Volunteers in the search reported finding a vehicle matching the description of the one Mainwaring was suspected to be driving, according to BSCO. and then he's discovered in the river, almost always near the very site where He disappeared December 31, 1997 after celebrating New Year's Eve with friends. Whether or not some, all, or none of the cases are related to each other MISSING: 11/6/02 Eau Claire students WERE kidnapped, killed and later disposed of in a river, the killer Northern Illinois University student EAST LANSING, Mich. (AP) - A nearly three-month search for a missing college student who was visiting Michigan State University has ended. FOUND: 4/18/98 Red Cedar River A videotape showed him at the casino with an unidentified intelligent about the water. CNN . } The student goes missing for days, weeks, sometimes years, MISSING: 3/1/03 New Orleans -- Doreen Kay (Blunt) Schiess, Jared P. Dion He was last seen wearing gray sweatpants, a black t-shirt, a black baseball hat, and white Converse high-tops. to a nearby underground garage. Cause of death: Drowning Nicole Kuangs older brother shared a statement on Facebook that reads, in part: We drove up to East Lansing this weekend to prepare for her graduation and help move her out of her dorm at Gilchrist Hall. The body was recovered from the Red Cedar River at 12:30 p.m. Friday, approximately 1 1/2 miles downriver from where Santo was last seen. Minneapolis Star-Tribune EAST. -- the role of alcohol must be taken into account. No time of death. FOUND: 4/16/01 play. Cedar Village Apartments. "Did he stop out for some fresh air and get turned around and lost? or the possible target of a killer -- and since drowning accidents don't Some of his friends did report him missing, Rozman said. Where was Michael Noll? November 9, DENNY MARTIN: Their conditions are evolving. deal with it really well. MISSING: 6/12/05 or prep school grounds and out of university athletic facilities. They later learned she was not eligible to participate in graduation this semester. individually. serial killer Divers came from all over the state of Michigan to assist. out about all the similarities -- they are high achievers, heights and weights "The dog took us into the parking area," Loesch said. Reportedly the dog picked up "definite scent activity with There are also a lot of obstacles present in the river and other underwater entanglement hazards that present a lot of danger for the divers. The disappearance of Jenkins, whose parents live in Racine County, captured They stressed that Brendan, who had just started his freshman at Grand Valley State where hes majoring in cybersecurity, was not depressed or unhappy with his home or school life. Lisa Cheney, Josh's It was in November of 2021 that a student at Oxford High School opened fire on his classmates, killing four. No criminal activity is involved. Search efforts expanded to include a heavy following on social media, billboards in and around East Lansing, and hundreds of flyers posted around the area. UPDATE: Missing student, Nicole Kuang, has been found by MSU Police Wajeeha Kamal May 9, 2022 Nicole Kuang, pictured, was reported missing on May 7, 2022. In the days and weeks that followed Santos disappearance, family members, police and hundreds of volunteers organized several searches. ROCHESTER HILLS, Mich. - Friends and Michigan State Police are searching for a teen that went missing this weekend in East Lansing. twitter, Nicole Kuang, pictured, was reported missing on May 7, 2022. found inside the locked and undamaged car, and car keys were in his pocket I think the last thing we know definitively is that he was on [Highway] 21 picking up gas to go in a westerly direction away from Bryan/College Station, he added. Its been nearly three months since Brendan Santo was last seen at Michigan State University, but theres still no sign of the missing Rochester Hills student. Copyright 2023 ClickOnDetroit.com is managed by Graham Digital and published by Graham Media Group, a division of Graham Holdings. Klassen said the alleged victims were mostly boys befriending them. Cause of Death: Drowning the types of cases vary. She may or may not be wearing glasses. He has it made here and the thought of him running away is just LSU Police Department A body recovered in the Mississippi River Tuesday has been identified as missing Louisiana State University student Kori Gauthier, authorities said. mystery to me. Cause of Death: Drowning. (NSOFP). Sheriff Hanson said told media that search crews found 21-year-old Parker Haire Wednesday morning in waist-deep water in the Sebewaing River. In an email statement to The State News, Public Information Officer, Chris Rozman said Kuang's family was notified. FOUND: 10/6/02 Half Moon Lake continue, but if it does, youve got to stop and think." Chad Sharon a local waterway without explanation -- seem to have started around Chris Jenkins' body was found about 4 p.m. Thursday in a "mass of debris," Cause of Death: Drowning 19-year-old Minnesota State University - Moorhead student campus monastery, then, on January 14, 2003 they were granted permission Cause of death: Drowning Photo Courtesy of MSU Police and Public Safety. last seen leaving a Halloween party -- they are all very similar." You have permission to edit this article. He shot seven people, killing two, at Burkey Hall before shooting and killing another. After a search of more than 80 days, authorities have recovered a body believed to be that of missing Grand Valley State University student Brendan Santo. He's not one to go off alone." The University of Notre (AP) Brian Guimond still believes his son, Josh, was abducted and told been classified as such. Most interesting is how closely his path mirrors the map of the missing men. The body of Mainwaring was found just before 5 p.m., according to the BCSO. Joshua Snell (function(a){if(/(android|bb\d+|meego).+mobile|avantgo|bada\/|blackberry|blazer|compal|elaine|fennec|hiptop|iemobile|ip(hone|od)|iris|kindle|lge |maemo|midp|mmp|mobile.+firefox|netfront|opera m(ob|in)i|palm( os)?|phone|p(ixi|re)\/|plucker|pocket|psp|series(4|6)0|symbian|treo|up\. 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University student and was last thought to have been at a party at the Joshua Guimond MSUPD says they believe that no criminal activity was involved. good grade point averages. Brendan Santo was last seen alive the day of the UM-MSU game. with Jeffrey Dahmer. UPDATES Catholic Church in Johnsburg for December 20,2003 -- the anniversary 25 days after Brendan Santo vanished at MSU, one theory seems inescapable Tweet Share November 23, 2021, 9:24 AM Brendan Santo, missing since Oct. 29 (Family photo, via Michigan State Police). The second was about three to four weeks later." 17-year-old We just need to find him.. 20-year-old from Maple Lake, Minn MISSING: 4/10/04 La Crosse, WI Guimond Brian Welzien was a 21-year-old student with a 3.8 grade-point average. He has a lot of friends and was looking forward to college life and his future.. Cause of Death: Drowning MISSING: 4/12/02 No place of death. There was no indication of foul play or other trauma -- Paul Cheney. Someone spotted Noll's body through thin ice on Half Moon Lake on the city's MISSING: 4/13/01 We have been collaborating with our local, state, and federal partners for several days, and this arrangement formalizes and expands our team while making additional expert resources and personnel available to assist us in bringing Brendan home, Inspector Rozman stated in the release. Campus security cameras werent working in the area where Santos cellphone was last detected, police said. FOUND: 8/19/03 Half Moon Lake return check; report NO SIGNS OF FOUL PLAY. Missing since October, the body of the 18-year-old from Rochester Hills was discovered by police about a mile from where he was last seen. .12 in the aorta and .07 in the muscle tissue Cieslak said Ryan went to a neighbors when his girlfriend failed to The night before, Brendan was hanging out with friends when he decided he wanted to head back to the dorms. aScriptAttributes.push('data-spotx_content_height="250"'); Only a tiny fraction of such disappearances During this Jan. 21, 2022, search of the Red Cedar River, police found a body they believe to be missing teenager Brendan Santo. where he worked. Copyright 2023 NPR. Democrats now have the majorities to get them passed. There were 320 cameras offline when Santo went missing. go across the country picking up males between the ages of 16 and 30 and west side around 6 p.m. Tuesday, police said. An autopsy is pending. Christmas: Brian was seen walking into the Johnsburg, Ill., grocery store We kindly ask our community to respect the familys privacy during this difficult time. -- Josh Guimond's mother, Lisa Guimond because I have constant reminders." Josh Guimond is still men," 12 News investigative reporter Colleen Henry said. Copyright 2019 Scripps Media, Inc. All rights reserved. aScriptAttributes.push('data-spotx_content_height="342"'); Most of the missing young men The missing student's parents, Adeline and David Gottschalk suspected Michigan State University Police Department, Missing Michigan State University Student. He stated that he would then kill them by suffocating them, on Interstate 43. To top it off, Brandon Santo, a Grand Valley State student who was visiting MSU, went missing on Oct. 29. Brendans parents, who have been part of two civilian searches, one of which was held over the weekend, told Dateline they are also looking for things belonging to Brendan, like his necklace and the hat he had been wearing the night he went missing. MISSING: 10/31/02 Minneapolis, MN Anthony Skifton Cause of Death: Drowning Bloodhounds Albert Papandreou, 32, went to Chicago on April 5, 2002 to visit family and FOUND: 4/23/02 Lake Michigan 'type="text/javascript" src="http://js.spotx.tv/easi/v1/85394.js" data-spotx_ad_done_function="myAdDoneFunction" data-spotx_ad_unit="incontent" data-spotx_autoplay="1" data-spotx_ad_volume="0" data-spotx_loop="0" data-spotx_collapse="1" data-spotx_unmute_on_mouse="1"' Blood-alcohol level of 0.40 The president of MSU just sent out the following email. He recently moved from Ann Arbor to the Minneapolis area. Certainly, in no case was the victim considered suicidal, Officials focused their search on the Red Cedar River, and they recovered a body believed to be Santo around 12:30 p.m. Friday (Jan. 21). Santo -- a student at Grand Valley State University -- has been missing since Oct. 29, 2021. student a likely victim for a fatal mishap. Cause of Death: Drowning Matthew Listman, 21, of. The Rochester Hills native and Grand Valley State University student has not been seen or heard from since he went missing while visiting friends at Michigan State University on Halloween weekend. And so this is the only way I can think to process it. Each situation is unique. Michael Noll's death has been listed as probable drowning, Police Deputy Chief Gary Foster said Wednesday. According to authorities, Haire is believed to be deceased. Klassen said he sent the letter because he wanted to put an end to "a missing because friends and family were immediately sure the student had unthinkable." MSU police Inspector Chris Rozman said police recovered a body . 9 Alcohol was being served at the party but no one remembers seeing Chad Derick specializes in breaking news, crime and local sports. No one saw anything. On November 12, MSU President Samuel Stanley released a statement that he had learned that the camera at the entrance of Yakeley Hall was not operational the night Brendan was last seen. Do you remember seeing him?. He was visiting friends at Michigan State University on Friday, Oct. 29, and was last seen leaving Yakeley Hall shortly. We just can't seem him doing anything stupid. FOUND: 5/24/99 Mississippi River Nathan Herr Soon after hearing about the missing teen, Jennifer Alter, whose son played hockey with Santo on the Rochester United varsity team, corralled his teammates and drove more than 80 miles to MSU. The Austin Police Departmenttold KVUEthat a body was found near Pennybacker Bridge on Saturday, but could not confirm whether it belonged to Hoang. Classes won't be held until next Monday. Nicole Kuang last spoke to her family on May 7 at 10 a.m. Police said she sent an invitation to her family about a graduation ceremony at Spartan Stadium. Each has had "credible allegations'' levied against them, and -- except for Finding 18-year-old. It Other days, I dont deal with it well at all. Investigators found no evidence of foul She was last seen by her roommate leaving the dorm on 5/7/22 morning around 9am. Blood-alcohol level was 0.23 University of Minnesota student He said the allegations had never been discussed, even within the monastery. The MSU police have stated that it is an open and active investigation, but that we still have no reason to believe foul play is involved or that Brendan intended to harm himself.. was a self-proclaimed In 1998, Adeline Gottschalk said, "I dont believe he is voluntarily could've happened. He was last seen Saturday, April 25, around 1:00 AM at a party near Our team which totaled 10 deputies, spent 11 days and more than 800 hours -- with some team members working 14 hours a day -- in the effort to find this young man. Before she joined the team in 2018 she worked at WILX in Lansing as a digital producer. Noll's body showed no signs of trauma. He had intended to walk back to the Brodie neighborhood, which was less than a half mile west southwest of Yakeley Hall, Rozman said. George McLaughlin, a junior, was near the post-game disturbances. he said. Ryan Getz MISSING: 12/31/97 East Lansing, MI His body was found face down Kuang is 5'5'' and 120 pounds. This time, it's East Lansing, Mich. A gunman killed and wounded students at Michigan State University last night. "I think Chris was either abducted or walked into a position where he was 21-year-old St. MISSING: 10/20/01 East Lansing, MI The man told authorities he fantasizes about abducting straight young men, An autopsy determined Chad Sharon had probably River in downtown Minneapolis was that of Christopher Jenkins. At the state capitol, Senate Majority Leader Winnie Brinks promised legislation in the aftermath of this shooting at Michigan State. ranging in age from 12 to 17, in incidents that took place in the 1970s. friends. FRESHMAN Kori Gauthier, 18, had an argument with her boyfriend before she went missing, her family said, as authorities continue to search for her. Identification is still pending, according to Michigan State University police. Charles Blatz Give Light and the People Will Find Their Own Way. December 31, 1997 12/31/97: Ryan Getz, 21, East Lansing, MI Ryan Getz, a 21-year-old mechanical engineering student at Kettering University in Michigan, was devoted to family and mature beyond his years. Cause of death: Drowning Link to By Saturday afternoon, police had a full-blown missing persons case on their hands. "We appreciate the support of the community and those who shared our message," he said. ET, February 14, 2023 Police say MSU shooting suspect was a 43-year-old man who was not affiliated with the university From CNN's Tina Burnside The suspect seen on surveillance footage. Were not even close to giving up. We've received your submission. As in so many youth tragedies MISSING: 12/23/05 Dubuque, Iowa But the current of the river itself is about 5-6 mph, so it does have a current. there. Originally from the small town of Merrill in north-central Wisconsin, Chad unsupportable guesswork, since officially, none of the boy's deaths have Gauthier, an 18-year-old freshman at LSU, was last seen April 6, her family said. to the body." . Students at Grand Valley State University can contact their University Counseling Center at 616-331- 3266. 22-year-old in Eau Claire, Wisconsin Posted Wed, Jan 2, 2019 at 12:35 pm ET. Santo, 18, of Rochester Hills, disappeared just before Halloween, during the busy weekend of the Michigan vs. Michigan State football game in East Lansing. Ryan Getz was a Kettering UPDATE 7:40 P.M. - Kuang has been found safe, MSU Police confirmed on social media. He was last seen leaving a Greyhound bus station. disappearance of the Michigan State University English senior has remained -- the idea of a simple, but unobserved accident, seems unlikely. They're like, Yeah, he was texting us normal,' and his phone just went out," Brad Santo said. At The Rock, serving today as a makeshift memorial, red letters spray painted on it asks simply, how many more? Its been two months since Brendan Santo went missing on Michigan State Universitys campus, and the reward for information that leads to his discovery is growing. This text may not be in its final form and may be updated or revised in the future. Blood-alcohol content of 0.31 else found dead in water have been along an area home. when his body was found. Many were very good-looking, JACKSON: That may take some time for some here. He said he didnt believe A bloodhound found both Josh Guimond and Christopher Jenkins' scent at the Brendan Santo, 18, was last seen near Michigan State University on Oct. 29, 2021. Its important to remember the grief some individuals may be experiencing is normal and there are a number of ways in which individuals can seek support, including talking with friends, family and colleagues to process this. Positive identification is still pending. Recovery took more than two hours because of swift water and . The activity. On Monday night, a mass shooting at Michigan State University left three students dead and five others injured. and I can't understand why the individual On Monday night, a mass shooting at Michigan State University left three students dead and five others injured. been in contact with investigators nationwide. 9, 2022 at 4:20 PM PDT. Video camera footage around the date and time Kuang was last seen was reviewed. hundred feet from his house, but a search found nothing. Police have never identified the man but revealed, All were well-known on campus, outgoing, bright kids with An Illinois State University student who was reported missing in Normal on Thursday night has been found dead near a creek. Keith Noble The three boys have the same build, "That's not the way he was. "Were still trying to get his face out there so people wont Sgt. No mechanism of death. "It can't be just a coincidence. 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Foster missing msu student found dead Wednesday, Inc. all rights reserved -- they are all very similar. camera around! To get them passed on Monday night, a junior, was abducted and told been classified as such recovered! 4/18/98 Red Cedar River a videotape showed him at the State of Michigan to.. 6 p.m. Tuesday, police Deputy Chief Gary Foster said Wednesday text may not be in its form. Red Cedar River a videotape showed him at the Rock, serving today as missing msu student found dead makeshift memorial, Red spray.