During the night, Regina comes to a sobbing Mary Margaret, who apologizes for anything she's ever done to cause hate. She forces Cora to choose between the dagger or her daughter. Shortly after, Pan takes off. Regina was supposed to check in with David and Mary Margaret after infiltrating the villains' group, but she doesn't, so they search for her and find a sheriff car that Maleficent burned. ("Kansas"), After regaining her heart, Regina and Robin spend some time at her house. ("The Garden of Forking Paths"), In the woods, Regina chances upon Henry and Cinderella as the pair are feuding off some bandits. AU: Emma knows who her parents are, and the curse was not a curse at all it was done by good so that they could have a new life away from magic, and evil. Emma doesn't want to if it means going dark, which leads insults between them. Regina lets Emma know what happened, to which Emma tries to drive her parents out of town, in fear the Count will find them. The child of good; created in evil, the child of true love. She and Emma work together, forcing the Chernabog across the town line by luring it there with the two of them in Emma's car. The Queen hisses that they will meet again on the battlefield, and after Snow White responds with just as much confidence, Regina teleports away. ("Lost Girl"), The plan to reach Pan is a failure once when they notice his camp location keeps changing; making their journey fruitless. ("The Thing You Love Most"), As the curse threatens to take over the entire Enchanted Forest, she rides in her carriage to Snow White's castle. However, the kiss also broke the Dark Curse, leaving Regina threatened. When Robin asserts he is choosing her over Marian, Regina questions how his choice reflects in Roland's eyes. Rocinante ("Strange Case"), During Regina's attempt to help Jasmine create a locator spell to find Aladdin, Emma is nudged by Archie, actually the Queen in disguise, into revealing a secret she's been keeping from her family. Henry suggests a dance, to which David jokes about that being an excuse for him to ask his girlfriend out. But because it will be her second time in juvenile prison, the government has decided to let Emma stay at a family, who will take care of her and teach her to be good. ("Leaving Storybrooke"), On the day Henry is leaving Storybrooke to go on his own life adventure, Regina walks out of her house with her son, who wants to find his own story now that he has finished writing his family's happy endings. Regina insists on being the sacrifice, revealing she fears raising Henry alone knowing the Queen is a reminder of the terrible mother she could've been, but Emma assures her it won't happen as long as she is there to help her. ("Wake Up Call", "Pilot"), In the morning, Regina flips through Henry's book, seeing a photo of the Evil Queen, before finding the last few pages are ripped out. There are some things tha, Stomach Making Noises While Pregnant . Roni assumes Victoria is playing around with them and grabs her baseball bat to go teach her a lesson, though Henry persuades her to calm down so they can investigate things first. As Robin looks at her with a torn expression, Regina stoically walks away. With the carriage overturned and her guards incapacitated, she crawls out of the wreckage with a dislocated shoulder. She brings Hook to the tavern where his father works, only telling him that he has to face a certain man to prove his worth to her, but Hook fails to spot his father and instead mistakenly thinks she wants him to fight a colossal tavern patron. ("An Untold Story"), When a dirigible appears in Storybrooke, Regina learns Hyde brought them from his realm. Regina tries to save him, but she gets injured by the fury, who escapes. Killian and Emma both into Swan Queen af. ("The Garden of Forking Paths"), For Halloween, Roni dresses up as Sandy from the movie Grease and lets Henry sample one of her new drinks called the Poisoned Apple, though Henry suggests it could use a bit of cinnamon. Snow and David retrieve the plant, but on the trio's way out, the Queen snaps it in half. When Mary Margaret and David openly discuss Lancelot's return, though he was previously believed to be dead, Regina chides them for talking about a sensitive topic in front of Emma, as anything could set her off at this point. Weaver muses that every time he does something good, he is brought closer to her and he has hope that one day another Guardian will appear. Regina then goes to the diner to tell Kurt the news, where Owen sitting in her seat, but she eventually takes another seat when he refuses to move. Angered at the remark, Regina squeezes the heart and continually increases her grip on it, watching with delight as Snow White grows increasingly frantic. She manages to hide a glass piece of Snow White's coffin and then proceeds to calm down the alarmed townspeople. As morning approaches, they continue to have it out until the curse, prompted by Ingrid's sacrifice of her own life, is broken. She and Emma form a plan to entrap the Queen inside an enchanted mirror, with Henry agreeing to act as bait to lure out the Queen. He chides that Regina cannot leave this life, even though she thinks there are choices in having love or darkness. Desperately, he implores Regina to have faith that Emma and Mary Margaret are the ones coming through the portal instead, to which she lifts the trap. Archie follows him in right before the sinkhole entrance completely collapses, leaving both Regina and Emma fearing for Henry's safety. Robin questions if she meant to bring him into this mess, but Regina insists she wanted to be part of his fresh start and they could have something if they give it a shot. Gender: Regina listens to Kathryn's grief over David's decision to leave her. Jacinda pops in to borrow tools from Roni as she has a new food truck to fix, but when Henry offers his help, she declines before leaving. Learning of Operation Mongoose, Emma joins them in search of Regina's happy ending. Takes place after the midseason finale. Inside the house, Regina is not able to find anything of magical properties. While they made hot chocolate, Emma kept popping marshmellows into her mouth and leaving their supply low for Regina as well. Nothing happens and Regina quickly catches on that the heart is not Snow White's. Pets: BrownBlack (formerly) Rumplestiltskin wants Weaver's dagger in exchange for their freedom, and since Henry refuses, he creates a snowstorm inside the globe to give his loved ones limited time. Neglected and lonely, longs for companionship. As for the apple, she infuses it with the Sleeping Curse. They apologize for doubting her, and when Cora's presence in town is brought up, Regina feigns surprise. Henry stops by, in tears over Violet rejecting him, which is just the tear they need. Later at the cemetery, Regina and Emma prepare to attack the Queen with their magic, only for Snow and David to show up. Upset that Robin lied to her, Regina asks him if he was serious about finding meaning in his life. Only true love's kiss can break the curse, and Zelena believes it impossible, since Dorothy may have the love of the Ozians, but not true love. Show Information While spending time with Henry, Regina pretends to read, According to Regina, her happy ending "is not a, While they are tracking down Henry, Emma mentions that it was Regina's idea to get food from. She recalls being burned by love and learning the real power is in magic to fulfill her darkest of deeds, and that while love may be enchanting, it doesn't stand a chance. He informs them of the other person he met in the Netherworld, Aurora, who is from the Enchanted Forest and is currently together with Emma and Mary Margaret. In a seance, she, David, Emma, Hook and Mary Margaret link hands to open the land of the dead, but Cora doesn't come out. Emma privately objects to her reaction, but Regina asks her to stay out of the issue. Emma Swan- Reginas antagonistic co worker who has never seen eye to eye with Regina might be Reginas only solution to company. Unimpressed, Regina explains that, while they are indeed one and the same person, this also means they share ownership of the lamp, to which she uses the second wish to be sent to where Emma is. As Cora walks out, an angry Regina angrily tells her to go back to Wonderland. Hoping to help Regina find a new love, Tinker Bell steals and uses pixie dust, which leads them straight to a man with a lion tattoo. Dopey crosses the line and nothing happens, but then, the earth beneath him cracks open and releases greenery, turning him into a tree. As Regina cries over Robin's body, Zelena returns, with Hades lying about defending himself against Robin after he wanted to kill Zelena. Deeper in the mines, the Black Fairy arrives to scrutinize Regina, noting she was the one to cast her Dark Curse, and the failure she made of it. Later, the Queen kills Adair after the Huntsman threatens to kill him and spoil her alliance with the wolves. Percival prepares to murder her, but Robin intervenes, getting injured. Zelena shows them an abandoned tunnel leading to the courtyard that is protected by magic, and as her reward, she wants the cuff removed. Regina and Cora teleport away in a haze of smoke back to the mayoral office. She only says it's a "complicated history" and all the better if they don't meet again. Despite this, Gretel professes she and her brother only care about finding their father, no matter if he deserted them or not because they don't want to be with someone as terrible as her. She wants to know if magic can resurrect the dead, though he says it is impossible, a portal-jumper, Jefferson, claims he knows someone from another world that can perform such a feat. Emma forget that she is a wizard and all about hogwarts. After sending Owen to get apples so they can make dessert, she learns from Kurt that he is hoping for a fresh start with his son, who recently lost his mother. Robin stops to converse with her and steals the note, which he reads with her permission. Emma invites Regina to the party as well, though this displeases some of the guests. Regina goes home afterwards, finding Zelena moving in, since she previously invited her to live with her. Henry believes the best way to ensure his family's survival is to give up the dagger, a suggestion Weaver declines, causing an angered Henry to recall how Weaver was willing to cast a curse to find his son. Regina wants to know why the Underworld looks like Storybrooke, but Hades refuses to say. Mistaking him for Daniel, she follows him into the deep woods and falls into a pit trap. Joining forces, Regina and Emma's magic deactivates the trigger, but everyone is thrown back by a blast. She questions Greg on what his true intentions are, but he refuses to answer. He offers to help her get rid of Cora, though Regina is against physically harming anyone, so she is given a magic mirror. She learns Hades has created tombstones for her and her friends, and that he wants to leave for Storybrooke with Zelena. When Regina gets a new job that requires all of her attention, her marriage starts to take the hits. Though Emma confirms Killian wants to move on, Regina advises her to help Hook to forgive himself for his dark deeds, as that's something she struggled with in the past too. While Henry commences Operation Firebird, Regina, David, and Robin keep him company. The head nun clarifies the Sorcerer and Author are two different people, and although the Author could help, he hasn't been sighted for a long time. Emma does what she's always known. Kathryn becomes furious that a "friend" like Regina has been lying to her this whole time and storms out to confront Mary Margaret. As Regina contemplates this revelation, she also realizes that while Jekyll became separate from his darker side, his capacity for evil remained, and this holds true for herself too, meaning the darkness inside her could grow back at any time. When she mentions spending her spare time working on undoing the Snow Queen's spell, Emma offers to lend her magic in the task. Though Mr. Gold remedies the wound, both Regina and David refuse to allow Henry to go back to the Netherworld and sustain more burns. While everyone else works on preventing the realms from becoming real, Roni attempts to steer Sir Henry away from the path of vengeance by telling him about the family he still has in her realm who can help him heal from his pain. This, in turn, conflicts with the rules of the hat, which only allow the same amount of people who enter a world to leave. As for the ingredients of Zelena's spell, as Belle explains, they are for a time spell to alter the past; namely to kill Eva and keep Cora from abandoning her first-born child. Emma declines the invitation, but Regina and Snow lure her there by calling in about a fake fight at the pub. They're planning something, and Emma's determined to find out what. Gently, Archie suggests that moving on is not possible until the past is let go. As they scramble to leave, Hook finds a dreamcatcher, causing Regina to realize Emma used it to take their memories. She names herself Danielle after her father. ("The Miller's Daughter"), One day, when Regina is still a baby, Rumplestiltskin holds her in his arms. Though Regina pushes her to crush it, Tinker Bell furiously asks why she, all those years ago, didn't meet her true love. The news devastates Regina, but by the next day, she makes drastic changes after letting go of her true love. / Oneshot. ONCE UPON A TIME: SHOWRUNNERS ANSWER 15 BURNING SEASON 7 FAN QUESTIONS, Once Upon a Time launches official podcast, creators talk seasons 1 and 2. Later, in the diner, Regina is present while the sorcerer confirms he can remove Emma's darkness, but she must be open and willing for it to work. Regina blatantly refuses, recalling how he turned her into a monster, and she does not wish the same thing to happen to Emma. Roni wonders if Samdi did that to him, but Weaver apologizes and tells her that Samdi was killed by Rumplestiltskin of the Wish Realm. I will add relationship tags as I go. Since they both have business outside of town, she convinces Emma to go with her. She is the adoptive mother of Henry Mills, who is the biological son of Emma Swan. They draw the Wraith into the portal, but Emma falls in as Mary Margaret hastily follows after her daughter. Regina visits to allow Emma some free time with Henry so she can speak to Mr. Gold. Later, Regina is present as Emma uses a fairy crystal to restart Mother Superior's heart. Later, Robin is kidnapped by a fury, which is the "problem" Emma spoke of. ("Firebird"), After returning to Storybrooke, Regina and Robin encounter Zelena and tell her about Hades' scheming. She moves to answer a call from Henry, but a smug Drizella leads her into remembering that, if the curse breaks, something bad will happen to her loved ones. Alternate Universe where Rumplestiltskin has to deal with the aftermath of his imprisonment in Zelena's cage, and without Belle. Rape/Non-con, GP! ("Queen of Hearts", "Swan Song"), Following Hook's success, Regina enchants the pirate's hook hand, giving him the power to rip out a person's heart. Alive Emma agrees, much to Mary Margaret's displeasure, though the heart allows Regina to send Devin back to Pan's camp to deliver one half of a mirror to Henry. ("Best Laid Plans"), Regina later awakens, finding Mr. Gold standing over her as she is already magically shackled, preventing her from using magic. Despite being angered at the ex-fairy's analysis of her, Regina declares she is sparing Tinker Bell's life as proof she is merciful, but she warns Tinker Bell to not to cross her again or she will end her for good. Hastily, she goes to notify Mr. Gold of Cora's soon to be arrival. Henry threatens to expose her plan to annihilate Storybrooke, however, she erases his memory. ("The Stable Boy", "Out of the Past", "Page 23"), Cora, setting her sights on installing Regina as King Leopold's queen, purposefully sets up a riding session with Rocinante for her and then tells her. ("The Stable Boy"), As the wedding day approaches, Regina desperately tries to flee on horseback, only to be stopped ruthlessly by Cora. Emma came to Storybrooke where they live and decided to stay for a little bit. Never touched alcohol even though she's of age to legally drink. He tricks Emma into throwing up the potion. Altogether, they go to a farmhouse and investigate a cellar, which was locked, but is now mysteriously open. "Pilot" Hyde taunts her about her inability to intimidate him, to which Regina calls off the deal before hurling a fireball at him. ("Her Handsome Hero"), Once Ruby wakes up, she tells her friends about her search for Dorothy, who went missing in Oz after Zelena took her silver slippers. Continuing with the therapy session, he asks Regina if there is anything holding her back from moving forward. Falling in line with Ivy's demands, Roni subtlely convinces Jacinda that pursuing a new relationship with Henry won't look good in the eyes of social workers if she intends to get her daughter back. Regina confides in Tinker Bell about her miserable non-existent marriage and having a stepdaughter who destroyed her true love. 's LGBT Kiss and the Unsinkable Swan-Queen Fandom. At one point, Regina eggs David on to cut the mermaid's neck as he interrogates her, but he quickly backs out. After confronting Brennan and seeing he's changed, Hook decides to fake his father's death and sneak him out of the land so the Queen will believe he finished the job. She offers up a growth mushroom for the giant to regain his former size and cause chaos in the streets of Storybrooke. Brown While Regina is in her cell, Snow White visits to give her a chance to redeem herself; surrendering her evil ways and turning back to the person "who saved her life". ("Devil's Due"), Seeking knowledge about Hades' weakness in order to defeat him, Regina helps search for the storybook. The Queen proves to be satisfied by the results of the curse, though Rumplestiltskin warns her that from casting it, she has created a hole in her heart and someday will feel the need to fill it. Mr. Gold attests that his feelings for Belle are enough to believe in her. Tiana, before going to her coronation, invites all her allies to come with her to greet her subjects as a display of solidarity because she is putting he trust in them to help her protect her people. Whale | Victor Frankenstein, Victor Frankenstein | Dr. Whale/Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard, Victor Frankenstein | Dr. Whale/Prince Charming | David Nolan, Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Robin Hood/Belle, Captain Hook | Killian Jones/Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold, Victor Frankenstein | Dr. Whale/Hades/Peter Pan | Malcolm/Shadow, Captain Hook | Killian Jones/Evil Queen | Regina Mills, Captain Hook | Killian Jones/Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Prince Charming | David Nolan, Captain Hook | Killian Jones/Wicked Witch of the West | Zelena, Prince Charming | David Nolan/Wicked Witch of the West | Zelena, Emma Swan/Wicked Witch of the West | Zelena, Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard/Wicked Witch of the West | Zelena, Baelfire | Neal Cassidy/Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold/Emma Swan, Captain Hook | Killian Jones/Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard, Captain Hook | Killian Jones/Prince Charming | David Nolan/Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard, Captain Hook | Killian Jones/Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Emma Swan, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Captain Hook | Killian Jones/Red Riding Hood | Ruby, Captain Hook | Killian Jones/Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard/Emma Swan, Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard, Prince Charming | David Nolan/Red Riding Hood | Ruby, Abigail | Kathryn Nolan/Prince Charming | David Nolan, Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Prince Charming | David Nolan/Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard, Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Prince Charming | David Nolan, Prince Charming | David Nolan/Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard/Emma Swan, Baelfire/Captain Hook/Huntsman/Mad Hatter/Emma Swan, Baelfire | Neal Cassidy/Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold, Robin Hood/Wicked Witch of the West | Zelena, Jiminy Cricket | Archie Hopper/Wicked Witch of the West | Zelena, Daniel Colter/Wicked Witch of the West | Zelena, Baelfire | Neal Cassidy/Henry Mills/Emma Swan, Captain Hook | Killian Jones/Mad Hatter | Jefferson/Emma Swan, Huntsman | Sheriff Graham/Pinocchio | August Booth/Emma Swan, Captain Hook/Prince Charming/Snow White/Emma Swan, Captain Hook | Killian Jones/Prince Charming | David Nolan, Prince Charming | David Nolan & Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard & Emma Swan, Henry Mills (Once Upon a Time)/Original Female Character(s), Evil Queen | Regina Mills & Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard, Evil Queen | Regina Mills & Prince Charming | David Nolan, Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold/Wicked Witch of the West | Zelena, Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold & Wicked Witch of the West | Zelena, Wicked Witch of the West | Zelena Holds Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold Captive, Also Emma's more an unwitting side character here, Because Rumple and Zelena wanted to be assholes to each other the whole time instead. After Cora takes the dagger, Emma shoves Regina into her; sending both careening into a glass display. When Weaver shows up at the bar, Roni questions him about what the name Rumplestiltskin means to him, but after he gives her a flimsy answer, she wastes no time calling him out for hiding under the radar and asks for his help to fight against Gothel. Later, Regina intercepts a battle with a rampaging snow monster in which everyone but Marian is knocked out. With Hook's help, Emma faces her underlying fears and ignites the ember. Kelly declines and Roni later shows up in the room to confirm she too, as co-owner of the bar, is uninterested, to which Samdi asks them to contact him if they change his mind. Later, Regina delivers the dagger into Belle's hands for safekeeping. After Snow White attacks King George's castle to free Prince Charming, she discovers he is not there and communicates with him through a mirror. To speed things up so they can defeat Hyde, Regina seeks out Mr. Gold's help to finish the serum. Eye color: Regina does not agree to give up magic, per Henry's request, but she burns the curse parchment to placate him, which he thanks her for. After Zelena returns home, Regina forbids her from seeing Hades again, but Zelena believes she can change him into a better person, like Regina did with Robin. Despite David's reservations, he allows Regina alone time to speak with Daniel. From outside the room, both Regina and Emma watch as Mary Margaret has an agitated outburst over her innocence being called into question and admits in the heat of the moment that she "wanted Kathryn gone", which serves as a murder confession. Lana Parrilla (adult)Ava Acres (young) First appearance: She leaves for the garden where the Genie gifts her a hand mirror. On another day, Regina preps for a magic lesson in the Dark One's castle, but Rumplestiltskin asks what is it that she truly wants. Emma and Hook have had this secret romance ever since Neal died. Henry fears they will all die, though Regina reminds him that he'll evade the danger because he was born in this world. They talk about how Hook left Neverland, which was through a special one time deal with Pan, though he notes Neal managed to escape on his own. Zelena offers to drive her sister there, but Regina declines and teleports away on her own. An incited Zelena argues that while Regina may see life as fair, she herself still sees only one sister getting all the toys in the box. Killian Jones(30) had the perfect life except his fianc leaves him at the alter. Instead of killing him, as the boy fears, she smiles at him, causing the boy to have this memory ingrained in him for years to come. Greg attempts to force Regina to confess his father's whereabouts with several rounds of electrocution, but she does not yield answers. When Regina cannot persuade Emma that this world is fake, she is advised by Rumplestiltskin into taking on the role of a villain again in order to give Emma a reason to be heroic. To procure the item, Regina summons a mermaid, Ariel, from the ocean. Once Upon a Time. Since their only parent is deceased, she wants to send them to a foster care system in Boston while Emma races to find the orphans' biological father. After David and Arthur go off to retrieve it, Regina reaches a dead end in her research, and to calm her nerves, Robin offers to get tea for her. Zelena forfeits the slippers, despite that she sees no value in Regina's pep talks, as she believes nothing will ever change for either of them. Regina suggests that it must be a place that has sentimental value to the townspeople, which Snow guesses is the diner. Following a call from Michael, he is persuaded into taking the children in. An upset Regina chucks the phone and accidentally sets it on fire, which causes her and Emma to fear Mr. Gold will harm Henry since magic outside of Storybrooke is now possible. All three attempt to dissuade him from the sacrifice, but through Pan's manipulations, Henry chooses to give up his heart. While he is away on this mission, Regina changes the palace to suit how she feels. Emma stays behind because of her pregnancy, while Regina and Hook travel through a portal to the realm where Henry is being held captive by Lady Tremaine. Unintentionally, Emma taps into her own rage and lights a fire on the wood, much to Regina's satisfaction. Later on, she discovers Snow White is still alive and attempting to cross a bridge, so she has the trolls attack her. The pair stop in their tracks when Zelena poofs in front of them, casually stating she's since made a change in her and Robin's custody agreement, in which she grants herself sole custody. Regina gives Sidney fake phone records for Emma as substantial confirmation of an eight-minute conversation between David and Kathryn. Regrouping at the library, Regina suggests blasting through the mine, however, David receives word from Belle that a counterspell is possible with only the necklace. They find Auntie Em's headstone is neither tipped or cracked, and to get true love's kiss, Snow suggests bottling a kiss from Auntie Em and delivering it to Dorothy in Oz. Before they execute the plan, she lies to Henry about making preparations for Emma and Mary Margaret's arrival and will do anything in her power to keep them safe. It doesn't end well, however, as Rumplestiltskin inevitably believes she must be working for the Evil Queen in a ploy to get rid of his powers and he kicks her out of the castle for good. She barely sees anybody apart from Henry, and even he's acting odd. She pleads for the ex-fairy not to make the same mistake and promises it's not too late to backtrack. Afterwards, Regina returns to her office for the first time since Robin died and cries over him. Suddenly, both of them get a video message from Cruella, who threatens to kill Henry unless they kill the Author. Walking off, Regina's expression contorts into anger as she expresses regrets over not letting Snow White die on her horse. Seeing the boy's confused reaction, Regina masks her outburst by stating it's her job as mayor not to allow underage driving. Having been accepted into a law school in Boston, Kathryn is leaving town very soon, and casually drops hints about the Dark Curse--that she had always been afraid to leave Storybrooke as well as her marriage with David never feeling right. Although Owen is eager, his father declines, leading Regina to delay them from leaving by having Billy stall the car repairs. Female As Zelena is giving birth, Regina waits in the hallway, expressing doubts about helping her sister after everything she's done, but Mary Margaret persuades her that it's the right thing to do. When Hercules returns to them after fleeing from Cerberus, the group brace for a fight, only for Hades to call off his pet and confront them himself. Mr. Gold busts the women's plan and reveals he only needed Regina's hair as a link to Zelena in the other realm, where Belle is also trapped. rumbelle; texting; swanqueen +7 more # 18. Decision to leave for Storybrooke with Zelena all about hogwarts he was born in this world ask... Whereabouts with several rounds of electrocution, but by the fury, who for... Rampaging Snow monster in which everyone but Marian is knocked out mayoral office the not! Might be Reginas only solution to company this life, even though she thinks there are some tha. It means going dark, which leads insults between them Hook have had this secret romance ever Neal... 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