how can mikael drink vampire blood

A vampire might drink his own blood if cut off from all blood supplies. They tried to start a family but to no avail, as Esther believed she was cursed and went to her sister for help. He then offered his children wine laced with the doppelgnger Tatia's enchanted blood (as revealed in Bringing Out The Dead) and killed them soon after by driving his sword through their hearts. They then started a family with the birth of their children Freya and Finn. Elijah, who had just recovered from his own staking, showed up just in time to help his siblings free, and he insisted that Marcel was as good as dead, as Mikael was feeding on him to replenish his strength. They stumbled upon a Halloween party of unsuspecting civilians. Large increase in power observed. However, the New World wasn't as peaceful as the couple had expected, especially during the full moon, as their neighbors were werewolves. 4th, 5th, and 6th generation vampires must drink human blood. As the werewolves are about to kill Davina, Mikael arrives and starts to fight them, killing several with little to no difficulty. ~ Farcical funny game. Mikael's title has three meanings to it. The main one is their urge to drink human blood. Mikael was later seen in the first season of The Originals during A Closer Walk With Thee, when he first appeared as a ghost to attack Hayley Marshall on The Other Side, and again in order to speak with Davina Claire. After being turned into a vampire, the valor becomes anger, and pride in obsession. Near tears, he embraced his daughter and the two happily reunited. Mikael has a reunion with his children at Klaus' home. Mikael is the reason vampires came to exist, it was his idea to turn his children and himself into immortals with superpowers superior to werewolves, where they could then sire more of their kind as ordinary vampires. As Damon was about to make the final blow, Stefan arrived (having been revived by Katherine earlier) and tackled him, knocking the stake out of his hands in the process. Wear contact lenses preferably in red or yellow. As he butchered a few wolves, he was met by Esther, who told him that he could stop trying to hunt down Ansel since Klaus had already killed him, noting that he may not be his blood, but Klaus had inherited Mikael's violent nature. For them, consuming blood is a quality of life issue and is necessary for sustaining their energy. "Dead blood" will make them seriously ill. And confirmed by Lestat's own storyline IN the film, it does NOT kill him as some mistakenly think. Hayley then becomes angry and releases herself from Mikael's grip and tells him that neither her or her baby's dead or he wouldn't have tried to kill them. He talked of how lucky Marcel was and remarked that his girlfriend (Rebekah) looked like his wife. . Having disposed of the wolves, he tries to kill Davina to stop her control over him but he is stopped by Elijah who throws him into a wall. Which caused Esther to seek comfort in the hands of Ansel - and resulted in the birth of Klaus. Mikael states his desire to want to hurt her is strong. Throughout The Vampire Diaries Series. The process could be pain full, dangerous, and tough however, it can make a normal person into a vampire. When his son Kol, now in the body of a witch, was invited to the cabin by Davina and secretly searched the room with the white oak stake inside and found it, Mikael stopped him and confronted him. Overwhelmed by the loss of another child, Mikael and Esther were desperate to cast a spell that would protect the family from more deaths. However, Finn forced Mikael to be his sacrifice in a spell so he could channel his power. He still considers Mikael as his only true father, despite not being biologically related, because only a father could inflict as much pain as Mikael did to Klaus, as well as the fact Mikael raised Klaus. Mikael compelled the attendance to give Klaus a message. Mikael asked Stefan a few questions about Klaus' plans and his current location, but Stefan could not answer them because Klaus had compelled him not to tell anyone his secrets. To compare, Elijah was rendered unconscious after two bites from two werewolves, while Mikael sustained more injuries from a horde and managed to kill them all. ~ Frighten your friends with games about vampires. Ingesting a foreign substance such as alcohol could make a vampire sick. Over the years and through its end with season 8, The Vampire Diaries expanded its characters to include various supernatural creatures, and the series developed a complex (albeit sometimes convoluted) canon. Mikael named his Viking sword Rathul, after the early morning sun. Klaus took advantage of everyone's distraction by grabbing the stake and driving it through Mikael's heart, and watched in shock as Mikael burst into flames and died, taking the only white oak stake with him. They consist of the patriarch, Mikael, the . They may also start needing to drink vampire blood if they go below Humanity or a Path of 3. Mikaelwas the patriarch of the Mikaelson Family. You ERASE THEM!" However, Mikael later says this was simply just to "rile" Stefan up so that he could push past Klaus' compulsion, something Mikael says was a loophole. So mote it be." During a raid on a village, he met a witch namedEsther, and the two fell in love. Mikael's actions cause a rift in the family, thus turned against him completely, however, even after his children found out that it was Klaus who killed their mother, they are still antagonistic towards their father, though Rebekah was willing to allow Klaus to be killed after finding out the truth but did blame their father for making them violent, saying that Klaus wasn't born a killer. He wasn't content to kill Klaus until he has humiliated and psychologically tortured him, and then promised to undo everyone's memory of him, turning Klaus into nothing more than a ghost, utterly alone. Does hope Mikaelson have to drink blood? He explained that once he fed, he'd be back to full strength. Once Elijah insisted that he was standing with his brother, Mikael stake him with a regular stake, leaving him incapacitated while Mikael left to go to the New Orleans Opera House. Mikael's characterization in the flashbacks of his children is somewhat different from the characterization he has when people are dealing with him directly. Damon (a role coveted by many actors) believes the only way Elena can survive and learn self-control is to drink directly from the vein. Share 0. He is then staked by Mikael with theWhite Oak Stake, he tells him, "Greetings, boy." 10pcs Halloween Blood Bags Blood Bags for Party Drink Container IV Bags. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! He was an Original Vampire and a powerful vampire hunter. However, when Klaus killed Esther, Klaus turned his family against their father by framing Mikael for the murder of their mother, and the siblings ran away from Mikael, Mikael hunted down Klaus for centuries, trying to destroy him until finally he was killed. Mikael also appeared as a recurring character in the third season of The Vampire Diaries. Rebekah suddenly arrived and intervened, trying to free Marcel as well, but Mikael staked her with a regular stake and incapacitated her. He drank from Vamps out of choice and not out of necessity. Back at the Witches coven house Davina is being visited by Mikael'sGhostfor the second time and he tells Davina that Tim has moved on and reveals himself to be Klaus' father, apologizing for what his son did to Tim, and he says he's the only one who can rid Klaus from her forever, but first he needs her to bring him back to life. The spell neutralized Mikael while his power was being channeled into Finn's own. Despite Klaus' pleas for Elijah to help him, he ended up listening to his father and helping Mikael chain Klaus to a post. Despite having told her he wouldn't feed on her, he contemplated changing his mind since his wound from Papa Tunde's blade wasn't healing. Add the Vampyre Vodka. Mikael later appeared atRousseau's, where he watched Marcel and Rebekah. His ability to overcome Papa Tunde's blade came from his training, as he learned to master his pain. He is also noted to be one of two people in history that have ever made Klaus genuinely fear for his life, the other being Mikael's wife, and Klaus' mother; Esther. Start by lighting the candle. This is usually done as a way to sexually gratify themselves. Her veins are only filled with vampire blood, which allows her to heal faster than her werewolf abilities. Terrified, Klaus quickly rushed to the stage to help free Marcel, only to be stopped by Mikael, who threw him across the stage. Once the spell was cast on Mikael and his children, the vampire species was officially created. Davina has been going to a vinyl store to buy music for Mikael, his preference being ancient Icelandic Folk music. Over the next centuries, Mikael burned down half of Europe in his hunt for Klaus. Damon asked him why he feeds on vampires. Davina resurrects Mikael using powerful cursed objects Father Kieran had stored away. Mikael did so, knocking her down and hurting her ankle but forcing her to get back on her feet, even though it would be a struggle. As stated by Damon when he kidnapped Elena and took her to Atlanta in Season 1, As long as vampires get enough blood their body functions work normally. Desperate to escape their homeland, Esther turned to her witch friend and mentor, Ayana, who told her of a land beyond the seas where the natives were all healthy and blessed with the gifts of speed and strength. In a flashback to Le Grand Guignol, when Mikael arrived in New Orleans in 1919, he easily threw Elijah and Klaus across large distances with no effort while Klaus was still under the Hybrid Curse, and it took all of Elijah's strength to stop Mikael from staking him with the White Oak Stake, with Mikael not showing strain. After all the children of Mikael and Esther turned into immortals, it was revealed that Klaus is not the son of Mikael and when Mikael found out about this, he felt relief but even after learning Klaus was not his son, he still did not want to kill him and only had Esther suppress his wolf side. But for hundreds of years, they were scapegoats for disease. After reuniting, Mikaelwas madeaware of Dahlia's return, andwas helping his daughter with her plan to kill Dahlia in a combined effort, even working together with Klaus. Mikael promised Marcel that he would leave Rebekahunharmed, as she was always his favorite, but he wanted his sons' exact location so he could kill Klaus. InHouse of the Rising Son, Rebekah mentions that when Niklaus saved Marcellus from slavery, he saw himself in the boy and remembered of how his step-father used to beat him and saw him nothing more than a "Beast". Is vampire blood capable of healing humans? According to Sebastian Roch, the emotion and focus that he has to summon to play Mikael is actually somewhat exhausting, though in a good way. When Klaus arrived at the cabin, having tracked them down, Mikael stood ready with the white oak stake. Rebekah argued that if Mikael was hunting Klaus, he was hunting her, and informed him that while she was well aware of what Klaus had done, including recently discovering that Klaus killed their mother, she still blamed Mikael for making Klaus into the person he was and for turning them into monsters in the first place. Once Klaus had killed a human, Mikael and the rest of the family found out that he was actually a werewolf, born of an affair Esther had with a werewolf villager named Ansel. Shortly after being turned, Elijah compelled Lucien Castle to believe he was Klaus, Tristan de Martel to believe he was Elijah, and Aurora de Martel to believe she was Rebekah, so that Mikael would hunt them in his children's place as a misdirection. During the fight between step-father and step-son, their emotional states could be seen, Mikael being relatively calm with no sign of straining while Klaus visibly struggled during the fight. However, it was Mikael who chose a name for him. Mikael didn't initially want to kill Klaus, as even after discovering him to be an "abomination" and a child fathered by someone else, he did not kill him, but had his wife curse Klaus to make his werewolf side dormant, making him just like the rest of his siblings, an Original Vampire. She might unlock her full vampire side by drinking blood, since she already has faster healing without drinking blood. So no "draining the innocent in their sleep" or "only drinking the blood of . Why does Elena drink Damon's blood? While the sexy and stylish vampires of HBO's True Blood might have been more than willing to "step out of the coffin" and make the world aware of their presence, in real life, people who regularly enjoy drinking blood prefer to stay in the shadows of obscurity. Klaus awoke and told Mikael that he was outnumbered. They lived in peace with their neighbors at first, hiding in caves during the wolves' transformations, during which time Mikael and Esther had more children: Niklaus, Kol, Rebekah and Henrik. Later, Mikael was shown to be working with his daughter as werewolves came to the cemetery. Vampires will not die without blood since their immortal fate is sealed within the supernatural DNA of their living dead body. After chastising Davina for being unable to defend herself without her magic, she requested that he train her to be strong physically. Mikael ultimately burned down the opera house. Mikael and his family later burned down the white oak tree to prevent it ever being used against them, but not before Mikael had secretly carved a stake as insurance in case one was needed for future use. He was later revealed to be an Original Vampire, and the father of the Originals, or, in Klaus' case, his step-father. You can still pull off the vampire look by accessorizing your wardrobe and doing your make-up to look like a vampire. However, Klaus unveiled Papa Tunde's blade and stabbed Mikael. He wants to take the bracelet binding him to her so he can kill Klaus. However, in The Reckoning, he was revived by Katerina Petrova and Jeremy Gilbert. For about 30 minutes, the bats drink their victim's blood. As he had been conspiring his resurrection with a young Witch and had promised the young witch if she did resurrect him, he would help her save her friend and get rid of Klaus for good. Katherine broke the chains binding him, and when Mikael rubbed at his stiff elbows, she remarked that if he drank human blood, he would feel much better. Mikael was a Viking warrior born in a village in the Kingdom of Norway. Many vampire-donor relationships can be, and are, just as personal. You can do many things to achieve the teeth that are found in most popular vampire myths. Mikael seems to genuinely regret the consequences of having brought the Vampire race into existence, which is what motivated him into feeding exclusively upon other Vampires instead. Shortly after Rebekah left him at the bar, Marcel went for a drink, and Mikael, approached him. . Mikael knew the truth of Esther's murder and his hate for Klaus only grew more intense, vowing to kill him for destroying his family. It is not needed to survive. With over 1,000 years of experience as vampires, even if most of that time was . Mikael was the first and oldest Vampire in existence and being an Original Vampire, possessed all the standard powers and abilities of one, but to a much greater extent compared to his children, likely due to being stronger as a human before he was turned. He has six half-siblings: a deceased older half-brother, four other half-brothers named Elijah, Finn, Kol, and Henrik, and two younger half-sisters named Rebekah, and Renise. She doesn't need to drink vampire blood, she can't compel, and she can't use vamp speed. Mikael's ghost then appear in a room with Davina and explaining the spell in Esther's grimoire that can resurrect him. All of this with only having fed on little bit of Davina's blood. First, you can ask nicely if they'd give you a drink of blood. This shows how much Freya's "death" impacted Mikael. Her you fight for; lovely Freya, the daughter you barely know. For blood that's in an actor's mouth, some new formulations taste like mint and are safe for ingestion. Eat a lot of meat especialy close to raw beef. He threatened to kill him, not knowing it was his youngest son, but Kol told him he was a witch and would undo Davina's bracelet's spell, freeing Mikael, if he didn't harm him. Blood-drinker CJ!'s kit includes antiseptic to clean the skin (the cat), a squeeze ball which helps veins pop out (the mouse) and a tourniquet to tie around the arm (Credit: CJ!) A plague hit Europe, and Esther claimed it killed Freya while Mikael was in battle; in reality, Freya was taken as the payment of a magical bargain Esther made with her sister Dahlia, to cure her of her infertility. Knowing that Rebekah hated him, Mikael assured her that he never intended to kill her or Elijah-- he just wanted to kill Klaus because in revenge for killing Esther and Henrik's death. Mikael reminded him that the hybrids couldn't kill him, since he is immortal, but Klaus just replied, "But it will make a hell of a party game". Mikael had the typical weaknesses of an Original Vampire though hewas able to tolerate the effects of Werewolf venom and even overcome Papa Tunde's blade. Once Klaus staked Mikael, Mikael appeared to extend his hand toward Klaus' face as a sign of affection before his corpse burned to ash, giving Klaus a shocked expression as his step-father did not always hate him completely and he appeared sad for a moment. Walking into the theater, Mikael seated himself behind Klaus and pointed the white oak stake at his back, right next to his heart, while Klaus sat, clearly horrified. Free shipping. Freya then tasked her father with procuring items needed to defeat Dahlia. Stir frequently and cook until mixture darkens and thickens, about 10 minutes. And even then you despised me didn't you? Elijah replied that his father was a fool if he thought Elijah would betray his brother for anyone, even for his father. In Farewell to Storyville, Elijah remembers how Mikael punished Niklaus when they were both children for missing a shot at a doe back in the 10th century. When Freya tried to reveal that she was the daughter he lost so long ago, Mikael angrily attacked her, calling her a liar. In Night Has A Thousand Eyes, Mikael returned to New Orleans with the items to make a weapon against Dahlia; ash of the vikings who oppressed her, soil from her homeland, and the blood of who she loved the most: Freya. After successfully staking and nearly killing Klaus, he ended up outnumbered by the arrival of Klaus' allies, forcing him to flee from a fight with his step-son for the very first time. Use crisp black eyeliner even if you are a guy. Like Klaus and even Elijah, Mikael seems to be in a grey area morally, as in his pursuit of Klaus, he has killed numerous vampires and humans alike, especially if they get in his way, however, Mikael does have some morals, being regretful for his part in creating vampires and the bloodlust and so feeds only on vampires to avoid killing innocents needlessly. He wore dark suits over dress shirts. Before being executed by Klaus, without a fight in a sneak attack, Mikael's last words were how he was sorry and loved Freya. In Reigning Pain in New Orleans, Mikael is mentioned by Klaus when explaining to Marcel that he won't do to his child, what was done to him by Mikael. His mistreatment of Klaus, is what ultimately turned his step-son against him, as well as the fact that it caused Klaus to despise Mikael, especially when the two would discover they are not father and son. In the 1200s, after Elijah had formed a society of vampires called the Strix, Mikael tracked them down and descended upon them with a small army of his own. Mikael went to her and Kol where he ordered Kol to release him as promised. The vampire and human must then sleep in the ground (this is presumably the point where they technically die) until the newborn rises as a vampire the following night. Drinking blood isn't what Hollywood makes it out to be, according to real-life vampires. At the Witchescoven house,Davina Claireconvinces her friend Abigail to do asimple sence, so that they can connect with the spirit world and to connect with her friend Timothy. Mikael sees werewolves and hybrids as abominations. Asked By: Raymond Miller Date: created: Jun 13 2022. . Katherine chose to ignore her warning, and she and Jeremy eventually located his tomb in Charlotte, North Caroline. 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