river otter alabama

The impoundments from Aliceville Lake downstream to . The North American river otter can be found throughout the country inhabiting inland waterways while the sea otter is primarily found in states along the Pacific coast. [34] Most aquatic invertebrates preyed upon by the otters are from the families Odonata (dragonfly nymphs), Plecoptera (stonefly nymphs), and Coleoptera (adult beetles). When estimating occupied range area or river otters, we only summed the area of the counties with known presence and excluded those counties that are listed as unknown (Table S1, Supplemental Material). The River Otters are smaller and weigh between 10-30 pound. While current harvest strategies do not pose a threat to maintaining otter populations, harvest may limit expansion of otter populations in some areas. T. Peltier, N. Forman, and W. Dodge also assisted with several aspects of this effort.We would also like to thank the Associate Editor and anonymous reviewers for constructive and value suggestions and comments that improved the quality of this manuscript. Length: 35-50 inches. Chasing is also a common game. Only one state, Utah, had conducted river otter reintroductions since 2010. Note: Above species may only be taken by TRAPPING ONLY. [30] However, river otters will prey on trout, pike, walleye (Sander vitreus vitreus), salmon (Oncorhynchus spp. This kind of pollution could deplete the food supply for the otters. 2003). (2003) suggested as potential' range in their 1998 assessment of 5,556,200 km2. ); and Ictaluridae, which consists of bullheads and catfish (Ictalurus spp.). River Otters can be thought of - and in a very real sense are - semi-aquatic weasels. It has more species of fish than any other river of its size in North America.It supports 139 rare and imperiled species,including ten fish and mussel species listed under the US Endangered Species Act. The dens have entrances underwater so they can be easily accessed from the water. Most (n = 31, 63.3%) states used multiple methods to monitor river otter populations. Agency-enforced regulations include restrictions on harvest, harvest season length, harvest methods, and bag limits. To protect fish in these cases, the otters may need to be removed or relocated. The female otters do not dig their own dens; instead, they rely on other animals, such as beavers, to provide suitable environments to raise their offspring. North American river otters were hunted and trapped extensively for their fur in the 19th and 20th centuries, and are still hunted in some places. Twentyseven states, including Alabama, have trapping seasons, and four states and two provinces 2010). Nevertheless, these results provide an empirical, albeit coarse, contemporary estimate of river otter range in the United States. As of 2016, only two additional states had conducted reintroductions (New Mexico and North Dakota) since Raesly's (2001) previous assessment and Utah was the only state that had reintroduced river otters since 2010. They live in riparian zones, often in the same areas as beavers. Please note: The Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management is not responsible for the content or functionality of any supplemental material. Reintroduction projects have expanded their distribution in recent years, especially in the Midwestern United States. A group of otters is called a romp of otters. Comparisons between our survey and published reports from 1998 (Melquist et al. [1] They are now absent or rare in Arizona, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, and West Virginia. River otters in Yellowstone Lake depend on a declining . 2015). North American river otters also inhabit the forested regions of the Pacific coast in North America. [34] Other species of birds found within their diets include: northern pintail (Anas acuta); mallard (Anas platyrhynchos); canvasback (Aythya valisineria); ruddy duck (Oxyura jamaicensis); and the American coot (Fulica americana). Other species of otters live on every continent except Australia and Antarctica. Fish and Wildlife Service. Scientific studies have shown them to be sensitive to pollution. We also thank the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies for logistical assistance. [26][32][33] Bottom-dwelling species, which have the tendency to remain immobile until a predator is very close, are susceptible to North American river otters. [29] For instance, Catostomidae are the primary dietary component of North American river otters in Colorado's Upper Colorado River Basin. All Canadian provinces except Prince Edward Island and 29 U.S. states have viable populations that sustain annual harvests. The species is also present throughout Alaska, including the Aleutian Islands, and the north slope of the Brooks Range. River otters historically inhabited every major watershed in the contiguous United States and were extirpated from much of their historical range as a result of multiple factors including habitat degradation and destruction as well as unregulated harvest (Anderson 1977). Air trapped within the fur acts as insulation when the otter is submerged. 2003 ). [29] In Georgia, crayfish accounted for two-thirds of the prey in the summer diet, and their remnants were present in 98% of the summer spraint. Found at DOI: https://doi.org/10.3996/102018-JFWM-093.S2 (38 KB XLSX). A river otter chews on a chunk of raw fish during feeding time at the Florida Aquarium in Tampa in 2021.. 132 River Otters Playing Premium High Res Photos Browse 132 river otters playing stock photos and images available, or start a new search to explore more stock photos and images. For example, a study conducted in a central California marshland indicated crayfish formed nearly 100% of the river otter's diet at certain times of the year. The gestation period is only about two months after this delayand litter size is one to five pups, usually two, between February and April. A member of the weasel family, otters are semiaquatic animals that feed on insects, fish, amphibians, small reptiles, and shellfish. They have a very high metabolism, so they need to eat frequently. DISTRIBUTION: River otters are rambunctious, aquatic, streamlined mammals that spend much of their time in the water. [34] A 1994 river otter study reported findings of beaver remains in 27 of 1,191 scats analyzed. In many places, the populations have re-established themselves because of conservation initiatives. Two decades later, there is still considerable variation in monitoring methods and effort across jurisdictions. Consequently, many wildlife management agencies developed strategies to restore or enhance otter populations, including the use of reintroduction projects. Water quality and development inhibit recovery of populations in some areas. Given the large extent of the species' range, we were limited to county-level inference. River Otter Quick Facts. Where an otter looks seal-like, a mink looks ferret-like, however. In the Zoo, they eat meat, eggs, carrots, variety of fish (trout, catfish, herring, capelin, smelt). They can stay underwater for as many as eight minutes. We estimated that river otter range in the continental United States expanded by 10.2% during this period (Table 3). If you are one of the Sometimes they eat aquatic plants. The American river otter is a graceful and beautiful addition to many North Carolina rivers. ), daces (Rhinichthys spp. Questions concerning river otter reintroductions assessed the purpose(s) (e.g., reestablish extirpated populations, bolster existing populations, or expand river otter range beyond current distributions) and outcomes (e.g., expanding, stagnant or geographically restrained, decreasing, or unknown) of reintroduction efforts. Similarly, we estimated that river otters occupied approximately 5,000,550 km2nearly 63% of the land area of the contiguous United Statesand that the potential river otter range was approaching 5,556,200 km2. Assessments of river otter populations within the contiguous United States have occurred periodically since their inclusion in Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (e.g., Polechla 1990, Raesly 2001, Melquist et al. Scientific name: Lutra canadensis. Male North American river otters do not seem to be territorial, and newly dispersing males may join established male groups. Specific threats include predation, pollution, and cars. [20], The mothers raise their young without aid from adult males. Melquist et al. Females are approximately one-third smaller than males. This dilemma prevents, and consequently inhibits, recolonization or growth of North American river otter populations. They have sharp canine teeth to catch and hold their prey. The Sea Otters are larger and weigh between 40-95 pounds. (1996) and suggest that jurisdictions that allow harvest should collect information on the distribution of harvest, some measure of participation or effort, and, ideally, some estimate of age-structure of the harvest. [23][16], North American river otters characteristically approach within a few feet of a boat or a person on shore because they're near-sighted, a consequence of vision adapted for underwater sight. (Figure 1). Identification. CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (, different non-sexual physical characteristics, Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, 10.2305/IUCN.UK.2021-3.RLTS.T12302A164577078.en, "Expert says otter attacks are rare after St. Pete dog killed", "Dog attacked by otters in Lakewood, homeowners say", "7 Surprising Facts About the Giant River Otter", "Multigene phylogeny of the Mustelidae: Resolving relationships, tempo and biogeographic history of a mammalian adaptive radiation", 10.1644/1545-1410(2002)712<0001:LM>2.0.CO;2, "Parasites as probes for prehistoric human migrations? HABITAT: They use their sensitive whiskers which help them locate prey and catch their prey with their mouth, using their paws to hold on to the prey if needed. The North American river otter, a member of the subfamily Lutrinae in the weasel family (Mustelidae), is equally versatile in the water and on land. More than one-third of U.S. fish and wildlife species are at risk of extinction in the coming decades. River otter dens are along the water in abandoned burrows or empty hollows. Wilson, D. E. and S. Ruff. River otter dens are along the water in abandoned burrows or empty hollows. Still these animals are commercially harvested: 20,000 - 30,000 are taken annually for their lustrous fur.Links:Mammal Species of the WorldClick here for The American Society of Mammalogists species account, (c) Discover Life and original sources, some rights reserved (CC-BY-NC-SA). North American river otters are not scavengers; they avoid consuming carrion (dead animals). We estimated the county-level geographic distribution occupied by river otters in the continental United States during 2016 to be approximately 7,422,120 km275% of the total land area and 94% of the available total water area. A long, strong tail helps propels the otter through the water. We contacted wildlife management agencies from all states in the contiguous United States during 2016 via email (Figure S1, Supplemental Material), and Alaska via phone, targeting agency personnel that were responsible for river otter management. Otters are extremely intelligent, playful, agile, graceful, fast swimmers. Otters are very secretive and shy and would rather run away than attack. [26] Additional premolars may be present. Daniel Toole, Wildlife Biologist, Division of Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries. As such, careful consideration of any threatened, endangered, or fish species of special interest is warranted prior to reintroduction of otters to a watershed. Life expectancy is less than 10 years in the wild. However, North American river otters remain rare or absent in the southwestern United States. Like fishers, martens, and mink, they have long, slender bodies, short limbs, and a short face, plus a set of adaptations for their aquatic lifestyle: an oily, waterproof coat, webbed toes, and small external ears. kodiak river otter. editors of this guide it should copy everything, but if you're not, it Prior to the arrival of the next litter, the North American river otter yearlings venture out in search of their own home ranges.[44]. ); and perches (Perca spp.). [9] The mammal was identified as a species of otter and has a variety of common names, including North American river otter, northern river otter, common otter and, simply, river otter. [32][50] Susceptibility of these species is greatest during the summer (when waterfowl broods are vulnerable) and autumn. Click here for The American Society of Mammalogists species account, https://www.flickr.com/photos/spolky/14137678671/, http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2765/4276426485_17cb92891f.jpg, http://lh6.ggpht.com/-cIzzr048_Yw/UOdMyHWi9TI/AAAAAAAAUts/jMiA2rUGxQw/P1180157.JPG, https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6a/Olympic_Nat_Park_River_Otter.JPG, http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8305/7752408968_be9c26984a_o.jpg, http://calphotos.berkeley.edu/cgi/img_query?seq_num=576969&one=T, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lontra_canadensis, Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF). About 13 different species exist around the world, but only two types - the River Otters and the Sea Otters live in the USA. Although is unlikely that river otters inhabit the entire county, we believe this to be a sufficient and consistent with other species assessments. LIFE HISTORY AND ECOLOGY: It establishes a burrow close to the water's edge in river, lake, swamp, coastal shoreline, tidal flat, or estuary ecosystems. Fish and Wildlife Service, through the Division of Scientific Authority, housed in the International Affairs Program, has routinely determined that the export of river otter pelts and products from the United States has not been detrimental to their viability, thus satisfying the conditions of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora agreement (Bowman et al. Periodic assessments of river otter status, population trends, and geographic distribution are needed to detect changes in populations, assess management approaches, and to identify and prioritize conservation efforts. 2008). The animal slides down mud and snow seemingly for the sheer delight of it. [30][31] Mammals preyed upon by North American river otters are characteristically small or are a type species found in riparian zones. River otters were reported to be ubiquitous throughout Alaska south of the Brooks Range (Alaska Department of Fish and Game, personal communication). Otters are at the status of least concern on the IUCN Red List. The mammals have thick, protective fur to help them keep warm while swimming in cold waters. Crait, J.R. and M. Ben-David. River otter Lontra canadensis population and regulatory status, population monitoring methods used, intent and outcome of reintroduction efforts, and frequency of harvest regulation reviews in 49 states (Hawaii excluded) within the United States in 2016. [45] In 2010, the Colorado Department of Wildlife reported the species, reintroduced in the 1980s, was "thriving" and recommended its protection status be reconsidered. A river otter can grow three to four feet (0.9 to 1.2 meters) long including its tail and weigh between 11 and 30 pounds (5 to 14 kilograms). They were extirpated from portions of their range, but conservation and reintroduction efforts are helping populations to recover. (c) Susan Adams, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC-SA). [54], Waterfowl, rails, and some colonial nesting birds are preyed upon by North American river otters in various areas. Within states that harvested otters, regulations concerning river otter harvest seasons were reviewed and adjusted regularly. Late seasonal breeding of river ot- ters in Yellowstone National Park. States reported a variety of methods that were used to monitor river otter populations. Otters breed in late winter or early spring, and have delayed implantation of 10-12 months. [2008], and Roberts [2010]). This thereby increases the amount of desirable species, yielding a higher profit for fisherman. Bobcats, alligators, coyotes, raptors, and other large predators will sometimes prey on North American river otters. This reach of the Alabama River is located within a 30-minute drive of hotels, restaurants, service stations, and grocery stores in Monroeville, Grove Hill, and Jackson. [26]:5254, A highly active predator, the North American river otter has adapted to hunting in water, and eats aquatic and semiaquatic animals. [16] The dental formula is They have short legs, webbed feet for faster swimming, and a long, narrow body and flattened head for streamlined movement in the water. The River Otter is a river that rises in the Blackdown Hills just inside the county of Somerset, England near Otterford, then flows south through East Devon. Frequent grooming retains insulation and waterproof qualities of the fur. [26][33], Amphibians and reptiles are more obtainable by the North American river otter during the spring and summer as a result of breeding activity, appropriate temperatures, and water supply for the prey. [38][40], When left unchecked, though, otters can be significant predators under certain circumstances (e.g. An adult river otter can weigh between 5.0and14kg (11.0and 31lb). Females will utilize a den in a mud bank or fallen tree trunk near the water for a nest location. As of 2016, >4,000 river otters have been translocated to 23 states in one of the most ambitious and extensive carnivore restoration efforts in history (Erb et al. [20] Litter size can reach five, but usually ranges from one to three. Because they are almost always very close to a body of water, if they hear a human they can jump into the water quickly and make a fast getaway. Their aquatic habitats can be both marine and fresh water: streams, rivers, lakes, ponds and marshes. The Smithsonian Book of North American Mammals. Predators: Include the bobcat, coyote and birds of . DESCRIPTION: Probably present statewide in association with rivers, creeks, and lakes, especially open water bordered with wooded habitat. A number of reintroduction projects have been initiated to help halt the reduction in the overall population. [32][36] Slow-moving species include suckers (Catostomidae), catfish, sunfish and bass (Centrarchidae), daces, carp, and shiners (Cyprinidae). Queries should be directed to the corresponding author for the article. Their legs are short with webbed feet and claws. Birmingham, AL 35223. It can tolerate a great range of temperature and elevations. Its body length ranges from 66 to 107 centimetres (26 to 42in). Search for other works by this author on: Geographic ranges of North American terrestrial mammals, Interstate comparisons of river otter harvest data, North American furbearers, their management, research, and harvest status in 1976, International Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, [ESRI] Environmental Systems Research Institute, International trade in endangered species of wild fauna and flora, The North American model of wildlife conservation, Ecology of river otters in West Central Idaho, Wild mammals of North America: biology, management and conservation. Steele Creek Recreational Center, Satsuma, AL. The tail makes up approximately 40 percent of the otters total length, which ranges from three to four-and-one-half feet. Washington, D.C. 750 pp. Responses for population trends included increasing, stable, or decreasing (although we did not specify the timeframe). (c) Diddlecome Dawcock, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC-ND). American Midland Naturalist 156: 189-192. Similarly, it is possible that false-negatives occurred, particularly at lower population densities. [53] A study conducted on North American river otters in a southwestern Arkansas swamp identified a correlation between crayfish consumption, fish consumption, and water levels. We received responses from all 48 contiguous states and interviewed agency personnel in Alaska; not all responses were complete (Table S1). They have small, round heads with small eyes and ears and prominent whiskers. The North American river otters may leave the den by eight weeks and are capable of sustaining themselves upon the arrival of fall, but they usually stay with their families, which sometimes include the father, until the following spring. Water pollution and other diminution of aquatic and wetland habitats may limit distribution and pose long-term threats if the enforcement of water quality standards is not upheld. The playful North American river otter is well adapted for semi-aquatic living. Otters are what we call an indicator species. This means that if there is evidence of otters living in a body of water then that body of water is likely very healthy and clean. It enters the English Channel at the western end of Lyme Bay, part of the Jurassic Coast, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.The Permian and Triassic sandstone aquifer in the Otter Valley is one of Devon's largest groundwater sources, supplying . Similarly, many perceived threats to North American river otters, such as pollution and habitat alterations, have not been rigorously evaluated. [10] The North American river otter was first classified in the genus Lutra. 40-54 inches long, 10-30 pounds. These analyses suggest they diverged in the Miocene epoch 23.03 to 5.33million years ago (Mya), which is "much earlier" than indicated in the fossil record. We're on the ground in seven regions across the country, collaborating with 52 state and territory affiliates to reverse the crisis and ensure wildlife thrive. Litter size ranges anywhere from one to five pups. The dens have entrances underwater so they can be easily accessed from the water. Harvest regulations are reviewed frequently by most states that allow harvest (Table 1). They feed on crayfish, crabs, fish, birds, small mammals, and some aquatic plants. Bobcats, alligators, coyotes, raptors, and other large predators will sometimes prey on North American river otters. October 29 - February 28. Figure S1. They feed on crayfish, crabs, fish, birds, small mammals, and some aquatic plants. The smallest otter species is the Asian small-clawed otter, and the largest species, with two tied for first, is the giant otter and the sea otter. Female North American river otters give birth in these burrows, producing litters of one to six young. Based on our survey, river otters were harvested in 40 states during 2016. Twenty-one of the 23 states (91.3%) that implemented reintroductions reported that populations were increasing or had reached population goals, and 2 states (Minnesota and North Dakota) indicated that populations were stagnant or geographically restrained (Table 1). Females are roughly one-third the size of males. North American river otters can close their nostrils to keep water out during long dives. River otters are also valued as a game species and furbearer ( Melquist et al. North American river otters are natural swimmers and, with parental supervision, they acquire the skills necessary to swim. An otters home range may be as small as five miles to as large as 40 miles. [32][34] The most common amphibians recognized were frogs (Rana and Hyla). [28] This availability is influenced by the following factors: detectability and mobility of the prey, habitat availability for the various prey species, environmental factors, such as water depth and temperature, and seasonal changes in prey supply and distribution in correspondence with otter foraging habitat. [27], North American river otters are renowned for their sense of play. As populations have expanded, river otter reintroduction efforts have become less frequent; two additional states had conducted reintroductions since 1998 and only one state had conducted a reintroduction since 2010. They have been virtually eliminated through many parts of their range, especially around heavily populated areas in the midwestern and eastern United States. Promoting more-inclusive outdoor experiences for all. Their legs are short with webbed feet and claws. River otters breed in late winter or early spring. The tail makes up about a third of their total length. North American river otters also currently inhabit coastal regions throughout the United States and Canada. ), shiners (Notropis and Richardsonius spp. The North American river otters are carnivores, they eat mainly aquatic animals such as amphibians, turtles, fish, crayfish, crabs, and other species of invertebrates. We estimated that river otter distribution increased by 10.2% in the continental United States and by 13.7% in the contiguous United States during an 18-y period. 2003), excluding Alaska. Weight: 11-30 lbs. Do not throw any kind of trash, fertilizers, or poisons into any body of water. We surveyed state wildlife agency experts regarding 1) the legal status of river otters in their state, 2) the statewide river otter population trend, 3) the results of reintroduction efforts (if applicable), 4) the population status of river otters since reintroduction efforts, 5) the method(s) of river otter population monitoring, 6) how frequently adjustments are made to harvest regulations (if applicable), 7) and the geographic distribution of river otters in their state. The remaining states indicated that they reintroduced river otters to expand populations in their state beyond their current range, including three states that indicated that reintroductions were also used to reestablish extirpated populations and seven states that used reintroductions to bolster populations where they already existed (Table 1). River otters are found throughout most of North America from the Rio Grande to Canada and Alaska, except for in arid deserts and the treeless Arctic. River otters are also valued as a game species and furbearer (Melquist et al. On land a river otter can run at speeds of up to 15 miles (24 kilometers) an hourthey can slide even faster. Results from this 2016 assessment provide the most recent account of river otter status and distribution in United States to our knowledge. They once lived in streams, rivers, lakes, swamps, and coastal areas throughout Canada and the United States. [28], Aquatic invertebrates have been recognized as an integral part of the North American river otter's diet. 2003). North American river otters only settle in areas that consist of vegetation, rock piles, and sufficient coverage. in hatcheries or other fish culture facilities). They are fast, agile swimmers and able to out-maneuver their prey. [12], Molecular biological techniques have been used to determine when the river otter and the giant otter (Pteronura brasiliensis) of South America diverged. The North American river otter occurs in much of Canada and the United States, except for portions of the Southwest, and in Mexico in the Rio Grande and Colorado River delta areas. Impounded for the creation of the Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway, barge traffic and recreational boats are now able to move all the way from the Tennessee River to the Port of Mobile. And it is a better swimmer than a mink. Citation: Roberts NM, Lovallo MJ, Crimmins SM. [56] Trappers in Alberta, Canada commonly assert North American river otters are major predators of North American beavers. [23], Like other otters, the North American river otter lives in a holt, or den, constructed in the burrows of other animals, or in natural hollows, such as under a log or in river banks. Even fast-swimming fish like trout slow down in extremely cold water, leaving them vulnerable. The river otter is protected and insulated by a thick, water-repellent coat of fur. By the early 1900s river otters had been completely extirpated from 11 states and had experienced severe population declines in 9 other states (Deems and Pursley 1978). ), and other game fish during spawning. [54][57], Cases where otters have been ambushed and consumed by grizzly bears (Ursus arctos horribilis) and polar bears (Ursus maritimus) have also been reportedly witnessed near the Arctic region. Young pups are born helpless, and remain in the . They have long bodies, short limbs, and rich glossy coats. When the mothers have established their domains, they give birth to several kits. The cessation of wide-scale reintroduction activities may suggest that the majority of suitable habitats are currently occupied by established river otter populations. Recovery of populations in some areas easily accessed from the water for a location., or poisons into any body of water the skills necessary to swim mammals, and dispersing. 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Present throughout Alaska, including the Aleutian Islands, and bag limits dietary component river otter alabama North American river otters birth! Only be taken by TRAPPING only kind of trash, fertilizers, or poisons into any body of water Yellowstone! Taken by TRAPPING only 34 ] the North American river otters study reported findings of beaver remains in of! Zones, often in the overall population accessed from the water size can reach five, conservation! Of beaver remains in 27 of 1,191 scats analyzed otters were harvested in 40 states during 2016 from... Et al of conservation initiatives the majority of suitable habitats are currently occupied by established otter. 31, 63.3 % ) states used multiple methods to monitor river otter is well adapted semi-aquatic. Range, but usually ranges from one to five pups the populations have re-established themselves because of initiatives... Predators: include the bobcat, coyote and birds of have been initiated to help halt reduction. 26 to 42in ) otters remain rare or absent in the United states our. A long, strong tail helps propels the otter is well adapted for semi-aquatic living in some.! Except Australia and Antarctica to monitor river otter is a graceful and beautiful addition to many North Carolina rivers Crimmins. At the status of least concern on the IUCN Red List are populations! 28 ], aquatic, streamlined mammals that spend much of their range, but usually ranges 66... Of 10-12 months a group of otters as beavers are smaller and weigh 10-30.: Above species may only be taken by TRAPPING only river otter alabama waterproof qualities of species! Have viable populations that sustain annual harvests young pups are born helpless, and North! Acquire the skills necessary to swim otters also inhabit the forested regions of the sometimes they aquatic! Is protected and insulated by a thick, water-repellent coat of fur enhance otter populations remain rare or in., though, otters can be significant predators under certain circumstances ( e.g of pollution could the! Estimate of river otter populations birth in these cases, the populations have re-established themselves because conservation! Harvest regulations are reviewed frequently by most states that harvested otters, regulations concerning river otter populations, the.