9) Baths Use the search! If you have a houseplant or accidentally purchased a scented cleaning product that smells of mint, your cat wont want to be around it. Copyright 1996-2015 National Geographic SocietyCopyright 2015-2023 National Geographic Partners, LLC. Cats will either sniff your face or gently poke you with their nose as a way to greet you and get to know you. Do cats like the smell of ginger ale? The smells that cats hate are not just random unpleasant smells but also those that convey danger. While we provide information resources and canine education, the content here is not a substitute for veterinary guidance. Moreover, those reactions could be different, even though the response looks similar. Related - How to use mouthwash to stop cats peeing on furniture. Or, conversely, a pleasant smell for the cat can help to find food promptly. Catnip and bleach certainly seem to fit the profile. She has lived in the Bay Area since 1988. Clark noted that transmission of FIV in multi-cat households is considered to be an infrequent event., Will clipping a cats claws make them not scratch things as much? It's possible your kitty has a nutrient imbalance, and is smart enough to recognize the missing element in carrots. While cats havent been studied as comprehensively as dogs, theres still a fair bit of research on kitty behavior. She got a taste of it once and Im hoping the cold to hot sensation taught her a lesson. Scott Adams faces 'consequence culture' as U.S. newspapers drop Dilbert, Tom Cruise's 'ditching' of Suri showcased by Judd Apatow's 'co-parenting' joke, ex-Scientology exec says. Normal cat urine should be a clear, pale yellow 3. All cats meow as kittens to get their mom's attention when they're hurt, cold or when she accidentally sits on them. Sincerely, Vince. However, rue has a bitter/acrid scent that's too offensive for your cat's nose. In order to save your sills, provide the cat with an alternative, like a scratching post, that she will like and use (it might take a few tries). What Animal am I According to my Zodiac Sign? It will clean up pet messes and remove the bleach smell from your home. I recounted my own experience with crazy cats and olives, and I asked readers if they had any strange stories to share. Sherman laughed and said this doorsill scratcher has made a personal choice. Cats have a need to scratch and stretch, and theres just something about this surface the cat likes, she said. This is one of those mysterious kitty behaviors that lead us to think that our housepets are mysterious creatures that we cannot expect to understand. I recently bought a magazine which had an intensely smelling ad with a sample of a mens cologne. While bleach might smell unappealing to you, it might smell interesting to your cats. All that rolling and rubbing might be half turn-on and half confusion because theres no other kitty there, making everything smell like mating time. Alternately, rubbing is also a way to scent-mark things your cat is claiming as their own. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Isn't that neat? Some researchers believe that chlorine can trigger the happy receptors in a cats brain the same way catnip does. While cats are not as good as humans are at getting vitamins out of vegetables, they do still get some. If you ask your friends what their favorite smells are, youd probably get a range of answers from coffee to fresh-cut grass to clean laundry. Still, the plant seems to be completely safe for them and can even be used as a training aid. You can check out the ASPCA website to learn more. Do yourself (and your cat) a favour and stick to the spots under their chin and behind their ears. 10 Things You Need to Know, Can Cats Eat Funyuns? Search our database of over 12264 posts with up-to-date information from our experts and veterinarians. Eating the plant is toxic for the cat. The smells that cats hate are not just random unpleasant smells but also those that convey danger. This is a behavior often shared between cats, and since you're family to your cat, they want to show you the same type of affection. 15 Scents That Cats Hate, and How to Keep Them Away. Like humans, cats have particular smells that they like and dislike and even some that produce strong, chemical responses. Privacy Policy. The Truth About This Spicy Spice, Top 10 Brushing Cats Teeth Secrets You Need To Know. Rather than worrying about why your cat loves bleach, and whether its hurting them, take it out of the equation. You can also make a spray by adding two tablespoons of rosemary oil to one cup of water. Additionally, carrots have a lot of both water and fiber in them, which can help with a cat's digestion. This article will provide you with the most likely reasons your cat seems to like the smell of bleach! May 22, 2007. (See What Do Cats Think About Us? Even when you think your cat could care less about your existence so long as their food bowl is filled, rest assured they still love your smell. In this way, we can say that the scent given off by this plant represents one of the scents that relaxes cats. Because cats' sense of smell is so sensitive, they are often attracted to scents that we don't understand, like bleach. The sense of smell may not be as important to humans as sight and hearing, but that doesnt mean we dont enjoy a nice fragrance. Most cats are attracted to chemicals that mimic pheromone smells, such as bleach and ammonia. Plus, you can use it on floors, tubs, and other spots youd generally bleach. Why does my cat chew on metal? This is because your cat's saliva carries its scent that other cats can smell. Your cat may either enjoy the pheromones given off from the chlorine, have a similar reaction to when they have sniffed catnip, or might think the smell of bleach is an intruding cat. She's a strange cat.) Use a diffuser to waft the scent or don't use scent bags which can be easily opened by the cat. I have never had a cat do this before, what gives. Can Cats Eat Tamales? While the scent of fish usually makes us cover our noses, it drives cats wild because, unlike humans, who are omnivores, cats are carnivores. What smells do cats like? If your cat begins to smell like ammonia, it's probably not a health issue so much as it is a 'you need to clean the litter box more often' issue. And Can They See in the Dark? posted by royalsong at 6:40 PM on September 19, 2011 [2 favorites] Thyme contains phenols, which can be dangerous to cats. The same is true when they bring their nose up to your nose. Each reaction your cat has to bleach differs depending on the breed of the cat and their individual personality and tolerance to chemicals. Cats have a sense of smell 14 times stronger than humans and, unlike us, they rely on scent to do everything from warning them of danger to saying hello to new kitty friends. However, to many this is a smell that cats hate. Cats have a much better sense of smell than us. She would purr when chomping on a chive leaf, using it as cat grass. We are compensated for referring traffic and business to Amazon and other companies linked to on this site. Cats are much more likely to drink water with chlorine in. Milk Your little furball can be more interested in the milk or the cream rather than the coffee. So, what smells do these talented sniffers find most appealing? Hence there are different personalities and color patterns, among other qualities. One of my cats has an extremely strong reaction to the smell of carrots. Never using it again!I've had a number of cats over the years and their reaction to bleach has varied from "Meh" to "Yowser!" My current fur herd is in the "Yowser!" column and have such a strong attraction that I have to take care. Got a question about the wild and wonderful animal world? Could you keep reading to learn how cats hate it? Your scent makes your cat feel safe and content and they certainly love it. As with catnip, when a cat perceives this smell, they tend to rub, lick, eat its leaves and show a more active attitude, action similar to the attitude they have during mating behavior. They are especially attracted to the smell of lavender because it has a soothing effect that helps them to be less aggressive. I always figured it was a bonding thing. Therefore the rubbing could be an extreme form of (non-spraying) marking behavior to try and re-odorize the environment and reclaim their territory. So, they might not like the coffee smell, but still become attracted to sniffing your cup, or might as well get a sip of it. Why does my male cat love carrots? Even though cats dont necessarily like everything we do, the good news is that theyre very tolerant of us and most of our quirks. What it means is that if you have a spice cabinet, put some things aside before you get a cat (or keep them in an area that your feline friend cant access). The bleach smell seems very likely to mimic or create something that your pet likes. However, the bleach reaction isnt learned behavior. Third and finally, the hormones might smell more like an intruder than a potential mate. Google is unhelpful. Elizabeth spent more than 20 years working as a veterinary nurse before stepping away to become a stay-at-home parent to her daughter. Many are also put off by even the smell of fish in the house. For example, lavender is a smell which attracts some cats, but ingestion is toxic and can lead to poisoning. Then reset, by approaching kitty in play with a toy to redivert their attention. Especially in cases of anxiety and a small degree of aggressiveness, it has been shown that the use of this natural therapy, along with other relaxing factors and the discovery of the cause of the problem, help the animal feel much calmer. In the annals of strange cat behavior, bleach reactions are right up there with staring you down while shoving something breakable off the counter. Image Credit: Piqsels. This includes the olives themselves and products such as olive oil. Many studies about their biology and what makes cats tick have come up with answers that we once considered impossible. They want their scent all over yours and your scent all over them. Our mission at Pet Keen is to make the life of you and your pets easier and even more enjoyable. Why Do Cats Seem To Like The Smell Of Bleach? Are Hedgehogs Nocturnal? If I'm eating one she will literally stick her face inside of my mouth to try and huff them, or sometimes to try and take them out of my mouth. No, cats don't like the scent of eucalyptus. "You'll love my pet articles., 16 Shocking Things About What Smells Do Dogs Hate, Terrifying Reason Hamsters Eat Their Babies-(Interesting Facts), Is Your Cats Purr Sounding Strange? Especially in a catbox, you should never use bleach. 3 minutes. 14 Rabbit Myths And Misconceptions You Need To Stop Believing Now! One favorite smell that many cats and humans can agree on is the scent of roses. Listen, you'd probably be none too happy if someone came along and drenched your dry-clean only coat . However, while it is perhaps the smell that attracts cats the most, this is not the same for all cats. Cats who spray, or drag their butts through bleach are more likely to be having a territorial reaction. Licking their coats removes any smells it has absorbed. Did you know cats who like catnip are more likely to react to bleach? That mildewy smell is typical of bags of baby carrots, but can be found in a wide variety of supermarket produce. The list includes cats going crazy for the smells of smelly shoes, bleach, astringent, cedar hangers, work clothes, boiled eggs,. As with us humans, the aroma given off by lavender attracts cats by drawing them towards it to sniff and rub against it. Cats are very good at using scents to detect chemical components that may intrigue them. Veterinary nurse Helen Crofts explains why cats turn their noses up at oranges and lemons. Sarah wishes to provide quality content for readers and allow others to learn from her knowledge and experience, The 3 Reasons Cats Like The Smell of Bleach. x3 However, most feline behavior makes a lot more sense than youd expect. Bleach smells likely don't affect 100% of cats in the same way, either. You can plant honeysuckle around your garden or in potted plants around your home to keep unwanted pests away and give the kitty a tummy ache. Catnip is such a favored smell for most cats that it can be found in everything from cat toys to training products. The fact is, cats pupils are designed to react to emotional situations and tend to dilate when they are angry or ready to pounce. Yes, carrots are safe for cats to eat. Although people seem to think all cats love fish, in the end, it depends on the individual taste of your cat. They often show this by nursing and kneading on wool. We can all agree that cats are weird, right? I had cats who do this with discarded undies. Then Corley would put his head inside the shoes and roll around on them. Moreover, you dont need bleach for anything. They also have a better sense of what smells they like and don . They may go to investigate the area and sniff it continuously to pick up on any threat, such as another cat they are not familiar with. My tabico (tabby, calico mixed with some tiger) cat, Sugar, loves to lick the foil wrapper from Laughing Cow cheese wedges. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein.Meat is made up of them. Cats sense of smell is so strong that they can even detect things like gas leaks or smoke alarms. If your cat smells like urine, it's important to see the vet to determine the cause. Sense of Smell in Cats - Why is scent important to cats? Honeysuckle is part of the popular Bach flowers and, as such, they act on the cat's body exerting a powerful soothing and calming effect. Heres What Professional Vets Say. Vote. But Im confused first it sounds like I found something then I keep reading and it dont sound safe . This is probably your issue. The herb rosemary, which gives off a minty scent and has been used for centuries to treat migraines and other disorders, is an effective cat repellent. One of our cats smells like carrots. It's a Question of Survival. In nature, cats got most of the water their body needed from the food they ate. '. You know, because they kill and eat birds and mice, which are just a few of the gross things cats do. Your cat may either enjoy the pheromones given off from the chlorine, have a similar reaction to when they have sniffed catnip, or might think the smell of bleach is an intruding cat. However, dogs have a good sense of smell, so you should be careful if your dog and cat are having playtime together. Cinnamon indeed is one of mans favorite scents. Dear Abby: My wife said she doesn't like it, but it's part of my life, Harriette Cole: I don't want the neighbor's kids at my house, Ask Amy: I feel guilty for not speaking up about my co-worker's activities, Ask Amy: I'm your cabin housekeeper, and you apparently have no idea what I do. And when you do eat or use these items yourself, make sure theyre kept up and away from your cat. While house cats carry this . Honeysuckles sweet smell is one reason why its used as a natural insect repellent and on skincare products for humans. Your scent makes your cat feel safe and content and they certainly love it. To do so, you should ideally use the essential oil of thyme or purchase this aromatic plant. The bleach smell seems very likely to mimic or create something that your pet likes. It is believed that heritable traits in the species and individual cats play a role in the traits they display when encountering bleach and its chemical components. Can we bring a species back from the brink?, Video Story, A journey of the senses through Abu Dhabi, Video Story, Copyright 1996-2015 National Geographic Society, Copyright 2015-2023 National Geographic Partners, LLC. New AI may pass the famed Turing test. Eco-friendly burial alternatives, explained. However, unlike humans, cats are not always able to be discerning with what they eat. Therefore, it seems likely that cats get their bleach reaction from their ancestors. Well, maybe not to us humans. You may have observed your cats strange antics of rubbing themselves in an area where bleach has recently been used, and there are a few fascinating reasons as to why your cat is displaying this behavior. Why Do Cats Like Carrots? It keeps their skin and coat healthy. More information in our article about "the properties of catnip". However, its also been used as a way to deter cats from entering an area. These chemical pheromones trick their brain into thinking they are coming into contact with the scent released by an unfamiliar cat. Not surprisingly, given that were talking about cats, you did. Some herbs and flowers can be toxic or act as a narcotic if your cat eats them. Unlike their canine companions, cats hate belly rubs. The bleach reaction is one of the more unique phenomena Ive encountered in decades of cat care.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'petzesty_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_3',103,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-petzesty_com-medrectangle-3-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'petzesty_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_4',103,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-petzesty_com-medrectangle-3-0_1'); .medrectangle-3-multi-103{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none !important;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:7px !important;margin-left:auto !important;margin-right:auto !important;margin-top:7px !important;max-width:100% !important;min-height:50px;padding:0;text-align:center !important;}. That your pet likes would put his head inside the shoes and roll around on them their attention than... Only coat waft the scent of eucalyptus some herbs and flowers can be toxic act... 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