harry potter fanfiction harry flinch arthur

After he admits his feelings, things start heating up. Harry didnt want to react this way. Harry the Hufflepuff by BajaB. When Harry Potter reached Filch, the caretaker gave a great sniff as though to detect a whiff of Dungbombs.[58]. [65], No one, however, could compete with the master of chaos, Peeves. On two occasions, he shut Mrs Norris inside a suit of armour, from which she was rescued by a furious Filch, yowling loudly. We ask that you follow our rules and guidelines by visiting the Policy Category. 7. After being freed, Astra wants to know all about the life of her old friend, Harry. [65], Umbridge had gone through great lengths to gain Filch's loyalty, such as giving him permission to torture, and to have Peeves dismissed, due to Filch's knowledge around the school's secret passageways being second only to the Weasley twins. He always begged Headmaster Albus Dumbledore to let him suspend students by their ankles from the ceiling. [62] He was one of the few people who actually liked her at the school. ENEMIES OF THE HEIR, BEWARE", causing Filch tremendous stress and concern: he believed that Harry Potter was the one who petrified her, as he knew that Filch was a Squib. Mr Filch, the caretaker, has asked me to tell you that the list of objects forbidden inside the castle has this year been extended to include Screaming Yo-yos, Fanged Frisbees, and Ever-Bashing Boomerangs. Ron had to help Filch polish the silvers at the Trophy Room without using magic for his detention. Velhomaailmassa on monia erikoisia perinteit, jotkut niist ovat Harrylle iloisia ylltyksi. [45], After Sirius Black's second break-in in the evening of 5 February, Filch bustled around the corridors boarding up everything from tiny cracks in the walls to mouse holes. The other teachers, who could have removed the swamp in an instant, preferred instead to watch Umbridge struggle. Personally, my favorite couple will always be Ron and Hermione, and not even J.K. Rowling herself can talk me out of this. Arthur is fascinated by Harry's stretch marks. Its a short and simple tale of two men getting ready together and getting a little distracted. In July, Argus Filch attended Dumbledore's funeral in an ancient black suit and tie reeking of mothballs, paying his respects for the man who, despite their opposing views on student punishment, gave him employment as a Squib. [19], Filch later approached Jacob's sibling towards the end of the year, asking them where they were going. The cat was found petrified under a message written on the wall saying that "THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS HAS BEEN OPENED. It begins at Hogwarts and stars a grown-up threesome. Harry's 6th year is off to a rough start. Filch usually wandered around the school corridors with his cat Mrs Norris, trying to catch students breaking the school rules and complaining about Peeves the Poltergeist. Out of the Fire and into the Cupboard by HalfASlug. After years of abuse by his uncle a seven year old Harry Potter is rescued from the Dursleys by a Dementor who senses his pain, Raised in Azkaban with a strange but caring family and new powers how will Harry react to the revelation he is famous, a wizard and has the power to speak to Dementors. As much as I prefer my canon couples, non-canon erotica is where the Harry Potter fandom really starts having fun. Argus Filch was a rheumatic man[62] with hunched-shoulders[9] and a hunchback. After the Gryffindor Quidditch team's practice on 24 October, Mrs Norris saw Harry Potter who was covered in soil and dirt. When he got to the Owlery, he found Harry Potter (who had just sent a letter for Sirius Black) and Cho Chang (who was sending her mother a parcel for her birthday). Collections: 1 599 Kudos: 1124 Bookmarks: 263 Hits: 50961 [34] The caretaker took them to Minerva McGonagall's office, where they were joined by Neville Longbottom and Draco Malfoy who had also been caught out of bed. Dumbledore then knocked down the Ministry officials, and left the school undetected. [13] Filch also did not care for Hagrid as a professor and treated him as if he were inferior, possibly because he was half-giant. PEEVES! [51], If Filchs trying to learn magic from a Kwikspell course, I reckon he must be a Squib. Non-canon Harry Potter erotica: m/m. Scorpius and Albus are dating in this story, and after doing a little digging, they find out that their parents Draco and Harry also used to date. Molly Weasleys naked body can turn men to stone AND homosexuality. [71], In October, Filch stood as usual in the Entrance Hall checking the names of students who had permission to go in a Hogsmeade weekend trip. [62] Also, as Umbridge granted Filch permission to torture misbehaving students,[64] whereas Dumbledore would never even think of such things, he had loyalty to her. [18], When Valentine's Day was around the corner, Madam Pince, who was entrusted by Albus Dumbledore to organise the Valentine's Day Ball, talked to Filch about the arrangements. [2], Sometime in January, 1993, Moaning Myrtle flooded her bathroom after Ginny Weasley tried to dispose of Tom Riddle's diary in her bathroom. Severus Snape joined them, and killed Albus Dumbledore atop the Tower[75] (in fact, Snape was a double agent and was working on Dumbledore's orders, meaning since Dumbledore was already slowly dying, Snape's killing of him was a mercy killing).[76]. Feel free to suggest any pairings/situations you'd like to see, and eventually I'll try to include them (it could take a while). Dont forget to leave a comment about your favorite Harry Potter pairing or erotic fanfic. [72] Hagrid, on his side, insulted Filch, calling him "that old git",[13] and a "sneakin' Squib", when the latter insulted him. [26], Later in the school year, Filch was speaking to Snape and Madam Pince in the Potions Classroom when he was introduced to Brazilian exchange student Alanza Alves by Jacob's sibling. [2], During the next years, Harry disliked Filch even more, especially when the caretaker took the side of Dolores Umbridge, during Harry's fifth year. [2], Haven't you been complaining about Peeves for a quarter of a century?Minerva McGonagall, in 1998, indicates how long Filch has been working at Hogwarts, In around 1968,[11] Filch joined the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry,[9] succeeding Apollyon Pringle as Caretaker. Oliver and Percy are back for this one, and so is Marcus. In the night of 21 January, 1995, Filch almost caught Harry Potter while he was on his way back to Gryffindor Tower after having been in the Prefects' bathroom trying to solve the golden egg riddle for the Triwizard Tournament. Filch helped the students evacuate during the Battle of Hogwarts in 1998 and participated in the battle himself. It is unknown what was made of Filch, or even if he was mistreated by the Carrows simply for being a Squib. Argus Filch was a Squib and the caretaker of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry since around 1973. It would explain a lot. [42], Later in the evening of that same day, Sirius Black broke into the Castle and tried to enter Gryffindor Tower; this resulted in the destruction of the Fat Lady's portrait. Draco then told Filch that he was trying to gatecrash. Dumbledore appeared to like Filch, although the latter was unpleasant. On 7 September, Filch got a tip-off that Harry Potter was sending in a massive order of Dungbombs. [57], In the morning before the first school trip to Hogsmeade of the school year, Filch matched the names of those visiting the village to the long list of students who had permission from their parents or guardian to do so. Neznm mu vyzvd, jak se tam Harry dostal a Harry, i kdy je ze zatku proti, zane vyprvt svj dlouh pbh, a dokud se nedostane k incidentu, kter ho dostal do t uliky. Harry is in his 2nd year when he gets another detention from Lockhart. If youre more interested in everyone having sex with everyone else (including twincest), tryMake A Noteby Inell. [67] Filch brought her her luggage, as she was stopped by a mob of Daily Prophet reporters who took pictures of her escape. I bet you'll think twice about breaking a school rule again, won't you, eh? [62] However, the counterattack against Umbridge was now in full force: much of the student body opposed Umbridge and Filch. Harry sank into one of the trick steps and got stuck in it, making his golden egg break open and wail. Lily however loved Harry. Draco Malfoy, well aware of Filch's overly trust of Rosmerta, took advantage of it by sneaking in a cursed necklace and poisoned mead in an attempt to assassinate Professor Dumbledore.[75]. So, the Legends, along with Harry Potter, Lena Luthor, and Kara Danvers, along with some guests, read the Harry Potter series. Filch was also charged with restoring the Fat Lady's portrait,[42] and he did so expertly. So, it used to be true crack, but somehow I made the end emotional. In Happy Birthday, Hermione! Erotic Heatby AnnaBelle Rose22 features Rose and Lily Luna, but also Ginny and Harry. "Min ymmrrn kyll. Harry Potter is a slut. #1. He was born to at least one wizard parent sometime before 1951,[1] presumably somewhere in the British Isles. [62] Harry Potter helped Dean Thomas mess up the clock in the Clock Tower, Colin Creevey sent the Inquisitorial Squad several rude Howlers in chocolate boxes, and Parvati and Padma Patil poured Babbling Beverage into the school loudspeakers. One of the most popular male on male couples in the Harry Potter fandom are Sirius Black/Remus Lupin (WolfStar). Some Romione erotica highlights from other authors: In Midnight Swimby lrthunder, Hermione finds Ron skinny dipping, and the situation quickly escalates. Short as fuck, I know, but take it or leave it. Rated: T - English - Fantasy/Adventure - Chapters: 41 - Words: 178,099 . Rating: M The Dragon's Bride by Rizzle - Draco and Hermione wake up naked, hungover, and tattoo'd. And did we mention married? At the end of the day, Umbridge was dishevelled, sweaty-faced and soot-blackened from trying to extinguish the fireworks, and Filch set one of his brooms ablaze when he tried to swat at the fireworks in midair. Then, Professor Alastor Moody (actually Barty Crouch Jnr under the Polyjuice Potion) appeared and made them leave, convincing them that no one was there, saving Harry and later giving Harry's things back. He knew how it felt to be ignored, so he gave special care to pay attention to his studentsnot only in regards to their studies, but to their mental health, too.Remus Lupin was the first person to notice what Harry was hiding, and he was the first adult to care enough to do something about it. There is a small corner of the Internet dedicated to those of us who prefer the canonical Harry Potter couples. With the passing of Educational Decree Number Twenty-Three, which appointed Dolores Umbridge to the post of High Inquisitor of Hogwarts, the Ministry effectively started its interference at the school. [23] Following this, Jacob's sibling and Nymphadora Tonks conspired to scare Filch from his office to retrieve the notebook. Fred and George test out a new line of products, and things get sexy. He was surprised and displeased when he realised that Mrs Norris was showing Alanza affection. Hearing this, Filch thought that Peeves stole the egg. As Dolores Umbridge was a sadist who enjoyed torturing students, Filch could relate to her views on a number of levels. Harry decides to have sex in his last year at Hogwarts with anyone that he wanted. Harry has won the Triwizard Tournament, Cedric is dead, and Voldemort is back. Harry Potter and his sister Alison by Melanie Anderson 663K 13K 45 What if Harry had a little sister? Harry starts a new path for his life in the summer after second year. [72] Filch thought that Hagrid was an oaf, and he also told Mrs Norris, his cat, to watch Hagrid when he entered the castle. by phantompopcorn, Ron gives Hermione the best kind of birthday present. In 1991, Harry and Ron managed to get on Filch's bad side on their very first day at Hogwarts School, when he and Ronald Weasley got lost and inadvertently tried to enter the out-of-bounds third-floor corridor. They attracted his attention by sticking a Blood Pop in Mrs Norris's fur. Lessons With Hagrid by NothingPretentious. [51], At the end of the year, champion Cedric Diggory was murdered, while everyone learned from Harry about Lord Voldemort's return. Despite working at a school, Filch deeply resented the students and was greatly disliked by them in return,[13] and some members of the staff, as well. ), theres a Harry Potter erotica fanfic thats right for you. However, Filch, in a way, helped Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix defeat the Death Eaters, as he helped McGonagall call Peeves during the Battle of Hogwarts. Ronald Weasley demanded to know what did it matter if the students were smuggling Dark objects out of the premises, and his cheek earned him a few jabs with the Sensor. When you buy through these links, we may earn an affiliate commission. [80] It is unknown whether this was for his loyalty to Snape, his long years of service to the school, or his ability to catch troublemakers through his extensive knowledge of the Castle's secrets. He's thrilled to be going to the only place he considered home. [47] During the Hallowe'en feast on 31 October, Filch wore his mouldy old tailcoat and added chairs to accommodate Igor Karkaroff, Olympe Maxime, Ludovic Bagman, and Bartemius Crouch Senior at the Staff Table. [51] Furthermore, while Snape gave some leniency to students of Slytherin, Filch saw no such mercy with any of the students. [33], On Christmas, Albus Dumbledore gave Harry Potter his father's Invisibility Cloak. Hermione broke the hug. Refer to the manual, or the Goodreads Librarians Group. [13] He disliked the students and constantly hassled them over the littlest infraction and took delight in the doling out of detention-worthy write-ups. He felt perfectly content. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works With so many compelling characters in the Potterverse, its no surprise that non-canon erotica makes up the majority of the erotic Harry Potter fanfic out there. DO NOT READ IF THE TAGS MAKE YOU SICK NOT A HAPPY STORY FOR HARRY! He was going to be permitted to bring back the "old punishments" and give students whippings, and she asked the Minister for Magic to sign an order for the expulsion of Peeves, the resident Poltergeist. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. [80] Later, after Lord Voldemort gained knowledge from Alecto Carrow that Harry Potter was in the school premises, the Heads of House started conjuring protective enchantments around the school, preparing to fight and waking up students. Harry Potter and The Last Horcrux is not like most HP fanfiction. [9] Filch never ceased his futile efforts to get Peeves expelled from the castle, and Peeves never stopped taunting Filch. On one occasion, he terrified a pair of first-year girls into hysterics. InAs I Walk From My Machine by tamlane, Percy moves on to Astoria Greengrass after, on behalf on the Ministry of Magic, he puts out an ad asking for subjects to test experimental sex magic and Astoria answers the call. Disclaimer I don't own anything but my own ocs Add to library4.3kDiscussion 448Suggest tags Sigh, Teenagers 213 pages 6 months ago Selantro [9] In keeping with his dislike for students and their inevitable tendency to create messes and disorder (which he, as caretaker, would get stuck cleaning up), Filch idolised "the old ways" of discipline and constantly lamented that he was no longer allowed to use corporal punishment. M/M erotica continues to dominate Harry Potter fanfic, but there are still quite a few notable lesbian stories out there. This is an implied slash, don't like, don't read! When he realised that Jacob was their brother, he told them he should punish them while he still had the chance, given their brother's bad reputation. This is Aaron Taylor-Johnson from Nowhere Boy. [46][47], In October, Filch underwent an extra-thorough cleaning of the Castle and acted ferociously to any students who forgot to wipe their shoes. Harry finds a butt plug that makes the person with it in them horny as hell. [82] The battle recommenced shortly afterwards, and it all ended when Lord Voldemort was finally defeated and killed by Harry Potter in the Great Hall. Harry felt no dread, no terror, no anger or fury or resentment. During this time, he became more vicious than ever, and wrote students up for things like "breathing loudly" and "looking happy". He was aided by the Inquisitorial Squad, but odd things like antlers sprouting from their heads kept happening to its members. In The Wolfsbane Effect by Kerichi, Remus is torn between his two loves, Tonks and Sirius. Filch, unaware of what was happening, came to Professor McGonagall shouting that students were out of bed. The process took longer than normal as Filch triple-checked everybody with his Secrecy Sensor. In an excuse to escape punishment, Draco told Filch he had been invited to Professor Slughorn's party, and Filch dragged him by the ear to Slughorn's office to see if his claim was true. [9] During the Battle, when the Death Eaters marched towards the Castle with Harry's "dead body", he was clearly solemn as he stood by Horace Slughorn, Pomona Sprout, and Poppy Pomfrey,[82] despite all their differences, as his death meant the victory of the Death Eaters. Harry Potter and the Last Horcrux by Mike. If you need help, you can contact: The Bureaucrats: HarryPotter512 and Scarletmoon579 The Administrators: Aliceandjasperforever, Hermione524 and Philered Our Head-Boy: Philered Our Biggest Contributor . As Severus Snape was a very strict and somewhat cruel teacher, Filch respected that and acted a loyal subordinate to him. A joyous retelling of the Diagon Alley trip in Harrys second year with the Weasleys. The two shared a strong bond that linked them somehow; anytime Mrs Norris spotted someone breaking a rule, Filch would arrive soon afterwards.[13]. Apparently, Filch lost some of his duties, as punishment seemed to be given out exclusively by the Carrows and Severus Snape. Harry used it that night to sneak into the Restricted Section and research about Nicolas Flamel, which he knew was related to the Philosopher's Stone. [30], During this school year, he tasked Jacob's sibling with finding a missing Mrs Norris. If youre like me, you might enjoyRuns in the Familyby TransBoyWonder. The detention Harry gets with Lockhart comes about in a different way, and is spent with less than school appropriate actions. Harry really did love him to allow him such an honor. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10. [2][14], After the attack, Filch frequently paced the corridor in which it had taken place, as though hoping for the attacker to return. Suspecting it was linked to the Cursed Vaults, he was about to report to Dumbledore, but spotted Professor Severus Snape first and told him instead. This story a sweet mix of unrequited love and BDSM. Poda se mu ho probrat a odvede ho k sob, protoe Harry odmtne se pemstit do nemocnice Sv. [40], On 1 September, 1993, Filch attended the Start-of-Term Feast, and stood in the raised platform by the High Table while the school choir and orchestra led a presentation of Something Wicked This Way Comes. This is weird and awful and bad things happen in it. The love between Hermione and centaur Firenze in The Winter WizardsCentaur Loveis entirely consensual. [32], On their very first morning at Hogwarts, 2 September, 1991, Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley managed to get on Filch's wrong side. He wanted Lockhart to stop, but was powerless. On the night stand, beside a plate that was empty but for a few crumbs, lay his wand and glasses. [77] At night, while not patrolling the corridors, Filch wore an old flannel dressing gown. [16] In his years as Caretaker, Filch learned all about the Castle's secret passageways and hidden doors better than anyone but the Weasley twins and the Marauders. In 1995, when Dolores Umbridge became High Inquisitor at Hogwarts, Filch gladly supported her. Strange, but consensual. This one features a lot of different ladies, so buckle up. The strange gifts he has, and isn't going to question, should help in that regard. After this, he was forced to award them ten house points, much to his and Mrs Norris's displeasure. Spend a few pages writing out your plot. I scoured the Internet to find the crme de la crme of Harry Potter erotica, and now I bring you a collection of some of the Internets Erotic Wizarding World highlights. Fanfic author JessWithOneEss is out there killing the Romione game. Harry has won the Triwizard Tournament, Cedric is dead, and Voldemort is back. [72], On 17 March, Filch did his usual prodding act with the Secrecy Sensor as some of the sixth years departed the school for an Apparition lesson at Hogsmeade. Dungbombs and Stink Pellets were frequently dropped in the corridors, so that students performed Bubble-Head Charms on themselves to get a supply of fresh air. He was later approached by Jacob's sibling who was concerned about Pince's plan for the Ball and told him Pince loved gorgeous settings such as such as flowers, music and refreshments instead. Hes bitter.Ron Weasley's explanation of Filch's grouchy personality, Very foul-tempered, cantankerous, and easily annoyed, Filch had an extremely unpleasant personality. [16] When she was Petrified by Salazar Slytherin's Basilisk, Filch was devastated and started sobbing, which made Harry Potter feel slightly sorry for him, though he felt a lot more sorry for himself, fearing he might be expelled. [7], After Harry Potter and Hermione Granger had carried Norbert to the Astronomy Tower, so that Charles Weasley's colleagues could take the dragon to Romania, Filch caught the pair roaming the Astronomy Corridor on their way back to Gryffindor Tower in the early hours of 10 May, 1992. [42] Filch helped secure the Castle on Professor Dumbledore's instruction, lowering the portcullis and bolting the front doors of the Clock Tower. Erotica continues to dominate Harry Potter reached Filch, unaware of what made! You buy through these links, we may earn an affiliate commission steps and stuck! Wand and glasses gives Hermione the best kind of birthday present Words: 178,099 ]... Wants to know all about the life of her old friend, Harry, finds. The life of her old friend, Harry and a hunchback that acted. Little sister everybody with his Secrecy Sensor teachers, who could have removed swamp! Watch Umbridge struggle CHAMBER of SECRETS has BEEN OPENED Filch lost some of his duties as! 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