How can a truly free state exist if the individual citizen is enslaved to the forceful will of individual or organized aggressors? Every single person let the healing waves of music wash over them with their soulful and buoyant caress, and just danced their hearts out right where they stood. And I do think there are some analogies, as I said. While we can justifiably be concerned about rainbow-washing, its a measure of success that brands and companies see LBGTQ pride as something theyre eager (even desperate) to be associated with. Thanks so much for sharing. These experiences of synchrony create a physiological experience of community, one that can be profoundly unconscious. Research shows that small bursts of positive emotion can help reset the bodys physical responses to stress, so that people can continue to fight from a place of wellbeing and strength. Two . Willie Jennings joins Miroslav Volf to discuss the definition of joy as an act of resistance against despair, the counterintuitive nature of cultivating joy in the midst of suffering, the commercialization of joy in Western culture, joy segregated by racism and slavery, how Jesus expands and corrects our understanding of joy. Its one thing to be able to envision a better future, but its another to have a momentary flash of it course through our bodies. The church, the hospital room, the barber shop and beauty shopsthings are going to be better". 5. a piece on the power of the garden at Rikers Island. It is mind-boggling to them that Black people can still find peace. In a world full of turmoil, remember that joy is an act of resistance! This episode featured theologians, Willie Jennings and Miroslav Volf. } Remember. Whatever that is, go find your joy. Things arent perfect, but these bold women are responsible for a lot of change in thought around girls and women what they are capable of, their value, their position, etc. "For Black folks, joy and resistance aren't really that separate," Waheed tells me over Zoom. Willie Jennings: Yes. But, there's also the goodness of the joy that transcends, that reach us out, that includes the other people, and music is one of the spaces where that can happen. "You were not just born to center your entire existence on work and labor. It's the idea that in order to be a good woman, you have to be self-sacrificing. Amid the devastating stresses of a prison so inhumane its being closed, These gardens help repair the damage that people have been through, both in prison and in their earlier lives. says landscape architect Amy Lindemuth They are quiet places to be alone with your thoughts away from the cacophony and stress of the prison environment.. As I stood amid a sea of mostly young black faces at New Revelation Baptist, I found myself seeking my own new revelation by asking hard questions about what has become a dangerously mundane ritual around young black bodies. They work tirelessly to defend the rights and safety of sex workers in downtown Bogot and the broader LGBTQAI community who suffer not only from social stigma but also police brutality. Rewind. And like an old cassette tape, the world presses stop, rewind, and play. //]]>. Suddenly its not scary or shameful to call yourself a feminist. Celebrations function in much the same way in human life. They moved the needle forward by challenging stereotypes in a very aggressive and sometimes shocking manner, forcing important gender issues to the forefront while demanding equality in how women were seen and treated. Holocaust survivor and author Elie Wiesel described a memory of a fellow prisoner trading a ration of bread for materials with which to piece together a makeshift menorah during Hanukkah. 20 of the best book quotes from The Path of Least Resistance. The Joyspotters Guide is a free resource that shares my favorite tips for finding more joy, everywhere you go! The more dehumanizing the circumstances, the more we need these markers of our humanity. People who love in a world without walls, people who love into hate, into refusal, against hope, and without fear. The theologian Willie James Jennings said it better than we can: "I look at joy as an act of resistance against despair and its forces all the forces of despair." He said that in 2014, long . Joy Is An Act of Resistance By Delonte Gholston, Contributor Pastor, Artist, Organizer Jun 23, 2017, 11:54 AM EDT | Updated Jun 26, 2017 This post was published on the now-closed HuffPost Contributor platform. What was she doing? I remember people handing flyers to the guy I was with and not to me as if I werent autonomous, or men saying things to me like, youve got a really good record collection for a girl. As I became more aware, I found myself influenced by girls and women who were challenging the existing power structure of rock n roll. [CDATA[ joy is an act of resistance $75.00 It is imperative to connect with joy and evolve our own personal practice of compassion. But fundamentally, that is built uponand I never want to draw too sharp a distinction between other kinds of spaces and that geographic spacewe really should start to attend to where do we find joy, where do we find joy. He provides a perfectly painted picture that shows the pain, joy, and triumph of resistance. "But eventually you will find you return to your original behavior and attitudes. Choir singers heart rates synchronize; musicians playing the same riff have brain waves that line up. "Resistance to the organized mass can be effected only by the man who is as well organized in his individuality as the mass itself." - Carl Jung. If you need to flag this entry as abusive, send us an email. "If they cannot love and resist at the same time, they probably will not survive.". Theres a deeper effect here too. Willie Jennings is Associate Professor of Systematic Theology, Africana Studies, and Religious Studies at Yale University; he is an ordained Baptist minister and is author of The Christian Imagination: Theology and the Origins of Race,Acts: A Commentary, The Revolution of the Intimate, and most recently, After Whiteness: An Education in Belonging. To make injustice the onlymeasure of our attention is to praise the Devil. On the other hand, the novel shows that even in her fearful passivity, Offred does manage to resist her oppressors in the small ways that are available to her. As I said, there is the kinds of spaces constituted by practices of joy, like in music, as I call it "sonic space." Reply Helpful. Nurtured by centuries of spiritual practices both in Africa and here in America, this a bold and prophetic act of resistance and defiance of a demonic force that seeks to kill you and to snuff out your joy. We're grateful that you're listening to this podcast. And that's what's key, the kind of mapping of joy that would be necessary to actually start to think about the reconstituting of a different reality of joy. Willie Jennings: Well, practically you have to have people who you've heard sing those songs in strange lands. For me, the work of an organization like Publicolor, which paints neglected New York City schools with vibrant colors, restores abundance to a place where this false scarcity has been imposed. Thank you! After a while, people just think oppression is the normal state of things. The life we live, and the unlived life within us. One of the ways it does this is by affirming our humanity. And it creates a very different way of thinking about joy. 330 Ellis St., San Francisco, CA 94102 | Photo by Maria Baranova. As a Christian pastor, I could not help sense that I was bearing witness to the embodiment of Isaiahs prophecy that you have turned my mourning into dancing, my sorrow into joy. This is not what they imagined. Their mission is to protect and support the dignity of marginalized individuals and communities. And at the end of the day, once you got your hair cut, you leave thinking and things are going to be better. They smooth tensions and break down barriers. Joy is an act of resistance. To me she was the embodiment of my existence as resistance. Joy Suffering God. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Thats right, dancing. But, the reality of it is that I have been in spaces of joy in hospital rooms, gathered with a family and a loved one who's passing on, but there are rituals of remembrance going on, grief processes being begun, and in the midst of that, incredible joyjoy connected to sorrow. ("Joy of the Sabbath") and founded by historian Emanuel Ringelblum (1900-44). It was how you were talked to how people thought of you what you could do/couldnt do even what you were perceived as being capable of accomplishing. - Sam Storms. People who refuse to stop believing. Some of the containers holding the archives were dug up from . Lewis. In 1915, a soldier named Gotthold von Rohden described a trench adorned with Howitzer cartridge cases that had been used as pots to hold snowdrops. Watching a pride parade, teeming with people dressed in all shades of ROY G BIV, the line between protest and party blurs, and its hard to sit on the sidelines in judgment. But there's also another side, not only to just African diaspora forms of joy, but the joy in many communities. I suggest you look to some literary greats who not only captured the relevance and significance of the African American life but lived extraordinary experiences themselves like, Ida B. These women have shown me what strength, determination, compassion and accountability look like and taught me to not take no s**t from anybody (lol)! Happy to read and share the best inspirational Joy As An Act Of Resistance quotes, sayings and quotations on Wise Famous Quotes. Bono asked, anticipating one reaction. How would you put it? Following the success of their debut album Brutalism, the band started recording new material for their next album. 2023 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved. "That's the heart of rock 'n' roll, that's its . Menu. Welcome back. Joy is an act of resistance. My mother, and three sisters: Jean Cooper, Zwazzi Sowo and Lillian Mark! . Aesthetics of joy can also disrupt complacency, drawing much-needed attention to a cause. In 1915, Dr. Carter Godwin Woodson, Alexander L. Jackson, William B. Hartgrove, George Cleveland Hall, and James E. Stamps told their story and changed the world by founding what has become Black History Month. Contributors control their own work and posted freely to our site. To be able to choose our joy and experience it, this is the freedom so many are fighting for. I think there are artists, musicians, painters, and others who have shown that there's possibilities of living in being sustained by a form of joy that is not homogeneous, that is fully captured inside, if you willan expanding world of different people being brought together inside the sheer love of the music, for example. You were an accessory. We produce new episode every Saturday, and you can subscribe through any podcast app. Images: Joy is an Act of Resistance by @rayoandhoney on Instagram; Publicolor before and after courtesy of Publicolor; Trash Any Color You Like by Adrian Kondratowicz. Stop. When I think about the role of women in social justice, I immediately think of Black women. "Find ecstasy in life: the mere sense of living is joy enough." Emily Dickinson 2. Equipping Knox with an endless and unconditional amount of love is what carries him through each day. Mine was always mint- because the bottom left corner is struggling a little! Let us know what you're interested in. You have to have people who have been able to make you laugh in the places where all you want to do is cry. We must havethe stubbornness to accept our gladness in the ruthlessfurnace of this world. In World War I, soldiers on both sides were known to cultivate gardens in the trenches. Their music and message empowered my girlfriends and me to feel that we were enough, without needing boyfriends or to look and act a certain way. I thought it might give him something to look at, like the center of a house you keep coming back to . We cry out for justice. Nature, whether the wild forest or a manicured garden, has the power to soothe anxiety, reduce rumination, and restore the ability to focus. You've come into a space that is not your own, and in some ways that space has claimed you as its own. Whether its the transcendent joy of sacred ritual or the simple joy of cultivating a garden, the pursuit of joy amid great struggle is a way to tend our humanity when it is most threatened. Willie, wonderful to have a conversation with you about joy. Movies. Shocked that the man would trade something so essential to his survival, Wiesel asked him, Hanukkah in Auschwitz? And the man replied, Especially in Auschwitz.. My pleasure. But what does this phrase really mean? Chimps are extremely hierarchical, so whats notable about these celebrations is that they disrupt the typical hierarchy, prompting a more egalitarian mode of behavior. How lucky to have met him. Unsubscribe at any time. What's killing your joy? We'd invite you to bring that same joy in supporting this work. It requires you to choose it from a sea of other options. So depriving a group of people of joy, whether through an outright ban, or the denigration or shaming of their sources of pleasure, or through economic means, is a method of dehumanization. Wolves howl together after a hunt. And as if nobody there missed a beat, Ms. Myricks, and everybody there knew that it was time to dance in his honor. It's a parade of my Grandfather's wit, it is all the shit haircuts I've ever had. We're passionate about making this work consistently accessible to people who are genuinely concerned about the viability of faith in a world racked with division, contested views about what it means to be human, and what it means to live life well. Rosa Parks stood up for her rightsshe actually didnt let the bus driver tell her what to do or abide by those rules and regulations about where she could sitshe fought for justice, and thats why African Americans are now able to sit in the front of the bus at this moment. It is counter-intuitive in that regard. It takes hold of them. Put yourself in the way of beauty." Resistance is when I make sure everybody else stops going along too., Most gun control arguments miss the point. Chair IDEA Committee C.S. Joy. We owe it to ourselves to actively cultivate it as part of our political practice." . We cannot simply say we ought to have a joy that we have it together, but no one wants to think about where are our bodies in space, and how was spaces configured. Joy is also a manifestation of abundance. As always, thanks for listening. There's also the other ways in which space exists. I want our guests to know that I love them and appreciate them. This is the joy of the Lord that is our strength. Spiritual resistance refers to attempts by individuals to maintain their humanity, personal integrity, dignity, and sense of civilization in the face of Nazi attempts to dehumanize and degrade them. I grew up in such a situationlearning how to have a good time with nothing because we had nothing. Your submission has been received! They cannot take it." Lauren Oliver, Delirium tags: courage , love , resistance , strength 1065 likes Like But contemporary hits are just as suspect; the Soviet Union, for example, censored songs by artists as varied as AC/DC, Tina Turner, and Julio Iglesias. If you need to flag this entry as abusive. The first chimp to spot the caretaker begins hooting loudly. And when the horse drawn carriage with the bullet riddled body of her slain son passed by, someone from the family in the slowly driven car behind the carriage once again did something that I did not expect. And death in this regard is not simply the end of life, but it's death in all its signatures: death, violence, war, debtall the ways in which life can be strangled, and presented to us as not worth living. Evan Rosa: This is For the Life of the World, a podcast about seeking and living a life worthy of our humanity. Miroslav Volf: And in some ways you've got this space for joy, but you can constitute in it also a space of joy. I do say you can go back upstairs and get another ticket, but I also give them all the food thats left at the end! 97 Quotes About Joy. But what does it mean when you're at some place where the world's trash comes to you and out of that trash, you have to do something. Willie Jennings: I look at joy as an act of resistance against despair and its forces, all the forces of despair. At all points in the fight for equality for Black Americans, women have been driving the movement. Funded by the John Templeton foundation, gathering a diverse group of scholars and practitioners, including theologians, philosophers, pastors, psychologists, the project sought to restore joy to the center of Christian reflection, and what it means to live a good life, a life worthy of our humanity. We are proud to share this second installment of reflections in our Womens History Month series honoring womens roles in resisting oppression and advancing social justice. Christopher McCandless It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge. Last week I attended a dinner party inspired by Marsha P. (P for pay-it-no-mind) Johnson, who ignited the Stonewall Rebellion. How does one forge the weapon of joy in the midst of suffering, oppression? You were born to heal, to grow, to be of service to yourself and community, to practice, to experiment, to create, to have space, to dream, and to connect.". Local authorities often forbade or disrupted native rites, or at minimum made relinquishing them a condition of conversion. She also goes into prisons to empower and open safe spaces for queer folks. 119. Listen: punk outfit IDLES returns with an album that improves on the brutal and politically charged style the b. Any human power can be resisted and changed by human beings. We've been taught that silence would . "We must risk delight. Miroslav Volf: So if I hear you correctly, there's something right and good about a kind of particularity of joy for an individual, particularity of joy of a family, particularity of joy of a cultural group. For women, this has meant a suppression of the erotic as a considered source of power and information within our lives. The denigration of feminine forms of joy, such as romance novels and films, fashion and home decor, is another manifestation of this insidious form of repression. Time I comment I, soldiers on both sides were known to cultivate gardens the. To the forceful will of individual or organized aggressors I do think there are some analogies, as said... Band started recording new material for their next album I grew up in such a situationlearning to... Joy and experience it, this has meant a suppression of the best quotes. War I, soldiers on both sides were known to cultivate gardens in the trenches finding more,. Or shameful to call yourself a feminist of women in social justice, I think! One that can be profoundly unconscious or shameful to call yourself a.. And you can subscribe through any podcast app of resistance quotes, and! 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