signs of leviathan spirit

Look at what God told Job in chapter 41:9: Watch the video to see what they are. The spirit of pride offers them the lie of power and a false sense of identity. If so, you may be dealing with a leviathan spirit. Intellect Demons have personalities; like people, they just dont have a physical body to accompany them. So it does not produce a crop in their lives. Leviathan is a mocking spirit. Even when we can recognize the spirit, sometimes it can still sneak up on us and catch us off guard. They may believe that He is uninvolved and distant in their lives as a result. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. As we fast and pray for deliverance against the spirit of haughtiness [pride] in our lives and the lives of others, we must Bind the Spirit of Haughtiness [Pride] and loose a humble and contrite spirit. Protect and guide me in spiritual warfare against my enemies. : An Authoritative Biblical Approach to Spiritual Warfare, Spirit of Leviathan Series Do Not Love The World, Pigs in the Parlor: The Practical Guide to Deliverance, Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare Manual: A Comprehensive Guide to Living Free, how deliverance is accomplished for others and self. Swords, spears, and darts only bounce off when they hit him. I loose a humble and contrite spirit in me. When we humble ourselves, He will heal us and soften our hearts that we may be able to believe His word for our lives. Leviathan will block these ministries from operating in a church. Punish leviathan, the piercing serpent, even leviathan the crooked serpent, with Your sore, great, and strong sword (Isaiah 27:1). His main demonic influence is with spiritual pride and stopping Deliverance. If you ever lay a hand on Leviathan, you will never do it again! Some peoples pride will pull in the spirit of anger to help out here by creating an anger wall (shield) so that no blame can enter. When we fast, we humble our souls. I feel like he is sucking the life out of me if I am being completely honest. It counterfeits the furnishings of the Holy place and gives false light, dreams, visions and revelations. The On June 30, 2022, someone named Robert posted this comment on our ministry's YouTube channel: "Why would anyone in the 21st century give a [expletive] what illiterate desert dwellers from 2000 years ago thought about anything?" Unyielding and unteachable, this spirit brings much destruction. We are so glad it was a blessing to you. I have tried so many different ways to try and crack his hard exterior; all to no avail. The scales wont let the Holy spirit in, blocking Him out. Will you play with Leviathan as you would play with a bird? Deliverance Encounter. And the last state of that person becomes worse than the first. They keep it only a short time. You need to stay full of the Holy Spirit and on guard. They begin to feel as though they have arrived in God and they become stubborn, prideful and unteachable. His overlapping scales are his pride, making a tight seal so no air can get between them, and nothing can penetrate. I beg for change and never feel it and Never hear God or truly feel Him. I keep running hard toward the finish line to get the prize that is mine because God has called me through Christ Jesus to life up there in heaven. Even to look upon the face of someone operating under this spirit is dreadful. Elijah wants to die when he comes under the influence of the spirit of Jezebel. I bind leviathan and all proud spirits arrayed against my life (Job 41:5). He genuinely believes he is saved, and is on the right path, but he isnt Holy Spirit lead. GETTING FREE OF THE RELIGIOUS, JEZEBEL & LEVIATHAN SPIRITS COMMON GOAL in all 3: to SUBVERT/THWART THE WORK OF THE HOLY SPIRIT The RELIGIOUS SPIRIT DENIES (or RESISTS the power of) the Holy Spirit . Look at this scripture in Proverbs 2:20-28; it illustrates the contention of Leviathan clearly: For lack of wood, a fire goes out, and where there is no whisperer, quarreling will cease. The Spirit of Leviathan hardens your heart to embrace people and the things of God. This does not affect your sale in any way and helps to keep our ministry running. If you havent asked Jesus into your heart yet and would like to, I have a prayer to do so here: Prayer to become born again. Leviathan is a very controlling, religious, independent, and rebellious spirit. Pride comes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall. Yes it is a very strong spirit. Among other things, with his death and resurrection we have the right to freedom from demonic oppression/possession, we just need to realize whose we are and the rights we have as children of God. The leviathan spirit is a sneaky beast, twisting reality into half-truths and lies that can hold a person bondage. Of course, no power is greater than God's power, but the enemy is working overtime to hinder the saints. Many Christians spend their whole lives stuck right there at that brick wall. Let the waters of the deep be dried up, and destroy every spirit of leviathan (Job 41:31, Isaiah 44:27). This spirit will cause people to feel like they are in the fullness of God behind the veil, when in actuality, they never made it past the Holy place. The one thing that Leviathan hates is prayer! In fact, the scales block the expression of the real person trapped inside of them too. The Bible speaks of Leviathan as a strong and fierce marine spirit that is king over all the children of pride. Thank you for bringing more light on this subject. What fruit did you have then in the things of which you are now ashamed? I want nothing to do with you. Confronting the Spirit of Leviathan. Stand therefore, girding your waist with truth, and putting on the breastplate of righteousness, and binding shoes under your feet with the preparation of the good news of peace, in everything taking up the shield of faith, with which you are able to quench all the flaming arrows of the evil one, and receive the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, with all prayer and supplication praying at all times in the Spirit, and to this end being alert with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints. To God be the glory! And that leads us to the next characteristic. Leviathans main objective is to stop the ministry of deliverance. I just couldnt identify it. I would personally suggest prayer and fasting to break the strongholds in his life. Kimberly Snyder is the founder of Royal Girlz Ministry. Thank you! Nothing and no one will change your way of thinking. By. That could be multiple leadership positions in the same person. the spirit of ASHTORETH found in 2 Kings 23:13 (and other places). In 2 Corinthians 10:3-5, we are instructed: For although we are living in the flesh, we do not wage war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not merely human, but powerful to God for the tearing down of fortresses (strongholds), tearing down arguments and all pride that is raised up against the knowledge of God, and taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.. *Note: This is the second in a two-part series. Many times the very spirit that we are warring against will in turn begin to manifest itself through us if were not careful. I believe this is why is can spot this enemy so quickly, but it has come to me through friend and people who I would have never guessed and this last time really threw me for a loop. The spirit of Leviathan is very effective at separating people from their relationship with God. Just came across your page as I wanted to buy a Shofar, and that testimony was so powerful! Psalm 36:11 Leviathan is being felt by overwhelming our senses with futility and confusion. His heart is for everyday Christians to understand and be aware of what's happening in the spirit realm around them. While its true that all evil spirits are liars, the Leviathan spirit specializes in twisting the truth in the mind of its victims without them even realizing it. narc_free_living. Its influence is over those who are guilty of pride & self-righteousness. Leviathan comes to create monsters. Because the leading way the Leviathan spirit operates is through pride, youll see it rear its ugly horns when fault comes its way. It cannot be wrong or at fault for anything; its too good for that above it all. This spirit considers itself superior over all others and that it is always right. The heart is the mind, will, and emotions. Kimberly has a passion to prophesy to those who sit in dark places and held captive by the works of darkness. They are left feeling lost, confused, and adrift. When he makes his voice gracious, do not believe him, for seven abominations are in his heart. Characteristic #11: The Demonic Spirit of Leviathan Brings Depression. Two of the weapons God has given us to use against the Spirit of Leviathan and pride is prayer and fasting. Although this is typically used for good, could the Leviathan spirit underhandly convince people to invoke it for evil purposes? Like impure silver, which overlays an earthen vessel, so are smooth lips and an evil heart. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. This is a spirit whose role is to slowly squeeze life out of its victim until it . When a new move of God comes, you wont be able to see it or move out in it. Leviathans rows of scales are his pride. He is so very difficult to penetrate, he wont let anyone in, he refuses to reveal the real person that I know he is, he believes it is weak and shameful to show any form of vunerability. This is a characteristic of those who operate in pride, as they will have a wall around them. If you have been a part of a deliverance ministry you are familiar with the spirit of leviathan characteristics. Now that you know how the Leviathan spirit operates and what it looks like when in operation, lets get to the best part how to get this demonic entity out of a persons life! The spirit behind the python is being obtained from the water spirit to cause many setbacks and breakdown in marriages and finances. No natural weapon will work. People operating under the spirit of Leviathan do not speak with soft words or kindness. Leviathan will attempt to block the flow of the Holy Spirit within the church assembly and its main target is against the prayer and deliverance ministry within a ministry. Thank you for such tangible and enlightening information. Royal Girlz Ministry - Keep Your ANCHOR IN CHRIST! How do we help a spouse with this demonic influence? The best-selling A-to-Z resource on deliverance and spiritual warfare is updated! Scorner His main demonic influence is with spiritual pride and stopping Deliverance. For example, a husband who has been charged with leading his family and is also a leader in his job or the community. From Python, to Leviathan, to Merman to Rahab and beyond, spiritual warriors are feeling the effects of water spirits but often don't know how to combat these evil forces. In the Dictionary of Deities and Demons in the Bible, we find the following passage on page 247: The Devil in the New Testament is wholly the enemy of God and righteousness. Churches Across America Profoundly Impacted by Asbury Revival, The Power of Fasting for Supernatural Breakthrough, Jesus Revolution Experiences Double Portion at Box Office, Holy Spirit Uprising Hits Another Secular University, Become the Revelation by Incarnating Gods Word, 7 Reasons Why the Church Should Celebrate Weekly Communion, Humility is a Force That Works With Honor, Man Who Spent 23 Minutes in Hell: Not Everyone Goes to Heaven, Charisma Highlights: President Mark Walker Explains Revival at Lee University, Former Satanist John Ramirez Exposes After School Satan Clubs, Knowing the Power of Humility in Spiritual Warfare, Jesus Revolution Releases Amidst Revival in America. When Leviathan sneezes, it is like lightning flashing out. Discover the vital roles of fasting, prayer, and intercession; specific tactics for destroying demons, spirits, and manifestations; and more. We will see an increase in these marine spirits in the upcoming 2021 year so we need to be in prayer as to how to strategically pray for Gods people to not be seduced and led astray by these spirits. Someone can tell them something, and they hear something totally different. As Leviathan blocks the steps to go higher in the spirit, he also prevents you from going further by warring against you with pride, fear, intimidation, doubt, worry and all the things that are not apart of the Kingdom of God. If not stopped, this spirit will keep hammering on the division with his manipulation and lies until the relationship is literally destroyed. This spirit is one of the most powerful and destructive spirits in the spiritual realm because he is an ancient high-ruling demonic prince in the spiritual world. This humility and contrite [broken] spirit before God will begin to remove all doubt, fear, hardness and inability to understand the ways of God. So, if you want to know what a demons personality is like, look no further than the person its possessing. We are so glad you were blessed by it. Scripture describes the defeat of a. spirit called Leviathan: "On that day the LORD with His harsh, great, and strong sword, will bring judgment on Leviathan, the fleeing serpentLeviathan, the twisting serpent. Granted he is a new Christian of two years and we are newly married so I have to put the ax to the root of this as soon as possible! I feel as though I am up against a brick wall. When Leviathan is operating in a church, it prevents the body from receiving the gifts of the Holy Spirit and this produces dry and ineffective members within the Body of Christ. If anyone respects and fears God, he will hate evil. So Ive been reading about this spirit and now have this question for you. This spirit will lead you to self-exaltation, haughtiness, arrogance, lying, cursing, arguing, strife, and anger. Again, it is another defense put up to invoke fear upon all those who dare to approach. This was such a God inspired read for me. The Lord has spoken to me very clearly about this over the past couple of weeks (whilst I was staying with my sister; due to the strain from his behaviour). Proverbs 16:18-19 The Evil One comes and takes away what was planted in their hearts. When there is division in a relationship, often both parties want it to end they are in agreement with the division. God wants us to be free. Above all else, guard your affections. How are you able to say good things when you are evil? If someone has ever told you, "You're such a Jezebel ," you can probably assume it wasn't a compliment. My husband has almost all of the characteristics, and the branch offs also. Be encouraged in the Lord! Be encouraged in the Word that says in Philippians 3:13-16, Brothers and sisters, I know that I still have a long way to go. In order to represent Jesus here on earth and wield power in His name, we must be born again. Much of what we know about the characteristics of a leviathan spirit come from theologians and biblical scholars. It will mock: Mockery is defined as ridicule, contempt, making someone or something seem absurdly or offensively inadequate or unfitting. Laziness Punish leviathan, the piercing serpent, even leviathan the crooked serpent, with Your sore, great, and strong sword . 74:13-14 and 104:24-26). I would say continue to pray my sister and seek Gods will in every aspect of your life and His Holy Spirit will lead and guide you into all truth. And what about the seed that fell among the thorny weeds? This is the spirit of heaviness. I need to be set free from this spirit please pray for me . I can see this is from my mother, her mother, and I dont know how far back. In order to recognize the spirit of Leviathan characteristics, we must take a closer look at this creature. Its heart is cast as stone; yes, it is cast as the lower millstone. Job 41:24, Youll notice that this spirit causes a person to become hard-hearted and coarse. Tread him down in his place (Job 40:12). If you mean it from your heart and are ready to walk away from the spirit of Leviathan, say a prayer and ask God to forgive you. Because of this, they latch on to the evil thoughts and claim them as their own coming into agreement with the Leviathan spirit. You can view the first part here. We thank you for your continued love and support of Royal Girlz Ministry. They must obey; they dont have a choice when a child of God wields the power given to them to use against spiritual wickedness by Jesus death and sacrifice on the cross. I bind and cast out all mind control spirits of the octopus and squid in the name of Jesus. Anytime you have a demonic presence operating in a life, you will see depression accompany it at some point. The "leviathan spirit," or the "the spirit of leviathan" is one of many terms associated with a particular view of demonic oppression. Forgive me for any ways that I have served this spirit or any others working with it. May the holyspirit continue to use you to set lives from satanic operations, God bless you. I also now command the spirit of Leviathan (as well as Pride, Unteachableness, Stubbornness, Superiority etc. Greed People operating under this spirit will seldom repent or ask for forgiveness. Stand in faith and be pray with purpose. The words they speak pull down rather than build up. I, the Lord, have called you in righteousness, and will hold your hand; I will keep you and give you as a covenant to the people, as a light to the gentiles, to open blind eyes, to bring out prisoners from the prison, those who sit in darkness from the prison house. Leviathan causes people to: Have a strong spirit of pride and arrogance (you feel that you should have the best of everything, people should serve you, you try to become best friends with people of influence - especially leaders in a church . (Repentance: a heart change turning from the sin, removing the agreement with it). I am cautious because he gets extremely depressed if his salvation is brought into question, he seems to go into some sort of dissociative mental breakdown, thats lasts for days weeks. This spirit doesnt want to work with anyone. Then it goes and brings along with itself seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they go in and live there. Remember, you are not fighting against the person that is oppressed or possessed by these evil entities, but the spirits themselves. These cookies do not store any personal information. I am a Christian and feel I am at my wits end with what I think is the spirit of Leviathan in my teenage son. The words of a whisperer are like delicious morsels, and they go down to the inner parts of the body. Talks in confusion. When Leviathan is in operation against you, you will feel as though you are up against a brick wall. "His sneezes flash forth light, And his eyes are like the eyelids of the morning. My sisters also have this demon. And what about the seed that fell on rocky ground? The spiritual python takes on the same nature of the physical python. LEVIATHAN IS LINKED TO THE STAR CONSTELLATION OF ORION. Leviathan represents the spirit of pride and haughtiness. During prayer if you find yourself becoming sleepy and dont have a desire to pray or press in, Leviathan may be in operation to block your prayers. Its source is in prebiblical Mesopotamian myth, especially that of the sea monster in the Ugaritic myth of Baal (see Yamm). It is an ancient demonic spirit that houses itself amongst people who have open spiritual doors in their lives for satanic influence and invasion. God is not a liar. You are very welcome! Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrownot even the powers of hell can separate us from Gods love. 2 Spiritual Manifestations. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Her mouth speaks wisdom and loving instruction is on her tongue. Behemoth (a bull-like creature) was given dominance over the land. Will they cut him into pieces and sell him to the merchants? Leviathan is usually associated with pride. A person who has lived under the influence of Leviathan, pride, and self-worship needs to be broken of their pridefulness. This spirit also works in conjunction with The Jezebel Spirit. Pride brings destruction & a curse, causing a person to err (Ps. He has sharp teeth, impenetrable scales, breathes out fire and smoke, and the capacity to easily shatter bronze and iron. In that mystery of marriage you have access to war on behalf of your spouse against this spirit even when they cant or not aware they are being attacked by it. It stops the anointing from flowing and therefore blocks the Spirit of God from moving. How does the Bible described him to us within the scriptures? One of my clients was authoring a book on pastoral abuse in the church was seeking deliverance. But how can a believer recognize what is leviathan? The leviathan spirit is a sneaky beast, twisting reality into half-truths and lies that can hold a person bondage. Pigs in the Parlor: The Practical Guide to Deliverance Great words of wisdom and how to deal with the Leviathan Spirit. Leviathan is a spirit, he is a twisted serpent the word twisted is the adjective that gives away his nature and what the Leviathan spirit is and does. Uses people to accomplish its agenda. Instead of the Spirit of God and love reigning, you will see the law ruling. 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