eric schweig interview

I: The dialects in Mohicans what are they? I: I believe you are half-German and half-Inuit and you are involved with the Canadian Alliance and the Solidarity for Native People? So, beyond that, .. we gotta get with it. Before taking the role, did you have any familiarity with muskets or did you have to train for that? ES: Let me think about that. Most of that was because there were so many people in there all the time. Certainly, we have a new found appreciation for interviewers! ADOPTION SPEECH DELIVERED BY ERIC SCHWEIG, An oldie, but goodie 1992 ERIC SCHWEIG INTERVIEW. Regarding the love scene; you said in another interview several years ago that it was filmed and then cut out. We had a love scene that was cut out. You can find some of his films, including his two favorites, "Tom and Huck" and "Pontiac Moon", listed But, you don't see you know what you don't see? All kids want to do now is rap, which is great and I understand when you turn 15 or 16 you want to express yourself. ES: Yeah. And it's really hard, I guess it's hard, I've never been a parent, but it'd be hard to differentiate your child's freedom and their safety. Directing them, casting them, and what not.. but. so that's what I'd really like to see. And I have to say that out of all the cast members, I think you gave a fine performance and we wanted to interview you primarily. I lived in hostels and I was an alcoholic until 14 years ago. In an interview with ICTMN, Schweig discussed life experiences that have helped him to play his role in Blackstone, his belief in giving back to the community, and how he has obtained such success in his career. Russell or Daniel? MP: That was the next question. He opens up about the joys and challenges of being a new foster caregiver to two siblings. Not just a regular 20th century guy? I forgot his name MP: Yes . this is one of the masks in his so called "collection"? And if he could magnify that with a damned megaphone, he was happy as hell. But, take yourself. MOHICAN PRESS Gangster rap's fine for the individual who doesn't want to pick up a gun and . I think if ANY Indian actor is going to use their profession, acting, as a forum it should be to advocate things like what happens to you mask each and every time? ES: Yes. [laughs] I don't know what I get to wear my hair in braids, a black bolero hat and chaps, and I get to ride! Does he? MP: We've heard about those. ES: Yeah, I just get a real charge out of it.. so does anybody who's listening. RIGHTS RESERVED - Use of material elsewhere - including text, images, and We had a really deep love scene in the cave and they cut that out completely. Was she on the set all the time? I don't believe And, hang out with my girlfriend. Eric Schweig is a Canadian actor of mixed Inuvialuk, Chippewa-Dene and German heritage. MP: Do you think society all societies. have lost their sense of nurturing and protecting. or seeing children for what they are? an Inuit duo! I: When the movie first premiered, did you think it would be such a hit as it has been? You know I told everybody when this started. I see a lot of people who look all over the place for answers, except inside themselves. The Cliff Trails. He's pretty likeable. MP: Well, what I mean is that you guys, in the movie of course, went through every possible trial and tribulation. Guide book STILL It was huge. have been because they had aged so much and the paint had flaked off. it was aged down, but we just took a shot at it and it turned out wicked. Do you really feel as though you're making a departure from yourself? I: And you were out there for five months in the Smoky Mountains what was it like? I: There is a very soft, subtle love story between you and Alice. It's cool, everything's cool. well, it's getting better, And they put in all kinds of unnatural fears into kids' minds, or potentially can. ES: Oh yeah, Lake James. How would you compare the role to others you've played? Please Note: This interview is the property of Mohican Press. He will muscle people or threaten them, he is duplicitous and two-faced when he has to be. I am a resource assistant for youth, I work in the street. good idea to have one of your masks displayed in the vicinity. I didn't do a lot of talking. It's impossible to say. As long as Europeans or Euro-American film makers are making movies about Indian people, there is always going to be this. He was somewhat reticent, probably because of the time lapse, about For example, the beginning of the movie in the woods Day-Lewis' shirt appears and disappears! E: I've just finished this thing in Atlanta, Georgia, maybe two months ago, called Shenandoah. ES: Yeah, THE INDIAN. That's who they should be chasing but they don't. ES: No. I: Well, I've learned a lot today from you and I really thank you for all the time you've given me. ES: I like playing bad guys. But it was us, except going over the waterfalls. I've read a couple of scripts that were on the money. [Laughs] He was just like boxing in a telephone booth. I don't know what either one of them is doing. Perhaps much is taken out of context. EARLY That was fun. Did he really think the movie would "stink"? So, that's good to see. Was that difficult to achieve? Available - Free Downloads Only! I really like it and I love shopping there. It's also the truth that you have to do something about it. [Laughter]. EARLY Before that I had no idea what they were doing up there. I: When you go down to L. A., do you mix in with the other actors or stay to yourself? You know? The Indian guys were okay. He was just a guy. What else? He also creates his own designs and concepts. MP: Yeah, it was a good scene. E: No, I don't! I know Lots of it, and we have to control it. You know what? The copy we were given is very poor, and was somewhat difficult to transcribe. That, though, can go on endlessly. MP: It didn't leave you craving for the city lights? for the running and other activities. He was into powder rifles and stuff like that. Things usually turn out if you do it that way. It's really cool to just be watching a film and there's an Indian guy there or an Indian woman, and there's no reference to them being Indian you know .. it puts a more human face on us because people are so scared because of their own One of the six and French, so that they could talk amongst themselves. MP: A lot of the people who come to our web site are coming because of an interest in you. Guide book STILL I: Did you have to be really physically fit? And you take care of yourself Whew! ES: Uhhh no.. not my adopted family, but I hang out with my Uncle Willie from my biological family once in a while. Hollywood will flog it to death. I'll never forget his annoying voice. We trained with Colonel David Webster [pause] I think that was his last name. MP: Okay. ES: Oh, probably Tom & Huck. It's retarded. MP: Have you remained in contact with either one? But period pieces have always been, and always will be, because of their way of MP: Well, a lot of people feel put out! you know, and isn't psychotic. MP: You're welcome. Each mask represented various animals and they contained a lot We were in Columbus, Georgia for about a month. MP: As far as roles go; is there any particular type of film you would like.. or any particular character you would want to play? Either your adopted or your natural family? E: No, I don't think so at all. I don't Rick, I think. But I've got another offer in Russia, in a production called The Wolves, starting at the end of the month. Eric Schweig is a Canadian born Inuit actor, who is best renowned for his work in the 1992 film, The Last of the Mohicans in which he stars as Chingachgook's son, Uncas. MP: What did you think of her being there? Rather spontaneously, a gathering of LOTM fans has been planned. edged sword because for one thing they kept the masks in really good shape. Was there a challenge or was it a likeable role for you? He's a nice enough guy. Interesting as the article may be, it is so wrought with errors of fact, and of assumption, that it's hard to determine WHERE to begin. passionate, heartfelt, and poignantly expressed. Running 5 to 8 miles a day. They could come so close but the rest is just theoretical, or hypothetical. Born on the 19th June, 1967, Inuvik, Canada FILMOGRAPHY 1990 : The Shaman's Source : Robert Crow 1992 : By Way of the Stars (TV) :. ES: Yeah, it's a drag man, our children usually wind up paying the price for society's sins. Senility is a social disease. There was a real enthusiasm projected when discussing his masks. Was that ever filmed? SOUNDTRACK || Nobody gives a They'll suck all Join Stevie, comedic director "Steelbird" and his "assistant" real life movie star Eric Schweig as they present these incredible live performances, in-depth artist interviews and hilarious comedic backstage antics with featured artists. MP: Have you had any contact with her since filming LOTM? ES: Yes. MUSINGS || If there's any kind of panic, it started at the top with the producers. Even in the 70s, or the 80s . the early 80s. The stupidest idea or concept I've ever Besides that, he's a pretty private person. If someone doesn't like you, they are not shy when telling other companies. They'll get a kick out of that. ES: Yeah. You know, even though they stole them, they kept them in excellent condition to put on the front of this book so you can duplicate it. ES: Yeah, all up and down there; all over here. How would he feel if film directors did not use native people in native roles? We are much about the same height and the same build and I guess they wanted someone with long hair. I lived in Toronto, which is right next to the Six Nations reserve. ES: You gotta put a little bit of that in there. MP: So, we're not looking at masks that are all going to be the same, but all unique. What sort of career advice do you have for kids interested in acting? ES: Yeah, absolutely. When not doing that, she's writing books on classic Hollywood, including Lew Ayres: Hollywood's. What did you guys feel, or you personally, when you were filming those scenes? It was hot and it was annoying because Michael wanted to .. you know, like I said before.take after take. I thought I was forgotten, apparently not. MP: Yeah, Chimney Rock. LINKS I thought it would stink! It's scheduled for June in North Carolina. They haven't solved it. effects - without our expressed, written permission, constitutes copyright ES: Basically, yeah. Master Carver Eric Schweig (Ray Dean Thrasher) learned under the tutelage of renowned Tahltan carver Vern Etzerza. I: How did you feel about the battle scenes, especially the scenes when the deposed British troops are leaving the fort and the Hurons are waiting for them? It's there with each of these kids, though, and they'll carry that with them. And it seems to me, we could have been more of a family unit. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. ES: He's more meticulous, he's a perfectionist to the power of 10. AMAZON.COM/LOTM STOREFRONT. Guide book STILL MP: Do you recall any special problems that were presented by the rugged terrain that LOTM was filmed in? If they were good sticks .. it was kind of a bummer .. it would've been a better game. MP: How do feel about being cast in the real-life role of Indian activist? E: I think it was a mix. Basic description does not do this moment justice. MP: Do you see that on the other end of the spectrum too, with the elderly? As the film nears the end, the group progresses up a precarious waterfall, one of Hawkeye's friends, Uncas (Eric Schweig) is killed by the men tracking them, and he falls off the edge of the waterfall. Blackstone's Eric Schweig provides some fun facts about his life. films. MP: She's working with you with these kids? We were particularly struck by his comments pertaining to children which seemed Daniel Day-Lewis and Madeleine Stowe were THE couple so they couldn't take away from them because that was the main interest. MP: As a follow-up to that many people who have seen the movie have been inspired to learn more about the period. But I did a thing recently called Broken Chain, and I'll use that as a reference. I now work with homeless people in Winnipeg, Manitobawe feed them and clothe them. No one really knows, it should have gone in there Hopefully, it will be on the extended version when it's on video. We don't have all of the character actors that we need, we don't have bad guys, we don't have comedians, and we don't have the bodies to fill all of the positions. It's too bad that I was born out of abuse, but you know, that's how most of us are. E: Oh, that was the hardest time anyone ever had. They just. a lot of it was really dark but it was incredible. 1992 ERIC SCHWEIG INTERVIEW PLEASE NOTE: We originally ran this interview with Eric Schweig, and the commentary that follows, well over 3 years ago, but removed it after we had done our own with him (see: ERIC SCHWEIG: AN INTERVIEW ). MP: The diverse cast - a microcosm of the French and Indian War, really - must have made things interesting on the set. MP: Okay, many people are sincerely anxious to see you in more films. I've been doing this for 25 years now. It was probably [name omitted] He's the 1st AD. He opens up about the joys and challenges of being a new foster caregiver to two siblings. Okay, you recently turned your attention to yet another craft; wood carving. MP: Did you get closer to Jodhi May would you say, than to say, Madeleine Stowe? ES: I can see old Asheville. It looks like this interview was written very tongue in cheek, so don't take everything too seriously. E: The terrific points about the movie was the cinematography on the locations and the costumes. Not Chimney Rock was that Chimney Rock? Mohawks all over the place! MOHICANS private or he was. In Anyway, Vern picked it up one day and said "Hey, this is wild, man. ES: You know, I don't know where the collection is. That's no lie either. Why they go stir crazy and they forget . and they loose their memories? I don't use it. Interviewing is something we hadn't done out but don't stay out too late. I: Well, I was thinking more along the lines of your [??] MP: That's about a hundred years or so. He is of mixed race ( Inuvialuk, Chippewa - Dene and German). Lifting weights for 3 or 4 hours, or drinking that funny milkshake with all those proteins in it. ES: I don't know, they should have stuck it in there. Guide book STILL ignorance. In COLOR! rights, or land claims, or any of that, you have to start healing yourself. anti-anybody. There are some we really WISH we asked. SCRIPT || In COLOR! If you don't love what you're doing then don't do it. Other than that, everybody got along. EARLY It could have been developed more. MP: Do you have any relationship with your family? And they did depict the "camp-followers" and "hangers-on" in a fairly realistic manner. COURIER || MOHICAN WWW BOARD. ES: Well, the doors are opening now. If there was a young boy who could not keep his hands off his father's or uncles' hunting implements and then he whined when they went out hunting, chances were that thats what he wanted to do. Daniel, he's pretty laid back, to say the least. Previous to this "formal" interview, we had had several long conversations with Eric, focusing primarily on his hand carved Inuit masks. ES: Well, we did boycott the set one day because all the extras were getting shit on. I don't know what he does now, but he was when we were on the set. Anything that had to do with the fort . because it was hot in there and it was stuffy. But you know who they don't ban? Copyright 1997 - 2020 by We were down there for about a month and we worked with this guy with a beard who was a real outdoorsman. So, after putting it off and saying "Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah". at the time I was running around a lot and too busy to Like this week. there's 7 or 8 guys that I'm going to speak with. I'm not an Indian actor. I've been around horses. friendly towards each other or any of that. First, how were you chosen for the role of Uncas? On days when it got really hot they would carry two or three guys off with the heat. You need an Indian to play an Indian and you need a Frenchman to play a Frenchman if you want a realistic looking movie. A lot of elders are sharper than most 16 year olds 20 or 30, they're sharper than people half their age. scripted, which was more than "puppy love". impact, and it's art imitating life and vice versa. ES: Something I'm considering. I: Yes, I guess that's a little difficult to survive. Or WE start making films of our own, which a lot of us has. It was the 1700's, so unless you're over 200 years old you can't really say what went on back there. We realize that there are many more questions we could have asked Eric Schweig. They put them in. You know the difference between Indian elders and a lot of other elders? I like to hang out with my friends. And we have hired more Native journalists in the past year than any news organization and with your help we will continue to grow and create career paths for our people. And he has a niece who gets murdered in the city and the police hire him to come to the city to help out. Eric Schweig was originally born as Ray Dean Thresher, in Inuvik, Northwest Territories on June . But there are so many questions we would like to ask of him! I've never told anyone I am a Marlon Brando or whoever. ES: Yeah. She wasn't as inward. ES: Yeah. I: Some of the scenes, especially in the canoes - was that really you guys? For those who have missed it, requested it, or just now found it, we place it here again. That scene has repeatedly come up because following that, when you're getting your wound dressed by Cora ES: Oh yes. All of our content is free. I'm an actor who just happens to be an Indian. ES: Yeah, but I understand the reason why. Zusammenfassung: An interview with the director of the series. It was shot in Vancouver and I talked to Wes after he finished it. You know .. they just did whatever they had to do. But it's good for them because they have so much to offer, these kids, and some of ES: Yeah, Asheville's really nice. In Filled up with all those bodies in there.. in the fort. I think a lot of them are. That, perhaps, is petty stuff. [Laughter] "Hold on! Eric was forthcoming and, we believe, candid in his responses; gracious, and willing to discuss everything we asked. I had no idea. MP: He's been real busy.. doing quite well. They were the stars so they acted accordingly. In playing this character I can appreciate the other side and I can pull my own weight on the show. E: Yes, to an extent! We have to take advantage of this because it's gonna burn out, they're gonna flog the shit out of it and then there's gonna be nothing." He was just all work, then go home. Okay, you're a carver, an actor, a musician, and a drama coach. They promote it. E: Very, very hot and sticky and it rained a lot. recreating history, however inaccurately it may be, and it's different than reading a book it's visual and it IS just art, so it doesn't necessarily have to be totally historically accurate .. For example, in the movie Braveheart, E: Oh, yeah. A little better, though. I work with sex trade workers and I try to hook them up with agencies that can help them. It is the quality of the account that relegates a piece as history, not necessarily the race or nationality of the chronicler. If someone wants a reference like, "How was he to work with? He was somewhat reticent, probably because of the time lapse, about [2] We hope this helps you to know him as he is MOHICAN PRESS: We've read many bits and pieces of information, in print and on the Internet, by people who claim they know who you are. Their living conditions were bad, like one loo [bathroom] for 400 guys. MOHICANS It's jacked up obviously for television so the story is more interesting. HISTORY || MP: Then they'll be there for future generations? ES: Yeah, Wes was cool. My mother died of alcoholism and she was homeless as well. It was like puppy love basically, this love scene they cut out. The following interview - apparently from late 1992 - appeared in the pages of Trail Dust magazine. Perhaps we are wrong. A lot of people said, "Why were you running up the hill when you hardly exchange a glance with the girl". Your character, Hawkeye, and Chingachgook. there seemed a sense of family. And I said, "If you want to be historically correct in this movie, you must realize that the clans back then would adopt this young white baby and we grew up with him. I'm not trying to be antagonistic. So, by the time How is he different from them? It's not in the middle of downtown San Francisco where they Available - Free Downloads Only! Enjoy! Making it more subtle? AMERICAN HISTORICAL SIMULATIONS RIGHTS RESERVED - Use of material elsewhere - including text, images, and ES: Or even Vern. Return To Part 1 Of ERIC SCHWEIG: AN INTERVIEW, See Eric As Uncas, From The DVD-version: UNCAS & ALICE, A cause dear to his heart, read: Probably the fort scenes. They had a pool and a waterfall. They employed 250 carpenters and they smacked it all up. The James Fenimore Cooper book was fiction! E: No, I didn't. He is a film critic and writes the #NativeNerd column. There's this woman Claudia who's the They were doing illegal tampering with time cards, skimming hours off time cards and the make-up artists went on strike. there's such a thing as senility. All of a sudden they just start busting out. So, what they would like to know is what would "Please don't release this in English!". Some of my friends are Mohawks. the real, well .. you see these gang bangers running around blasting each other to smithereens because they think it's cool.. because that's what you do. They sold a lemon to the wrong person and find themselves reverting back to their old ways as mercenaries. [More laughter]. They were stiff, the leather in them was REALLY stiff, so you could carry it ES: Oh You know, I can't remember. MP: There was a strong feeling of familial bond between your character, Uncas, your older step-brother Hawkeye, played by Daniel Day-Lewis, and your father Chingachgook, played by Russell Means. MP: Well, you'll have to tell us about it because we've not seen it. Anyway, we were all downtown. retrospect, how do you feel about the quality of that film? E: Yes, we all did, but I like to do as many stunts as I can, except falling off the cliff, of course! Yeah, probably the Magua scrap was my favorite. I started volunteering with Resource Assistance for YouthRaY Inc., and and they hired me to work with them. He worked most of the time. So we can .. now we have them. As expected, we found ourselves liking him a great deal, and we quickly came to a mutually agreeable arrangement for displaying his work. He's a hard worker. And they came to Vancouver and I auditioned once down here and then flew to Los Angeles and auditioned once or twice there on the same day and then flew back flew back down for another one and then flew to North Carolina for two more. There was eleven thousand gallons coming through a pump into the pool and then it's sucked back through to create the waterfall. GATHERINGS || A lot of these people are among your biggest fans, which is why many of them came to our web site in the first place. Being brothers, we would be the same. He's intense, too, so it was fun to watch the play between him and Michael Mann. it's getting much better here. He's extremely MUSINGS || MP: Well, would that be something you would consider? Of course then he will do something that is sweet and redeeming. It's about this concert violinist who befriends all of these wolves in Alaska on his property. I: The editing in the film is a little off sometimes. MP: And if the opportunity arose, and it was a role you liked, would you work with him again? So, pretty soon, if you start looking inside yourself for Right THERE! in place of the word. Did you ever get a feeling of really being in that The scenes the way it was shot. MP: You know, in some ways though, contemporary pieces are worse because they're filled with all sorts of horrors and things that wouldn't happen in a million years. get here?" MP: He's got quite a reputation for really getting into his roles. ES: After I left the Mohicans, I said, "I hope I never see him again." ], MP: [Laughing!] It was wonderfully portrayed between the two of you, but would it have been correct in those days? Since his feature debut in the 1990 drama The Shamans Source, Schweig has made an impressive mark on the acting world in such productions as Squanto: A Warriors Tale, The Scarlet Letter, Ron Howards The Missing, Cowboys and Indians: The J.J. Harper Story, Indian Summer: The Oka Crisis, Cashing In, Casino Jack, and the Emmy-winning Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee. MP: And as opposed to what you do .. acting . doesn't that put you in the spotlight? Available - Free Downloads Only! That's how it has to be; even Freddy Krueger was the bastard son of 1000 maniacs. You got ta get with it carver Vern Etzerza 1992 eric Schweig was born! My girlfriend 's 7 or 8 guys that I 'm going to.! Was somewhat difficult to transcribe with her since filming LOTM but it was fun watch! More questions we would like to ask of him over here their age see a lot the. Rugged terrain that LOTM was filmed and eric schweig interview it 's too bad that was! 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