah However, those are precisely the startups that crazy people will have done years before when they looked like bad ideas, avoiding the waste of delay. Pity the Scientist Who Discovers the Discovered, ignoring both mail order & Internet all the way until bankruptcy in 2010, eBay sellers like us so much theyre making their own promotional materials, The most successful people I know believe in themselves almost to the point of delusion, Why did we wait so long for the bicycle?, minor technical glitches derailed vital deals, borrowed money from friends to pay his rent, ensuring that no one becomes the next Gates, a has-been 1980s PC maker and an obscure search engine, Thiels definite vs indefinite optimism, DARPA paradigm in fostering AI & computing, people in general appear to overexploit & underexplore. The use of lottery grants is one idea which has been proposed, to help break the over-exploitation fostered by peer review; the randomization gives disfavored low-probability proposals (and people) a chance. Such a device would not have been aimed at the then unattainable goal of economic viability; but its successful demonstration might, just conceivably, have greatly accelerated matters when the time was finally ripe. 1. You should maintain a formal tone, but it is acceptable to write in the first person and to use personal pronouns. Or were they lucky in trying at the right time, and merely captured all of the value, because a 99% adequate VR headset is worth 0%, and they added the final 1%? What if instead of threatening to sue them, we tried working with them?, Venmo: TextPayMe worked out well, right?, Patreon: Online micropayments & patronage schemes have failed hundreds of times and became a 90s punchline; might as well try again., Bitcoin: Every online-only currency from DigiCash to Flooz.com to e-gold to [too many to list] has either failed or been shut down by governments; so, well use proof of workits a hilariously expensive cryptographic thing we just made up which has zero theoretical support for actually ensuring decentralization & censorproofing, and was roundly mocked by almost every e-currency enthusiast who bothered to read the whitepaper., Seamless/Grubhub/Uber Eats/DoorDash/Slice (! And, incidentally, offering an example of why stock markets are fine with paying executives so much: a good executive can createor destroythe entire company. There are many ways technology can help teachers see themselves and their practice more clearly. You can read books from the past about tech visionaries and note how many of them were spot-on in their beliefs about what would happen (TML is a great example, but far from the only one) but where a person would have been ill-advised to act on the correct forecasts. Before coming to Stanford, Ramey and two students at Texas A&M U., Ram Agarwal and Rafi Al-Hussainy, had developed type curves accounting for wellbore storage and skin that enabled well-test analysts to model the early-time transient response using type curves2 (Fig. List all technologies that you use every hour, and state your purpose of using this technology. These days you put some kind of camera on the head and look around in the room and it just calculates where you arethe headsets are self-sufficient instead of relying on an external reference infrastructure. 1). Through consolidation and failure, 3 emerged on top, 2 of which went bankrupt. It sounds like Facebook! A simple, efficient, and low-cost method is proposed to reduce the timing jitter in passively Q-switched microchip lasers by self-injection seeding. But it is by no means obvious that it was unripe for Babbages research and development effort, if only it had been conceived in terms of a more severely delimited objective: the construction of a working model. 1. First, how do you use discoveries from the past more than other scientists do? 30 years later, its the same headlines. The greater part of a century had to elapse before the vacuum tube arrived on the scene. Just knowing that single trajectory of Moores, and none other, we would have educated differently, invested differently, prepared more wisely to grasp the amazing powers it would sprout. But equally, anything with that much potential has a high likelihood of failureif it was obviously a good idea with no risks, everyone would be doing it. timing the adoption of a new the strategic alternatives open to competing ing real option approach seems to provide a technology. In 1983, she joined Flopetrol Johnston Schlumberger in Melun, France. So, what Babbage should have aimed for is not making a practical thinking machine which could churn out naval tables, but demonstrating that a programmable thinking machine is possible & useful, and currently limited by the slowness & size of its mechanical logicso that transistors could be pursued with higher priority by governments, and programmable computers could be created with transistors as soon as possible, instead of the historical course of a meandering piecemeal development where Babbages work was forgotten & then repeatedly reinvented with delays (eg. And then on the other hand, if a startup idea becomes debunked, and no one is willing to invest in it ever, that idea may be starved of investment long past its ripe time, and this means big regret. What other lessons could we draw if we thought about technology this way? EMPOWERMENT TECHNOLOGY REFLECTION (2nd Quarter) Technology is taking over our world. In RLs multi-armed bandit setting, each turn one has a set of arms or options with unknown payoffs and one wants to maximize the total long-term reward. (Academics invent ideas about computers, which then go into mass production for business needs, which result in exponential decreases in costs, sparking countless academic applications of computers, yielding more applied results which can be commercialized, and so on in a virtuous circle.) After that, an explosion of new models presented on log-log coordinates appeared in the mushrooming well-test literature. Each one plans, invests & commits to push results as hard as possible through to commercial viability, and then pivots as necessary when the plan inevitably fails. That is what makes a problem important. That was inconceivable before because it would have been just so expensive to do that calculation. Teresa Amabile and her colleagues found that the most significant driver of positive emotions and motivation at work was . Entrepreneurs, with their speculations and optimistic biases, serve as randomization devices to sample a strategy regardless of the conventional wisdom, which at that point may be no more than an information cascade; information cascades, however, can be broken by the existence of outliers who are either informed or act at random (misfits). PHILIPPINE CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY. Ehlig-Economides has published more than 50 papers, has authored two patents, and has lectured or consulted in more than 30 countries. Maybe some other discovery from left field has changed how we think about things. But it didnt., Almost Wikipedia: Eight Early Encyclopedia Projects and the Mechanisms of Collective Action, Hill2013; Almost-Wikipedias and innovation in free collaboration projects: why did 7 predecessors fail?., Finding out these tidbits is one reason I enjoyed reading Founders at Work: Stories of Startups Early Days (ed Livingston2009; Introduction), because the challenges are not always what you think they are. View 3 Samsung T7 Shield Check Price 4 Crucial X6 Portable SSD View 5 Western Digital My Book Check Price However, when I arrived back in Memphis on Monday morning, much to my surprise, the bank balance stood at nearly $135,272.2$32,000.01973. While upper management panders to environmentalists, the young minions keep slogging it out, delivering the oil and gas that is desperately needed all over the world as though there will be no end to it. Can I conceive of a team better equipped to address the market needs that might walk through our doors tomorrow? Day to day events can be stressful and sometimes they come out of the blue and catch us off guard. One theme I notice in many systems is that they follow a multi-level optimization structure where slow blackbox methods give rise to more efficient Bayesian inference. (And what about Douglas Engelbart, or Alan Kay/Xerox PARC, who explicitly aimed to skate towards where the puck would be?) Learn more with Olympus. The energy business should ensure that the world has the affordable sustainable energy it needs without undue environmental impact. why should a podcasting company, Odeo, have led to Twitter? Balakrishnan and B V Sreekantan. The organizational pattern that emerges more or less clearly from Hrleins lectures is closely associated with his view of the typical phases or cycles of development of research in chemotherapy or physiological chemistry. In the 1980s, famed technologist Stewart Brand visited the equally-famed MIT Media Lab (perhaps the truest spiritual descendant of the MIT AI Lab) & Nicholas Negroponte, publishing a 1988 book, The Media Lab: Inventing the Future at M.I.T. Maybe somebody found a new gene. (Checking a few random entries in Wikipedia, as of 2012, maybe a fifth of the companies are publicly traded, and the private ones include the ones you mightve heard of like Boston Robotics or Kiva so that will be a small unrepresentative index.) The average of multiple plans is often worse than any single plan. If people dont want to go to the ball game, how are you going to stop them? as Yogi Berra asked.) We may want things now, we may want them fast, But God knows best, our future is cast. He had to intervene where necessary to minimize friction between chemists and medical researchers, an especially important task for chemotherapy as a composite entity. Technology can be the knowledge of techniques, processes, and the like, or it can be embedded in machines which can be operated without detailed knowledge of their workings. "If you want to go big in the business world, you need to have the right product at the right time.". What would you do with it? 4.). The small groups simply polluted the genetic literature with false positives, which are still gradually being debunked and purged. Future research on the equifinal configurations we proposebroad/nonselective for early movers and narrow/selective for late moverscould thus help resolve the debate about the link between timing and performance. However, technology affects ones thinking capacity and development of ideas. 2. have new ideas and skills to do a better job. What made them a success was that they happened to give the pinata a whack at the exact moment where some S-curves or events hit the right point. And so, we see, in our world around half such attempts fail completely, and 5% or so go to the moon. o Activity Report: Timing your Technology. This year has caused financial services firms to rethink . For my last 4 years in Schlumberger, I was permitted to work about 1 day a week with the U. of Houston, where I was appointed Director of the Petroleum Engineering Program. o Activity Report: Technology and Past ( interviews with elders) o Nature's Longest Threads by Janaki. In a Governing . Underlying this view was his definition and differentiation of the relevant disciplines and his belief in their generally excellent condition in Germany. Many of these models may require transients much too long to be practical in a well test, but may be quite effective for analysis of production data (Fig. When they began failing in a cluster, information-wise, that was highly redundant. I had thought, at first, that he was as unique as the phoenix of rhetorical praise; after spending a little time with him, I felt I could recognize his voice, or his habits, in the texts of various literatures and various agesIf I am not mistaken, the heterogeneous pieces I have listed resemble Kafka; if I am not mistaken, not all of them resemble each other. Under such conditions, we could be in the presence of a unicorn and not know with certainty that it is one. The possibility of broadcasting radio waves across the Atlantic was convincingly excluded by theoretical analysis. Is one of their careers to stop them on the educational have been just so expensive to do that.. And its underlying aspects affect all of us as we all know it would cease to exist x27 s! Help teachers see themselves and their practice more clearly our future is cast outline, the main focus of course. 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